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But Bhaija, we already knew this right? And we already know that historians, specially western historians, don't want Greece to be an off shoot of anything because that will devalue their own history and legacy. Then everything they got from the Greek eventually came from India, something which is very hard to swallow for the average western scholar. It would pretty much destroy their world and history books have to be retold then. Same with the whole PIE story. The source must be somewhere close to Greece of course. If they shun for the truth then it only shows their true color and they only spit on them self for still calling them self scholars (which is someone who is on the pursuit of knowledge). Let it be brother, even though its truth, its only a lower, shallow and most of all a temporary truth for those who follow the eternal truth. Things on material level should not bother as much, we should rather focus on the things that bother us on a mental level or higher so we can at least get a glimps of what is known is Sat.
What most people, especially western people, seem to forget is that the Buddha (which is a TITLE btw, as everyone can become a Buddha) lived in INDIA (was a prince in Nepal and went deeper in India for his spritual advancement), so his ideas came forth from the ideas that where already floating in India. His ideas, his thoughts, his philosophy was NOT NEW, it only was forgotten by the masses. I mean Meditation, detachment, conquering desire, thoughtless etc. where all ideas that already came to pass in the Vedas and Upanishads. It is just that India around the Buddha time was in ruin, nothing more then a shadow from its former glorious past. This may have been the effect of the Kurushetra war. As Krishna said, when a society finds it top point in culture and growth, it WILL fall in to ruins. Now sinds Buddhisme and their thoughts actually derrives from other Hindu/Indian philosophy (i know buddhist never going to acknowledge this truth) its only normal that their thoughts and philosophies are similiar to each other. The fact is that each great spiritual master proclaim the truth in their own way, tone it down to the understanding of the people of the time and area from where he is from. Like the fact that the Buddha never actually disputed the theory of Jivan or soul, he just said to people not to be attached to such an idea because it will hinder you to experience it yourself. This is because the people of that time (or all times) have wrong ideas about spiritual concepts and its better to not have these ideas because you will be open to the real truth, which will always be different from what books say (as books can not convert experience to people). In this way, the Buddha disputed a lot of 'Vedic' ideas, because the true meaning of those words where lost and people made their own ideas about that (which is illusion and thus ignorance). The Buddha also said that the true essence of the Vedas where the TRUTH yet their meaning was lost. This came to be because the Brahmin forgot their position and became corrupted. They corrupted the Vedas with them, selling the teachings for money and food. Creating new rituals so that there roll in Society did not fade away. The Buddha actually helped to change this but the corruption of the Brahmins have stained India and its philosophy for a long time after and is still strong till this day. To answer your question, both the essence of the Gita and of the Buddha existed millenia's before both the Buddha and Krishna. Why? Because such ultimate truths dont change by time like the law of gravity. THe same philosophy has been taught 100.000 years ago and will be taught over 100.000 again (if we don't destroy ourself in this terrible age). We as people only forget it by time and a new teacher must come to remind us of the real truth of this world and our own human experience. If we also go by the story, then the Mahabharat was a millenium earlier before the Buddha came (Krishna usually dated around 1500 bc to 900 bc). That Krishna was not seen as devine can be, that the Gita may or may not be said by Krishna can be, that does not mean the text of the Gita is less devine, less important or less relevant. No text that i know have the depth of the Gita. It truly is the light that brightens the human mind and together with deep detached meditation will create wonders!
Namaste brother, I am afraid you made a great mistake my friend by blocking the kundalini's energy when it arose. NDE is a beautiful thing, and if you had completed it - heavenly kingdoms would have awaited you. I myself had a similar experience, thought not the whole thing because my focus was not strong enough. When you blocked the energy it 'explodes' within you, and may have caused damage to your inner chakra's and nadi's. From what i have known, you should never awaken the kundalini - nor meditate - without proper guidance for these things may happen. But please be not afraid, the fact this happened means you are blessed! It seemed the heavens wanted you more then you wanted them. For a true remedy i can only think of 3 things: 1. Give yourself over to a higher cause, your own higher spirit. We all have higher guidance but we do not now. First burst yourself with love, only love, let it flow throughout your whole body. Do this mentally. Let love cover your mind and body till all you can feel is its warmth and light. Then meditate on this, on love, and place your concentration on your forhead region. The power of true love, unselfish love, unconditionally love, can cleanse you of your illness. Through love you can live again the way you did. You may have to put out a fight, this won't be easy but its reward is more then just healing your illnesses. 2. Start searching for answers about meditation, higher self, enlightenment - Everything about this problem. Keep searching for answers - and search from within your heart (desire it). This eventually of course led you to here, but do not be discourage for you do not know what your karma has for you. One day you will find the answers to your problem, else you would have never had the NDE. The cosmic works in strange ways my dear, through this horrible act, it forces you to look beyond the mundane existence. 3. Receive guidance from a TRUE living master or disciple. The great problem lies that you do not know this master is true or not but a higher truth tells that the master comes when the student is ready. Also a true disciple will never ask you money for guidance. All he or she will ask is love and devotion. I hope this helped you out, and may have enlightened you, for so far i can give you it. May blessings shower you my dear and do not be discourage although darkness may surround you. Through darkness you will find light in this world and sometimes we have to be thrown in the dept before we can arise to the sky. I wish you the best and may you not dwindle on the path of self realization - it is of more value then anything in this world. Blessings, Dharmaraja
Hi friend, Namaste, I am also new to this forum, but not so new to Hinduism or the spiritual path. Although humble (which is always a good characteristic) , you don't have to apologies for asking questions - none questions are stupid! Also about Kali - although i have the strong feeling you already know a lot about her - i can say the following thing. Kalimata is a form of Durgamata = She resembles the ending of an age - or better yet the end of something. Although see looks scary - she is a divine being, and she helps to remove the old - bad things - so there can be place for new - light - things. She comes on your path to give your life a turn - for the better good. This current Age is also named after her: Kali Yuga. This because it has said the human race has become filled with rigidness - the false self is rejoicing and having the upper hand. In this time War, dispute and all the bad things of the mind are in control. This - in a way - is not bad either, in fact it is purging for the come of the greater age - Sat Yuga (true age). So do not be afraid of Kalimata, for she comes for your own goodness. But still - although i am not good informed what Wiccan is, i have read some about it - it , in my opinion, is always better to concentrate on the true and one god - the source (Aum, Brahman, God, Allah, Ram, Buddha nature, Sat Nam, Jehova etc.) for they resemble all power and they are the true essence of the Jiva, the living being. All the other demi-gods are part of this creation, and although they may (and some even shall) help you, if you adore the true one (which is in essence yourself), they all will adore you! There is a story how Kalimata came to be - it had too do with the slaying of a great demon -. I think you can find it on the net easy. I hope this as helped you in some degree, may blessings shower you on your path to realization!
- though i am not a senior member on this board - a have aged a bit in the science of the self. So this is my answer from what i know: Yoga Shakti as an energy IS energy. Shakti is the (inner)power - or in some paths the power of Shiva. Kundaline is a spiritual energy in the form of the snake. He lies at the base of the first Chakra. When - by meditation - one gets enough Shakti, the kundalini (which in some paths is known as the female power of Shiva, Lakshmi) will awake - and rush to the head region (to where Shiva lies). By doing so, the Kundalini will open all chakra's and at the end, has union with the last chakra (the 7th,), also seen as some paths as the union with Shiva. Through this experience it has said that your Third eye (the 6th chakra) will open and you will have control over the 6th sense and you will be able to see other frequencies, like the astral plane. A word of precaution, The kundalini is a power not to mess with. If not controlled properly, it will destroy your inner chakra's and energy. Alot of cases, people have gone mad because of this. Only do this under guidance by a practice meditator (a legit one, if you can find one). It is safer to use Breath Meditation and concentrate on the third eye. The road can be harder, but it may be safer - it still is not safe without guidance. For number 2, i have no answer. For the 4th it may be Maya, as in the cosmic illusion. Its a veil - the cover of Ego - that layers the true self and the world.Maya is much more then the word illusion though. Maya is the whole creation, everything - even demi-gods and heavens, it is creation it self. The thought is, the soul - being eternal - is trapped within this creation and thinks this plane is real. This is why Maya is also seen as illusion, because Truth is the soul alone, through maya he experience everything i.e. pain, pleasure, hate, anger and most important of all - selfishness (Ego - the main power of Maya). Maya separates the beings from the source. On kundalini and Maya you can find enough information on the net. I hope this helped to some degree. Please don't meditate on energies whom are unknown to you - the result can be undesirable. It is like playing Russian Roulette.
vishnu not krishna is source of all avatars.
DharmaRaja88 replied to sambya's topic in Spiritual Discussions
In the veda's and vedantas, it has said that above all devi's, deva's, half gods etc. there is the supreme source, Brahman (don't know if i spelled it right). If you understand the gayatri Mantra (Rig Veda if i am correct), he is the one to worship. From the unpersonal god - Brahman- the source, came everything. Krishna stated in the Gita, that he is the personal form of Brahman. Yogi's meditate on Brahman, but the road is hard, devotion to the personal is easier. ^ from that knowledge you can assume he is above the trinity, thus above Vishnu. The ones who states he is Vishnu are clearly after the death of Krishna and thus you can 'assume' its the work of Kali Yuga. The latter are of course assumptions, but this does make sense why later scriptures tried to convert Krishna in to an avatar of Vishnu (Also why suddenly such a beloved mystic like Kabir was 'made from a rose by Vishnu - utterly Bias and doctrine'). Also Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma (The trinity), are all one (Aum) which is an manifestation of the source - Brahman (Krishna). I hope i made some sense, this still does not apply to mainstream scources, BUT mainstream has never been the way on the spiritual path - you better avoid it and seek the truth out for yourself. Thank you and Blessings to all!