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Posts posted by beemasane

  1. hari bol Jagat and Mahak, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. i too had heard things over the past 25 of my 30 year "career" of "practicing devotional service" under the aucpices of Srila Prabhupada...cowherd boy, bramha, Hari das Thakur and even most recently Lord Nityananda. But i have to admit this "nikunja yuno" etc. really is a bombshell to me. when a Vaisnava of that caliber says something like this it really makes me want to investigate on all fronts. i have an unshakable faith in Prabhupada's teaching and a fair to middling understanding of siddhanta. i also have had the sweetly exquisite good fortune to have had a personal exchange with Prabhupada that was completely and utterly mystical and final in building my unshakeable faith to him. i have had two dreams where Prabhupada came to me and what he said came true. i will not even begin to count the number of times i have been blessed with his "spirit" as it were. that being established for the sake of this post... i have never hesitated to go to one of my spiritual superiors who i felt could expand my realisation of Prabhupada's teaching. i am absolutely fearless to ask ANYONE what they think and have been kindly accepted in many camps: Puri Maharaja gave me his blessings shortly before he left and his devotees took me right in for a stay next to them, i have personally attended functions of Govinda Maharaja and live in a town where his yatra is THE one and regularly attend functions. i am on decent terms with an ISKCON faction with some of my oldest Godbrother friends. there are even "inter-guru" marriages with the kids! Ditto Narayana Maharaja who has blessed me with some of the most profound revelations of Prabhupada of any of the aformentioned...i have also had some rugged times as some have, but have managed to emerge smilin' real big! Everyone in each of these camps knows my sentiments and situations and everything is gentlemenly. i have not gone on like this for any other purpose than to be completely straight forward here in this forum. I do however have an agenda and it is a very simple one: to be an example of someone who can follow my own way under who i deem tasty and see if it is indeed possible to be able to "HONOR ALL VAISNAVAS"...i am also teaching this to my boys! i know that Prabhupada is behind me on this all the way! i will go to my grave trying to better myself and be a gentleman to do my part to see a unity that may not even take place in my lifetime...but i want to know who Prabhupada is...and i intend to ask devotees in that camp as soon as i get a chance.i will report back too...in a GENTLEMANLY spirit to you here at Audarya who have also stolen my heart...i can't do without you: your spirit, your "geeyawn" and your companionship...but i want to know who is Prabhupada...and i am still waiting for ANY other input, even if it is just to tell me what he means to you, this also is incredibly tasty to me. and if you do not want me here at Audarya i will leave right now. period. i am not here to cause any offences!...i will NOT stay where i am not welcome. all glories to all Vaisnavas...all of them...whether they like me or not. i am thru with all negative talk of other people and fighting, i will only glorify or shut myself up! p.s. i like the name Jagat, but Mahak, ooooh i just like the sound of it, what does it mean?


    [This message has been edited by beemasane (edited 03-25-2002).]


    [This message has been edited by beemasane (edited 03-25-2002).]

  2. hello Babhru. dang! busted!(possibly) is there anyway i can stall you for just a bit with regards to the "auld lang syne" stuff about who i am? we got to cut a deal here somehow tho'...as i'm dying to hear this kanti mala story...what an intro huh? i'm just a little skittish on my particulars, as this is the first time i have been in any forum where i don't know who everybody is who's looking in. i remember you being nice to me tho'! Tell ya' what, your kanti mala story for a snippet of a story of my own, a very short exchange between Srila Prabhupada and me...in Hyderabad. hmmmmm? i remain for now, your anonymous well wisher...beemasaneX. (p.s. i won't hold it against you if you think this is just to wierd and don't even respond, i'm harmless tho', ask gHari.)

  3. hello Babhru. dang! busted!(possibly) is there anyway i can stall you for just a bit with regards to the "auld lang syne" stuff about who i am? we got to cut a deal here somehow tho'...as i'm dying to hear this kanti mala story...what an intro huh? i'm just a little skittish on my particulars, as this is the first time i have been in any forum where i don't know who everybody is who's looking in. i remember you being nice to me tho'! Tell ya' what, your kanti mala story for a snippet of a story of my own, a very short exchange between Srila Prabhupada and me...in Hyderabad. hmmmmm? i remain for now, your anonymous well wisher...beemasaneX. (p.s. i won't hold it against you if you think this is just to wierd and don't even respond, i'm harmless tho', ask gHari.)

  4. i know of the devotee that goes all over with his puppets act who originally came from ISKCON SEATTLE. what i am asking here is if anybody knows about this rumor of a devotee that does a ventrioquist frog character...oh, this sounds rich...this sounds to me like it could have real possibilities for some fine entertainmant..i really have heard this devotee exists. i simply must find out about this!



  5. Abhi, your keen discrimination of the divisions of heros is a very worthwhile meditation, i appreciate its fruit...very tasty. it may not surprise you at all that beemasane is not my real name...i selected this name on behalf of one of my siksas(of which there are a number) who requested of me to take the strength of beema inward...it is also interesting to note that this siksa knew who my hero was without my saying...he has even forbidden me for the time being to read Mahabharata...if you knew me as my friends do , you would know what an incredible impact this had on my existing outlook on my material and spiritual life with regards to the mandate of devotee protector i had been operating on for many years. so, ha-ha on me, it seems i have been put out of a job for a while. thats ok. i have seen all the results of us all over the years trying to be more bona fide than the other person and fighting with each other...how are we going to defeat maya's forces like that, huh? i am sick of it and so sad in my heart for a long time...i will not fight Vaisnavas any more...weeeeeeeell, i can't REALLY say that about the karmis! ha-ha... BUT, i do know one thing, if you are a devotee, go ahead and stomp on my face...or try to if you can catch me...now i am Ranchor sp.? i want only to stop making offences and am begging anyone Vaisnava friend or old enemy to help me with this. but you know isnt it funny that i will still be victorious as a warrior in the battle using love to glorify Vaisnavas so hahaa in the end i will still be able "to fight: AND WIN OVER YOU ALL ! HAHA i will fight at your side any day Abhi, i think you MUST be a great love in your heart person...i have discovered your secret..oh lets go fight! watch out Vaisnavsas i have AHBI THE GREAT ON MY SIDE NOW...too bad for you! His guru will be so proud of him !


    [This message has been edited by beemasane (edited 03-25-2002).]

  6. a quick response as i have to do the kid school stuff this A.M...."Gaura 108" is just about ready to log in, he's got his name and is ready to party. this kid is definitely from the "kumara school" of devotees..any way more shortly, i do have a few little smatterings of smaranam to smite your worthy head...en garde mon dieu, and until then, all glories to ypu!

  7. dear BhaktaJoy, as i am reading your "love" post i am realizing that as i have no compunction about taking spiritual instructions from qualified siksa, i am finding it indeed fortunate for me that it is i who wish to be a particle of a particle of dust at your lotus feet for instruction...if you are only 18, we cannot help that...sorry. but as i am nothing but a bhakta with a heart of stone and am basically a madman for Krishna, it is you soft hearted devotees that i that for some strange reason i am attracted to...all i have ever done with my life is fight, fight, fight! and now one of my other Gurus has told me to take the strength of beemasane inside and fight and then what do i find when i do this...you, an 18 year old who is light years beyond my pathetic aropa siddha bhakti, oh i think You and those like you will teach me much about love of Krishna. Jaya Jaya Shree Radhe, Jaya Jaya Shree Radhe. all glories to the soft hearted devotees of Shree Radhika!

  8. dear leyh, yes i did speak to Srila Prabhupada. it was one of two of the most important things that have happened to me in my life. i am even talking about my other experiences because i feel i am obligated to do so. there are so many other advanced devotees who have so much more to say and i stress that i am NOT doing it to impress anybody. i was so young, that a lot of times i was just content to be near my spiritual master and took a great deal of pride in the fact that he was so busy i just never want to bother him with any thing, questions or otherwise. i will in the course of my Audarya sanga bring up these tidbits of my limited experiences with Srila Prabhupada. what happened between Prabhupada and myself when i was with him i never said to anybody for almost 15 years for fear that people would be critical of me or that i would use this very, very, very special exchange for prathista. i now know that my instincts were correct...it has recently come to my attention that these special exchanges etc. should be guarded very carefully lest they "dissappear" like camphor(Hari bol Yasoda dd!). although i have revealed the contents of my aformentioned exchange with Srila Prabhupada to some of my most intimate godbrother and godsister friends, i am not willing to subject it to the scrutiny of this forum...yet. it is only in the last few years i am even beginning to understand the significance of this meeting and more about who Prabhupada is and this has only come about thru very curious means. as we slide back in from a peeling right(wing) double overhead wave of bhava and get pitched for maximum air... is it Kowabungah we exult? nay au contraire! it is Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe, Jaya, Jaya Sri Radhe! all glories to all of the Vaisnavas!

  9. dear leyh, yes i did speak to Srila Prabhupada. it was one of two of the most important things that have happened to me in my life. i am even talking about my other experiences because i feel i am obligated to do so. there are so many other advanced devotees who have so much more to say and i stress that i am NOT doing it to impress anybody. i was so young, that a lot of times i was just content to be near my spiritual master and took a great deal of pride in the fact that he was so busy i just never want to bother him with any thing, questions or otherwise. i will in the course of my Audarya sanga bring up these tidbits of my limited experiences with Srila Prabhupada. what happened between Prabhupada and myself when i was with him i never said to anybody for almost 15 years for fear that people would be critical of me or that i would use this very, very, very special exchange for prathista. i now know that my instincts were correct...it has recently come to my attention that these special exchanges etc. should be guarded very carefully lest they "dissappear" like camphor(Hari bol Yasoda dd!). although i have revealed the contents of my aformentioned exchange with Srila Prabhupada to some of my most intimate godbrother and godsister friends, i am not willing to subject it to the scrutiny of this forum...yet. it is only in the last few years i am even beginning to understand the significance of this meeting and more about who Prabhupada is and this has only come about thru very curious means. as we slide back in from a peeling right(wing) double overhead wave of bhava and get pitched for maximum air... is it Kowabungah we exult? nay au contraire! it is Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe, Jaya, Jaya Sri Radhe! all glories to all of the Vaisnavas!

  10. Dear gHari, i cannot even begin to tell you of the deep saddness in my heart when i see devotee against devotee. i don't care how corny i may get at times, i nkow , i just know he wouldn, want us all fighting so. i have read your posts all over and i think you must be a very nice person, what do you say we find out "Who is" Prabhupada. all glories to every last devotee on this PLANET!

  11. Abhi....yayyyyyyy! you made my day...hurray! i get to live again another day! nice to hear from you! and such a perfect answer! i am laffing so much right now....i'll just bet you are just a force to be dealt with in real life, huh? Man, i haven't had contact like this since THE WAR! yah.yah haribol! you can, no you MUST respond on any thread i'm upon...and remember always yell real loud when you spot a Vaisnava: "HARI BOL PRABHU< I LIKE YOU!!!!! (!!) beaming with delight i am the beemasaurus of greed for the mercy of ABHI THE GREATEST! (psst! and let's us see what everybody else says about who is Prabhupada!)

  12. jjjjj-Jaya Prabhu. i know of Babru...i don't think he'd remember me tho' i always liked him because he was always nice to me, even tho' i was a young buckeroo beemus! anyways..."BE BOLD FOR THE GURU! here is, the scenario..." it was real blissful ...everybody dancing around Prabhupada...then nobody else came forward for the sweet...everybody had recieved one...the kirtan was going on so sweet...no one coming forward to take a second helping...all eyes darting around looking at each other, looking at Prabhpada...Prabhupada sitting there waiting...no one coming forward for a second helping...except greedy old me...i looked into his eyes and his eyes said "Yes." oh boy! every thing got nice and wild then...i figured the worst i would get is the cane and the best, a second helping of mercy from the Guru and then...the second time around ...sweets for all!" as everybody got another sweet... Generous Prabhupada handed them all out...one of the nicest(and a little scary there for a bit) Gurupujas i have ever been to." so there, gHari, now you know my greedy little secret...i'm greedy for the mercy of the Guru! please don't TELL anyone...oh, and the Vaisnavas...mmmm-hmmm, that's right, just say nice things nicely about 'em.

  13. jjjjj-Jaya Prabhu. i know of Babru...i don't think he'd remember me tho' i always liked him because he was always nice to me, even tho' i was a young buckeroo beemus! anyways..."BE BOLD FOR THE GURU! here is, the scenario..." it was real blissful ...everybody dancing around Prabhupada...then nobody else came forward for the sweet...everybody had recieved one...the kirtan was going on so sweet...no one coming forward to take a second helping...all eyes darting around looking at each other, looking at Prabhpada...Prabhupada sitting there waiting...no one coming forward for a second helping...except greedy old me...i looked into his eyes and his eyes said "Yes." oh boy! every thing got nice and wild then...i figured the worst i would get is the cane and the best, a second helping of mercy from the Guru and then...the second time around ...sweets for all!" as everybody got another sweet... Generous Prabhupada handed them all out...one of the nicest(and a little scary there for a bit) Gurupujas i have ever been to." so there, gHari, now you know my greedy little secret...i'm greedy for the mercy of the Guru! please don't TELL anyone...oh, and the Vaisnavas...mmmm-hmmm, that's right, just say nice things nicely about 'em.

  14. dear samarpan, i am afraid my misguided ill thought out attempt to help somebody i thought was in distress, may have unintentionally disturbed someone...i have been upset by this and i just pray that Bhakta Don sees fit to forgive any possible offense upon my part...my only desire was to help. thank you for your heartfelt sentiments, it makes me feel a whole lot better...until we meet again i am simply stumbling along to render what little service i can by glorifying Vaisnavas..."beemed" me up you did..Hare Krishna!

  15. Hari Bol BhaktaJoy. yes Prabhupada is alive? where have i said He is not. He is also there when you are chanting and praying...please re- read what i said to Bhakta Don about my directly saying Prabhupada will help you if you pray to Him. if you please think i am saying otherwise, oh boy, please, you point it out to me right now. i will not be able to get back to you right now, but in 4 or so hours i will respond here at this thread. i remain your humble servant...beemasane.

  16. unfortunately, veeeeeeeeeery new Bhakta Don. i am waiting for your KIND instuctions, and corrections of any suspect things...sorry. and you are right, i DO NOT know who Prabhupada is , that's WHY I AM ASKING. and this thread has nothing to do with your "initiation" post. nothing. so if you don't also know or know anybody else who does, let's move aside, i'll meet you at some other post, and let somebody who does know who Prabhpada is enlighten us both...all glories to you Bhakta Don. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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