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Posts posted by Redsox

  1. Being that online is where I spend my spiritual thoughts about life and seeing that I am so unfortunate that I easily fall every time I rise to meet my lord ,and desiring his mercy, I want to do a very small service to you devotees to satisfy my fallen soul that I am did something for Sri Radha Krishna.


    So I start this thread.

    The name of the game here is the name of the lord supreme himself.


    Please start with A, end with Z, and try to think of the lord's divine names.


    I will start : A



    Anantha :)

    you may add another name starting with A or continue unto a name that starts with B.

  2. When you go to the church or the temple, do you ever feel that someone else's devotion is being rubbed off on you?


    I didn't go to a church or a temple for a while but I read ghari's, theist's , mahak's posts here, and i feel very strong feelings toward krishna, but after a while it leaves me though. :crazy:


    I wanted you three to know that and thanks for that.



    PS The above is what i have seen when I died three times this time around (NDEs). Not presented as absolute truth, but close, because Lord Yama was there. Helping me, not giving me to his hungry hobgoblins (those cute lil guys, I want that job when I grow up.)




    You are kidding right?


    Stupidly quiting your job, ignoring your ordinary duties to friends and family because you're too busy with all the itsy bitsy rituals.


    doesn't krishna say something along the lines of "It will be really stupid if you think you will win me over by giving up your prescribed duties while still living in this material world"?


    By unkrishna conscious activities, I was specifically referring to something like getting drunk or having promiscious sex.

  5. Activities such as going to a bar, or binge drinking or meat eating, smoking, any unhealthy activities. Lets say no matter how much you try, you can't give them up.


    Lets assume an aspiring devotee has these problems and that person struggles with it until the end (until death). Do you think krishna will show compassion on that individual or would that person be cast down into the demonic modes of life?

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