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Posts posted by beemasane

  1. sweet. since i am reading this by Gauracandras words yesterday it has made me remember the first time i read a book of Krishna, The Krishna Book and i sat up like lightning has hit me when i read about Krishna stealing the butter and yogurt and giving to his friends then monkeys then"oh this yogurt is no good" and He smashes the pots and peeing allover and he has these good buddies and is the most popular guy on the block with the girls...what IS this?...my kind of God thats what, a sweet God you can go and play forever like he is not some scary big faceless God on a throne, quashing us into oblivion...forever. Ram you are a very serious person, i think to know of the very deep and personal nature of the guru disciple relationship AND seceret nature of this relationship...how IS it possible..very difficult, but one of the ways according to shastra is that the symptom of a madhyam is that you are immediately wanting to chant Hare Krishna when you see that devotee or hear. there are devotees like this for real,not show-bottle so-called "big devotees" , i know im telling you something you do already know so please forgive my offence...they will not have to force you, you will beg...these are the people who we will go to as keys to the religion, they in one sense have been measured by not falling too. these sre the "good" people you speak of. and even also those who have some problems but do not cause problems because they have a good heart and i am seeing more and more of these people too and it is so enlivening and i think you are one of these nice prabhus who is making me want to go do more rounds today...and yes i think you are right that basing all on a loveing basis will eventually win out over so called intelligent managemant of spirituality. if we care about our prabhus we will not stomp on their faces or stab in the back for a whacked out " i am doing this for Krishna and you are so un-bona fide and i am so advanced vaisnava". "sweet-tee"shirts with sweet Krishna for all leyh and by golly i am liking the sweet thread here Gauracandra, i am liking this voice.all glories to all the Vaisnavas, especially the sweet ones!

  2. dear Tarun, "absorbed ourselves" YESSSSSSSSwith elbow pumping.. i do not want t be too familiar with you ,but yesssssss agin. i fight everyday to be absorbed and when i am,the horror of how little real advancement i have abates...then even pinhead me gets a glimpseof "the big picture" and wow, what a picture huh?: that special nectar...please excuse my monkeyshines here and all glories to all vaisnavas

  3. dearest Tarun, swami squat-diddly here, aka pratistha Prawwboo whoever you are , you have made my month, you please to give me the sauce and chastise me any ol' day...i will consider it a merciful guru caning upon inflated pate on any date. this audarya fellowship has stolen my heart. so many sincere and dedicated prabhus and what an incredible fund of experience and bhakti to enliven what i call the dead part of every day when the rounds and shastra are done and the job too and NOW what's next?: hit the buttons for some special nectar...Gurudeva has indeed glanced my way...dandavats at least 6 lakhs times here, all glories to all Vaisnavas...appharads to none...beemersane(insert kijaya here)

  4. one more thing then i will go away for a while oooooooh the dam has busted Gauracandra i am so excited with your idea of Dieties...can you just imagine what little Gopala Bhatta with his big wide lotus eyes must have seen in the big aishwarya temple of vishnu when mahaprabhu came to visit... all of the celestial kirtan going on in this huge nifty temple with Lord chaitanya who after he fainted and is described he looked like a golden mountain and what of the AMAZEMENT of others there gathered(WOW)incence plumes, resonating sound factors , the prescense of who knows who else unseenoooooh. follow your ruci , everybody follow your ruci and be COMPLETELY absorbed in your particular taste so that anyone will be so inspired to autonatically without any ol strong arm temple commnder to demand you clean the temple room keejaya GUndica etc.in 1994 at a huge multi guru-ed out camp out i took a old telephone reciever with the cord hanging off and told everybody i had a direct line to Krishna and Prabhupada...no more would we have the gbc to tell us what Prbhupada wanted: (sample conference phone conv. here)"hello, Krishna, all glories to y...whats that? am i being humble? uhhh, well i am trying to be but...whats that Prabhupada?bhakta fred is over crying in the stool room because pratistha prabhu told him he was a nonsense,whats that ? go over and hug him right now.OK.and whats that you want me to call you more often? but Prabhupada who knows how long this connection will last? you are not here anymore...Srila Prabhupada responds vehemently'NONsense' then in a soft and soothing voice he says 'you can talk to me everyday even without that old phone...just pick up your bead bag and pray for me to help you.' it is my maybe not so humble OR advanced opinion that itmajor is humility indeed a key of religion. How IS it that so many of us who are ALL so advanced Rupanugas of Bhaktivinode Thakur are so baptisted and catholic-ed and argle-argle pentacostalled all outARGGGHHHHHall glories to ALLLLLLLL vaisnavas indeedy...i promise not to bother anyone for a while now (Gauaracandra, your topic is the one i have waited a long time to respond to after reading a lot of others i am not so advanced that i can comment on. my ruci that i am following is: that i see the keys are inside, it is only my taste and all i have wanted to do is share it as good(and FUNNY?, humble?[haha])as i can.)all glories to Madhumangala, all glories to all Vaisnavas

  5. please excuse my being a jr. member and my awful type but i am in an ocean of utsaha after finding audarya. i have read so much tolerance here that i am inspired to add this to my existing saddhu sanga as a valuable tool. it is appharad that kills us. everybody else is prabhu...all Goswamis give us the exaple of the servant of the servantetc.Gauracandra, you are so nice to say hello and you so right we have the sweetest, avinash said on 3/4/02 we should not kick away if some problem comes and ghari(sp)is so nice to point out allin point #6:so many different types...all shoul;d be handled with love and affection and i don't mean hippie dippie, we have to be honest about our level of K>C> for this love and i know that if i am surrendering to guruANY good guru my voice becomes sweeter and i see how to love more properly...otherwise my head with a little(or a lot) of inmtelligence tips me over into krodha that "YOU JUST DONT SEE MY POINT PRAWBOOOOOO!" I AM BREAKING UP WITH LAUGHTER HERE because i forgot to turn off the krodha type. at suksdeva swamis srimad bhagwatam class can you just imagine REALLY how many different types of Prabhus in that audienceand he wouldnt mention her name out of respect for all..we are so fortunate for the guru to help us with our collective "voices"o therwise where would we be..i know i have gone on too long here and am so offensive. once, just this time, will you forgive this junior member... i waited along time to finally say ANYTHING..please dont kick me out of your association...based on my reading i even have favorite "cyber guru prabhus" already and am waiting for more i want to be part of "the voice" all glories to ALL vaisnavas, Jaya Sri Radhe!

  6. yay Gauracandra! possibilities for a 5 point plan from your most fallen reader:1. am i humble2.am i strong3.ami detatched form the fruits of labors4.do i follow my gurudeva as best as i can and more5.do i handle the implementation of these intelligent thoughts on religion based on love before intelligents please excuse any offenses with this message..all glories to all Vaisnavas!

  7. oops, i should have posted these new jokes as a new topic...sorrrrry, i am computer dumb as well. i stupidly put them in the telemarket joke section...anyways... madhyam adhikari joke: why did the karmi dog cross the street? to get to the other side and serve Bhagavan Sri Krishna. impersonalist joke: how many "successful" impersonalists does it take to screw in a light bulb? answer...it doesn't matter, they're already in the brahmajyoti.


  8. i have been patiently waiting for more glorification of the Vaisnavas for a week now...this is entirely too long for me...please write more..i don't want something for nothing...in 1975 we were helping build the Rathayatra Carts in New Jaganatha Puri. it was cold, i was hungry and not surrendered very nicely...here comes Jayananda Prabhu with a big steaming bucket of halava...i was kind of off by myself pouting and he came over and asked me if i would like some halava...(a brief note here: our temple president would not let the brahmacaris eat a lot of sweet things)...Jayananda started putting on my plate scoop after scoop even tho' i mock protested...he had the most incredibly wonderful smile on his face as he was doing this...this smile completely transformed my mood...it was like a Bhakti switch had been turnned on inside of my heart...after seeing that smile and his subsequent absolutely humble service attitude on the cart project it made the rest of the festival so wonderful...he was so kind to all of us "nobody devotees" who had got "stuck" on the cart detail. he made us all feel so inspired with even the most insignificant tasks...all Glories to all of the Vaisnavas! beemasane das

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