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Hari Bhakta dasa

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Posts posted by Hari Bhakta dasa

  1. No everything is not free. You can list the first time for free and then if the items sells you are charged according to the selling price. Plus paypal does charge a fee.


    If you want to try to sell items that did not sell the first time around then you are charged a fee for listing.


    ebay is not going to give away their services for free.


    If you were lucky enough to sell everything the first time around - that is to your benefit but even then you are charged a fee based on the sale price.

  2. Basically the only one making money is ebay. There are so many sellers selling the same products that the sellers are dropping their prices. Buyers can do well tho. The fees ebay tacks on add up rapidly and then you have to figure in the fees for paypal and other payment methods.


    Also, it is if a buyer complains you are out of luck and have to refund the money to them. I sold on ebay for years and did quite well. But like many sellers, I quit due to all the fee changes, feedback changes and the lack of respect for the seller.


    The last time I put books on to sell, I made a whopping $5 and ended up owing ebay $15.


    Too much competition and too high on the ebay fees. Buyers are getting wise to the fact that sellers can not give negative or neutral feedback to them and many take unfair advantage of that.

  3. In Srimad Bhagavatam we are told:


    The six children killed by Kamsa had formerly been sons of Marici, but because of having been cursed by a brähmana, they were obliged to take birth as grandsons of Hiranyakasipu. Kamsa had taken birth as Kälanemi, and now he was obliged to kill his own sons. This was a mystery. As soon as the sons of Devaki were killed, they would return to their original place.


    What should be the mood when the parents have no interest in spiritual culture, and try to talk their grown children out of such a spiritual way of life?


    There is much to be grateful for always, but should they be offered obiesances still? (if they are very hostile to simple spiritual life)


    For many in the west such tradition as you have described does not seem to exist.


    Perhaps just simple respect as our parents and elders is in order.

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