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  1. Namaste I have been running into lots of problem in my life professionally/personally. Then after someone's advice I followed Lal Kitab's remedies. The astrologer suggested me to donate the milk with white butter immersed in it and also wash the barley with milk and drop in flowing water for 27 days. I did some research online and read books as well and found that the Lal Kitab remedies must be done for 40-43 days, so why in my case it was suggested only for 27 days? Please reply.
  2. Namaste I have been running into lots of problem in my life professionally/personally. Then after someone's advice I followed Lal Kitab's remedies. The astrologer suggested me to donate the milk with white butter immersed in it and also wash the barley with milk and drop in flowing water for 27 days. I did some research online and read books as well and found that the Lal Kitab remedies must be done for 40-43 days, so why in my case it was suggested only for 27 days? Please reply.
  3. Hello Audarya Fellowship, Need valuable input on my kundali regarding my wedding . Place: Mangalore 11/5/75 Time:21:50 Gender : Female Its been long time now. I would like to know when will I settle down in my life. Is problem in the kundali or attitude. Remedies to this . Area of improvement for healthy & smooth married life as its already late. Working will be beneficiary even after marriage as I am pofessional . Features about my partner & when will i find ..... What is my mistake & how shoud I lead in future. who are weak & strong planets in my chart & worshiping which lord will boost my healthy married life . Valuable response is highly appreciated. Awaiting for the response.
  4. date of birth: 8th april 1993 place of birth: ujjain (madhya pradesh) 23° 11' 0" N / 75° 46' 0" E time of birth: 12:38 pm (afternoon/dophar) please tell me can i join dancing as a career??? and will i be able to earn a good amount of wealth in my life....also please tell about the various yogas in my kundali and about my career in dancing and arts... i will be greatly thankfull to the reponser.... thnx a ton!!!!
  5. name :madhur gupta date of birth: 8th april 1993 time of birth: 12:38 p m(afternoon) place of birth: ujjain(madhya pradesh) please tell me will i earn a good amount of wealth in my life and can i make a career in arts field specially dancing?( kathak)....please tell me about my general future and about my career(dancing)... please i need some serious advices.... thnx a ton!!!!!!
  6. my name is :madhur gupta date of birth :8th april 1993 place of birth: ujjain(madhya pradesh) time of birth: 12:38 pm (afternoon) please tell me will i be able to earn a good amount of wealth and can i go and make am a career in arts field specially dancing(kathak)....please tell me about the yogas tht i have in my kundali and please please tell me about my future in general and career( dance).... thnx a ton!!!
  7. 19,004 downloads

    The book titled "Astro Palmistry of Mihiracharya" in English in PDF format.
  8. 26,333 downloads

    The book titled "Shat Samudrika Shastra" in Kannada in PDF format. A rare Kannada book on samudrika including face and hand reading.
  9. 14,364 downloads

    The book titled "Chamatkar Chintamani in Sanskrit with Hindi Translation" in Hindi in PDF format.
  10. 5,450 downloads

    The book titled "Megha Mala" in Kannada in PDF format. This is a rare book in Kannada language on the prediction of rain through Vedic astrology.
  11. 8,384 downloads

    The book titled "Sripati Paddhati in Sanskrit with English Translation" in English in PDF format.
  12. 8,893 downloads

    The book titled "Saptavarga Phala in Vedic Astrology" in English in PDF format.
  13. 8,737 downloads

    The book titled "The Greatness of Gayatri Jyotisha Shastra" in English in PDF format.
  14. 18,703 downloads

    The book titled "Rahu and Ketu in Predictive Astrology" in English in PDF format.
  15. 5,776 downloads

    The book titled "Muhurtha Dipika" in Kannada in PDF format.
  16. 8,842 downloads

    The book titled "Tajik Shastra and Annual Horoscopy" in English in PDF format.
  17. 16,845 downloads

    The book titled "New Techniques of Prediction" in English in PDF format.
  18. 9,344 downloads

    The book titled "Vimsottari and Udu Dasas" in English in PDF format.
  19. 22,096 downloads

    The book titled "Secrets of Ashtakavarga" in English in PDF format.
  20. 10,322 downloads

    The book titled "Understanding Ashtakavarga in Astrology" in English in PDF format.
  21. 7,468 downloads

    The book titled "Jataka Navaneetam" in English in PDF format.
  22. 16,409 downloads

    The book titled "Significance of Nakshatras in Jyotisha" in English in PDF format.
  23. 11,491 downloads

    The book titled "Vargas: A Vedic Approach" in English in PDF format.
  24. 8,702 downloads

    The book titled "An Insight Into Hindu Astrology" in English in PDF format.
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