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Posts posted by rnramachandran

  1. Horo casted from Karmicastro.com


    it seems i don't think you have any problems in your horo, it may be only a matter of time. job you will be able to get after october 2008 when Sun mahadas starts. now you are undergoing venus dasa ends october 2008. you may be short tempered, and speaks whatever you think when you are angry. try to keep the cool. this is my observation it is only opinion. your husband birth details required for further analysis for child.

  2. first of all i make it clear i have no problem having a baby boy or baby girl. my analysis is that since Mars dasa is to start now, keeping Mars aspect on the 5th house and in my wife's horo Jupiter is in own house along with Sun and Jupiter looking at Rahu i think it will be a Boy and birth time seems to be Between 15th April to 20th April.

  3. Dear Mr. Rao,

    thanks for your kindl reply. My birth Details are

    Name : Ramachandran

    Date of Birth : 02.11.1971

    Birth time: 20.22

    Birthpalce: Nagerkoil, Kanyakumar Dist, Tamilnadu


    my wife birth details

    Name : Ramalakshmi

    Date of Birth: 19.03.1975

    Birth time: 10.30

    Birth place: Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu


    My daughter birth details:

    Name : Ms. Abirami Shree

    Date of Birth : 28.11.2006

    Birth Time : 3.05

    birth place: Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu


    I have also two more queries,

    from my chart you could easliy come out that i do not have any properties from parents. however, i had one old house whcih i rebuild and thats now occupied my sister family who are in the same village, when they wanted to rebuild their home, they requested for changeover till the new house build. now there are some problems arised, will they vacate, will i get that back. thats the only property i had in memories of my father.

    i am working in a Tata Company, Can i look for job change within the Group, since Mars dasa will be starting shortly.


    Thanks in advance Mr.Rao

  4. Sir, i myself have some knowledge in Astrology.


    My Janam Kunadli as below:

    Lagna : Taurus - Saturn

    Thrid : Cancer - Ketu

    Sixth : Tula - Sun - Depliated

    Seventh: Scorpio - Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

    Ninth: capricorn- Rahu

    Tenth : Kumbh - Mars

    Twelth : Aires - Chandra


    Janam Kundali of my Wife is as below:

    Lagna - Taurus - Moon and Ketu

    Second- Mithuna - Saturn

    Seventh- Scorpio -Rahu

    Ninth - Capricorn - Mars (exalted)

    Tenth - Kumbh - Mercury

    Eleventh - Meena - Sun and Jupiter

    Twelth- Aries - Venus



    from 17th April, Mars dasa will start for me and for my wife Jupiter dasa is started in October 2006. we married in 2002 and we had our first child in November 2006 and we are expecting again, the dates given are Before May 8. my request is that to find out the possible dates in which my second child will be born and also male or female. keeping in mind that Rahu and Ketu moves April 10 and mars dasa starts on 17th April.


    I would greatly appreicate your help in this matter.

  5. I only can tell you now that you try now she should be willing to come. Her saturn dasa started from March 9, 2008. she will need your love becuase her lagna lord Saturn is debliated and may be in depression. if you could talk to her she might return to you as will be running Jupiter dasa which i mentioned running till 2024. i see no problem. She may be shortempered and realise only after whatever said.


    She also has dosas but i think you too have same thing possible more than her. even if you get married to another girl, it may lead to problems because you too have doshas. i dont know how to say, but from my thinking it seems she is the one for you, should try now and to lead a healthy life than you have to stick to one. i think she will need you more than you need now.




    your horo was casted from KARMICASTRO.COM

  6. Hi, from this september to September 2024, you will have a good life to lead. because you will be undergoing Jupiter dasa (horo casted from karmicastro.com) Jupiter is placed in the 11th along with moon the tenth lord. jupiter in 11th is good for gain but being the 3rd and 6th lord he wont be able to give you much. but believe me, four grahas in the tenth (lagana lord venus, 11th lord sun, 12th and 9th lord Merucury and the 2nd and 7th lord Mars depliated in tenth) Jeevanthan is very good you will always have sometthing to earn in your till your life. as far as which job you will give you gain, i will let you know detail after looking at some kitabs.


    be careful about maritial relationship. but till 2024 you jupiter dasa, no need to panic or worry by that you will be around 60 odd. but please make sure that you save money from now onwards may be a little for retirement life, because that time you will be undergoing Saturn dasa, which is deblitied. God bless you.

  7. from the chart it shows, you are under going Rahu dasa which ends at sep 08. no need to worry about your work, you will always have something to earn, but probelms will be there. you got diverse because the probelm lies with you, this is clear from your chart, in the chart you got Sani in neecha in the seventh and the seventh lord Mars is in kataka which is again in neecha. if i am correct you may be having relationship with womens of elder age and widows. if i am wrong please forgive but this is what my anaysis says. After septmber you will get some reprive in gain but martial life looks difficult, you may have to consult some great astorologer for remeides


    He has to be. Ninth and Tenth Lord in 1st House aspected by Jupiter. note Sun is in his place and Mars Exalted. defintely he should be perfectionist in his field. 3rd House Ketu and 9th Magara Rahu (very good placement). Should be a King in his field. but He must have come up from lower level to higher level. if i am not wrong he must be above 45 even though the placement is good, saturn makes him hard worker and made him to work from lower level to higher level which should have taken atleast 10 to 15 years. other wise a very good horo, will continue to be a king. he must not have got family help, all wealth from his own work.


    his DOB is 27th September 1971

  9. He has to be. Ninth and Tenth Lord in 1st House aspected by Jupiter. note Sun is in his place and Mars Exalted. defintely he should be perfectionist in his field. 3rd House Ketu and 9th Magara Rahu (very good placement). Should be a King in his field. but He must have come up from lower level to higher level. if i am not wrong he must be above 45 even though the placement is good, saturn makes him hard worker and made him to work from lower level to higher level which should have taken atleast 10 to 15 years. other wise a very good horo, will continue to be a king. he must not have got family help, all wealth from his own work.

  10. I looks to me from your chart, do not look for business.


    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="left">LANET </td> <td align="left">SIGN </td> <td align="left">LONGITUDE</td> <td align="left">MOTION</td> <td align="left">NAKSHATRA</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Asc</td> <td align="left">Pisces</td> <td align="left">2° 53'</td> <td align="left">---</td> <td align="left">P Bhadra</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Sun</td> <td align="left">Capricorn</td> <td align="left">1° 8'</td> <td align="left">Dir</td> <td align="left">U Ashadha</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Mer</td> <td align="left">Sagittarius</td> <td align="center">8° 1'</td> <td align="center">Dir</td> <td align="left">Moola</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Ven</td> <td align="left">Sagittarius</td> <td align="center">29° 27'</td> <td align="center">Dir</td> <td align="left">U Ashadha</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Mar</td> <td align="left">Cancer</td> <td align="center">10° 47'</td> <td align="center">Ret</td> <td align="left">Pushya</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Jup</td> <td align="left">Gemini</td> <td align="center">4° 32'</td> <td align="center">Ret</td> <td align="left">Mrigshira</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Sat</td> <td align="left">Leo</td> <td align="center">5° 59'</td> <td align="center">Ret</td> <td align="left">Magha</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Mon</td> <td align="left">Pisces</td> <td align="left">20° 24'</td> <td align="left">Dir</td> <td align="left">Revati</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Rah</td> <td align="left">Virgo</td> <td align="center">16° 14'</td> <td align="center">Ret</td> <td align="left">Hasta</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left">Ket</td> <td align="left">Pisces</td> <td align="center">16° 14'</td> <td align="center">Ret</td> <td align="left">U Bhadra</td></tr></tbody></table>

    if the above is correct you consult good astrologer in Chennai and take the decision. if you desire, business in the area of art, finance may be a success. this is just my opinion please and i know little bit in astrology, so take it from that point of view.








    Dear Jyotish Experts,


    I'd like to know if I'll succeed in my new business venture. DoB 15th

    January, 1978. ToB 10.20am, Place of Birth Chennai (Madras), India.


    It's very important to know. It's a matter of life-and-death. I hope

    someone can oblige. Life thus far has been a nightmare, so I'd like to

    know if at all there's any hope.




  11. as per your horo, Lagna Virchka, in 2nd you have Mars Ketu and in the eigth you have Rahu and moon and then you have all the other planets in the 12th that is Tula (Sun debilated, Sukhra own place, Guru, Mercury, Saturn exalted).


    you will have to think 100 times before getting married to your lover whoever it may be. you will be in trouble. advice is that you check the horo of the boy matching perfectly whether the boy is your choice or your parents choice.


    As of now it looks November last week.

    Can you provide more details about your self and your wife to correct the charts. Events like Job joining, promotion, surgery, accident,foreign travel,property purchase etc..



    Hi Mark, sorry for replying very very late. but you were correct, i got my first baby girl in November 28, 2006.


    Now my wife is carrying again her birth details and my brith details below:


    mine: DoB 02.11.1971, time: 20.22, birth place: Nagercoil, Tamilnadu,India.

    my wife: Dob 19.03.1975, time 10.15, birthplace: Tirunelveli,Tamilnadu India


    can you predict the time of birth and what child male or female.


    surprisngly, the nadi jyothis who read predictions for me in 1997 told me that i will have a female child first and male child second. but for wife they told me she will get first male child and the second one will be baby girl. but for my wife we saw the nadi jythoish in December 2005.


    the predictions they told me (two different nadi jytohish) for the child about how will they shape in their life, is same .


    from my personal experience, everything is there in the Nadi, but the reader could not understand properly and make mistakes in conveying.


    once again sorry for replying late Mark



  13. Dear Sir,


    three years after marriage we haven't had a child. so we went to see a Nadi Astrologer in Vaitheesswaran Koil, Tamilnadu last november 2006. according to My Wife's thumb impression and based on the leaf, whatever he told me about the past was correct atleast 80%. now coming to the issue of child, he told me that we will have our first child in December 2006.


    My wife conceived in March 2006 and the dates given by the Doctor is 1st Week of December 2006. this is an big issue which he predicted correctly. i want to thank him. he has also predicted the star under which my child will born, which i will have to see in December 2006. by the star the date is December 1, 2006. i strongly beleive what he said that my child will born in December 1, 2006 as predicted by the Nadi Astrologer.


    Regards, Ramachandran







    At the outset, allow me to introduce myself. I am, Tarun Revoo, Junior Assistant Director working with a production house in Delhi. We are one of India's leading production houses that produces factual & non-fiction programming for television. One of the shows that we are producing for Discovery Channel, Singapore is on the topic of Nadi Shastra.


    Our documentary explores various angles to this phenomenon and therefore along with the traditional aspect of the subject, we also want to look at scientific explanations / rationales, if any. The documentary would also see it from different perspectives namely the skeptic, the believer and the seeker.


    We are right now meetting people and getting accounts of their experiences. What do they think about Nadi Shastra and why do they think that way? Our end objective is to make the information provided by you a part of the program, interview these people and create a compelling program that is representative of the high knowledge based programming the Discovery Channel stands for. In the event that you do know of others who could probably contribute to the above, please do let us know.


    I look forward to hearing from you soon.


    Best wishes


    Tarun Revoo


  14. Hi All,


    i was married in June 2002. as i didn't have child till November 2005, i went to a Nadi Jyothis in November 2005. according to My wife's Nadi reading, he told me that we will have our first child in December 2006. He even told me what name i will give for the first child. Hariharan. Now we are expecting, dates around in December 1st week. let me see the rest is happening as he predicted.


    As he has predicted a very good report for me and my wife, i want everything to be correct.


    Regards, Ram

  15. Hi all,


    Last November 2005 i met a Nadi Jyothis in Vaitheeswarn Koil and who predicted that i will have my first child in December 2006. it is true we are expecting our first child in December.


    Now if i give my birth details and my wifes birth details can any one predict the time of birth. The Nadi Jyothis predicted December 1, 2006.


    My details

    Name: Ramachandran, Dob: Nov 2, 1971, Time 20.22, place: Nagercoil Tamilnadu.


    My wife birth details:

    Name: Ramalakshmi, dob: March 19, 1975, Time 10.30, Place: Palayamkottai, Tamilnadu.


    can you predict whether the child is boy or girl and the time of the brith and date of the birth.


    Regards, Ram

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