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Posts posted by Sephiroth

  1. sambya :



    so theoritically one can be a clean soul withot following rituals . but practically speaking this is impossible . rituals helps us to attain the purity . here the purity that im speaking of is perfect purity . also , having a good soul and living happy and peacefull are not the same terms !!


    Actually, it is not impossible, but very hard. Gautama Buddha have taught us that (if you accept).


    According to the Buddha, performing rituals itself doesn't help one achieve Enlightnment (like what you said) without knowing why one does it. He states that blind faith and blindly doing rituals will blind a person and it will not help him to achieve Enlightment.

  2. arjun2826 :



    This is really funny because I never thought about that. But strangely, YOU fast refered to free sex, alcohol, night party. Do you have any complex with these things ? Do you miss them ?? LOL


    Don't be absurd and don't laugh. Spiritualism is not a laughing matters. And No, I do not miss doing Evil things.



    I drink alcohol sometimes, it doesn't mean I am not clean "mentally or physically". It only means I like good tastes.


    Yes, you are "unclean" Physically and Mentally. Almost ALL religions on the Planet (except maybe Christianity) have stated that drinking alcholol is bad for you. Even in Islam, it is stated that the alcholol you consume will stay in your blood for 40 days (and within this 40 days, you are UNCLEAN).


    Right now, in my eyes, you look like a drunkard who is trying to justify his drinking habit. :rolleyes:



    You can do sports, eat good products with fish, vegetables, chicken, fruits. And if you are happy doing this, you will plus be in a good soul.


    Eating your vegetable does not make you a good person. It will only give you a temporary satisfaction and in the end, you will still be a drunkard at the end of the day. :rolleyes:


    Spiritualism requires DISCIPLINE. Without Discipline and Self-Control, you cannot achieve Spiritualism. Right now, you don't even have the discipline to restrict the food and drink which enters your mouth.



    You see, I think it is better to have a good taste of life and to control it, better than getting scared of it and judging apparences without even knowing what it is about.


    Excuse of the drunkards. They always talk about how they are in control and how they could stop drinking anytime they want. The truth is - they are never in control. The bottle controls them.


    Evil IS Evil - and alcholol is one of that Evil. Only fools will choose to get to know it, thinking that they could "control" themselves once it takes hold.


    In order to understand creation, it first has to be established who or what is the creator and what is the created. The creator is the cause of all causes, which is itself causeless. Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan are simultaneous aspects of the same Absolute Truth. Therefore, neither can be said to be the cause or the creation of any of the others. Moreover, everything material and spiritual is Brahman/Bhagavan. Then what's left to be created? It must be concluded that the Absolute Truth (or God) is both creator and creation simultaneously: acintya bheda-abheda. Thus, the creation is causeless.


    Then what is causality? Causality is a characteristic of the material illusion in which everything appears to have a material cause. In reality, however, God is the cause of all causes. Logically this means that causality doesn't exist (we now know from quantum physics that this is true). There is only one cause, which means that nothing is the cause of anything else, which ultimately means that everything is one.


    The creation or the cosmic manifestation, is our conscious illusion of independent material existence and difference. In reality, however, nothing exists independently and everything is one in Brahman/Bhagavan..


    Sounds like you already decided how Creation had occurred.


    However, no matter how well a person's explaination is, you need to understand that your theory IS a theory. There is no way you could proof that this is true. Unless you witness the Birth of the Universe yourself.


    If you ask me, I will follow Gautama Buddha's advice on this one. He stated that it doesn't matter how the Universe formed or how it will end. All that matters is achieving Enlightnment.


    Hinduism is one of the religion that counts the most rituals.

    Everywhere in India people make ritual.

    In this case, exepted for the first answer, don't you think rituals are more a restriction of freedom ?


    Freedom to do what? Drink alcholol, indulge in free sex, party all night long in disco?


    Some of this rituals as you call them requires the doers to maintain a strict diet and strict lifestyle. Kavadi carrying (common during Thaipusam in Malaysia) for example requires a person to be "clean" physically, mentally and spiritually for about a month.


    While to someone like you, this could be consider as "restriction to freedom", to the practitioners it is an exercise for the Mind, Body and Soul.


    Here in the US, I would say it is pretty much a common assumption that you either must believe in science or religion, you cannot believe in both; religion and science must be antagonistic to each other. But I know of many religious Hindu scientists.


    How do you think this is so? In America scientists regularly assure us we have no use of religion, in fact it's harmful, that they can explain everything we are, believe, and do with science. How is it in India? How do you think Hinduism and science get along so well? I do not like to think I am some material automaton, controlled by my brain chemicals!


    Might as well call yourself a bundle of flesh and nerve and nothing more than animal if you believe that crap.


    God which cannot be explained through Science MUST be thrown away.

  6. Christians follow something called Pascal's Wager.


    Pascal was a Mathematician (if not mistaken) who lived in 18 Century. He formulated that the people (masses) believe in (Christian) God simply because it is better to believe (in something which is false) and be saved, then to deny it and risk a chance of being damned.


    Don't think that this Russians have suddenly become believers in God. They just believe that it is better to believe (even if it means a lie) than do deny. In their eyes, Hindus are deniers (of Jesus).

  7. Sant :



    Well people in punjab and harayana are punjabis and hindus.So by your thinking they are the causes.


    You're talking like a fool who have lost his ways. I don't understand what you are saying.



    Where is islam teachig you to overpopulate.

    Infact hindus are told to have babies and are said to be doing brahmas work.


    There is no such nonsense stating that Hindus are doing Brahma's work by having children and overpopulate the country.


    And in Islam, use of conceptions to avoid pregnancy IS SIN (HARAM). You can confirm that with any Muallah you like.


    Read the Vasudev Mahtmyam in Vishnu Khand of Skand Puran. Clearly states that meat eating started after the curse of Durvasa to Indra. But no scripture reccomends it and also it is asuri.Its for the asurs. Meat eating is not for those who want to advance spiritually.


    Yup, that fits Muslims very well. They do not want to advance Spiritually because they are told to follow Muhammad's (way of life) throughout their own life.


    Anyone who understands the reality of karma should think about the consequences of having, providing or encouraging others to have an abortion. Afterall who do you think is being aborted? Could it be those who have aborted others in their previous lives?


    Do unto others and it will be done unto you.


    Unfortunately, people who choose abortion do so without thinking carefully of the consequences of their actions. They perform Sex for pleasure purposes and refuses to accept the responsibility which comes with it. Of course, this view does not include Rape Victims as they are innocent of the crime done to them.


    In the West (especially), view that the unborn child in the womb is soulless, and therefore can be aborted is gaining popularities. In the East (especially with Hindus), it is already stated that the Soul enters and resides within the unborn child so they considered performing a sin by killing a child.

  10. Amlesh :



    Maybe, many are still attached to the process that is leading to Self Realisation.


    It will not lead them anywhere. They are following the concept from Christianity (on how Jesus is called Son of God and in return, the God is replaced by the woship of the Son - alien concept to Judaism, which is why Jews have rejected Christianity, Christians and Jesus).


    This people have been together with Christians so much, that the only way they could make "connection" with Christians (so they could accept this people) are by making Sri Krishna another "Son of God" like Jesus.



    He is one without a second, the same OLD absolute Truth. /QUOTE]


    Unfortunately, I don't see it here. What I see here is threads where people debating whether Sri Krishna is better or not from Sri Rama, or Maha Vishnu is better or not from Maha Eshwara or whether this guru is right or not when compared to that guru.


    You speak the Truth, yet your hearts seems to be unwilling to accept and follow. Sad ... :(




    No ... Not Mutating, Evolution. Mutation means that change without purpose. Evolution means change WITH purpose.


    If One were to study carefully the Avatars of Maha Vishnu, he could see the Evolution process which ALL life on this Planet have underwent for the past 600 Million years (and evidently, the creation of Man itself). This are not some random Mutation, but purposeful Evolution. An Intelligent Design.




    Make effect to change, not wait for the change. The Seed of Change (like Enlightnment) comes from within.


    dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

    if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...


    No, you follow Muhammad (a man) NOT GOD.


    Everything Muslims do is by following example of Muhammad and how he lived his life. That is an alien concept in Hindusm, Buddhism AND Judaism. No where in this beliefs have they been told to follow example of a man and call it as a way of God. This is why Jews have rejected Muhammad 1,400 years ago.


    Your apology means NOTHING. The reality which you tried to post IS FALSE and TWISTED. It is a Lie and you wanted us to believe in the Lie you are following.


    SHri krishna is the original and most beautiful form of god.

    He is the source of incarnations.Stop your christian example.IT doesnt come here.Im not saying that sri krishna is the only form of god..Please dont come with your short sighted views and come after some reading.

    NO ones killing hinduism here.Nobody is denying god is formless.


    Yes, YOU ARE.


    Why not the indian hindus and sikhs.India is ore overpopulated tahn afghanistan,ameica or any muslim or christian coutnry.Do you know about punjab and haryana the most popuated states where punjabis live.


    And what made India so overpopulated? Hindusm? I very much doubt it.


    As far as I know, Hindusm and Buddhism have never taught its followers to multiply like viruses and beg the government for help like Muslims doing. Islam taught them that, and when they do it shameless, other races follow stupidly behind them.


    In Africa, 500 million people are starving now and most of them are Muslims. This stupid race don't think for themselves and now, non-Muslims have to save their sorry existence. And when we do, this parasites will claim that their idiotic Allah saved them and bomb us to hell.


    For me also... I cannot see any difference between Sri Ram and Sri Krishna and the rest of the Avataras.


    All are equally auspicious.


    Then why is it that people could take Sri Krishna to be a Supreme God over other Avatars?


    I think those who does this are missing the very important lesson Maha Vishnu is trying to teach them. No matter how many avatars He took, He is the same. Those avatars are merely "Forms" which He needs to accomplish the tasks.


    Same way, no matter how many times we are born, die and reborn again, we are the same regardless of our physical differences. We could have been born as animals, plants or humans of various races. But the Soul remains the same - unchanged and eternal. No one life or form in any one life is more important than another.


    This is what differentiate Christians from Hindus. Christians stuck with Jesus. They cannot think outside the "Jesus Box". Hindus should not be stuck in the same "box" as well.


    family planning is different thing and abortion is different thing. don't mix one with other.

    Some time Family planning is needed, otherwise nature will take its course to maintain balance in ecosystem.


    god bless all

    Rishi Vatsyayan


    Yes, that is true.


    Overpopulation is a bad thing. Take Africa. Today, there are over 500 million people said to be starving there (according to the UN) and this is more than what the World have seen during the 1980s famine. All this due to the fact that humans did not (family) plan properly.


    Then again, I blame it on Christianity and Islam. Those two cults teaches foolish humans to multiply like viruses.


    With this unbearable stressful situation, I found myself seating inside a church asking from God across my view what to do. The reply came a few moments later when I saw a white dove entering the church and alighted on the shoulder of the crucified Jesus before the altar.


    What is your point? :eek4:


    One foolish action seems to lead to another (more horrible) action in your case. You perform pre-marital sex when you're teenager and managed to get your girlfriend pregnant, when it is easier for you (as a man) to control your urges and do something positive with it like sports and marital arts.


    Don't pat in your self. Adultery is still a Sin and you're ain't no angel. :rolleyes:


    Krishna never says that he is fromless.God is formless as well as with form.Both.Why cant be god with form ,youre are again limiting him by your views.


    Actually, it is you who are "limiting" God by putting Him in form of Sri Krishna.


    I'm not saying Sri Krishna is not (the Avatar of) God, I merely saying, don't think that Sri Krishna's form is the only form. This is the same attitude Christians has about their Jesus (that he is the only way) and this is why Christianity IS DYING. You want to kill Hindusm with your close-minded approach?


    To me, Sri krishna is not the only form. I also see Sri Rama in the same way as I see Sri Krishna. The same way I see Narashima, and the Kurma Avatar and all other Avatars of Maha Vishnu. There is no difference to me on which form He comes.


    Sephiroth Ji,


    Yes, what you said above is so true. Thanks.


    When a person has Bhakti (Faith) in his Heart, he is close to God. And the closer you are to God, the happier, more calm and peaceful you are with the World. You will not fight the World, but live in it peacefully, waiting patiently for your time here to be over and that you may return back to your Beloved God.


    A person who is blind will always have suffering in his heart, always paranoid that someone is after him (and his faith) and could never find peace. Such person does not have Bhakti, but merely following the masses blindly.


    This is the essence of the error.


    Krsna is.

    He has no source. He just Is.

    One of His attributes is the Brahman.

    This is how it is.

    Krsna can be seen. But not with these material eyes.

    This is how it is.


    You know how you sound like? Like a Christian who says the same thing about Jesus. :rolleyes:


    Don't be absurd, OK? Think logically. Hindus are much more clever than Christians to be believing that God exists as a human being (as His ultimate form).


    God is formless and shapeless - He is either Man or Woman nor Beast. He is without beginning and an End. All this is His essence as stated by the Gita. So how is it that God could be Sri Krishna who came to be by being born as a human and meet His physical end as a Human?


    You are making the same mistake as Christians does with their Jesus. They cannot see past Jesus to the Higher Being (which is God) and kept their mind closed toward the form of Jesus. You are doing the same thing with Sri Krishna.



    Why oh why do you want Hindus to eat meat? when would you understand in that thick skull or that hardened heart of yours, the meaning of peace.



    I think it is because PrinceofPeace is a Muslim.


    In Muslim forum which I have been active in, it is common trait for Muslims to use words like "Submission" (to God) and "Peace" when they are promoting their own twisted ways.


    Right now, there is no room in Islam for Vegetarian Dietery. Matter a fact, if you come to Malaysia and view the many Muslim restaurants here, you will know that 99% of all dishes served has meat in them. It is almost as if Muslims cannot live without meat in their diet.


    Therefore, the Muslim wants to "holify" meat eating diet even so we have been telling him that Hindusm promote non-meat dietery.


    Hinduism is totally based on the teachings of the holy scriptures...am i ryt? then i dont understand when almighty god has given the permission of having non-veg still u deny that...???


    One question - Why are you so bent in "holify" non-veg dietery?


    Many good points have already stated about the beneficts of non-meat dietery, plus the benefict of it in promoting Spiritualism.

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