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Hari Bhakta dasa

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Posts posted by Hari Bhakta dasa


    Based on Braja-sundari's report, things are looking up. The Ashram might be saved, but it is still an uncertain proposition. With the help of some neighbors they cleared lots of brush and cut down a few trees that were close to the buildings. The fire dept told them that there are good chances for saving the buildings when the fire gets close. Hare Krsna!


    Hare Krishna! Good news indeed! :)

  2. Just for info, here is a map of the major fire incidents in the US. Check out Northern California. My prayers are with everyone there.




    My sister just called me from Northern Nevada. She tells me the smoke from all the California fires is settling in her area and visibility is less than a mile. Everyone is being told to minimize their outdoor time and keep the kids inside for recess at the schools. Air quality has reached a very dangerous level there even tho they are miles from the fires.


    I can't even imagine how bad it must be at the fire areas themselve.




    it is already done. There is a seperate Hindu section on the forum as there is a Hare Krishna section.


    But for some reason, the Hare Krishnas have hijacked the Spiritual section and choose to post here instead of in the section created for them. This becomes a problem when they step out fo their Hare Krishna world and criticize Hinduism, Advaita, etc because someone is going to counter them and they so dislike that. If they want to live in a world where criticism flows one-way, that is from HKs to others and never the other way, then obviously they should stay clear of a generic Spiritual section.




    Admin, please consider separating the forums again. We are subjected to mayavadi philosophy and those who hate the followers of Srila Prabhupada.


    Imagine how confusing this must be for someone who has just developed an interest in KC thru Prabhupada's books.

  4. IMHO, the spiritual section creates confusion. It has turned into a mish mash of schools, sects and whatever else out there. I saw this coming when the moderators decided to combine their separate forums onto one page rather than keeping separate pages. More confusing answers to newcomers questions, more offenses and more arguments is all that has evolved from this combination.


    Stick to the topic in hand and avoid digressing. This thread is about the validity of the label Hindu - not about patting each other on the back for preaching in bad weather. The validity is being questiond by Hare Krishnas and so I am perfectly in line.


    This forum is mostly habitated by Hare Krishnas in case you had not noticed. Most Hare Krishnas simply criticize the label for no reason other than "Prabhupada said so". Exceptions who think for themselves are few and obviously I am not addressing them here.




    Mataji was responding to your post. You are in no position to chastize her. You are not her guru, husband, father or anyone else.


    The problem however is "Sanatana Dharma" is not found in sanskrit either. Ironically this allegedly ancient name is not even a couple of hundred years old. Many prefer to use Hindu which is much older than Sanatana Dharma.


    Srila Prabhupada used the term Sanatana Dharma. He would not go against shastra. So what are you saying?



    And what about those who worship Shiva, Ganesha, Durga and the countless Gods in India? These people far outnumber Vaishnavas. What name do you want to give them?


    Demigod worshipers seeking material gain.


    Do you know Sacinandana S. personally that you speak such harsh words about him? I have known him for close to 30 years and altough I am a true fault-finder I can not find fault with Sacinandana Swami. He is one of the sweetest devotees I have met in my life.


    I do not know Sacinandana Swami personally but I have listened to some of his lectures and find them to be very inspiring. He comes across with a very sweet disposition and sincerity. I enjoy hearing him.


    I see nothing his letter to indicate anything other than he has health problems that need to be taken care. What would any of the rest of us do in the same situation? It is as Sacinandana Swami mentions, we must take care of these bodies to serve Krishna.

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