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Posts posted by rnramachandran

  1. Not a strange kundali. well one has to take into account when looking at a Janam Kundali, the Lagnathipathi. which is very strong irrespective of aspects. in aspects only Saturn, Mars, Jupiter are counted and Rahu, Ketu, Venus, Mercury are not counted. reason Rahu and kety are saya grahas and venus and Mercury are fast moving grahas. even in that case SUN also not considered. when Gaja kesari yoga present the Kemadruma yoga does not work. Yes Mars is not placed very well along with Saturn. Lord of 12th and 3rd Mercury is debliated is a good thing in this horo. he can't give you bad effects being the lord for giving you bad effects.


    Now the 4th and 11th lord Venus is in 8th and venus mahadasa just started. Not a favourable one.


    his marriage may not be love marriage, if he is in love, he should take care. He will be in service but cannot expect a great faster growth.

    Overall, since his ascendent and rasi lord is strong, his life will be stable despite any problem if arise.

  2. first of all i make it clear i have no problem having a baby boy or baby girl. my analysis is that since Mars dasa is to start now, keeping Mars aspect on the 5th house and in my wife's horo Jupiter is in own house along with Sun and Jupiter looking at Rahu i think it will be a Boy and birth time seems to be Between 15th April to 20th April.
  3. Naadi predictions have to be in line with the janam kundali preidctions broadly. where have you done your nadi reading. i went Vaitheesswarn Koil and long back that is 1997. what ever he told me is only broadly, whcih almost came true. you cannot expect them to read the palm and translate propery unless until he is an expert. three years after marriage i went to the same person to find out Nadi for my wife because we were not blessed with a child till then. he found the leaf and whatever he said was correct. but what went wrong was he predicted a baby boy first and baby girl second. but i got baby girl first. we saw the nady in Nov 2007 and he told me that we will have our first child in December 1 2006. exactly november 28, 2006 we had our first child. and we are expecting my second child next month. but when i had my reading done, i was told that i will have a baby girl first and baby boy second. but whatever he said about my daughter and my son is same in the both the nadis. so for me it is only the reader who has understand properly and translate correctly.

  4. Hi Atul,


    why don't you do this one:

    my advice is both of you go to Varnasi Temple and for three days you have to worship Kasi Viswanath Bagavan and Kasi Visalatchi Amman. Have Ganga bath and take vilwa Mala and Ganga Water then go to the temple and with the vilwa mala and Gagna water abisekham on the Lord Viswantha Lingam. this is great remedy, read from a famous astrologer K. R. Rajaopal of Tamilnadu, a great human being and great astrologer. so i recommending the same. a lots of people from all over the world appreciating his work in the field of Astrology. he is a simple man never do astorlogy for money or fame. his advice has helped a lot of people. select some good day to start the prayer. i am sure you will have your child with the blessings of Bhagvan Siva Shankar.

  5. Sunder sir,

    you are undergoing Saturn dasa lord of 7th and 8th and he is deblited at 10th. one way it is good and another way it is bad. r u married or not. lagnathipathi in 8. you have exalted mercury with debliated venus in the 3rd. sun is powerful. kettavan kettidil kitidum rajayogam. i hope you get that. but definitly some problems from family side in saturn/venus dasa. labam will be limited. you are definitly a good astologer too. grahas combination says that. only with more details we can discuss in the forum more.

  6. atleast she will be safe. pray god thats the only option. every saturday with one time meal and pray for Sani bhagvan. it is upto you take the opinion, since you are a muslim, you should not think i am trying you to worship Hindu God. but for me it is the human being, to live without pain in life so i adviced you to worship Sani bhagvan. please do not misunderstand me.

  7. you are living in this world to experience your past deeds. by wearing a gem nothing will happen, if one has done something good he will reap good and bad than he will reap the same and God only can reduce and eliminate the bad effects but he only can do that too if he shows grace on us. He is like a President and who can only grant a person from sentencing to death to life sentence, but that is only in selected cases, and he never come into the judges deceision. so if god cannot eliminate the bad effects unless until he shows some grace on us, how come wearing a gem will do, i doubt it. do not believe in that.

  8. See your husband's horo also a good one, only thing both of your temperment is volatile which causes the probelm, you both have to mediate and go to Mathaji temple every friday, will help you in your everyday life. there is no dosha in both horos but sayana dosha is there so my advice is both of you go to Varnasi Temple and for three days you have to worship Kasi Viswanath Bagavan and Kasi Visalatchi Amman. Have Ganga bath and take vilwa Mala and Ganga Water then go to the temple and with the vilwa mala and Gagna water abisekham on the Lord Viswantha Lingam. this is great remedy, read from a famous astrologer K. R. Rajaopal of Tamilnadu, a great human being and great astrologer. so i recommending the same. a lots of people from all over the world appreciating his work in the field of Astrology. he is a simple man never do astorlogy for money or fame. his advice has helped a lot of people. select some good day to start the prayer. i am sure you will have your child with the blessings of Bhagvan Siva Shankar.


    i also inform you that i am replying only to help the people around here. it is just my opinion and do not misunderstand me that if something is wrong with my analysis.

  9. Jupiter in seventh representing that you will get good and devoted wife, it is not a bad thing. the only thing is that Jupiter in venus house but that will not have bad effect. Venus dasa will be a good dasa for in terms enjoyement and life pleasures, everything will fall in line to give you world of happiness. Ketu dasa did not do bad for you, ofcourse not favourable also. to predict your spouse occupation requries detaild analysis. but one thing she should be beautiful and will love you truly. i think you have very good life waiting after ketu dasa.

  10. Hi

    i have casted your horo from karmicastro.com

    your lagna Virchskia where Rahu is placed and seventh you have Mars and Ketu and in 6th you have Jupiter which is 2nd and 5th house lord, 2nd is the dhana bhava and 5th is for higher education and purva punya.


    the best part in your horo is Sun being the 10th lord is in his house powerful and Mercury the 11th lord labasthana is exalted in his own house. you will have a good job may be central govt or large private orgainsation, you will grow in the carrier filed.


    irrespective of the above you are now undergoing Rahu dasa which is not favourable for you and make you confused and mind flucation whether to do this or that and that too aspected by Mars (some fiery fighting must be there in your thinking) only mediation will help and the next dasa Jupiter may be neutral. i think you should worship Lord Thakshinamoorthy thrusday virtham and Turigai amman for friday virtham for Rahu. one thing i can tell you that you will have debts in your life time but at the same time you will also earn that much. so need not worry. i am sure whatever you will do you will earn more than expected. graduation is delayed because Jupiter is in the 6h house, but for education it is the fourth planet which is Saturn for you again placed in the 9th (good placement) so if you try hard you will successfully complete the graduation. it is only the Rahu effects causing problems for you now, so going to Kalakasthi perform puja for Rahu will reduce the evil power.


    your case is the one where the good dasas ended in your childhood and the neutral dasas happening now. but you know when the basement is strong even the earthquakes cannot bring the house down and in your horo there is no grahas debliated or neecha, that means you do not need to afraid about your life, just going to amman temple and Lord Siva temple and Yoga Narsimmar at Solinkapuram is powerful and He will help reduce the evil power.


    I have undergone lots of deep trouble till my life but going to temples whenever possible will definitly help you and mediation you will make you a winner in your life.

  11. Jupiter is in the seventh, which is for timely marriage (not late) with a good spouse, but not for early marrige, you also have to take into account that Veuns is in his own place at twelve that is TULA, indicating a good enjoyable life in your life time. as far as returning to India, since Venus the twelveth lord in its place and that too in his own place with power, i feel you stay aborad only. as far as my prediction, that Ketu is situated in the Tenth place which has no relation to your early marriage. Now you are undergoing Ketu dasa until 2012, then Venus Dasa will start.

  12. broadly it seems that you will get married after september 12 2012. you may get your spouse from aborad only and you will stay outside india only. your spouse must be goodlooking and you will be spending a lot as much as you earn but you will have a very good married life. you need not worry. after marriage only your life will improve much faster.

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