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Posts posted by rnramachandran

  1. Simple his father is just retired from a top position from a Govt job. his mother is very good human being and from a good family. his brother is a Doctor and he is employed in one of the european govt job.


    this guy himself is a ME in computer.


    if you keep Kumbh lagna the fourth lord and nineth lord venus is exalted, it exactly fits for his parents and his studies.


    if you keep makara lagna the fourth lord is in eigth and nineth lord is in the second with Sun and the third lord is in the eigth again bad placement. Again the fourth lord is in 8th very bad placement but this guy have completed his ME without any break. has an excellant acadamic record.


    he is about marry a girl in a month. everyone was saying there will be a late marraige and will face problems at the time of marraige. Again the Mars and Rahu and Jupiter in the eight if it is Makra lagna. but if you keep lagna as Kumbha you still sees probelm being Mars and Rahu in the seventh but Jupiter is well placed there inthe seventh. the girl family is god fearing family, engagement just happend in a weeks time. this is according to the Nadi jothish predicted.


    i above made me feel there is still a lot to be taken care as far as concerned about lagna and even preidiction of any horoscope. some horo immediatly thorwos the light as why it happend what will happend. but some horo like the one i mentioned above is need more care.




    this is just an example.

  2. Thanks for reply. one of my firend horoscope which was wirtten as per panchgams are different with the computer generated one as well as a thirukanitha panchagam method. all three are different. i know the family well but none of them represented properly in the horoscopes as per the above mentioned panchangams and computer generated. he is an ME. but according to the panchangams studies are not blessed for him.


    he went to nadi jothisdam, where they put down a different lagna its makra to kumbah. it perfectly represent him accoriding to himself and his family and his borther.


    the above is for your thoughts and advise if any. i am convinced that horoscope wirtten in the Nadi is perfect, but the differnce is just LAGANA.



  3. sasisekaranji, i have a query. you know there are different panchangams in Tamilnadu. my native is tirunelveli. but sometime when calculating the Lagna, there is a difference between the pangchagams and even with the computer generated horoscopes. in such case i checked with the astrologers in our native that we have to calculate the lagna as per the local panchangams that is Tiruneveli panchangams. only in few cases the lagna changes when compared to other panchangams and computer generated horosocpes.


    you know the impact of the change in ascendant in one's horosocpe. the prediction in such cases mostly in line with the local panchangams. you know Tirunelveli panchangam is the oldest one in India may be more than 2000 years old still continuing.


    can you advise me something on this matter

  4. sasisekaranji, i have a query. you know there are different panchangams in Tamilnadu. my native is tirunelveli. but sometime when calculating the Lagna, there is a difference between the pangchagams and even with the computer generated horoscopes. in such case i checked with the astrologers in our native that we have to calculate the lagna as per the local panchangams that is Tiruneveli panchangams. only in few cases the lagna changes when compared to other panchangams and computer generated horosocpes.


    you know the impact of the change in ascendant in one's horosocpe. the prediction in such cases mostly in line with the local panchangams. you know Tirunelveli panchangam is the oldest one in India may be more than 2000 years old still continuing.


    can you advise me something on this matter

  5. Hemraj,


    venus the seventh lord in your horo is debliated and powerless and in 6th. that is 12th to 7th. marital problems are high. you seek remedy from others.


    Mars the lagnapathi is strong but in 8th so you will be able to survive and will have the power to face any problems arising in your life. even Moon is strong but is with Rahu will cause the problems in family life. but there is a clear indication you are the pillar for your family, despite the fact that you will be sacrifying other aspects of the life. please for you to Lord Siva only can help you.


    regualraly visit siva temple you will get reprive... any time we will help you hem, as we can see the horos of your family and how ones problems are connected with each other in the family, Life is god gift to get out the past karmas so carry out your duties diligently, you will be rewarded in future.




  6. anyone from your family may be yourself, if possible the child also. her horo is not a bad one. venus is close to its exalation rashi. Saturn in the lagna makes her hard worker and workhalic may be disappointements in the childhood but that will make her determined and bold in the later part of the life. being the seventh lord and eigth lord in the lagna she will come up on her own in her life. Sun the 2nd lord exalted in the tenth a strong Job Government related work and will excel in that too. take care about her, as she is prone to injuries on the head and fire related accidents in childhood. jupiter is well placed in the fourth and fifth in the navamsa. late marriage is predicted, Mars is not placed well but in the navamsa it is exalted, so there won't be any problems arising out of it. mercury is deblitated and its mahadasa is running right now, take care about her. will revert

  7. first look there is some indication but the timing needs to be ascertained why it happened at that time., the foruth lord representing mother, venus is in the eight and indication of problems to her mother.


    hemraj but i will take a day to analyse her horo. but she has a decent horoscope, no need to worry. only thing she will be learning on her own everything. the first part of her life will be learning about the work hard to come up in the first part of the life and will reap the benefits in the second part. will surly get back to you. but i still feels her father will come out from this problem. but my advice is to you please go to Viswanath temple do the puja i mentioned and other temple only after your brother gets well.

  8. in the first thread you mentioned 2007 and in the last one it is 2008. can you clarify again. because the calculation goes worng. to find out why a particular action happens from the point of astrological views. kindly confirm again. what ever happend be sure her father will be normal despite the bad placement of the grahas in his horo, but his daughter being the eldest one has to represent the father and mother in her horoscope, seems he will be ok, but i am sure it will take time, and you have to pray for him at Varanasi Siva Temple, that is the temple where doshas of different kind will get eradicated. will come bcak to you.

  9. hemraj, i have the feeling her father will get well, there is no threat on his life according to her horo. did her mother also died on the accident day.


    even without looking at her horo, her date of birth reveals that sun the father is exalted in her horoscope. that itself is the reason why your brother is alive even though he met with the accident.


    i will take sometime to analyse these horoscopes, as these requries a proper study.

  10. what sassekaran says is correct. and considering the time of birth, you are undergoing Sani mahadasa, so such alone feelings erupts, keep going to Hanuman temple on saturday, navagraha temple offer til and oil on saturdays, the evil effects will reduce. of course chat the mantra said by sasisekaranji. 7th lord moon is placed in the 10th and aspected by Saturn, definitly whether your husband is worng or right, you will always have the feeling of being alone but that may not be true. try yoga and mediation and go to temple, that only will help you in this mahadasa.

  11. even with the change in the timing the lagna remain the same but the dasa period changes. i always cast the horoscope from Karmicastro.com.


    i knew this horo has a lots of week points particularly plantes in the sixth house Sun the 2nd lord, mercury the 3rd and 12 th lord, Moon the lagna lord very week, venus the fourth and 11th lord. fifth lord Mars is debiliated in the lagna, Jupitar lord 6th and 9th in 12th. the only positive in this horoscope is Rahu in 3rd.


    it says something that money has to be spent on disease and no peace due to diseases for him and as well as for his family, Venus the fourth lord is in the sixth. i feel the grahas are also not favouring speedy recovery.


    Hemraj, you need pray for him if possible in the following temple

    1. Vanjiam Siva temple, Near Kumbakonam

    2. Thirukadavur Siva Temple Famous for where Markandaya rishi was saved by lord siva from Emathrmaraj.

    3. Solinkarpuram Thiru Narasimma Bhghavan Temple, very powerful. Just think of him he will sure show the improvements, nothing is impossible if you worship him.

    4. Vaitheeswaran Temple near by Chiadambarm, vaitheeswaran means like Doctor. famous place for Mangal dosa remedy. recently german scientists have discovered the rays from Mars directly comes to this place.



    the temples above mentioned are built with special powers like Srichakra, thanchakra, which has been experience by lots of people. they are very old temples like 2000 years old.


    give your address, i will send you the Kungamam of Famous Kamatchi amman temple, she is another great god and my mother that is what i call her whenever i worship her.


    never loose hope, but God knows everything. there is nothing in this world moves without his knowledge and of course he might be lisitening to your prayer and as well as ours.









    Sethia Ji,

    Your brother's horoscope has lot of weak points,the result of which is the present situation.

    1.Lagna lord Chandra has no strength due to closeness to Amavasya.(Related to mind) and is in 6th (accidents and diseases)

    2.5th lord Kuja is debilitated and retrograde is in lagna.(Related to mind)

    3.Rahu is in 3rd.(Related to mind)

    4.7th and 8th lord Shani is retrograde and is in 2nd (Maraka Sthana and family).

    5.2nd lord Ravi in 6th.

    6.4th and 11th lord Sukra is combust and is in 6th.

    7.6th lord Guru is retrograde and is in 12th aspected by Ravi and Budha the 12th lord.Guru is aspecting the 6th house.

    The time of birth as per the date of accident comes to 7.24 PM and not 8.11pm.

    It happened during Ravi-Guru period.12 th to 7th Kalatrasthana is Dhanur and lord is Guru.Ravi is in 6th as second lord took away his wife.6th lord in 12th to lagna caused severe injury to your brother.He is saved by Sani casting his aspect on 8th the house of logevity.He has better surviving chances.

    Pray Sani/Sri Balaji regularly in his name.

    Pray/Puja to Lord Shiva and Sri Durga mata in his name.If possible do or participate in Maha Mrityunjaya Homam and Sri Chandi homam/Yagam in his name ,which is commonly done in temples in Secunderabad.Do Annadanam and donate cloths to poor people as per your financial capacity if possible once in a month.

    Hope he will become normal.

    God bless you and your family members,


  12. Karparatchambgi temple will remove the doshas in praganency. when i visited november 2005 i too did not have any children 3 years after marriage. november 2006 i had my first child. the amman is very powerful, what a darshan i had, i can never ever forget that. Go to Chiadambram or kumbakonam where you will get buses for going to Karparatchambgai temple. the temple is 2 to 3 kilometer inside. so you should reach before 6 p.m and than take a auto and have the darshan. i am sure she will give you a good childrens.



    another temple is in Karnataka Thottamalaur Kirshna temple, go there, all pregnancy doshas will be run away.


    alternatively you can go to Varansai temple for 11 days ganga bath and worship Lord shiva with vilva leaves with ganga water, wrill erdicate the doshas.


    the above are told by the one of the best person in tamilnadu whose work is creating waves all over the tamilnadu, Mr. A.R.Rajagopalan, Kumudam Jothidam. he is one of the best.







    respected nikhilji,


    thankyou very much for the advice and remedy, i will surely tell my sister to visit the temple as advised by you.


    once again thankyou very much for sparing your valuable time...







  13. Hemraj, i am really sorry to hear this. very bad situation. i think the worst of the worst passed last april. accident happend in SUn mahadasa antradhasa Saturn, which was over in the last april. did he improved a little bit after that? i think only God can help him to get well. you go to Varanasi Siva temple and stay there for three days take bath in the Ganga and take thiretha in vilva leaves and offer it Lord Siva.


    once again we are with you, we will also pray for you, and there is one temple at Vanjiam Siva Temple near kumbakonam, please ask him he will help you, once your brother get well you go to the temple with family. infact this is the temple where people get remedy for diseases. we will also pray for you.


    can we also have the childs brith details so that more could be interpreted.

  14. there are various remedies available for this.



    quote=Ind]Hello Gurujis,


    It would be of great help if anybody could go through my horoscope any

    give predictions if i will have any progeny and when?

    I 'm in great distress.


    Here are my details

    DOB :27-02-1975

    Time: 1.30 am

    place : bangalore




  15. Dear Anand,


    i have casted you horo from Karmisastro.com


    you are undergoing mercury dasa lord of 8th which ends at 2014 followed by Ketu which ends at 2021. court cases may not end in your favour. Rahu in lagna and ketu in seventh alongwith Powerful Venus is the reason that your maritial life problems. i am sorry it may continue for some more time. Lagnathipathi Mars is debilitated. r u ever tried to go aborad.


    visit temples everyday tuesday go to Supramania temple, saturday go to Anjaneya temple regularly, i am sure you will get some reprive. but for gems and other remedies please check with Deepaji and Astrotech


    You got married under Mercury/venus dasa. was it a love marriage!!!!


    if we have your wife birth details we will be able to tell you who will win.




    Hi ,


    Please help me in overcoming the difficulties I am facing. Details of mine are given below.


    First Name: Anand Mohan

    Last Name: Sravanam

    Date of Birth: 30-June-1974

    Time of Birth: 17:20(5.20PM)

    Place of Birth: Vijayawada


    I got marrried on 22nd March 2002 and facing trouble. My family is facing court cases and facing lot of trouble with the girl. They donot attend the court proceedings regularly. When will this end. When will our family be free of this troubles.


    Thanking the gurus who are helping others with love.




  16. Generally it is a very bad and dangerous combination but in Magha nakshatra whose lord is Ketu, rashi lord Sun, Mars will gain the power and expect some tragdies of fire, bomb blast in this period all over the world.




    Today, soon Mars and Saturn will be in perfect conjunction in Magha, Nakshatra of the ancestors.


    I was wondering if anyone has an idea of the significance of this?


    Thank you.

  17. Only a general prediciton can be made. borther of this person should be well placed and will grow on his own, may be settled outside his hometown.


    i casted the horoscope in Karmicastro.com. prediction based on that.



    can it possible to tell about a person from his brother chart.if it is possible then can you tell about this person brother .details of the persons are dob-12-september-1975 time -13:55 place-lucknow
  18. (this is just to interpret the following: i saw a dream last saturday. i was going through a hole in a well and reaches some place. the other side it is a different world. I was asking some people about something which i don't recollect. there was three devi idols. one devi speaks to me and shows me some address and goes there i saw my mother there and she was busy going to some places and asking her something but as usual she fires me i don't why, She expired just one year back and than i woke up. whatever it may be i had the feeling that i met my mother and i was having a different nice feeling of the world.


    the above makes wonder whether you would be having any views/articles on the following subject.


    I am looking views and articles from the following aspects, detaiiled vedic views on universe/galaxies/outside world. after the above i was also thinking a lot about the subejct


    yes i agree with your view that we are here to perform certian predetermined action. but why are we in this world? from where, in this part of earth or some other world, if so possibily What did we do there, where did we do, when did we do. are we facing consequences of what we did something in other world? is there any article on the above subject.


    My thoughts are that originaly we are not from this world and we are here to complete a cycle in this world itself to get to someother world, may be it is passover. the pre determined action is something to do with that. i feel it is like a jail, consider when somebody is sentenced he has to spent the period in jail and only after that period he comes out and see the outside world.


    i also assume that Gods we are worshipping is the represenative of the supernatural force and they are the only force who can lead us to get mukti from this world like a Judge. i also feel that Gods also as represenative has some responsbiliites to be carried out in this world.


    I am sure i may or may not be worng but i thought that i should post the message in this forum.


    if you have any ariticles on the above would be greatly appreciated.



    ignore the mistakes




  19. (this is just to interpret the following: i saw a dream last saturday. i was going through a hole in a well and reaches some place. the other side it is a different world w. I was asking some people about something which i don't recollect. there was three devi idols. one devi speaks to me and shows me some address and asking her something buti goes there i saw my mother there and she was busy going to some places and asking her something but as usual she fires me i don't why, She expired just one year back and than i woke up. whatever it may be i had the feeling that i met my mother and i was having a different nice feeling of the world.


    the above makes wonder whether you would be having any views/articles on the following subject.


    I am looking views and articles from the following aspects, detaiiled vedic views on universe/galaxies/outside world. after the above i was also thinking a lot about the subejct


    yes i agree with your view that we are here to perform certian predetermined action. but why are we in this world? from where, in this part of earth or some other world, if so possibily What did we do there, where did we do, when did we do. are we facing consequences of what we did something in other world? is there any article on the above subject.


    My thoughts are that originaly we are not from this world and we are here to complete a cycle in this world itself to get to someother world, may be it is passover. the pre determined action is something to do with that. i feel it is like a jail, consider when somebody is sentenced he has to spent the period in jail and only after that period he comes out and see the outside world.


    i also assume that Gods we are worshipping is the represenative of the supernatural force and they are the only force who can lead us to get mukti from this world like a Judge. i also feel that Gods also as represenative has some responsbiliites to be carried out in this world.


    I am sure i may or may not be worng but i thought that i should post the message in this forum.


    if you have any ariticles on the above would be greatly appreciated.



    ignore the mistakes




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