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Posts posted by Redsox

  1. Its late in the middle of the night now but I had to post this, I just woke up and can't sleep. I think I understand now. For some reason, I couldn't before. Krishna is essentially spiritual, I was trying to understand him through my material body , which is not possible. My relation with krishna has to be spiritual, it was me using a different channel. Surrendering materially is quite useless, because everything is his, how can I give Him what is already His to begin with?


    What I need to do is give myself. My spiritual self. I think thats it, I really thank you all for helping me here. I think only after reading and rereading your posts that I come to this conclusion.


    Disability materially might be there, but we are disabled somewhat if we plan to please krishna through those means, no one can have everything to give to krishna. Hence, the disability lies. For me, it might be intellectual, for others it might be financial. I guess my service has to transcend these. Krishna will not be pleased with what I do materially.



    Thank you! :)

  2. Ok i am sorry if I am posting too many times here, i don't mean to post so many times. But I just notice that all of these ways of thinking are just ways to make ourselves feel good.

    I am just making myself feel its okay to have problems by thinking that this is the way krishna shows me mercy, by creating more problems. I surrendered my life to krishna, I thought it will make me happy, give me peace, but now these problems still persist so I become conditioned to accept them and find peace that way.


    Maybe I went into these bhakti rasa tendencies just too soon, with out understanding what surrender IS.

    So what is surrender? please this is a sincere desire to be helped , I don't mean to waste anyone's time with my problems.


    Or put another way, who surrenders when they are winning?


    All the stories in shastra concerning surrender to the Lord, from lil dhruva, to Srila Prabhupada, all are stories of defeat at the hands of material nature.


    Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


    Ok I accept it, Krishna will make you helpless and finally force you to surrender, it is his mercy. I got that.


    But, then after my surrender I don't get rid of my problems. The only other option is i am not surrendered, so what is surrender?


    In summary, due to our individual prarabdha karmas we get a certain kind of body/mind/emotions, tendencies, and associations. We tend to look a certain way and have apparent limitations of the body and mind or anna-maya kosha.


    When I am surrendered, krishna takes complete control of my life yes? so what am I doing?


    Why should I leave or not leave any associations or dissociations? Lets say I get annoyed over simple things, i can't help it, then when i surrender to krishna , my annoyance should leave me. But it doesn't because of karma, why doesn't krishna take away my annoyance by taking away my karma of annoyance?

  5. Theist: "The vaisnava is open to Divine intervention from Krsna. He is in charge of karmic law and can adjust it or eliminate it as He sees fit. This was explained nicely by gHari in post #15. He can eliminate lifetimes of material entanglment irregardless of that persons past deeds and current impressions."


    Ok! . So krishna should eliminate my problems but I still have problems. Only other option is : I am not surrendered to Krishna. What is surrender? Tell it to me in your terms, please don't quote because that will confuse me even more. thank you.

  6. According to Bhagavad Gita, Is the world monistic? Does the bhagavad gita say "This world is essentially spiritual hiding behind some gross material nature"?


    Does it say that it is essentially dualistic where, the world is essentially material , but there is another spiritual world where God lives?


    I cant surf, my right arm goes dead in the water. Lord Brahma is disabled. He cannot be detached like Lord Siva. Srila Prabhupada is disabled, he calls himself old man. Srimati Draupadi is disabled, she is in exile.


    But these disabilities have nothing to do with spiritual function and real usefulness.


    "Disability" is a false word, and should only be used to extract funding and favor from government agencies.


    Im insane (and so am I), maybe this is a disability. Im not Canadian, this is a disability. I dont fly, I live in an area only accessible by bridges, and I dont cross bridges, this is a disability. But, I can time travel to thompkins square in 1966 or the haight in 67, easy. Maybe this is also a disability.




    we have disabilities ok. sometimes it does not have anything to do with krishna's service, but sometimes it does yes? - for example a poor man cannot construct a temple like a rich man can do. Or a person who has no functioning legs cannot dance to hare krishna maha mantra. A man who has no voice cannot sing mass in church. All these are hinderings to his service.


    Every jiva has a certain yogyata, and he can never go beyond it. Karma alone isn't a factor. Every jiva has an inherent capacity that can never be changed. Instead of trying to improve (which is impossible anyway), just try to please the Lord in tune with your yogyata. Simple, eh?


    I see now that I was not being straightforward,

    My service to the lord needs some capability at a mental level, yet i am not able to accomplish that easily, while some one else has the same capability and he does it easily. What else? - I dont even think he does it for Krishna as I do. My question is why is there this distinction? I am not jealous , I was hoping when I surrender my job to Krishna, it will get easier, but it didn't.


    The disability doesn't leave the devotee, the devotee leaves the disability. He does this by identifying himself as he is, the eternal spiritual self, and he reclaims his eternal function as the Lord's loving servant.


    It is like something like a prisioner in a caged jail cell. When he is released from the jail cell he no longer thinks of himself as a prisoner limited by the size and condition of his prision.


    I agree. but I am not sure about what you are saying. Maybe our definitions of surrender are different. I say "I surrender to Krishna" , and think i am surrendered. Are you saying surrender can only happen in death? when we leave the "prison" so to speak?

  10. who is this guru? Tell her to ask him these other questions (the ones you wrote here). I am sure he has good answers.



    can you tell her to ask some other questions from me (i am a neophyte)?


    1. Nature of ladies is most favourable to render loving, sweet services. Then, what is the nature of Men. Shouldn't a man offer sweet and loving services?

    If it is the nature of man to offer sweet and loving services, then wouldn't he also develop opposite qualities and be filled with false ego and demand respect (once he starts chanting Brahma gayatri)?

    Please make sure he knows that you are not being disrespectful when asking this, its a matter of clearing up what he said.

  11. Not saying that I have a disability.


    But, lets say a person has a disability, it does not have to be physical or mental disability. It could just be something that he cannot do as easily as other people.

    Lets say you are not as smart as the next guy. You try and try but you fail at something but the next guy does it in a second. He is inherently more capable than you at the same task that you both have to do. Why do we have this distinction?


    Lets establish that it is a karmic output, then why doesn't the disabled man lose his disability once he surrenders to God? Your past karma leaves when you surrender, yes? :crazy:


    you can get electronic devices for as little as $6.00 on amazon.com that will make all cockroaches, mice and small pests leave your house. There is no need to kill them.


    Thank you :pray: , I didn't know such things existed.


    I think all of you solved my problem. Roaches are annoying but they have the right to live in the house just as I have the right to live there. But- they can live everywhere , I need a house to live, so I will try to kick them out and in effect give them the rest of the world. :rolleyes:


    Simple annoyance is not enough to kick any-one/thing out. :)


    And Tackle Berry, Killing of Jivas is wrong, no matter how big or how small because they belong to krishna. We kill plants because we have to eat something, when we invent a way to survive on solar energy like plants do, we will stop killing them as well.

    And! Kshatriya Dharma does not work out because in Kali yuga all are sudras, thats why we chant the Maha Mantra.

  13. We don't have mosquitoes in USA. my problem is 'german cockroaches'.


    They invaded my house last spring, I didn't have problem with them before.


    But now, things are different. Its a contradiction if I kill roaches when I claim my house is God's house.

    I don't see 'Paramatma' in them, they are disgusting to me.


    the house is not mine, Yes? :deal:


    In addition, many persons who commit non-meritorious acts are mentally challenged and/ or suffer from psychological disorders that prevent them from understanding that they have done anything wrong in the first place. That is yet another reason why in any society compassionate people don't wish to allow persons to create more and more kukarmas. Such compassionate people also try to educate and rehabilitate the person if it is possible.


    I do not know about this. I know many intelligent, brilliant people who are complete assholes. I have also worked with mentally retarded people who are a delight to have around. So I do not believe mentally challenged folk are somehow "evil" .

    There may have been cases where a person suffering from mental disorder might do something out of his/her control, but that does not necessarily mean that all individuals belong to this category.


    Also, I do not think you are right when you say "compassionate" people try to stop other's 'kukarma' (from skim reading your post: kukarma= Bad karma). I consider myself compassionate, but I am not running around trying to save people from committing evil acts. There are policemen who do that.


    Compassion is the principle way that human beings obtain merit or punya and sukritya: by exercising karuna and maitri, compassion and loving-kindness.

    There is another problem with this. What is compassion? In the lab, medicinal chemists synthesize new drugs and inject them into animals to find side effects. Sometimes the animal (a rat, mouse or rabbit) may die, but there is also a possibility that this drug may help diabetic patients or Aids patients or even other animals. Where is compassion in this case? How is it compassion if you make animals blind on purpose just to study blindness in humans? or dump them in ethanol just to dissect them and study more into their anatomy? In our lab, we have great respect for these animals and believe that we are sacrificing them for a greater cause, but how are we showing compassion to these animals?


    if you buy this drug in the future, are you not also responsible for the deaths of so many animals? Yet , there are millions of people whose lives are saved because of such sacrifices. Am I gaining punya in that case?


    There are many ways to overcome this entanglement (almost 99% present of our current population is entangled), the main method for this Yuga is the Bhakti Yoga, where you offer all the Pleasures to Him and not trying to usurp anything for your selves. This is said to be fastest, surest and safest way to come out of the pleasure centre entanglement.


    Ok, the next question will be how to apply our pleasures to God. Lets take the "desire to eat strawberry ice-cream". Please tell me how you would apply this to God. :pray:

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