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Everything posted by rnramachandran

  1. Thanks for the explanation. if you have any articles already with you, can you share the same with us. Ramachandran
  2. Rajan, have you ever struggled in any part of your life, what did you do at that time, tried hard or just kept quite to get the things solved, Lord Krishna says, do your work and do not assume/expect what the results would be. Lord only Knows. leave aside astrology, baisc principle is that people will be lazy only if they do not have to eat thrice a day or no dependents for them to look after, etc, when exposed to challenges at higher level people will try hard to get the things done. here comes Astrology and helps you out why is this happening, even people think why only too me. you can find the same in the horoscope. even if we think the same way that people will be lazy once they know the fate, i doubt so, that cannot happen. because when the period running the situation and circumstances changes and will make him to dance according to the rules. have you ever struggled in your life or faced problems in any situation like promotion where everything is positive for you but still you don't get the chance. but sometimes you get it easliy without any effort. what is the difference between these periods. have you ever though why you were born at a paricular place at a particular point of time and to your parents, whom you do not know till you were born. there is super natural force/s by which we are into this world for what reason, God only knows, but he has given us a tool to find out the same by using astrology. Astrology provides the ways to find possible outcomes, why is this happening and what will happen in future, which period is good one which is not and with help from Astrology people can find ways to reduce the bad effects like worshipping Gods for the particular Graha, i.e. if sun debiliated one will have to worship Lord Siva, like that there are many ways you can reduce the evil effect,. After a long time i am here in this forum. Hello USRJi, Astro Tech, and Deepa and of course Ravindarn ji Ram
  3. everything is ok. but March year ending work going on, so little busy. will be back. after march.
  4. I agree with USRs view, her horo is excellent. i have heard that Guru alone in 5th damages the house that is preganancy issue. anyone has any other views.
  5. I don't think so. her lagna lord is powerful, and a powerful saturn in 11th and saturn dasa is running . Always look at the janam kundli first and than which dasa is running. in the navamsa, being the 3rd and 8th lord if debliated will not be able to give bad results. venus doesnt have power to give bad results. partnership will work. but can't say about whether with a girl or boy. it looks to me both way it will work out. but i think for partnership you should seek good astrologer in your area personally. RAM
  6. go ahead, she has great future as an enterprenur. all the best.
  7. the significance of navamsa there, it has to be a tool that compliments the rashi chart. any prediction from the navamasa chart should not be undermining the rashi chart. BAse is Rashi chart while navamsa chart is a tool that compliments the rashi chart. there are certain rules which have to be look into like if a debiliated graha in the chart than you have look at the navamsa what is the position in the navamsa than you can predict the effects of such grahas. RAM
  8. Hi SHL153, i think your wife also seeking advice, as i said earlier, it is better for you and for her forget the difference and get together. you seems to be in love with her, so why not calling her back. RAM
  9. being the lagna lord Saturn (Debiliated) should not create anything worst for you, but it is neither good for you. may be neutral or bad this dasa for you. my advice is to worship Anjaneya Swami and Sani bhagwan. do not think that you are a muslim so that you can't do that, I am not asking you to follow the Hindu religion, but for your betterness because I want nobody in this world should suffer. this is the remedy i know. every day morning put something for crow and cow. Get in touch with your exhusband. he is also does not have a good period ahead but ofcourse not a bad one. so he would be listening to you. i will pray for you. believe i God, with the difficulties ahead you will overcome it.
  10. why is the difference in the panchagams. the difference is not taken into account in the internet janam kundali preparation. so there is a lot of difference in the prepartion of janam kundali in the net as well as with different panchangam. people can put their views.
  11. not really, it depends on which dasa is on for the girl. you can't predict without the girl's horoscope. you can't decide these things from navamsa alone. the boys main chart as well as the girls chart. the basis of preidction first based on the main chart than only the navamsa. of course one has to look at the navamsa. i have seen a number of janam kundalis which are very good, but after marriage the life has gone wrong for many people simply the horo's do not match. God has given us a guide through which one has to find the right the one, if for any reason, if one get married to wrong one, believe me, it will not produce the results.
  12. mercury, venus and jupiter well placed. sijnce venus is strong and aspect on the seventh are could and he might get smart and beautiful lady. but Mars being in the eight alongwith Rahu in the navamsa, is a concern. overall a good horo, no difficulties as such in life.
  13. Shabinna, i replied to your husband request. things are looking bad, you contact him he will be in a position to take you there, as he will be running a comfortable good dasa, your security and safety will be better. do not waste time talk to him and stay with him for the next 20 years. this is based on the analysis, not just that i want to tell you. you are undergoing a bad dasa, saturday upavass with one time meal, and no non veg on Saturday and Tuesday. it is only advice for someone like you needs help. seek god he will definitly help you.
  14. she is undergoing mars dasa which is in 2nd. she is shortemperd, and invites the problem becuase of her whatever she speaks at the heat of the moment. and i find the reason is sex, it clearly shows, his sex drive is very high, while her sexual drive is diminishing day by day. i doubt it she can satisfy his desirs. Saturn sitting in his at kumba being the 7th lord, her husband should be from great background. sun and mars is sixth and eigth to sani but the aspect of saturn on the lagna that is leo will definitly brings down the desires to have sex as age progress. while her husband will have a desires to have sex frequently. i am sorry she won't be able to match him further. , he will require more and she will not require at all as time progress, the problem will be very high for her. take a decision the way ahead.
  15. Dear Rao, Thanks for your analysis. my mother expired when sani was in Kataka (4th) , and Guru (8th) was in scropio. exactly she expired when sani was about to move to Simma (5th place), you can see the timing, chandra (representing mother) dasa running, the three years i had a bad timing when sani was in 4th place as per kochara and this was intensifed when Guru was moving to 8th. by the way i assume the date is 20.04.2008. once again thank you for your analysis
  16. What ushapati is saying may be correct. he could be vulgar in sex too, could be having some affairs too. because in the Mars dasa, he will be more dangerous. Mars and venus in the 8th a dangerous combination.
  17. i think when Jupiter moves to Makara the marriage will take place. Rahu in the Seventh will not produce marriage prospects. Mars and Saturn in the 3rd will not give bad results, of course will give some good results, but cannot expect a extra ordinary results. that means there is a lot of difference between these words : extraordinay, ordinary, neutral, bad, worst. i am saying it is ordinary resutls. there are still confusion where Rahu gets exalted, somebody says it is scorpio and others say it is taurus and Makara and Miuthana. if mituna is exalted place for Rahu, i think he will be frequent travellers all over the world, will spent a lot. i think if gaja kesari yoga is present atleast 50% if not 100%, even with the retrograde jupiter it will produce some power for the moon, that is very much enough to save the moon from Rahu. so i feel the lagnathipathi is very well placed.
  18. you have to give the lagna for her horo, than only one can predict correctly.
  19. His janam kundali is one of the powerful i have seen. only bad position is Mars is in 8th with venus the 8th lord himself. Moon dasa is going to end by 2009 sep. undergoing Moon dasa subdasa venus is that the reason. paitent till that time. even than Mars dasa will start for him that too not favorable being in the 8th. and Rahu at 4th place which is for home and 12th to moon might be causing the problem. she also must be a from great family background. perhaps others should study this chart much more in details. but i don't foresee a break.
  20. in the 3rd malefic grahas will help but it is not a good placement to give extraordinary results. so one cannot expect so much. my view point is saturn and mars both combusted, will make him think in two different ways for example, Mars will make him do the action fast while saturn will bring that desire to down to rethink. in both ways he will not be able to take a correct decision. both are enemies. but being in the 3rd they will not do anything bad to him, infact it is benefical for him, if he tries hard love will work out. but I am sure nothing bad in the placement of Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house. if Gaja kesari yoga presents than other bad doshas wont work. i dont beleive that Cancer ascendent people wont have good marriage life. why because Saturn is the seventh lord. what if saturn is placed very well. even in that case for leo ascendeant Saturn is the seventh lord. one has to look at various other aspects also like jupiter and Venus for that case. but for him the Lagna and Rasi lord is powerful he will overcome any difficulites in his life. and you are correct that the powerful lagna lord looking at the seventh, his marriage life will be very good. even after marriage he will be leading the family rather than his wife. assured good marriage life according to me.
  21. love may work if try harder and other wise there is no dosha as such.
  22. it is like a matrix. if your dasa running is good then the kochara movements will have like if it is good then he will have a good period and if it is bad than he will have less effect. but a bad dasa runs the kochara movements good, then he will have less problems but if it is also bad, than the problems will be deeper Venus is placed bad in the 8th that will come first when calculating the dasa. being in Saturns house some help will be there. but not great extent. love marriage may not work, he has to do a lot of mediation. being Mars and Saturn in the same house being in the 3rd house will not do any harm will do some thing better only. Mind flucation may be there. he is last one in his family.
  23. Recently i have read a article, that planet in the seventh being the 10th from 10th will make him promote/enter into business while planet in the sixth being nineth from 10th will make him do service. The Dasamsa should be analyzed in detail independently like the Rasi chart. The Artha Trikona is composed of the second 6th & 10th houses. Planets in these houses will have a direct bearing on the functioning of the native. Any planet in the tenth house is independently capable of giving good yoga that could mean power, rise and success in ones career. In addition, the seventh house should also be studied, as it is the Pada to the tenth. If the Sun dominates in these houses, a political career or similar public service is indicated. If the Moon dominates, Government Service or such other professions like hotel business etc are indicated. Mars gives Police; Intelligence related activities, Army etc. Jupiter produces lawyers, Judges, Priests, Astrologers, etc. Mercury gives business, writing & publishing, trade etc. Venus gives entertainment and all works of beauty while Saturn gives heavy burden, menial jobs etc. Rahu can indicate imports while Ketu shows exports etc. A list is provided at table 13.1.& 13.2 2. The sixth house rules business and the seventh house rules business. If there are more planets in the sixth house, or if it is otherwise stronger, service is indicated. A stronger seventh house gives an independent business. Similarly, the sixth lord promotes service while the seventh lord promotes business. This could mean instability in service during the period of the seventh lord. Similarly, debilitated malefic in the seventh house will encourage service as they will damage the business. 3. The boss is seen from the ninth house while the subordinates are seen from the fifth house. During the period of a malefic planet having papargala (malefic obstruction) on the ninth house, one is tormented by the boss (or ex-boss) while a benefic having Subhargala (benefic intervention) shall give a very good and helpful boss. Thus in Charts showing any kind of employment, the concerned houses for the self are the first, 6th & 10th. The third house from these (3rd, 8th & 12th) can cause problems. The eighth house will show retirement; the third house shows short leave while the 12th house shows long leave. 4. The ascendant lord in the ninth house makes a person very independent (he likes to be his own boss) and business is best advised in such charts or employment where a lot of scope for independent work. The second house is the eighth from the seventh house and shall play a crucial role in starting any business. In simpler words, the starting of any business is determined by the finance available. The quadrants to the 2nd house are the 5th, 8th & 11th houses showing the money that is put in by the partner, loans from banks etc. & self respectively.
  24. Rahu in 12th also repersents the person live aborad. is that correct.
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