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  1. Mahaprabhu's movement is not some mundane off the street carnival that someone can shame with his deeds. All that the actions of some deviants does is provide fodder to the doomsayers (spelling?). It does nothing to slow down the movement and even if it does, it's very temporary. It's predicted that this movement will last 10,000 years and you bet it will, no matter what.
  2. Tell me about it! I envy all those devotees that live close to Govinda restaurants. I received a call from a devotee buddy of mine a few weeks ago. He called to tell me he was on his way to Govinda's with his family to enjoy their Mexican special! Needless to say, I burned with envy because all I can do is drive by the local 'Chipotle' helplessly
  3. Ok prabhu, then please continue eating out but just don't tell anyone :)
  4. I agree, prabhu. Lord Caitanya's mercy is incomparable. I was told that the qualification to get His mercy is to be among the most fallen
  5. Thank you prabhu. Yes, he is a truly exalted Vaisnava and has inspired scores of people to take to Krishna Consciousness. I agree with you, his disciples are indeed most fortunate.
  6. That is a beautiful prayer gHari prabhu. Did you write it or someone else?
  7. Too fallen is when you do one of the following (I'm sure there are more)- 1. Kill a brahmana 2. Eat cows flesh 3. Have sex with another man's wife.
  8. It may be a personal question, but has anyone here broken any of the 4 regulative principles after initiation? Also, onions and garlic consumption isn't a violation of the 4 regs, IMO. Because it says 'no meat eating' and onions/lic are certainly not meat! So Murali Mohan pr, there's hope yet but make sure the rice you eat in mexican restaurants doesn't contain animal broth
  9. I agree. Sorry for any offences prabhu. - Deborah Pitts originally from Fortworth, Texas
  10. The answers to all the questions you are asking are in the Vedic scriptures. Nothing needs to be speculated about. - Deborah Pitts Fortworth, Texas
  11. But for the 'notalgic achievements' & sacrifices of folks like Guruvani pr, guys like you and I would have no clue about Krishna Consciousness. Rather than belittle another devotees achivements so you can continue your fault finding crap, you should develop a little gratitude. It'll help you make progress, no seriously it will!
  12. 150,000 Bhagavad Gitas! That is staggering! And 200,000 dollars back in those days was HUGE, it is very big money in todays times as well. Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet, prabhu. It is no small sacrifice you have made. It is a giant contribution.
  13. It's very clear now. Thanks. - Deborah
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