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Posts posted by bija

  1. Going on a couple of years now I have been getting around on public transport. Most of us on the buses are just a bunch a people getting by....it has been really interesting though...there are so many good living simple people out there, and you can learn alot from them through observation. Almost as if guru comes in many guises. We can learn alot from others....who knows deep down in their hearts they may be the real devotees, without outwardly expressing any faith.


    What happened to them? I have no idea....quote by Theist


    Theist, here is a story about the saptha(seven) rishis from Navadvipa Dhama Mahatmya. Gaura! Gaura! Gaura!


    Sorry about the typos...for some reason.


    Chapter Nine

    Description of Çré Madhyadvépa and Naimiña


    All glories to Lord Gauracandra and Prabhu Nityänanda! All glories to Gadädhara and the devotees headed by Srivasa! All glories to Navadvipa, the topmost abode of devotees!

    When night had ended, Sri Nityänanda, intoxicated with songs of Gaura, went off with the devotees. They were absorbed in love of God and distributed that supreme bliss along the way. Coming to Madhyadwipa, Nityänanda smiled and said, “This is Mäjidä-gräma. The seven rsis stayed here a long time and engaged in worshiping Gauränga.

    “In Satya-yuga, the rsis began singing the glories of Gaura in their father's presence. Completely absorbed, they begged for the eternal treasure of gaura-prema. Lord Brahmä was pleased with his seven sons and told them, `Go to Navadwipa and sing the glories of Gaura, then you will easily attain prema. Whoever gets the mercy of the dhäma, gets the association of devotees. Then, by worshiping in the association of devotees, you will become absorbed in krsna-prema. That is the supreme activity. Whoever gets attraction for Navadwipa will receive the benediction of living in Vraja. To live in the spiritual dhäma and recite the name of Gaura is the only aspiration of the devotees.'

    “The seven rsis took their father's instructions to heart and came to this place. When they arrived, they engaged in dancing and chanting the name of Hari. They begged for gaura-prema while singing the Lord's glories in a loud voice, `O Gaurahari, be merciful and reveal Yourself to us just once! Being offenders, we have followed many paths, but now we are taking to the path of devotional service.'

    “The rsis underwent austerities and became firmly situated in devotional service by worshiping Gauränga. They completely gave up eating and sleeping and simply recited the name of Gaura. Around noon (madhyähna), the all-merciful Lord Gauräìga appeared before the rsis.

    “The Lord was as brilliant as a hundred suns, and He attracted the minds of the yogis. He appeared with the Panca-tattva. How extraordinary was that form! His form had a beautiful golden hue. Around His neck was a garland of flowers, and His glittering ornaments illuminated all directions. His glance was beautiful, His hair was long and curled, and a dot of sandalwood decorated His forehead. He wore threefolded cloth, a shining thread, and His neck was decorated with a beautiful jasmine garland. Seeing this form, the rsis were enchanted and they humbly petitioned, `We surrender to Your lotus feet. Please give us devotion.'

    “Hearing the rsis' prayer, Gaurahari replied, `Listen rsis. Give up all desires, the chains of jñäna and karma, and just discuss topics of Krsna. Within a short time I will unfold My lila in Navadwipa. Then you will see My pastimes of näma-saìnkirtana. But now, keep this subject a secret. Worship Krsna at Kumärahatta at the ghäta made by you.'

    “When Lord Gauränga disappeared, the seven rsis went to Kumärahatta. At this place now you see seven hillocks. These seven hills are arranged in the same pattern as the seven rsis in the sky (the constellation). By living here one will receive Gaurahari without having to undergo a strict process of rules and regulations.

    “To the south of this see one stream, the very pure Gomati River. Beside it is Naimisäranya. At the beginning of Kali-yuga, the rsis headed by Saunaka heard about Gauränga from the mouth of Suta. Whoever reads the Puränas here during the month of Kärtika becomes free from all distress, becomes absorbed in the pastimes of Gauränìga, and easily attains Vrindävana. Giving up his bull carrier, Siva once mounted Sri Haësa-vähana, Brahmä's swan, and came here to hear the recitation of the Puränas. Along with his followers, he sang the glories of Gaura. While singing and dancing, the followers surrounded Siva, and shouting the name of Gaurahari, threw heaps of flowers all around.”

    On hearing the words of Nityänanda, Jiva became spiritually excited and began rolling on the ground in ecstasy as he tasted the influence of the dhäma. The devotees spent the day there in the association of Nityänanda and the next day they went to take darsana of Puskara.

    Bhaktivinoda, within whom the ever worshipable Jähnavä and Nitäi have appeared, sings the glories of Nadia and the sweetness of the devotees while tasting transcendental flavors.


    These are only words borrowed by the crude English language from other slightly less crude European origins. In a way noumena means the opposite of phenomena. Therefore if percieved it would be perceived with consciousness by some kind of revelation rather than through the senses and mind. These words are only tools to convey thoughts. We are speaking and writing in a rather barbaric tongue. I know; How can one write with the "tongue"? Because I am using the word figuratively rather than literally. Remember Srila Sridhar Maharaja's axiom: "As denotation increases, connotation decreases. And, as connotation increases denotation decreases." This takes place on all levels of thought. quote by Shakti-fan

    Finally we got to the bottom of this, nicely said. I wish I had the gift of explaining the nature of the heart in words, but yes words fall short of the nature of revelation and realization. Surely Srila Sridhara Maharaja is a master of revealing deep truths eloquently with words, so our hearts can dance.


    To pierce through darkness and see light we can use everything at our disposal. The great practicality of devotional service. It is not as if the senses and mind are defunct....the great design of God and all that he has given us. And of course the heart is placed at the centre...or as Guruvani says...the soul proper.

  4. Just finished typing this out firstly for my own benefit and for others also.


    Maybe by reflecting on this introduction, oneday we may deeply perceive what all this actually means.


    All this answers my above post (#49)...so from here the journey begins. A lifetime(s) journey.


    Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains this introduction in the rest of his Sri Krsna Samhita.



    From first page of Srila Bhaktivinoda’s Sri Krsna Samhita

    The four original Bhagavatam verses

    jnanam parama-guhyam me

    Knowledge about Me as described

    In the scriptures is very confidential


    yavan aham

    I myself in my eternal form


    ***direct perception of the Absolute Truth***

    aham evasam evagre nanyad yat sad-asat param

    pascad aham yad etac ca yo vasisyeta so smy aham

    Brahma, it is I, the Personality of Godhead, who was existing before the creation, when there was nothing but Myself. Nor was there the material nature, the cause of this creation. That which you see now is also I, the Personality of Godhead, and after annihilation what remains will also be I, the Personality of Godhead. (1)


    yad vijnana-samanvitam

    It has to be realized



    My transcendental existence


    ***Indirect perception of the Absolute Truth****

    rte rtham yat pratiyeta na pratiyeta catmani

    tad vidyad atmano mayam yathabhaso yatha tamah

    O Brahma, whatever appears to be of any value, if it is without relation to Me, has no reality. Know it as my illusory energy, that reflection which appears to be in darkness. (2)



    With devotional service




    My color, qualities, and activities


    ****The activities of the living entities and the Supreme Lord, known as

    the science of love****

    yatha mahanti bhutani bhutesuccavacesv anu

    pravistany apravistani tatha tesu na tesv aham

    O Brahma, please know that the universal elements enter into the cosmos and at the same time do not enter into the cosmos, similarly, I Myself also exist within everything created, and at the same time I am outside of everything (3)


    tad-angam ca

    The necessary paraphernalia

    for that process




    tathaiva tattva-vijnanam

    By factual realization


    ***The confidential science of devotional service****

    etavad eva jijnanam tattva-jijnasunatmanah

    anvaya-vyatirekabhyam yat syat sarvatra sarvada

    A person who is searching after the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, must certainly search for it up to this, in all circumstances, in all space and time, and both directly and indirectly. (4)


    grahana gaditam maya

    You may take it up carefully

    astu te mad-anugrahat

    Let it be awakened within you

    Out of My causeless mercy


  5. Good investigating Guruvani. Best to leave the finer details of the english language to the scholarly...



    Brahman is spirit and as such can only be percieved with the spiritul soul proper and not in the eyes or the mind. quote by Guruvani


    Not getting caught up with words and all that....


    How do we the soul proper perceive Brahman or ParaBrahman?

    Maybe an answer to this question would be of assistance to us in our search to find God whilst in this world?


    How do we perceive the spiritual reality? What relationship does the soul proper have with these senses for use in devotional service? These can all be spiritualized can't they?.....a sincere question here...your thoughts would be appreciated.


    Originally Posted by Guest

    This is all we need! Spare the American boys it's not good politics to have em coming home paralletic, what the hell, those Indian heathens worship idols anyway and have a natural disposition against the Musos, also they're starting to take some of our IT market, so get those Indian lackies to do the dirty work, surely we can find the ksatriya in President Sing and fan those flames, the sikhs won't take no crap from nearby neighbours.


    Give 'em some dirty bombs, a few hundred clean bombs and also some really filthy bombs just in case the neighbours produce any surprises, they can wipe the slate clean and we Americans won't even be blamed this time. I mean theres a billion of 'em anyway use 'em to test the effects of all out nuclear maddness. We'll call this new offensive Desert Fox.

    What have we got to lose? I definately don't have anything. I mean ma own people and party don't even support me anymore, and I'm startin' to feel a little sheepish in this lions den. I mean if they could suggest the unthinkable for m'cronie buddies, what might they do to me? So why not execute the master plan and go out with a big BANG. Better useing their soil than ours.

    Political Science by musician and satirist Randy Newman

    Here is the youtube music video of the song...www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vb0Mu0mhlw


    No worries mate, we'll be right down here! Won't we?:(

  7. webster dictionary: phenomenon: a remarkable or unusual person, thing, or appearance.


    webster thesarus: phenomenon: appearance, circumstance, curiosity, episode, event, fact, happening, incident, marvel, miracle, occurence, prodigy, rarity, sensation, sight, spectacle, wonder.


    Although Experience B is manipulating and creating Experience A perhaps he is just dreaming that he is doing this and that Experience B is being controlled by another mad scientist, who's electro-chemical brain impulses is known as Experience C. This could go on ad-finitum, why not? But is it possible that there is a Super-Brain existing somewhere, controlling the entire scene? quote by Shakti-fan


    This anaology of a super-brain is a good one and deserves some contemplation. Just because mystical phenomena appears on certain parts of the brain in scans, does not fully disripute the inter-connectedness of things on a grander scale.


    I think the doubts expressed by harerama-guest could possibly be reduced somewhat by: a full re-imagining of what God is. By going beyond the bounds of what we have previously conceived of what God is. By opening up our heart afresh to new possibilty, to new thought.




    Anyway, getting back to this analogy of a super-brain. I think many of us have encountered phenomena which cannot be readily explained, or maybe just explained away as co-incidence. But when co-incidences happen a lot, one starts to wonder! Here is an example:


    Some years ago I was a backpacker. I had been on the road a couple of years. Early in my travels I had the good fortune of staying with some very open, spiritual people in Missouri, USA, for about a week. These people were very intuitive and progressive in their thinking. About a year and a half later I ended up travelling back to the USA, so oneday I decided to give them a telephone call. I had not conversed with them since my initial stay with them. When they answered the phone they were amazed, as just a minute before, memories of me had entered their consciousness and they were at that moment having conversation about me.


    I know this does not prove any thing of the big picture in itself, but when such occurences similar to this happen time and time again, you just have to question...is there an over-soul, inter-connecting all things.


    It would be great to hear others stories and co-incidences. I know in my life there have been many.


    Sometimes with loss of faith and extreme doubts we need to open up ourself to new possibility. Maybe that God is something totally different than the box I tried to put (Him) in. Maybe we cannot get a glimpse of such newness and freshness except by grace, but at least if we look in the new direction, our consciousness can begin to move in that area.

  9. Simon Peter, if you have some developed psychic awareness, it is important to take balance with it. For maintenance of good health and spiritual growth.


    Considering that many people are unaware of developed psychic abilities, it can be quite a shock when one's consciousness moves beyond the norm. Unfortunately there may be no support network. Very few may understand, and doctors can easily make wrong diagnosis. Possibly it can be quite overwhelming, or even frightening in some cases, hence psychotic break and loss of control. Then the need for medical intervention.


    One day maybe the pychiatric field will be able to discern spiritual emergence crisis (term coined by psychiatrists Grof&Grof) more easily. Maybe there is need for more research into the para-psychology field. In my opinion more openess needs to be developed into the field of spiritual emergence in relation to psychiatry. Psychiatry seems to be lacking in this area very much. More insight into spiritual emergence and crisis, will make for transition into more developed awareness smoother and easier, rather than the conventional treatment available at a psyche hospital.


    So I feel it is important to develop great discernment of what is actual developed psychic awareness, or just imagination. This is important, so that we are not led into delusions or over imagination, but that the gift of heightened sensitivities can be a positive blessing for spiritual development.


    I have a moderate interest in the field of spiritual emergence, healing and mental health. The opening of spiritual life and the journey to fullness and wholeness, seems to be an ongoing process, a very wonderful experience.


    All the best Simon Peter....here is some reading I enjoyed today...www.easternhealingarts.com/Articles/SpiritEmerge.html

  10. Here is a link attached to Dewa's mainwebsite www.libforall.org/


    Warriors of Love by Dewa




    Hey there, all you lovers of peace


    Watch out, watch out and be on guard

    For lost souls, anger twisting their hearts

    For lost souls, poisoned by ignorance and hate

    There’s no doubt, evil dwells in the hearts

    Of all those, of all those who are full of hate

    There’s no doubt, evil dwells in the souls

    Of all those, of all those full of prejudice


    Warriors of love

    Spread the seeds of love throughout the earth

    Go and destroy the virus of hatred

    That makes people’s hearts sick and depraved

    By corrupting their souls

    Warriors of Love

    Teach the mystical science of love

    For only love is the eternal Truth

    And the shining path for all God’s children everywhere in the world

    If hatred has already poisoned you

    Against those … who worship differently

    Then evil has already gripped your soul

    Then evil’s got you in its damning embrace

    If so, don’t bother to hope or dream

    that I…that I’ll ever love or embrace

    People full of hate and anger like you

    People… who’re always full of lust… for others’ blood


    Hey there, all you lovers of peace, don’t ever don’t ever don’t ever don’t

    Try to play God, by judging and condemning anyone different from you

    For God has not given you the right to be mankind’s judge and jury

    Nor the power to know the ultimate Truth, or to tell others what they must do

    Weren’t all of us created as either men or women, on this earthly plane

    Destined to become many tribes and lands, no two of them exactly the same?

    Why don’t we understand and respect all of our brothers’ and sisters’ pain,

    Rather than turn into murderous demons, with our bloody arms raised to the sky?


    so, after Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhar Maharaja there will be no more great devotees worthy of inclusion in the honor roll of the sampradaya? that's it for the next 5000 years, eh?


    how very sad and uninspiring... quote by kulapavana

    sad and uninspiring...I'll go a step further and say, 'quite stifling really'.


    Movement is dynamic, progressive and evolving...if not so, non-movement will pass away into history and books. Time will tell....


    The Caitanya-Bhagavata even foretells of a Vyasadeva penning more glories of Mahaprabhu...

  12. Sridas, thank you for finding time to share your insights. It is exciting at times to see the dynamism of the ever expanding Caitanya tree. With all this fruit, gratitude must be expressed to that elderly gentleman who crossed the atlantic with a bag full of spuds (potatoes), a few rupees, and a truck load of faith. This divine Caitanya tree, with it's multitude of diverse fruits, will eternally offer shade and sustenance to all sincere seekers for a long long time to come.


    But within the sounds of the Holy Names of Krsna, Kali Yuga does not exist. Unity. quote by mahaksadasa


    This is such a profound internal realisation.


    No discrepancy, dispute, indifference....just instrinsic individuality....unity in diversity...........deep deep within...within the Holy Name.


    and mahak...circa 1993...good vintage...this is a good one!


    tulayama lavenapi

    na svargam napunar-bhavam


    martyanam kim utasisah Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 ch 18 vs 13


    translation by Srila Prabhupada : "The value of a moment's association with the devotee of the Lord cannot even be compared to the attainment of heavenly planets or liberation from matter, and what to speak of worldly benedictions in the form of material prosperity, which are for those who are meant for death."


    alternate translation shared by my spiritual guide:


    "There is no greater benediction for the mortals of this world than that of associating with those devotees who associate with the Lord constantly in form of His Name. Even a moment of such association is unlimitedly more fruitful than spending millions of years in the heavens and zillions in the brahmajyoti by attaining liberation."

    Guru, sadhu's, and assembled devotees association always resides in the heart through sound vibration, and is never far away; by regular attachment to chanting of the Holy Names (kirtana) and the process of hearing (sravanam).

  15. This mornings posts were so good to read. There is a huge diversity of personalities out there...introvert/extrovert etc....and by the Lord's mercy there seems to be association available in the world now for all types of people.


    The stories about devotees only meeting there spiritual master once or practicing deeply Krsna consciousness by themselves, after finding one of Srila

    Prabhupada's books are really inspiring. And very true. The introverted nature, even with many obstacles, can be very conducive to spiritual development as Sridas Prabhu has pointed out.


    The Hare Krsna movement today has a strong preaching perspective, but in the Gaudiya tradition there has always been the solitary bhajana type personalities. Even if this approach has not been recommended by some acarya's due to concerns about qualification. Yet once the spiritual reality starts to manifest in the heart...are we ever truly alone?


    But saying this...I think the strong urge for a joyous group kirtana of the Holy Names will always reside in our hearts.

  16. ....suddhamrita. If there is such a word. quote by sridas


    My old car died a year and a half ago (not such a bad thing), if by chance wheels come this way again, I will call it....


    the suddhamrita!:cool:

    the above post is another great story....when is the nectar pot going to run dry...Prabhu...or maybe it is infinite!.


    So we are given to understand the unlimited in our limited position by the grace of those agents of divinity, it is very peculiar. Adhoksaja means transcendental and aprakrta is very similar to the mundane but not mundane. Very similar to the material conception of the world, but still that is eternal. Adhoksaja means a particular type of consciousness which pushes down all the knowledge of our previous experience, quite a new thing, transcendental, it’s super-subjective. Srila Sridhara Maharaja quoted by Sridas


    I find this very intriguing?


    I know I say this to you all the time Sridas, but truly these writings are wonderful. Very present coming from such a realised teacher.


    Definition of peculiar : of one's own, belonging exclusively (to).


    The above quote in a sense seems to confirm very clearly the reality of an individual jiva soul. In reciprocation with the super-subjective reality. Of the very presence of this super-subjective reality. Immanent yet transcendent. Relationship. Descending.

    Minimising greatly the desire to merge into oneness and lose one's individuality, but increasingly nurturing the sense of individuality and devotion and relationship. Bhakti.



    Out of His sweet will He can enter your consciousness and you may feel, "Oh some new experience I am having within my consciousness and when He withdraws it, "Oh where did that go? I cannot find it, but I liked it very much, it was very sweet and made me exceptionally happy." That is adhoksaja. It is Absolute good. Coming in His connection nothing can remain atheist. Srila Sridhara Maharaja quoted by Sridas.
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