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Posts posted by beemasane

  1. indeed we are on a roll...rolling in ecstasy. indeed you are right , i checked my facts more thoroughly, i roll corrected. and no, philly was just and arbitrary selction.and remember here at beemasane's the red carpet is ALWAYS rolled out for you. the "all glories to all Vaisnavas..." here today is all for you. and yes,you're right if you're thinking "i'll bet that's what he says to all the prabhus..."

  2. to tarun and avinash:whaaaaaaaaaaat? if only i could be the sole of Srimati Radhika's chappel...to Gauracandra: my good wife last night was blissed out with your height question and related a story where Krishna was wrestling with Radha and he"hurt his foot" so for a while now until his foot "heals" he will not be able to wear shoes , so that for a while at least almost for sure Radha is a skosh taller. all glories to our champion...jaya Radhe!

  3. gHari, you might have some idea what you just did to me with that last post AND last night...you and a few of your little cyber-bhaktas-tins put me right thru the roof with chanting nam...how does it feel to know that you have contributed to my sleepless night...that's what these stupib old computers are for, TO ROCK! dont worry about if that's what you're doing because you are doing it just right i knew by reading in Audarya for a long time who's who and i just KNEW you UH-ROCkED with that SPECIAL Nectar. try to avoid the negative and absolutely relish the nectar of you Guru he is all and all glories to all the Vaisnavas!Jaya Radhe Radhe Govinda Jaya Jaya! beaming right on outa' here, i remain, your servant!

  4. Now we're talkin'!...at that same Rahtayatra (where i first met Srila Prabhupada), my best friend of 39 years and who is my godbother for the last 29 years were the two devotees who carried Prabhupapa to the stage OOOOOOOO jaya Jagannatha Jaya Srila Prabhupapa, ALL GLORIES TO ALLLLLLL THE VAISNAVAS...YOU MUSTA' BEEN FLYIN' FOR A WHILE AFTER THAT HAND HOLDINGOOOOOOOOH..totally a dosage!

  5. somehow i think we all got enough heartache in our own life. when i post something nice or at least i hope it is nice, my heart always jumps a lttle bit when i see a response...and i a wonder and savor the moment before i punch oops or rather gently push the buttons...eenie-"beem"-ie, chile beenie, will it be a friendly spirit? i am not kidding now. i just get all goosey feeling thinking "Yes, an elbow pumpin' YESSSSSSSS, its going to be a rip roaring response completely SATURATED with Preme...oooooooooh, YESSSSSSSS khaccha habudubu bai, ne, Radha Krishna bol bol he!

  6. i am currently a temp movin on up in the ranks, serving in the happy devotee dept. over in the spiritual discussions forum. i am eternally optimistic since 1971 that we can just chant, dance take sumptuous prasadam and glorify all vaisnavas...until we just drop dead...not a bad way to go...but i am somewhat taken aback at just how complex this delghtfully simple program has become a little delicate at times in the good old ashram. by the way this really is more than a cynical musing...if you would like to exchange some blissful moments in the service of Srila Prabhupada, let me know...and wow, a little bonus here...its cool even if you got a different guru(s) than mine...really, no kidding, i remain respectfully yours, beemaSANE, the incredibly ambitious future boss of bliss...all glories to all them there vaisnavas!

  7. now i can thank leyh and gHari nicely...thank you vey nicely. wowee! you people are fast AND articulate. all Glories to Vrinda devi. i have to say that i am rather fussy when someone at the dr.s office says to take off my neck beads...NAAAAAAAH, i dont THINK so! tanx agin' fer the sentimant and slokes. i remain collared-ly yours, b.d.

  8. now i can thank leyh and gHari nicely...thank you vey nicely. wowee! you people are fast AND articulate. all Glories to Vrinda devi. i have to say that i am rather fussy when someone at the dr.s office says to take off my neck beads...NAAAAAAAH, i dont THINK so! tanx agin' fer the sentimant and slokes. i remain collared-ly yours, b.d.

  9. a folded slightly larger than wallet sized business card perhaps. somewhat oppulent or rather, "professional", the space although minimal could state a few palatable bytes by prabhpada with a topic range of 4 "castes" designed to intrigue different people.i Love the consisncy of"10 years idea in a lot of peoples minds success is how long you hang in there. and the card is too big to get lost in your wallet but has such a radically good piece of enchanting art that you just cant throw it away..it mystifies you even..it sits on your desk and you finally just have to find out a little bit of who the artist is and Who is this 3 color separation nice Golden Avatar is etc.


  10. pamho, haribol hello. iam only a taking off on a bhag. saying a sage sees with equal vision etc. in my own feeble attept at a joke a young kanistha would be all upset that just before the karmi dog crossed the street he farted in front of him while he was on a japa walk. what the kanistha didnt know is that the karmi alkey bum had a toilet paper roll and was going into the Philly temple to donate it to Srila Prabhpada's movement, the devotees out on sankirtan had fed him and he was returning the favor in his own humble way . now old madyamati ,who was watching all this from up on the corner happened to not get so upset with the bum. for here she saw was a poor spirit soulhwo somehow by gurus grace get to serve krishna in this life or the next because he had heard the chanting the mahamantra(bhakta kanistha gets some credit here). and they all lived happily ever after, each making advancment at their respective levels. now i told you tarun that you could cane me if i am wrong...i gladly welcome any criticizm for me for i well know that you are my so senior God brother, and are well versed allso in the "Jad Bharat stotra"...rahugna das at your diposal.fire away! P.S this story was based on a true incident at matchless gifts

  11. you are all so swell. i just am jumping on the computer to see if you are there cause i was excioted but i will have to wait to fully ythank youbecause i am going to a sunday feast. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart my old dad e was so non envious of Krishna veven as he was dying he said i guess old God is teaching me a lesson here...kindness is kool..i will respond more properly thank you. bye hari bol etc the beem.

  12. you are all so swell. i just am jumping on the computer to see if you are there cause i was excioted but i will have to wait to fully ythank youbecause i am going to a sunday feast. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart my old dad e was so non envious of Krishna veven as he was dying he said i guess old God is teaching me a lesson here...kindness is kool..i will respond more properly thank you. bye hari bol etc the beem.

  13. gHari you are very kind and i thank you. 5 days after my father passed away he came in a dream where i was sitting with the assembled devotees waiting for the guru to speak. it was so real when he came in thru a side door looking 40yrs old...i was stunnedand i said "hey dad, what are you doing here?" and he sat down at myleft kneeand justpointed to the gurus doorwhich was slightly ajar. he then leaned forward anxiously and then sat back sad and i said "hey dont worry he'll be out here soon." and he looked relievedand then i woke up real soon. some very, very advanced devotee also did shraddha ceremony in real life. its so very nice of you to take your time for research for me, i am hoping to hear back form you and you never know maybe i can serve you somehow. thank you all glories to the devotees who care too.

  14. gHari you are very kind and i thank you. 5 days after my father passed away he came in a dream where i was sitting with the assembled devotees waiting for the guru to speak. it was so real when he came in thru a side door looking 40yrs old...i was stunnedand i said "hey dad, what are you doing here?" and he sat down at myleft kneeand justpointed to the gurus doorwhich was slightly ajar. he then leaned forward anxiously and then sat back sad and i said "hey dont worry he'll be out here soon." and he looked relievedand then i woke up real soon. some very, very advanced devotee also did shraddha ceremony in real life. its so very nice of you to take your time for research for me, i am hoping to hear back form you and you never know maybe i can serve you somehow. thank you all glories to the devotees who care too.

  15. last year i am with my dying father and he has always kept a picture of me with Prabhupada on his desk and always said hari bol Hare Krishna aftyer each time we say goodbye on the phone. he is laying there dying and i am rtying so hard not to cry when he seriously says to me "so tell mne about the mojo of this Tulasi necklace you have given me to wear". and i tell him" o dad, this is a best insurance policy you can have for where you are going...when the people there see you wearing the Tulasi the will say 'hey, wait a minute, isnt that beemasanes dad, oh bob you come over here to the good line because that Tulasi necklce means you are a good friend of Krishna and Prabhupada.' he went into a gasping of emotion and said "thanks son." and i canyt say more now so all glories to future Vaisnavas too!

  16. last year i am with my dying father and he has always kept a picture of me with Prabhupada on his desk and always said hari bol Hare Krishna aftyer each time we say goodbye on the phone. he is laying there dying and i am rtying so hard not to cry when he seriously says to me "so tell mne about the mojo of this Tulasi necklace you have given me to wear". and i tell him" o dad, this is a best insurance policy you can have for where you are going...when the people there see you wearing the Tulasi the will say 'hey, wait a minute, isnt that beemasanes dad, oh bob you come over here to the good line because that Tulasi necklce means you are a good friend of Krishna and Prabhupada.' he went into a gasping of emotion and said "thanks son." and i canyt say more now so all glories to future Vaisnavas too!

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