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Posts posted by riih.qarojamahoamaan


    Let not prophecy control you, for it will bind your heart to the future, and you shall forget the now. Let it warm your heart but let it not cement your feet to the past, thus you shall forget your path.


    Let us not wait for avatar to do the job. Empower yourself and those around you. Write now your own prophecy, and fulfill it. Live as the God you so claim to love and worship. That is the divines' struggle: to teach man to divine himself.


    With much love, many blessings, and with all my heart.


    there is nothing better to say. a person who speaks like this, that which is undivided, brings a message from the supreme. please accept my thanks.


    I am Vaisnav, to me Krishna/Vishnu is the supreme lord but I have a lot of respect for Lord Shiva. I really feel like if it were not for his kindness to me a few years back, I would not have found Lord Krishna in this life. Or perhaps it was Krishna's kindness through Shiva. I don't really know but either way I respect him.




    Hari Om!


    What you say is wise.

    You must not use a mantra out of obligation; You should not use it because you HAVE TO; Use it because you love the mantra and the deity.

    By the way, if you r in love with Krsna, a good mantra to address him is

    OM GOWINDA DAAMODARA MAADhAWA. (A famous line from the Shriimad Bhagawatam). If you wish, i can record and send a sample to you.

  3. Waraq is an arabic word meaning foil.

    The article speaks about cattle intestines produced at slaughterhouses. So, are cattle slaughtered in India or not? If slaughtered, are they cut up dead or alive?

    I have been informed that when a cow dies naturally, they take the bile to make gorocana, and the skin to make drums. If this is done in India, do they also take intestines too from cows that have died, or do they kill cows?

    This article creates much suspicion.


    I prefer MahaMantra but if I can't pick that then I like Om namo Narayanaya.


    I don't know if this counts as a mantra but I also like Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambo, Kashi Vishvanatha Gange. I spent a lot of time in Varanasi and heard this every evening before aarti. :)


    If you r a Shaiva, use Hara Hara Mahadeva Shambo, Kashi Vishvanatha Gange. These all are Lord Shiva's names. Hara is Shiva, and Hare means "in Shiva", so "belonging to Shiva".

    If you r a Vaisnava, prefer OM NAMO NAARAAYA,NAAYA it is said this is an omnipotent mantra.

    May God enlighten you to choose what is best.

  5. Just as a medicine is for an individual, so every mantra is for a different person and for healing certain problems. There is only one mantra perfect for all people regardless of religion and circumstances: the saawitrii gaayatri, quoted above. See my signature regarding pronunciation.

    Shriimad Bhagawatam says that all people like reading about Krsná , except the pashughnaas (animal killers). The pashughnaas will not like Krsná, and they will hate anyone worshipping Krsná.

    I live in a society of meat eaters; you cannot talk to them about Krsná; they will say you r stupid. I know a few people here attracted by Hinduism, but they only respect Shiwa and not Krsná.

    Shrila Prabhupada says that "familiarity brings contempt", that is why Krsná was attacked by many envious enemies. Krsná is pure love, so the devotee of Krsná becomes similar to Krsná, and therefore people that are different become envious and try to harm the true devotee. So it is often necessary to worship Visnu in some other form, e.g. OM NAMO NAARAAYA,NAAYA.

    In a society of meat eaters, it is best to propagate the saawitrii gaayatrii; this will enlighten their mind, so after some time they can be vaaisnavaas.

    I know my mind is imperfect, but i think that what i say is logical and based on Shriimad Bhagawatam.

  6. Greece before World war I

    you r lucky if you have 2 cows; others wish to have even one. keep them as your best helpers, to draw cart and plough, use dry dung as fuel; protect them from all danger and refrain even from drinking their milk, let the calves have it all.


    Greece after WW2

    Your 2 cows have multiplied; kill them by crushing their head, let all blood go into the sewage, rince the meat and eat it together with cheese made from their milk.

    Now we r like the civilized nations.

  7. There were 4 friends: Ears, Legs, Eyes, and Hands (this is an African story, i can't remember the African names), they went hunting. Ears heard buffalos tramping and belowing. Legs went there, Eyes saw the buffalos, Hands caught one, killed the animal and brought it home. Then there was a quarrel as everyone wanted the meat for himself. Hands argued: it was me who caught the buffalo, i deserve all the meat. Eyes objected: can any work be done without me? Let alone hunting! You would get nothing without me! Legs said: why, could you hunt and catch anything without Legs? you could go nowhere without me! Then Ears replied: no, you wouldn’t know where to go without me; it is always Ears who shows you where to go! While they were debating without coming to any agreement, Stomach interrupted them: Sorry, my friends, the whole buffalo belongs to me, i must get all that meat. What! they shouted; you r the only one who has not the right to talk! You did nothing when we strived to catch the buffalo. Oh, well, the Stomach answered, you do not accept what i say, but you do not agree among yourselves too; so the only solution is to go to the judge for arbitration. So the 4 friends went to the judge, and expounded their arguments to him; still they could not accept each others statement. The judge saw how stubborn they all were, so he said nothing; instead, he mashed a plant (a certain poisonous plant) that grows alongside the bank of the Nile river, mixed it with water and gave it to the Stomach. Then the judge asked Ears: can you hear now? – what did you say? i can’t hear; he asked Eyes: what can you see now? - hell, i can’t see anything! He asked Legs: can you run now? – no, i can’t even stand up! He asked Hands: can you hold this glass of water? – no, i can’t even move! So, said the judge, let’s see what happens now. He gave the Stomach a glass of milk, which is a well known antidote for most kinds of poison. Then Eyes said: Oh! i start seeing! Ears said: Oh! now i can hear some sounds and voices! Legs said: Oh, i can stand up now! And Hands said: Oh, yes, now i can move! So you understand, said the judge: argue no more: the whole buffalo that you caught, just as any food that you obtain, belongs to the Stomach. From that time on, the 4 friends always remember the judge’s wisdom.

    All else is a clever lie; the simple truth is this: EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD DEPENDS UPON WHAT ENTERS THE MOUTH: what the in-coming thing is, and how it is procured.

    Remember Christ’s word: “you clean your goblet, while its content was gotten by means of cheating and stealing! you blind Pharisee, purify the content of your goblet (by earning it righteously), and the goblet will automatically be clean”.

  8. After much dictionary and grammar search, i hope this is the correct form of the stuti. Still i have some doubts in some lines, please post your corrections if you find any mistakes. Especially i wish to have a scan from the page of the book (BhaviSyottara PurAnam) containing the stuti. Thanks.


    Śrī-Śanaiścara-kṛta Śrī-Narasiṁha-Stuti (- - . - | . . . | - . . - . - x metre)

    sulabho bhakti-yuktānāṁ durdarśo duṣṭa-cetasāṁ |

    ananya-gatikānām ca prabhu-bhaktaika-vatsalaḥ ||

    śanaiścaras tatra nṛsiṁha-deva ??cakārāmala-citta-vṛtiḥ |

    praṇamya ṣaṣṭāṅgam aśeṣa-loka-kirīta-nīrājita-pāda-padmam || 1 ||

    cakāra =has done.[nI-rAjita] mfn. shone upon. ??: 2 syllables missing there.

    I SUSPECT IT MUST BE CORRECTED TO “śanaiścaras tatra nṛsiṁha-devaṁ namaś cakārāmala-citta-vṛttiḥ”.

    śrī śanir-uvāca

    yat pāda-paṅkaja-rajaḥ-paramādharena|

    saṁsevitaṁ sakala-kalmaṣa-rāśi-nāśam ||

    kalyāṇa-kārakam aśeṣa-nija+anugānam |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||2||


    adhara = lowest. kalma,sa = impurity, sin. raazi = heap, sum. anugaana = following. saṁsevita = frequented, served. krpA = mercy. avalokah = glance. rájas = dust.

    sarvatra cancalatayā sthitayā +api lakṣmyāḥ |

    brahmādi-vandya-padayā sthiraya +anya-sevi ||

    pādāravinda-yugalaṁ paramādharena |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam||3||

    cancalatA =unsteadiness. sthitá =standing, keeping; sthitáyaa =by her. lakṣmyāḥ = of Laq,smii. stira: not in Lexicon; sthirayati =strengthens. sevi n =jujube! sevin =using to (nom / acc / voc). ányam = inexaustibly; anyá = other.

    yad rūpam āgama-śiraḥ pratipādyam ādhya |

    ādhyātmika+ādi paritāpa-haraṁ vicintyam ||

    yogīśvarair á-patha-ga+akhila-doṣa-saṅghaiḥ |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||4||

    āgama = arrival. pratipādya =to be explained. [A-dh'i]1 m. (for 2. p. 139 , col. 2) a receptacle; an attribute , title , epithet---> a pledge , deposit , pawn , mortgage. [A-dh'I]2 f. (for 1. [A-dhI] under [A-root dhA]) , eagerness , longing , care. [AdhyA] under [A-root dhyai]. [A-dh'i]2 m. thought , care , anxious reflection , mental agony , anxiety , pain; ---> reflection on religion or duty cf. L.

    ādhyātmika =relating to self or to the soul; relating to the supreme spirit. paritāpa =burning all round, glow, sufferring. vicintyam =to be considered. á-patha-ga =in the wrong way. saṅghaḥ =assemblage. doṣaḥ = fault.

    prahlāda-bhakta-vacasā harir āvír āsa |

    stambhe hiraṇyakaśipuṁ ya udārábhāvaḥ ||

    ūrvau nidhāya udáraṁ nakharair dadāra | SUGGESTED CORRECTION: nidhāyan udáraṁ

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||5||

    aawír aasa = was manifest. [ud-Ar'a--bhAva] m. noble character , etc. udáram =belly [nakhar'a] mfn. shaped like a claw. dad'Ara : in Greek =δέρω, δαίρω. [ur'u] m. =thigh. ūrvau = on the thigh.

    [ni-dhAya] ind. having fixed or placed in or on (THEN WHAT ABOUT THE SANDhI?); [ni-dh'i] iu. setting down or serving up. [nidhAyam]3[ni-dhAyam] [ghRta-n*] [ni-dh'A] f. a net or snare

    yo naija bhaktám anala+ámbu-dhi bhūdharogra |

    śṛṇga-prapāta viṣá-dantí-sarīsṛpébhyaḥ |

    sarvātmakaḥ parama-kāruṇiko rarákṣa |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||6||

    [bh'U--dhara] mountain peak, [wiSám] poison, [dant'in mfn. tusked] elephant. [kAruNika]=compassionate

    yan nirvikāra para-rūpa vicintanena |

    yogīśvarā viṣaya-sāgara vīta-rāgāḥ ||

    viśrāntim āpura-nivāsa-gatiṁ parākhyāṁ |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||7||

    viśayaH= uncertainty. [viSaya] m. =scope, object. [vI7ta--rAga] mfn. free from passions. [vi-zrAnti] f. rest , repose. vati = desire. [parA-root khyA] (only pf. [-cakhyau]) , to see afar off. The text on the web has “āpura-vināśa” which cannot be correct. The web text has vatiṁ which makes some sense, but the usual word in such context is gatiṁ. [ni-vAsa] m. living , dwelling , residing

    yad rūpam ugra-parimardana-bhāva-śāli |

    saṁcintanena sakalāgha-vināśa-kāri |

    bhūta-jvara-graha-samudbhava-bhīti-nāśam |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||8||

    sakalāgha = sakala+agha. [zAlin] mfn. possessing. [pari-mardana =remedy for rubbing in]. bhāváH = state, sense.

    yasyottamaṁ yaśa umā-pati-padma-janma |

    śakrādi-daivata-sabhāsu samasta-gītam ||

    śaktaiva sarvaśa-mala-praśamaika-dakṣam |

    sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||9||


    [sabh'A] f. ---> ifc. also [sabha], n =assembly. [zakta] mfn. able. [zakta] mfn. able , competent for , equal to , capable of (instr. , gen. , dat. , loc. , acc. of person with [prati] inf. , or comp.) [sarvaz'a] ind. wholly. [pra-zama] m. calmness. [d'akSa] expert.

    evam śrutvā stutiṁ devaḥ

    śaninā kalpitāṁ hariḥ |

    uvāca brahma-vṛndastha-

    śaniṁ taṁ bhakta-vatsalaḥ ||10||

    śrī nṛsiṁha uvāca

    prasanno’ham śane tubhyaṁ |

    varam varaya śobhanaṁ ||

    yaṁ vāñchasi tam eva tvam |

    sarva-loka-hitāvaham ||11||

    śrī śanir uvāca -

    nṛsiṁha tvaṁ mayi kṛpām

    kuru deva dayā-nidhe |

    mad vāsaras tava prīti-

    karaḥ syat devatā-pate ||12||

    mat kṛtam tvat paraṁ stotraṁ

    śṛṇvanti ye paṭhanti ca |

    sarvān kāmān pūrayetās

    teṣām tvaṁ loka-bhāvana ||13||

    [abl. [tv'at]][i-t'as] ind. from this point. [bhAvana] causing to be (or pAvana?)[corrected to śṛṇvanti ye] [vAsar'a] day. prīti-kara corrected to prīti-karaḥ

    śrī nṛsiṁha uvāca

    tataivāstu śane’haṁ vai

    rakṣo-bhuvana saṁsthitaḥ |

    bhakta-kāmān pūrayiṣye

    tvaṁ mamaika vacaḥ śṛṇu ||

    tvat kṛtam mat param stotram

    yaḥ paṭhec chṛṇuyāc ca yaḥ |

    dvādaśāṣṭama janmasthād

    abhayam astu tasya vai ||14||

    janmastād :correct to [janma-sthād] The web text has: “bhayaṁ māstu tasya vai” which in not in the right metre.

    śanir narahariṁ devaṁ

    tateti pratyuvāca ha

    tataḥ parama-saṁtuṣṭo

    jayeti munayo’vadan ||15||

    śrī kṛṣṇa uvāca

    itam śanaiścarasyāta nṛsiṁha deva-

    samvādam etat stavanaṁ ca mānavaḥ ||

    śṛṇoti yaḥ śrāvayate ca bhaktyā

    sarvāny abhīṣṭāni ca vindate dhruvam ||16||

    iti śrī bhaviṣyottara purāṇe rakṣobhuvana mahātmye śrī-śanaiścara-kṛta śrī-nṛsiṁha-stuti sampūrṇam

  9. There is too much to write here on metres, but there are good post on this subject here. If you know nothing about metres, you can still chant a mantra correctly if you pronounce correctly the long and short syllables. Especially be careful not to drop the short a as is done in Hindi. In general, chant in Sanskrit, not in Hindi or in a modern language. Be inspired by my signature!

  10. OM swaami-naaraaya,na

    It is only one word after OM, it means O LORD GOD.

    This is enough.

    I do believe Krsna is love, Krsna is the supreme deity. But Krsna mantras are for few people really. A meat eater, especially a cow eater can never use a Krsna mantra. Also if you have to command respect at your job, Krsna mantras do not help you, because you become like Krsna, so people want to play and joke with you, i.e. familiarity breeds contempt. So in this case it is better to address the deity as NAARAAYA,NA or some other impressive form of Visnu. For example, in a website i found a mantra given by sage agastya

    OM hriim wiiraaya nama:

    (OM hrIm vIrAya namaH)

    this may be very good, but i have not tested it sufficiently.

  11. The above stotra is from the web, but it contains many mistakes. I hope i have corrected them. If you can correct any remaining imperfections, please post here.

    I wish to see the stotra in its context in the bhaviSyottara purANam. So i searched the whole purANam, and i made a list of its contents:

    1. wjaasaagamana-war,nana~

    2. brahmaa,n,dotpatti-war,nana~

    3. maajaa-darzana~

    4. sa~saara-do,saaqhjaapana~

    5. paapa-veda-qhjaapano

    6. zyva+azyva-fala-nirdezo p.873

    7. zaqa,ta-wrata-maahaatmja-qathana~ p.874

    8. tilaqa-wrata-qathana~ p.876

    9. azoqa-wrata-war,nana~ p.876

    10. qarawiira-wrata-war,nana~ p.877

    11. qoqilaa-wrata~ p.878

    12. b,rhat-tapo-wrata-war,nana~ p.880

    13. vadropawaasa-wratani-rupa,na~ p.884

    14. jamadwitiijaa-wrata-maahaatmja~ p.886

    15. azunja-zajana-wrata-maahaatmja~ p.887

    16. madhuqa-t,rtiijaa-wrata-war,nana~ p.888

    17. meghapaalii-t,rtiijaa-wrata-war,nana~ p.888

    18. pañka+agni-saadhanaaqhja~ra~vaa-t,rtiijaa-wrata~ p.890

    19. tr,rtiijaa-wrate-go,spada-t,rtiijaa-wrata~ p.891

    20. hari-qaalii-t,rtiijaa-wrata~ p.892

    21. lalitaa-t,rtiijaa-wrata-maahaatmja~ p.894

    22. awijoga-t,rtiijaa-wrata~ p.896

    23. ymaa-mahezwara-wrata~ p.897

    24. ra~vaa-t,rtiijaa-wrata~ p.899

    25. (p.901 is missing with the name of the adhjaaja; it starts: zriiq,r,s,na ywaaka tathaaiwa+anjat prawaxjaami sarwa-qaama-fala-prada~ saayvaagja-zajana~-naama jat pyraa,na-wido widy: ).

    26. rasaqaljaa,ninii-wrata-war,nana~ p.904

    27. aardraanandaqarii-t,rtiijaa-wrata~ p.906

    28. kaaitra-vaadrapada-maagha-t,rtiijaa-wrata-war,nana~ p.908

    29. anantara-t,rtiijaa-wrata-war,nana~ p.912

    30. axajja-t,rtiijaa-wrata-war,nana~ p.913

    31. katyrthii-wrate a.ngaaraqa-katyrthii-wrata-war,nana~ p.916

    32. winaajaqa-snapana-katyrthii-wrata~ p.918

    33. winaajaqa-katyrthii-wrata~ p.918

    34. zaanti-wrata~ p.919

    35. saaraswata-wrata-nirupa,na~ p.920

    36. naaga-pañkamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.923

    37. pañkamii-wrata-qalpe-zrii-pañkamii-wrata-nirupa,na~ p.926




    !original pages missing here!



    41. lalitaa-,sa,s,thii-wrata-war,nana~ p.927

    42. taaraqawadha-qaartiqeja-pucaa-,sa,s,thii-wrata-war,nana~ p.928

    43. wicaja-saptamii-wrata-qathana~ p.930

    44. aaditja-ma,n,dala-widhi-war,nana~ p.930

    45. trajodaza-warcja-saptamii-wrata~ p.931

    46. qyqqy,ta-marqa,tii-wrata-war,nana~ p.933

    47. yvaja-saptamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.934

    48. qaljaa,na-saptamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.935

    49. zarqaraa-saptamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.936

    50. qamalaa-saptamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.936

    51. zyva-saptamii-wrata-nirupa,na~ p.937

    52. snapana-saptamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.939

    53. akalaa-saptamii-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.941

    54. bydhaa,s,tamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.944

    55. canma+a,s,tamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.947

    56. durwaa,s,tamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.948

    57. q,r,s,naa,s,tamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.950

    58. anaghaa,s,tamii-wrata~ p.953

    59. somaa,s,tamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.954

    60. zrii-w,rxa-nawamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.955

    61. dhwaca-nawamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.958

    62. ylqaa-nawamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.959

    63. daza+awataara-karitra-wrata~ p.960

    64. aazaa-dazamii-wrata~ p.962

    65. taaraqa-dwaadazii-wrata~ p.965

    66. ara,nja-dwaadazii-wrata~ p.966

    67. rohi,nii-kandra-wrata~ p.967

    68. hari-hara-hira,njagarva-pravaaqaraa,naam awijoga-wrata~ p.968

    69. go-watsa-dwaadazii-wrata~ p.972

    70. dewa-zajanotthapaana-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.975

    71. niiraacana-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.977

    72. vii,sma-pañkaqa-wrata-war,nana~ p.979

    73. malla-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.980

    74. viima-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.984

    75. zrawa,na-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.987

    76. wicaja-zrawa,na-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.990

    77. sa~praapti-dwaadazii-wrata~ p.991

    78. gowinda-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.991

    79. aqha~,da-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.993

    80. manoratha-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.994

    81. ylqaa-nawamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.995 (see also p. 959)

    82. syq,rta-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.998

    83. dhara,nii-wrata~ p.1005

    84. wizoqa-dwaadazii-wrata~ p.1007

    85. wivuti-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1010

    86. madana-dwaadazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1012

    87. abaadhaqa-wrata-war,nana~ p.1012

    88. mandaaranimbaarqa-qarawiira-wrata-war,nana~ p.1013

    89. jama-darzana-trajodazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1015

    90. ana~ga-trajodazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1018

    91. paalii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1018

    92. adhjaaja name on p.1019 which is missing! It starts: maasi vaadrapade praapte zyqle vuta tithaay n,rpa ta,daagapaaljaa~ daatawja~ wary,naaja +arghjam yttamam

    93. aagnejii-(OR aananda-)katurdazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1023

    94. ananta-katurdazii-wrata~ p.1026

    95. zrawa,niqaa-wrata~ p.1028

    96. !unnamed! starts: atha naqto’pawaasasja widhaana~ z,r,ny paa,n,dawa

    97. ziwa-katurdazii-wrata~ p.1030

    98. fala-tjaaga-katurdazii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1032

    99. wicaja-paayr,namaasii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1035

    100. waaizaaqhii-qaartiqii-maaghii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1036

    101. jygaadi-tithi-wrata-maahaatmja-war,nana~ p.1038

    102. wa,ta-saawitrii-wrata~ p.1042

    103. qaartiqjaa~q,rttiqaa-wrata~ p.1044

    104. pur,na-manoratha-wrata ~ p.1046

    105. wizoqa-pur,nimaa-wrata~ p.1047

    106. ananta-wrata-war,nana~ p.1050

    107. saa~varaaja,nii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1053

    108. naxatra-pyry,sa-wrata-war,nana~ p.1055

    109. ziwa-naxatra-pyry,sa-wrata~ p.1057

    110. sa~pur,na-wrata-war,nana~ p.1058

    111. qaamadaanawezjaa-wrata-war,nana~ p.1061

    112. w,rntaaqa-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1062

    113. graha-naxatra-wrata-war,nana~ p.1064

    114. zanaaizkara-wrata-war,nana~ p.1066

    115. aaditja-dina-naqta-widhi-war,nana~ p.1068

    116. sa~qraa~tj-ydjaapana war,nana~ p.1068

    117. wi,s,ti-wrata-war,nana~ p.1071

    118. agastjaarghja-widhi-wrata~ p.1074

    119. avi-nawa-kandraarghja-wrata~ p.1075

    120. zyqra-b,rhaspatj-argha-pucaa-widhaana~ p.1076

    121. wrata-pa~kaaziiti-war,nana~ p.1084

    122. maagha-snaana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1086

    123. nitja-snaana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1087

    124. rydra-snaana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1089

    125. ka~dra+aaditja-graha,na-snaana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1090

    126. saa~varaaja,nii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1092

    127. waapiiqupata,dagotsarga-widhi-war,nana~ p.1096

    128. w,rxodjaapana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1098

    129. dewa-pucaafala-wrata-war,nana~ p.1099

    130. diipa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1102

    131. w,r,sotsarga-widhi-war,nana~ p.1103

    132. faalgyna-pur,nimotsawa-war,nana~ p.1106

    133. aandolaqa-widhi-war,nana~ p.1108

    134. damanaqaandolaqa-ratha-jaatraa-mahotsawa- war,nana~ p.1112

    135. madana-mahotsawa-war,nana~ p.1113

    136. vuta-maatr-ytsawa-war,nana~ p.1115

    137. zraawa,na-pur,nimaa-raxaabandhana~-widhi-war,nana~ p.1116

    138. mahaa-nawamii-wrata-war,nana~ p.1122

    139. mahendra-dhwaca-mahotsawa-war,nana~ p.1124

    140. diipaaliqotsawa-war,nana~ p.1127

    141. nawa-graha-laxa-homa-widhi-war,nana~ p.1133

    142. qo,ti-homa-widhi-war,nana~ p.1136

    143. mahaa-zaa~ti-widhi-war,nana~ p.1139

    144. ga,na-naatha-zaa~ti-war,nana~ p.1140

    145. naxatra-homa-widhi-war,nana~ p.1141

    146. aparaadha-zata-wrata-war,nana~ p.1143

    147. qaa~kana-pyri-wrata-war,nana~ p.1147

    148. qanjaa-pradaana~ p. 1148

    149. braahma,na-zyzru,saa-widhi-war,nana~ p.1148

    150. w,r,sa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1149

    151. pratjaxa-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1151

    152. tila-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1153

    153. cala-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1156

    154. gh,rta-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1157

    155. lawa,na-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1158

    156. sywar,na-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1160

    157. ratna-dheny-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1161

    158. yvaja-myqhii-go-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1161

    159. go-sahasra-pradaana-widhi-wrata-war,nana~ p.1164

    160. ,r,sava-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1164

    161. qapilaa-daana-maahaatmja-war,nana~ p.1168

    162. mahi,sii-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1169

    163. awi-daana-wrata-widhi-war,nana~ p.1170

    164. vumi-daana-maahaatmja-war,nana~ p.1172

    165. p,rthiwii-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1174

    166. hala-pa~qti-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1175

    167. aapaaqa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1177

    168. g,rha-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1180

    169. anna-daana-maahaatmja(OR sadaa-wrata)-war,nana~ p.1183

    170. sthaalii-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1185

    171. daasii-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1186

    172. prapaa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1187

    173. agni,s,tiqaa~-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1188

    174. (adhjaaja 174 is missing. Also adhjaaja 173 zloqaas 8 to 17 are missing).

    175. tylaapyry,sa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1193

    176. hira,nja-garva-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1196

    177. brahmaa~da-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1198

    178. qalpa-w,rxa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1201

    179. qalpa-lataa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1202

    180. gaca-ratha+azwa-ratha-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1204

    181. qaala-pyry,sa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1205

    182. sapta-saagara-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1206

    183. mahaa-vuta-gha,ta-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1207

    184. zajjaa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1208

    185. aatma-pratiq,rti-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1209

    186. hiranja+azwa-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1210

    187. q,r,s,naacina-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1212

    189. hema-hasti-ratha-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1213

    190. wizwa-kaqra-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1214

    191. (starts “prati,s,thaa zaazwatii qena daanena madhysudana… - vywanaanaa~ samaasena prati,s,thaa~qathajaami te”. The adhjaaja naama (title) is on p.1217 which is missing).

    192. naxatra-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1219

    193. tithi-daana-war,nana~ p.1222

    194. waraaha-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1223

    195. dhaanja-parwata-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1226

    196. lawa,na-parwata-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1226

    197. gy,da+akala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1228

    198. hema+akala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1228

    199. tila+akala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1229

    200. qaarpaasaakala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1230

    201. gh,rta+akala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1231

    202. ratna+akala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1231

    203. raaypja+akala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1232

    204. zarqaraakala-daana-widhi-war,nana~ p.1234

    205. (this adhjaaja is long, more than 128 zloqaas. zloqa 128 is on p.1239, which is the last scanned page of the pyraa,nam. The next p.1240 is missing. This adhjaaja 205 seems to be a summing up of the whole pyraa,nam, as is usually the last chapter of every Hindu work).


    As you see, the raxovywana-maahaatmja (rakSobhuvana mAhAtmya) is not here. Can some one please scan and send the pages which contain the shrii-shanaishcara-kRta shrii-nRsiMha stuti. It must be in the adhyaayas missing in the scanned form found at the Digital Library of India.

  12. Śrī-Śanaiścara-kṛta Śrī-Narasiṁha-Stuti (- - . - | . . . | - . . - . - x metre)

    <?xml:namespace prefix = u1 /><u1:p></u1:p>

    <u1:p></u1:p>Everyone is afraid of the malefic planet Śani because generally he is associated with extreme sorrow and suffering. However, Śanideva himself has devised a way of solving this problem by obtaining the blessings of Lord Nṛsiṁha.

    <u1:p></u1:p>Shani made an agreement with the Lord that he would never trouble those who recite his Nṛsiṁha Stuti when they are facing troubles related to dvādaśa-aṣṭama-pañcama (a situation where Śani-kāta lasts for 7 1/2 births)

    <u1:p></u1:p>If one recites with devotion Śani’s Śrī Nṛsiṁha Stuti, especially on Śanivāra (Saturdays) and when Śani graha comes to 12-8-5 Janma Rāśi or 10th AL, one will please the Lord who is the Supersoul of Shanaishchara and the Lord will remove all obstacles and suffering and bless His devotee.


    <u1:p></u1:p>sulabho bhakti-yuktānāṁ durdarśo duṣṭa-cetasāṁ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>ananya-gatikānām ca prabhu-bhaktaika-vatsalaḥ ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>śanaiścaras tatra nṛsiṁha-deva ??cakārāmala-citta-vṛtiḥ |

    praṇamya ṣaṣṭāṅgam aśeṣa-loka-kirīta-nīrājita-pāda-padmam || 1 ||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva is easily accessible to the devotees and punishes those who are evil-minded. He is the saviour for those who are helpless who desire to seek refuge in Him. When the demigods of innumerable planets bow down to His lotus feet, the bright jewels from their crowns are reflected on His toenails which gives the impression that lamps are being waved in front of them. Unto His lotus feet, Śanideva prostrated and prayed (in the court of Brahmā).

    <u1:p></u1:p>cakāra =has done.[nI-rAjita] mfn. shone upon. ??: 2 syllables missing there.

    <u1:p></u1:p>I suspect it must be corrected to “śanaiścaras tatra nṛsiṁha-devaṁ namaś cakārāmala-citta-vṛttiḥ”.


    <u1:p></u1:p>śrī śanir-uvāca

    <u1:p></u1:p>yat pāda-paṅkaja-rajaḥ-paramādharena|

    <u1:p></u1:p>saṁsevitaṁ sakala-kalmaṣa-rāśi-nāśam ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>kalyāṇa-kārakam aśeṣa-nija+anugānam |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||2||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Śrī Śani said -

    <u1:p></u1:p>By the mercy of the dust of Your lotus feet which destroy a multitude of sins, grant infinite auspiciousness to Your devotee who always worships Your lotus feet with devotion. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>adhara = lowest. kalma,sa = impurity, sin. raazi = heap, sum. anugaana = following. saṁsevita = frequented, served.krpA = mercy. avalokah = glance. rájas = dust.


    <u1:p></u1:p>sarvatra cancalatayā sthitayaa +api lakṣmyāḥ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>brahmādi-vandya-padayā sthiraya +anya-sevi ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>pādāravinda-yugalaṁ paramādharena |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam||3||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Your lotus feet are worshipped by Goddess Lakṣmī, even though She is fickle by nature (cancala) and by Lord Brahmā and Lord Śiva whose feet are worthy of worship with devotion. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>cancalatA =unsteadiness. sthitá =standing, keeping; sthitáyaa =by her. lakṣmyāḥ = of Laq,smii. stira: not in Lexicon; sthirayati =strengthens. sevi n =jujube! sevin =using to (nom / acc / voc). ányam = inexaustibly; anyá = other.


    <u1:p></u1:p>yad rūpam āgama-śiraḥ pratipādyam ādhya |

    <u1:p></u1:p>ādhyātmika+ādi paritāpa-haraṁ vicintyam ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>yogīśvarair á-patha-ga+akhila-doṣa-saṅghaiḥ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||4||


    <u1:p></u1:p>By contemplating or meditating upon Your appearance, which is expounded in the Vedas extensively, the best of the saints are liberated from the three-fold miseries and from all misfortunes. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>āgama = arrival. pratipādya =to be explained. ādhy =meditation, wish, longing. ādhyātmika =relating to the supreme spirit. paritāpa =burning all round, glow, sufferring. vicintyam =to be considered. á-patha-ga =in the wrong way. saṅghaḥ =assemblage.doṣaḥ = fault.


    <u1:p></u1:p>prahlāda-bhakta-vacasā harir āvír āsa |

    <u1:p></u1:p>stambhe hiraṇyakaśipuṁ ya udārábhāvaḥ ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>ūrvau nidhāya udáraṁ nakharair dadāra |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||5||


    <u1:p></u1:p>By the word of His devotee named Prahlāda, Lord Hari, who is generous and kind, appeared from a pillar and by placing Hiraṇyakaśipu on His thighs split open the his stomach with His nails. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>aawír aasa = was manifest. [ud-Ar'a--bhAva] m. noble character , etc. udáram =belly[nakhar'a] mfn. shaped like a claw. dad'Ara dadáara : in Greek =δέρω, δαίρω. [ur'u] m. =thigh. ūrvau = on the thigh.


    <u1:p></u1:p>yo naija bhaktám anala+ámbu-dhi bhūdharogra |

    <u1:p></u1:p>śṛṇga-prapāta viṣá-dantí-sarīsṛpébhyaḥ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sarvātmakaḥ parama-kāruṇiko rarákṣa |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||6||


    <u1:p></u1:p>You protected your own devotee Prahlāda from a raging fire, the deep ocean, from falling from a tall [bh'U--dhara] mountain peak, [wiSám] poison, a mad [dant'in mfn. tusked] elephant and the fangs of poisonous serpents. You are omnipresent and supremely generous. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.



    <u1:p></u1:p>yan nirvikāra para-rūpa vicintanena |

    <u1:p></u1:p>yogīśvarā viṣaya-sāgara vīta-rāgāḥ ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>viśrāntim āpura-nivāsa-gatiṁ parākhyāṁ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||7||


    <u1:p></u1:p>By meditating upon He whose great form is devoid of imperfections, the best of the saints attained liberation from the ocean of materialistic attachments and obtained unmitigated salvation. O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>viśayaH= uncertainty. [viSaya] m. =scope, object. [vI7ta--rAga] mfn. free from passions. [vi-zrAnti] f. rest , repose. vati = desire. [parA-root khyA] (only pf. [-cakhyau]) , to see afar off. The text on the web has “āpura-vināśa” which cannot be correct. The web text has "vatiṁ" which makes some sense, but the usual word in such context is gatiṁ. [ni-vAsa] m. living , dwelling , residing


    <u1:p></u1:p>yad rūpam ugra-parimardana-bhāva-śāli |

    <u1:p></u1:p>saṁcintanena sakalāgha-vināśa-kāri |

    <u1:p></u1:p>bhūta-jvara-graha-samudbhava-bhīti-nāśam |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||8||


    <u1:p></u1:p>By meditating upon He whose form is fearsome, all peace, happiness and prosperity can be obtained, all sins can be obliterated, the fear arising from evil spirits, fevers and unfavorable planetary positions can be removed, O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>sakalāgha = sakala+agha. [zAlin] mfn. possessing. [pari-mardana =remedy for rubbing in]. bhāváH = state, sense.


    <u1:p></u1:p>yasyottamaṁ yaśa umā-patiṁ padma-janma |

    <u1:p></u1:p>śakrādi-daivata-sabhāsu samasta-gītam ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>śaktaiva sarvaśa-mala-praśamaika-dakṣam |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sa tvaṁ nṛsiṁha mayi dehi kṛpāvalokam ||9||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Your transcendental fame is sung gloriously in all the divine assemblies of Śiva, Brahmā and Indra etc. and whose power is steadfast in wiping out all impurities, O Lord Nṛsiṁha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.

    <u1:p></u1:p>–sabhám =assembly. [zakta] mfn. able. [sarvaz'a] ind. wholly. [pra-zama] m. calmness. [d'akSa] expert.


    <u1:p></u1:p>evam śrutvā stutiṁ devaḥ

    <u1:p></u1:p>śaninā kalpitāṁ hariḥ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>uvāca brahma-vṛndastha-

    <u1:p></u1:p>śaniṁ taṁ bhakta-vatsalaḥ ||10||


    <u1:p></u1:p>On listening to the heartfelt prayer composed by Śanideva in the assembly of Lord Brahmā, Lord Hari who is ever compassionate to His devotees, spoke to Śanideva as follows.


    <u1:p></u1:p>śrī nṛsiṁha uvāca

    <u1:p></u1:p>prasanno’ham śane tubhyaṁ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>varam varaya śobhanaṁ ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>yaṁ vāñchasi tam eva tvam |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sarva-loka-hitāvaham ||11||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Śrī Nṛsiṁha said

    <u1:p></u1:p>O Śani, I am pleased with your devotion. What ever you desire that will benefit the world, ask for that kind of boon and I will grant it.


    <u1:p></u1:p>śrī śanir uvāca

    <u1:p></u1:p>nṛsiṁha tvaṁ mayi kṛpām

    <u1:p></u1:p>kuru deva dayā-nidhe |

    <u1:p></u1:p>mad vāsaras tava prīti-

    <u1:p></u1:p>karaḥ syat devatā-pate ||12||

    <u1:p></u1:p>mat kṛtam tvat paraṁ stotraṁ

    <u1:p></u1:p>śṛṇvanti ye paṭhanti ca |

    <u1:p></u1:p>sarvān kāmān pūrayetās

    <u1:p></u1:p>teṣām tvaṁ loka-bhāvana ||13||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Śrī Śanideva replied

    <u1:p></u1:p>O Lord Nṛsiṁha, O reservoir of compassion, please be kind to me. O Lord of all gods, let my week-day (Saturday) be Your favorite day. O Purifier of all the worlds, may You fulfill the desires of all those who listen to or read this great prayer to You composed by me.”

    <u1:p></u1:p>[abl. [tv'at]][i-t'as] ind. from this point. [bhAvana] causing to be (or pAvana?)[corrected to śṛṇvanti ye] [vAsar'a] day. prīti-kara corrected to prīti-karaḥ


    <u1:p></u1:p>śrī nṛsiṁha uvāca

    <u1:p></u1:p>tataivāstu śane’haṁ vai

    <u1:p></u1:p>rakṣo-bhuvana saṁsthitaḥ |

    <u1:p></u1:p>bhakta-kāmān pūrayiṣye

    <u1:p></u1:p>tvaṁ mamaika vacaḥ śṛṇu ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>tvat kṛtam mat param stotram

    <u1:p></u1:p>yaḥ paṭhec chṛṇu yāccha yaḥ | (yāccha :unknown word)

    <u1:p></u1:p>dvādaśāṣṭama janmasthād

    <u1:p></u1:p>abhayam astu tasya vai ||14||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Śrī Nṛsiṁha said

    <u1:p></u1:p>O Śani, let it be so! By virtue of My being the universal protector (rakṣobhuvana), I fulfill the desires of all My devotees. Please listen to My words -let there be no fear of the twelfth and eighth birth positions (and implicitly any unfavorable birth positions) and consequent troubles from you for any one who reads or listens to this prayer to Me composed by you.

    <u1:p></u1:p>janmastād :correct to [janma-sthād] The web text has: “bhayaṁ māstu tasya vai” which in not in the right metre.


    <u1:p></u1:p>śanir narahariṁ devaṁ

    <u1:p></u1:p>tateti pratyuvāca ha

    <u1:p></u1:p>tataḥ parama-saṁtuṣṭo

    <u1:p></u1:p>jayeti munayo’vadan ||15||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Then Śanideva replied to Lord Narahari that he would follow the Lord’s instructions. Then the joyful saints and sages present there (in Brahma’s assembly) responded with cries of, ‘jaya, jaya!’”.


    <u1:p></u1:p>śrī kṛṣṇa uvāca

    <u1:p></u1:p>itam śanaiścarasyāta nṛsiṁha deva-

    <u1:p></u1:p>samvādam etat stavanaṁ ca mānavaḥ ||

    <u1:p></u1:p>śṛṇoti yaḥ śrāvayate ca bhaktyā

    <u1:p></u1:p>sarvāny abhīṣṭāni ca vindate dhruvam ||16||


    <u1:p></u1:p>Śrī Kṛṣṇa told Dharmarāja, “Whoever listens to or recites this conversation between Śanideva and Lord Nṛsiṁha in the form of this prayer of devotion will definitely have all desires fulfilled and will always rejoice.”


    <u1:p></u1:p>iti śrī bhaviṣyottara purāṇe rakṣobhuvana mahātmye śrī-śanaiścara-kṛta śrī-nṛsiṁha-stuti sampūrṇam


    <u1:p></u1:p>Thus ends the prayers offered to the universal protector Śrī Nṛsiṁha by the great soul Śani.


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