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Posts posted by Murali_Mohan_das


    In the above song Lord Chaitanya mistakes the Ganga for the Yamuna and rushes towars it...this is a very sweet song!


    Super, super sweet!! I'm just listening to it now for the second time.


    Sooooo sweet!!! You and your family sing like gandharvas!!

  2. Not to be a party-pooper, but is this following the *English* alphabet, or Sanskrit/Bengali?


    There's no "F" in Sanskrit (though "Phalguni Krishna" is often pronounced as "Falguni"). Nor is there a "Q", "W", "X" or a "Z". In Sanskrit, there are three different "S"es, though, and two of almost every consonant.

  3. I don't know that song, but I've been enjoying the over 2,000 Vaishnava-related audio files at:




    which was linked to from the "Recommended Websites" section of Audarya.



    Once i heard a song and after i wrote a few words that i remembered from it.

    Some parts of text are:


    ..covered by illusion..

    ..which is the life..

    ..nature is Gods melody..

    ..our future is bright (er?)..

    ..look within..

    ..the truth is there..

    ..seen it.. ..you hear (?)..

    ..speak to you (?)..


    This are just pieces of the song, not necessarily in chronologic order.

    Maybe someone knows this song and if it is available on internet, could you give a link?

  4. Do you consider yourself a Hindu?


    Gaudiya Vaishnavas do not consider themselves to be "Hindus". They are not hung up on such designations.


    If it will help ease your self-righteous indignation, consider Gaudiya Vaishnavism to be a separate religion from Hindusim (much the same way Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism have distinguished themselves from the spiritual culture in which they were born) and go defend your misguided conception of what your faith entails elsewhere.


    You can be right until you're blue in the face, then.


    Sri Krishna and the Krishna Conception are all-attractive. Your arrogance and intolerance are ugly and repulsive.



    Your list is wrong!


    I do not know who Jayadeva is. I do not know who Baladeva is. But the name does not appear in the list of avatars in the Mahabharata or any of the Puranas. The eight avatar is Krishna.


    It appears you have been misguided very badly by some unethical people. For your own good read authentic texts which have not been mistranslated. You will find out for yourself that Krishna is the eight avatar of Vishnu.


    Parashurama, Rama and Krishna were born on this planet lived here and died here. Shriman Narayana or Vishnu was never born and never lived on this planet. His abode is Vaikunta and when he came to the earth he came as one of the avatars.


    Wrong example. Shakespeare was not translating someone else's work. If he was translating he had no liberty to invent new meanings to misread the original.


    Your defense is comical. Your are saying the Lord used a word incorrectly when he wrote the Bhagavatam. Now he appeared in Prabhupada's heart and revealed this incorrect usage which was reported by Prabhupada in his translation.


    Either the Lord was incorrect or Prabhupada was incorrect. Pick one.

    I'm trying to avoid getting into arguments here.


    What I'm saying is: is there such thing as a complete dictionary?


    You pose it as God vs. Prabhupada. I say Prabhupada (being a surrendered soul), knows better than the authors of the dictionaries what the Lord means to say.


    Clear enough?


    It's tempting to retort with sarcasm when faced with arrogance, but I'm trying to be more humble. Suffice it to say, I won't easily fall for a false dichotomy such as the one you have presented. The unwritten assumption in your statement is that *you* know better what the Lord was saying.


    No, they are due to malfunctioning in the computer during the actual recording so unfortunately they are permanent.


    Oh, darn!! Well, there's something to be said for using dedicated audio-recording equipment.


    I've been recording to computers for over 10 years now, and have seen my fair share of glitches.


    Still, the devotion comes through loud and clear!!!

  7. Lovely performances!! I love that "blue" note in the chorus of "Jaya Jaya Nityananda".


    I heard a couple of glitches during playback. Hopefully that was my laptop hiccupping and not glitches in the audio files themselves.


    Keep up the great seva!!!!


    Well, no. Lot's of people are always to some degree or another "always conscious of God" and yet have no understanding of Krishna or vedic philosophy. There are countless people who follow various religions, even vedic religions, and are fully immersed in constant thinking about God. Krishna consciousness is specifically about vedanta according to the gaudiya vaishnava understanding as taught by Sri Caitanya, at least that is how the person who coined the term "Krishna consciousness" used it. So Krishna consciousness is the consciousness one develops if he has faith in gaudiya vaishnavism and reaches the understanding which is espoused by gaudiya vaishnavism.


    What is the understanding of the Gopis regarding "vedic philosophy", "vedanta according to the gaudiya vaishnava understanding", etc.?


    Are the Gopis Krishna-Conscious?

  9. I haven't played this one in a while (it's all too much).




    Song to the Siren

    Tim Buckley


    Long afloat on shipless oceans

    I did all my best to smile

    'Til your singing eyes and fingers

    Drew me loving to your isle

    And you sang

    Sail to me

    Sail to me

    Let me enfold you

    Here I am

    Here I am

    Waiting to hold you


    Did I dream you dreamed about me?

    Were you hare when I was fox?

    Now my foolish boat is leaning

    Broken lovelorn on your rocks,

    For you sing, "Touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow:

    O my heart, O my heart shies from the sorrow"


    I am puzzled as the newborn child

    I am troubled at the tide:

    Should I stand amid the breakers?

    Should I lie with Death my bride?

    Hear me sing, "Swim to me, Swim to me, Let me enfold you:

    Here I am, Here I am, Waiting to hold you


    By his strong desire, the holy name of Lord Gauranga will spread throughout all the countries of the Western world. In all the cities, towns, and villages on the earth, from all the oceans, seas, rivers, and streams, everyone will chant the holy name of Krsna.


    As the vast mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu conquers all directions, a flood of transcendental ecstasy will certainly cover the land. When all the sinful, miserable living entities become happy, the Vaisnavas's desire is then fulfilled.


    "Catch a wave and you're sitting on top of the world"

    --The Beach Boys


    This is one tsunami that will cause no misery, only happiness.

  11. Thank you for your compassion, Theist.


    I'll do my best to follow your heart-felt advice.



    So don't toy with us. There are three ways of relating to others in spiritual life.


    Listen to and question those you consider more advanced.


    Share what you have learned about Krsna conwsciousness and let others share with you what they have learned and develop more intimate friendships with those on the same level. Devotees on this same level are also able to correct us and accept correction from ourselves, for our mutual improvement.


    Seek out and teach those that are junior to us if they wish to hear.


    "toying" will always be a problem for us. You like to joust in this way as do I and it will never be fruitful for either of us. I am also trying to free myself of this bad habit.


    IOW what I am saying is I have learned the problem lies within myself and antagonists here or elsewhere are just a secondary issue.

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