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Posts posted by bija


    About Krishan living Radha, a sincere devotee cannot question that to krishna. quote by Krsnadasa



    You can question them then you are bringing krishna to the normal human being level. quote by Krsnadasa

    janma karma ca me divyam

    evam yo vetti tattvatah

    tyaktva deham punar janma

    naiti mam eti so 'rjuna bg 4.9

    translation: One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again inthis material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

    Dear Krsnadasa, could you please explain a little more to me what you mean by, question them? I can't quite get what you mean by the word question?

    Could you kindly explain so that my understanding may develop and grow a little.


    I think that knowing the transcendental nature of Krsna and the relationships he has with his associates in great depth, would be an amazing realisation. And a great grace.


    Honestly I have not realised a speck of this knowledge. So I depend on what the acarya's and scriptures say about the transcendental nature of God.

    But I do know in my heart, that Goloka and the love therein, must be working on a totally different principle than this material world based on gratification. Transcendental to this material world, untouched by this external energy. I know this by, faith.



    Edited section: Now I think I know what you mean Krsnadasa: we should not query (question) Krsna why he left Radha. Is this what you mean?

  2. Here is some simple advice that worked for me.


    Buy yourself a really nice new comfortable pillow. Go to bed about half an hour before you plan to sleep. Lying down in bed, imagine that this is a really peaceful and comfortable place to be. Warm/cool cosy.


    Feel your head melting into that pillow. Really feel it. It is comfortable and nice.


    Enjoy this experience of lying there. Feeling your head melt into that pillow. Feel how good this really feels. Resting, Lying....Melting....


    When you feel nicely relaxed, slowly get up and turn the light off...then go back and enjoy that beautiful new soft pillow.


    Give this a go...I hope it helps.:)

  3. Yes I see what you are saying. All the saints have pointed to us paths for entering our fullness. It is a continual striving for the human it seems. Interestingly human relates to the word humane. We so desperately need to grow and become full. To learn tolerance, humility, etc. To learn the highest conception of love.


    The world seems to be in need of great guidance. Someone to teach us how to fully actualize/self realise on an individual level. Where dogma and barriers can fall away.


    I guess this is the hope for the Golden Age or New Earth or whatever sages have called. It is our greatest call, and it must be based on love.


    To realise we are all spiritual brothers and sisters.


    Each of us needs to take responsibility and take up the spiritual call, and while doing it, develop patience with those who have not yet heard the call.


    I like to view freedom of choice as that gift within consciousness. Within consciousness we can realize or feel and in doing so it implies choice. quote by bishadi


    Yes, and with such freedom, a sense of responsibility can be nurtured and developed. Bringing us to fullness of stature.



    Best put in the context that without freedom of choice we could never know Love! quote by bishadi


    And with this sense of freedom and responsibility we can express our intrinsic individuality to it's fullest. With the quality of benignity increasing with full maturity.

  5. Krsna is totally controlled by love, totally. And Sri Radha is the highest personification of that love.


    You see, Gaudiya Vaisnava's express their devotion and service to Sri Radha. If Sri Radha is pleased with the devotees devotion and service, Sri Krsna is sure to be pleased.


    Surely God is nothing but love, as seen so mercifully by the appearance of such beautiful scriptures. To wait upon the appearance of this love to manifest in the heart, must by the pinnacle of life for souls.


    Just a humble opinion.

  6. I guess it important to remember when thinking of Radha and Krsna's pastimes, that they are purely transcendental. With no mundane or material conception involved.


    When we think of male/female relations we perceive generally from a mundane perspective. But Their pastimes are something very different. Mundane relations can be motivated by material lust to varying degrees. But Radha and Krsna's pastimes a purely based on the highest form of spiritual love.


    The acarya's have taught to look deeply into the pastimes of Sr Caitanya. For he is merciful and kind, and through his worship, our path to understanding the mysteries of Sri Sri Radha Krsna will be clear and without misunderstanding or offence.


    Sri Caitanya's message to undertand the highest form of spiritual love and to experience love of God was the simple process of sankirtana. Chanting of the holy names of Sri Krsna. Chanting of the holy names is a most pleasing spiritual endeavour, for sure.


    bija, I agree on the internal revolution point. But after one has experienced that internal revolution does he not then have some responsibility with sharing that with others? Another angle is that helping others gain knowledge is a way to place ourselves in a better position to please guru and Krsna. quote by theist


    Theist:), Absolutely. I think from a sharing perspective, it is good to share what we have some good realisation about. I have often fallen into the trap of bluff. You know, talking of things that are just a bunch of head knowledge. But if something is truly realised, when it is shared it is powerful. I think the hearer feels this too.


    So how to divise ways and means to inject God consciousness to the masses is something so perfectly performed by great teachers. But saying this, we do not have to be great teachers, super knowledgeable or anything like that really. If we are, great. But just sharing a tiny bit of one's

    Self/self realisation can possibly have great effect I feel.


    I take your advice on my head ol' mate. Jaya!

  8. Ayodhya here is a link to a nice book about Sri Krsna Caitanya



    Gaudiya Vaisnava's (commonly know as Hare Krsna's) consider Sri Krsna Caitanya to be a combined form of Sri Sri Radha Krsna. Therefore they worship Him as non-different to Krsna.


    Friend, I would advise you to read bonafide literature as to who He is. It is possible that some peoples interpretations maybe be of a different theological standpoint...or to the extreme , purely concoctions of an over active imagination.


    Personally I am not so concerned if a soul wishes to accept Sri Caitanya as God Himself, but a consensus of many hindus is that he was was a remarkable saint, mystic and religious reformer. So to loosely criticize him as some tend to do, would be of not good character to say the least.


    From my theological and faith standpoint I consider the previous post by Guruvani to be fully bonafide.


    The idea was if we are conscious we have choice. As a <st1:country-region><st1:place>USA</st1:place></st1:country-region> citizen; freedom of choice is synonymous to being an American in the view.

    I know it is quite debatable and I apologize for not being clear and never wished to imply a negative other then to suggest the beauty of ‘freedom of choice.’

    IN the other context of the “African” American…. If they vote then no one needs to be adding an adjective otherwise I will begin calling myself the “Best American.” See it makes no sense.


    Equal; man, women, race, religion!

    So it was my ignorance for using the analogy in more then one sense. Oops! quote by bishadi

    Yes I feel so to that freedom of choice is so important. It is a quality that God in wisdom has given us for all eternity to possess it seems.


    My previous post was not referring to anything you have said. I was referring to the header of the original post in a touch of sarcasim. I must confess, sarcasim is not one of my best qualities. I think I must have been having a bad hair day yesterday. Please forgive me.


    In fact I find your writings very positive and enlightening. I really enjoy reading your writing Bishadi. It also is good for developing my reading skills and thinking processes. Keep it coming, friend.:)


    I guess that is one of the differences between Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhar Maharaja.? quote by guruvani

    Yes, it seems to be, guruvani. Who can understand the mind and wisdom of great acarya's. I have no direct diksha link with either Srila Prabhupada or Srila Sridhara Maharaja. But I feel those who have are most fortunate indeed.


    My dear spiritual master has his own unique approach also, and keeps his disciples minds and hearts focused on Sri Caitanya-lila mostly.

  11. Here is an adjoining note to the above mentioned purport.


    Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.39

    "A self-controlled, sense-controlled person who, having become endowed with sublime faith in the divine pastimes transcendentally enjoyed by Lord Sri Krsna with the Gopis (Rasa-Lila), and who, having heard those divine pastimes from the lotus mouth of a bonafide guru, continously sings or narrates their glories-such a person swiftly achieves the most elevated form of pure devotion for the Lord, and is promptly able to ward off the heart disease of lust"


    In his writings, Srila Jiva Goswami has laid stress on the word dhira, meaning 'self-controlled'. To hear these elevated subjects, one must enter into the culture of sense-control, otherwise he will be destroyed.


    Srimad Bhagavatam 10.33.30


    "No one should ever think of imitating this behaviour of the Supreme Lord and the gopis. If out of gross foolishness anyone tries to imitate the pastimes of the Lord, he will be utterly destroyed, just as if he tried to imitate Lord Siva by drinking the poison which arose from the ocean." (It is described elsewhere in the Srimad Bhagavatam that once the demigods and demons jointly engaged in churning the ocean. As a result of that churning, both nectar and poison were produced.)

  12. Parakiya Rasa is a very elevated topic which I would not be qualified to discuss, and very hesitant to, especially on a public forum. Potentially this sacred topic could be percieved as mundane by those without sufficient realisation. Just some thoughts.


    The concept of paramour (upapati) is nicely explained by Srila Sridhara Maharaja in his purport to Bhagavad Gita (Hidden treasure of the Sweet Absolute) Chapter 10 verse 10.



    "To those devotees who are constantly dedicated to Me, and who engage in my service out of their love for Me, I bestow the internal divine inspiration by which they can approach Me and render various intimate services to Me."


    This version of the Gita is available online at various sources. I would suggest a private reading of this sacred subject would be appropriate.


    Even if they stop "activism" though laws, that will not stop the movement of non-violence to animals which spreads through education, not through protest and activism. quote by guruvani

    I can appreciate your comments and angle of vision somewhat, guruvani.


    I have a friend who is very much, or was a very passionate activist. He was very concerned about things such as refugees, economics, pollution etc. Also a very intelligent, practical man.

    He was always going to protests, sit-ins, marches, whatever. To the point eventually that he fell in with association that was quite radical. Eventually the law came down on him with accusations of criminal activity, for the cause.


    Some years back now he questioned me, what my problem was. Why was I not active, why was I not doing anything for these causes. I recall some months after that I was watching May Day riots on television. All sorts of people protesting, hippies, punks, straights, greenies, all types.


    I felt passionate also but this day I had a realisation which changed my whole outlook. I thought to myself, 'I can not change the world, until I change myself. What is needed is a personal revolution, an internal revolution. This will create change.'

    So as it turned out, Krsna consciousness has become that revolution for me. A revolution with Sri Guru and Gauranga at the helm. A change of heart so profound in some areas, that even the idea of sitting at a table with someone, who is filling their belly with meat, is not so comfortable. Viva la revolucion!

  14. A vision for Gaura-Nitai to be installed at home:

    It seems that Lords Nityananda/Gauranga are merciful to the extreme. It may be debated, but from my own personal realisations 'mercy' is a vey high conception. Really the very existence of 'sweetness' and it's depth is accessible to us by the very nature of mercy. I feel actually that sweetness is; because of the very merciful nature of God. In fact even chanting the name of Nityananda Prabhu just once, can deliver the most fallen soul as per Sri Caitanya Bhagavata. As Bhaktivinoda Thakura expressed in Sr Navadwipa Dhama Mahatmya, he sees no hope but for Gaura-Naam. He says that the reason why Krsna prema has not been attained by jivas, for births after births, is due to negligence in taking full shelter of Lords Nityananda/Gauranga.

    The acarya's have continually voiced the need of full shelter of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu before entering Sri Sri Radha Krsna lila.


    So my final conclusion: a safe approach is to invite Gaura-Nitai into your home. Until you are fully ready to worship Sri Sri Radha Krsna vigraha.

    As per Srila Prabhupada CC Adi 8.31 purport www.vedabase.net/cc/adi/8/31/en


    Just some thoughts.

  15. Yes...

    Srila Prabhupada was cautious about Deity worship for good reasons. It should never be undertaken whimsically (a strong word, I know), or even casually. The key is dedication, steadiness. It's better to establish a standard that you can maintain daily--and do so. quote by stonehearted

    This is why personally I have not installed deities as yet into my home, due to living circumstances, environment, health reasons etc... I have small deities ready and waiting, that were given as gifts. And I pray that oneday I may be able to reach such a standard, to install them, and love them fully. A day when I feel fully ready for such a committment. But instead, I am trying to focus on chanting Naam. Really focusing and becoming steady in this practice. A steady goal to full commitment of this practice.


    The reason why I have expressed concerns about 'the scariness in setting the highest standard' is, because not all of us can dive deeply into bhakti-yoga at full steam. And a speck of compassion in my heart I guess. I believe Srila Prabhupada has made concession for gradual progression. He was fully encouraging. And I know he understood fully that a tiny tiny bit of devotional service, if approached sensibly and gently; that this tiny bit, being cared for, will oneday fully blossom.


    An open door to all people, you might say.

  16. Straight jackets tend to get a little tight around the armpits.


    Someone once said to me, "don't let anyone put you in a box."

    Good advice at the time. Still good advice now. Maybe it is an eternal truth!?


    Anyway.....to the question of

    'are we not all americans now'?

    My citizenship on my birth certificate is Australian. Much to the disappointment of my fellow patriots (and general opinion), and due to the subtle influence of Krsna consciousness teachings...I don't know if I am Autralian any more! What a pickle!:(


    Maybe I, am American? Am I?


    Of course we shall always try to find good association. Yet sometimes it may seem that there is no association, that we are alone. Still we must go on and search out the beacon light of the truth. Srila Sridhara Maharaja quoted by guest.

    Great words.



    Yet we should be able to see that there are so many others who can help us in our progress in the line of dedication; we must go forward with our eyes open. Srila Sridhara Maharaja quoted by guest.

    Sometimes this is all we have. Those in the line of dedication to look to! Even if we do not have one fellow being to stand with us on the journey, we can hang in there with the words and example of the saints.


    Srila Sridhara Maharaja's words are so inspiring. Maybe we never really were alone. I am sure our Well-wisher will never leave us.


    So based on the above, I think that probably Srila Prabhupada would cut quite a bit of slack for some little girl who needs a mental health break. quote by guest


    Refreshing words guest. Setting the highest standard can get quite scary. It is a personal thing how far we want to go with Krsna consciousness. A tiny tiny bit of devotional service is beautiful.

  19. Here are some of Srila Prabhupada's words on the importance of worshipping Krsna deities nicely, after the installation ceremomy has taken place.




    2 September, 1971



    My Dear Sivananda,

    Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 29th August, 1971 and have noted the contents. vanaprastha asrama can be taken even in the presence of the wife. Not that because your wife has left you have to take vanaprastha. That depends on your choice. In one sense if your wife has actually left you it is a blessing. Better to prepare yourself for sannyasa rather than vanaprastha.

    Nara Narayana Rsi is there but you will not be able to find him.

    If there is the possibility of regular worship then you can install Jagannatha Deity. Otherwise don't do it. Not that there should be a repeat of the situation in Hamburg that the Deities were taken away. Unless there is solid temple arrangement I don't advise you to install the Deity. Deity installation means regular worship without fail and for good. Just like in Jagannatha Puri. That temple was established over thousand of years ago and it is still going on. Always they have prasadam ready for at least a thousand people and bhoga is offered 56 times in a day.

    Please offer my blessings to the others. Hoping this will meet you all in good health.

    Your ever well-wisher,

    A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

    I also recall reading one time....some of Srila Prabhupada's disciple had found a Jagannatha murti in a second hand shop. Srila Prabhupada said that these murti's should not be kept just as antique statues on the shelf. But should be installed, now that they had possession of them.


    So as from the above letter, we can see that installation of Krsna deities is a serious undertaking.


    Once I found a very rare 100 year old Sri Bala Krsna deity in a second hand market. I was so excited I took him home. Because I was unaware of the responsibilities of my actions...Gurudeva recommended several things to me.

    Firstly he said the same as Srila Prabhupada. That the Sri Bala Krsna Murti should not just be kept as a statue, but should be installed. He said, that if I was not able to perform adequate service, following rules and regs, that I should then find a suitable devotee to take charge of Him. A devotee who could worship Sri Bala Krsna appropriately.


    But Gurudeva is also very kind and wise, and he did say, that possibly Sri Bala Krsna was desiring my service very much. So by worshiping Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai alongside of Sri Bala Krsna, Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai would kindly remove any offences in my service.


    He gave these instructions, because he considers me a very simple devotee, who was unaware of the consequences of bringing Sri Bala Krsna home.


    I hope this helps Deva....for some reason I presumed that your Deities had not yet been installed. Please forgive my presumption.


    I hope things work out nicely.:)

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