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Everything posted by Ganeshprasad

  1. Jai Ganesh Re (He might as well. His not learning. Take Krishna out of Gita, your left with 'nothing-, Bunch of Buddist trying to be Mayavadis. ) Then you have not understood anything, you simply can not take Krishna out of the Gita. If he is learning or not that should not be your problem. Buddist and Mayavadis(what ever that might be)are fellow humans following the will of the lord. This is what Krishna says Some look at the soul as amazing, some describe him as amazing, and some hear of him as amazing, while others, even after hearing about him, cannot understand him at all. (2.29) Some worship Me by knowledge sacrifice. Others worship the infinite as the one in all (or non-dual), as the master of all (or dual), and in various other ways. (9.15) Just because some do not see the way you precive you have no right to ask them to burn The Gita which is non different from Krishna. Jai Shree Krishna
  2. Jai Ganesh Re (Your boring everybody with your nonsence. ) No Govindram he is nor boring me, this is an open forum what discussion is all about, unlike you he has not ask anyone to burn the gita and that was outrageous. Jai Shree Krishna
  3. Jai Ganesh Namaskar Atanu I notice with intrest your questions remains un answered ********** So he worshipped Visnu to reside in his arrow and enable him to slay the asura. Vedas are to be known through satvika puranas, as in some cases the context is not clear. *************** Show us this from Shruti. Show this. And same guest rejects other source you quoted as unrealiable because it goes against shruti. I see explining away rather then accept what is written as truth by the guest, The self dependent god, who has powers of his own. Yajur Veda i. 8. 6. d Rudra alone yieldeth to no second. There no room for speculation. Jai Shree Krishna
  4. Jai Ganesh Re (understand that the one god has features, charachter, he relationate,he has name, he loves,he can be loved,he has expansions, companions, devotees.... that's god..not some dull concept) Or in short, the vedas proclaim "Ekam Sata Vipraha Bahudha Vadanti" or "Truth is One but the wise see it in Different Ways". Jai Shree Krishna
  5. Jai Ganesh Namaskar Atanu Re (I do not know. I think that the puranas as they exist are true and pure but cryptic to some extent. And since nothing happens without the sanction of Niyati (I believe), nothing is impure.) Your belief is perfect how can I forget the meaning of Niyati. I have always been of the opinion that what ever happens is for the best, but that does not mean we do not distinguish between good and bad. People do come up with different opinion unraveling the cryptic. Re (It is the ego that gives the quality. Impurity lies in the wrong "i" thought, which further ramifies into "i do this" or that" and further. ) prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate All works are being done by the Gunas (or the energy and power) of nature, but due to delusion of ego people assume themselves to be the doer. (See also 5.09, 13.29, and 14.19) (3.27) Re (When it is realised that Lord is the doer then impurity vanishes.) The Lord neither creates the urge for action nor the feeling of doership nor the attachment to the results of action in people. All these are done by the (Gunas of) nature. (5.14) Re (Rig Veda is clear. What is ONE, sages call by different name.) If only this is understood by all, unfortunately it is not to be, mine is better then yours attitude prevails in this age of hypocrisy. Siva as incarnated Vamadeva or Sankara worships Vishnu as the Self. Similarly, Vishnu as Parashurama, Rama, Nara Narayan, or Krishna worships Siva as the Self. Re (There is no contradiction. But ego would not easily like to belittle its own love of preferences. So, ego begins to compare the infinite to infinite. Ego is born to enjoy the preferences but becomes martyr by the same preferences. It does not react in same fashion to heat and cold and joy and sorrow.) So this debate rages on and on and on. Re (Puranas do not make short work of Shiva or Vishnu but Puranas make short work of this ego. Anyone who is led to study Vedas and Upanishads soon learn through sage Yajnavalkya or sage Gautama that there are no 33 gods. All the 33 gods are powers of one Self which is also the life in all. The Lord alone has the power to say "I". You may fervently search for ages but you will fail to find that which says "I" in you. Wherefrom the "I" is coming?) I and mine is root of the problem, but if not for i who is to be known who is to be understood who is to be searched? Re (Have you killed two birds with one stone here? You are surely deeper than what I and others percieve. My regards.) Only thing I need to kill is my ego but you are doing a fine job of massaging it. Om Namah Sivayya Jai Shree Krishna
  6. Jai Ganesh Re (***** There is no double standard ******** True and false. True for the wise and false for the unwise.) This is what happens when one does not know the true picture. Re (How so? Do the HK's realise? Do they realise when they try to pull down Siva by saying that he looses semen at the sight of Mohini?) it is sad infect both the camp are guilty on this,in Siva puran there are some bad stories about Vishnu, how much is overjelious followers interpolate here, i do not know, all i know is such stories are not for me to read and score cheep points. Re (This is what Rishi Yajnvalkya said long ago. And I have seen HK's deriding BR. U. and the sage. The personalities are many to suit many moods but the root is ONE.) I agree. OM Namah Sivayya Jai Shree Krishna,
  7. Jai Ganesh Re (I suggest you burn all your Gitas. For you they are all usless books. And so are you. You have been infected with Mayavadi and don't even know it. ) Govindaram you are too emotional, you start this thread Mayavadi defeated(what ever that means)but you defeat your self. How can you suggest to burn the Gita, it is outrageous. Jai Shree Krishna
  8. Jai Ganesh Re (We should stick to discussions or arguments, not specialize in abusing others. I agree. ) That includes not to blaspheme. Jai Shree Krishna
  9. Jai Ganesh ("Compare this with your synonyms and you will see the falsity." control your words) Why don't you tell us what is his offence. Jai Shree Krishna
  10. Jai Ganesh Namaskar Atanu Re (Now, I have not obtained this inner eye yet. So, I myself do not know. But are the sages telling lies.) sages do not lie. but if there is no i what is there to see or obtain? Re (Argument on these accounts to show that Sankara was employed by Vishnu to mislead world has basis? Are these not in bad taste? In fact, YV verses say that Rudra uses Soma as socket of his bow and Visnu-Agni as the bow to liberate beings of their three bodies.) It is in a bad taste, there is no basis for such an insult. Sankracharya reestablished the Vedas, Vedas are considered Apursaya and faultless so how can his Brahman realisation in adwaita be unvedic? Re (Contradicting Vedas is ok?) No Re (Reading Gita, Vedas and Upanishads and then solving the zig saw puzzle when one truly sees that the shagun and nirgun are two sides of the same coin one has already lost the small self. ) I do not know of loosing the small self, but reading and following the above text one becomes self realised. All i know is i am useless i need his mercy to understand the truth. Jai Bhole Jai Shree Krishna.
  11. Jai Ganesh Your request is reasonable. Welcome. Jai Shree Krishna
  12. Jai Ganesh Namaskar Atanu Re (At your place it must be day time? In India this poor Atanu is sleep less. Now, I will go to sleep now.) Well it is 9pm in London. You should go to bed early It must be very hot this time of the year. Namo Vasudevayya Namo Sivayya Re (The two sides of one coin. One who sees the both sides together sees the Param.) To be able to see that, there has to be a second, within the one without a second. Re (That is some Upanishad. I have forgotten which.) I am sure you will remember later. Good night. Jai Shree Krishna
  13. Jai Ganesh Namaskar Atanu Re (I forgot to say namaskar. So, I repeat it twice here.) I accept your namaskar because it gives me a reason to resiprocate Namaskar. Re (Abuse is abuse. All abuse is gross. There is no subtle abuse.) If you put it that way i agree. Re But then on the other hand, do we need to abuse the sages who have stated that there is no second in the fourth state (your signature line)? This is a different ball game, it is a question of realisation,if you want we may exchange our understanding with respect, some place else, this thread is an insult to Lord Ram it our duty if we can defend it, but i can not bare to read what has been written.and for the record i do not like what some people write about Lord Shiva either. Re (See, below how the word nirgunam is changed in the so-called true translation.) Some people have their agenda, shagun and nirgun is two side of the same coin. Jai Shree Krishna
  14. Jai Ganesh Re (I sure do. By the very definition of the word Brahman, a Prabrahman or Brahman has to be devoid of attributes.) You do not know brahman,you are just trying to understand with your logic that which is beyond your capacity. Parabrahman can not be less then its creation. Jai Shree Krishna
  15. Jai Ganesh Pranam Atanu Re (Many in this very thread are abusing Lord Siva. Are they Hindus? ) Most certainly not, I can understand the difference in worship of each group but gross abuse as presented in this thread is unacceptable. Jai Shree Krishna
  16. Jai Ganesh Re (It is apparent that you (and others like Ganeshprasad) look at the story from a defensive position or almost protective position, while I am looking at it somewhat objectively. ) No i am looking at the facts as presented by Valmiki rishi, Tulsidas Goswami, Vyasdev and many saints,Shree Ram is proclaimed through the ages by many as parabrahman,he is above the gunas there is no objectivity there but you know all about that dont you. Jai Shree Krishna
  17. Jai Ganesh ("It is obvious you are not a Hindu." How did you draw that conclusion? ) By your attitude towards Ram. Re (And yes, I do watch films, not the X-rated ones.) So you saw the humor in the film and took that as gospal but did not hear why Ram asked Laxman to cut her nose and ears.First she came in disguise asked Ram to merry her but Ram refused saying he is One Patni Man, so she desides to kill Mother Sita and that was the reason for her punishment. Re (If I have become the judge and jury without knowing the full story, I welcome you to enlighten me.) If you are honest in your inquiry you will find that i had already pointed out an error in your story of sugriv marrying his brothes wife. Go read Ramayan first, get your story right before you make any accusation.And if you want to learn you ask and not make wild accusation, do not base your judgement on watching films. Jai Shree Krishna
  18. Jai Ganesh my Pranam to you and your parents, keep it up you are a rare soul,a shining example to young genaration. Jai Shree Krishna
  19. Jai Ganesh Re (I do understand that a lot of Hindus worship Rama. But does everyone agree that Rama's character is flawed?) It is obvious you are not a Hindu. Re (Consider: (a) When a sexually excited Shurpanakhi approached Rama for fulfillment of her desires, Rama and Lakshmana teased her incessantly until she felt that with Sita's demise, Rama will marry her; at which point, Lakshmana cut off her ears and nose. Is this worthy of a mature character? Why didn't Rama just tell her to go away instead of joining his brother in a tease game?) You been watching films. Re ((b) When he was told about Vali, instead of telling Sugriva to apologize to his brother, he decided to hide behind bushes and shoot Vali. Let's face it: Sugriva was at fault here.) You have become judge and jury without the knowing the full story. Re ( returned to the kingdom, married Vali's wife and started enjoying the luxuries of a king.) check your facts first before making any post here, he never married Vali's wife it was vali who did the dirty when he returned.Ram killed vali for this sin. You are way off the mark about Lord Ram, so i want comment. Jai Shree Krishna
  20. Jai Ganesh Re (Do you think people who have written on Big Bang theory are kids, Do you think people who are in NASA are kids. I really pity on you.) No doubt these are highly inteligent people but trying to unlock the mystries of creation by studying inert matter. for me life comes from life and not from dead matter. Chant the names of the lord it is a powerful tool to understand the spritual subject matter. It want cost you anything. Jai Shree Krishna
  21. Jai Ganesh Re (You seem to deny Big bang with a commonsensical argument.) I can not accept the so called scientific theory of big bang and do not forget it is a theory only, it presupposes existing of mass of matter, which blows up in all direction question arises where dose the matter come from and what triggers the explosion and even more astounding is, every thing fall in to perfect place brought about by a bang. Have you ever observed such a phenomena any where? Yes the universe will end with a bang, the Vedic science speaks of dissolution and creation but it comes about with the will of the Lord. We observe in our small world intelligence behind any creation and then to think the whole cosmic creation comes about without any intelligence behind it is utter madness on gigantic proposition Re (As far as I know, "Big bang" is only intended to mean the beginning of the expansion of space and evolution of matter.) Pure speculation. As far as I know complex matter in due course of time decays in to simpler form and not other way round. Re (But I need a confirmation.) You can put your faith in scientific speculation which is for ever changing theory, on the origin of creation in which case you may wait for ever or accept the Vedic science unchanged over the years, confirms our own observation that, even a tiny creation, comes about with an intelligence behind it. Jai Shree Krishna
  22. Jai Ganesh Re (If you find Aliens all the theories will become false, because you will not know where the origin is, the entire universe has formed from one place, the big bang theory. Then the Aliens will come up with new God and concept. ) Oh, I have no illusion about the origin, if all you can offer is aliens and big bangs then I pity you, even a child can observe that a bang can only lead to destruction and ciaos; it can not bring about order and creation. I suggest you read Bhagvat Gita Lord Krishna spoke 5000years ago especially chapter 16.He speaks about people who thinks this creation has no bases. Jai Shree Krishna
  23. Jai Ganesh I think you will find this is Atanu. He is a Shiva Bhakta. I did not know a Hari Bhakta could use sarcasm. Jai Shree Krishna
  24. Jai Ganesh Pranam Madhav Kem che bhai jaja thi ram ram nice answer. souls do not have to build but to choose from 84lakh of species to choose from. Jai Shree Krishna
  25. Jai Ganesh Re (but where exactly is Siddhashram located??? How do we get there???) Siddh means perfection and you know what ashram is, well there is some thing called sidhLoka, it is not in this imperfect world. And then there is the abode of the lord having attain this one never retun to this mortal world. Krishna describe this in the gita how to get there, one simple method in Kali youga(which is full of faults)is to chant the names of the lord. Re (I have read the Gita,the Upanishads but I never knew of Siddhashram. ) nice that you read the gita, more you read more you will understand, siddhashram can not be very far. Jai Shree Krishna
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