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Bhakta Don Muntean

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Everything posted by Bhakta Don Muntean

  1. Quote: The distorted version of real Krishna Consciousness is spreading in many mutant forms throughout the world Reply: Just try to see how you are doing no better than that?! Again - why do you continue to hide behind this "guest" feature? Looks pretty poor to me. Dear guest - you are simply not thinking like you should be - Prabhupada cannot say anything to you - I cannot say anything to you - all you hear is your own biased mind. If you reject these other traditions - that is a finite position for you - a person who simply serves as a counter-point to the point - [them that you condemn in the other traditions]. If you cannot look into other traditions and - see what truths are within - then how can you help save our world from the impending moment of global conflict? Whether you can see the reality or not - devotees of Krishna - are in a most unique position - to explain the personal and impersonal expressions about God in the various scriptures - a task you're not suited to...not because of a lack of knowledge – but rather because you are biased for some reason. You are not telling about the real source of your feelings here… You better soon see that it is kali yuga - and there is 'something wrong' with everything - including you.... Your servant, BDM
  2. Hari bol! That's an expected example of a name for a rabbit - a good one too... I wonder what that subject line on your reply means to the context of your reply - it's late I may be slow - but it seems to have nothing to do with it?
  3. You could go with Sasa-narayan - sasa is Sanskrit for rabbit. Narayan is a Name of God. "Sasa" - is pronounced 'chuchu'. The 's' is pronounced as 'ch' as in the word chair and the 'a' would be 'u' - as in the word but - so it would thus sound like - "chuchu" - add the word Narayan - so that you get sasa-narayan [chuchu-narayan] - how's that? YS, BDM
  4. Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction. [George W. Bush] Looks like America isn't a free nation! At least according to Bush!
  5. Quote: if the religious heads of these faiths try to understand our philosophy, certainly there will be great impetus in the matter of spiritual rejuvenation of the world Reply: The point may also be that - we should do the same - at least for preaching purposes...
  6. Good point...even though Robertson and his 'president' are EVILangelical terrorists! Quote: It's for the same reason Bush's former Reply: So I wonder - what is the 'real reason' John Ashcroft "resigned" his post...??
  7. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Go instead to your health food store and get a bottle of food grade hydrogen peroxide and ask for the detoxification sheet as well - also do an internet search on this. It is a product - proven effective - at killing parasites even virus' in the body - in any case use only well diluted solutions as this is a dangerous product and do know how to use it - before doing so! You do not wish to burn your throat etc., but over-all it's safer than drinking urine! Cannot convince me that something I have expelled from my body as a waste should be re-ingested - especially as medication. Cow urine from protected cows may be one thing but - human liquid waste is just that - waste. So please do a search on this other process - you'll not be disappointed! I have a devotee friend [Prabhupada disciple] who has done this - she claims she's cured her cancer with it. Of course - this food grade hydrogen peroxide - diluted - should also be used to soak/clean all fruits and veggies - 'before' they are stored in your ice-box - do it and see the difference in how long they'll go before spoiling - you'll be shocked - also things come from the stores very unclean and these days - water alone - just don't cut it in the cleaning process. BDM p.s. forgive the errors in spelling here - posted too quick...
  8. "...We have great respect for Lord Jesus Christ. We accept him as powerful incarnation of Krishna, as much as we accept Lord Buddha. We can adjust the Buddhists, Christians, and even the Mohammedans to our KC movement, so if the religious heads of these faiths try to understand our philosophy, certainly there will be great impetus in the matter of spiritual rejuvenation of the world..." [June 03, 1969]
  9. Hari Bol! What are you talking about - what post? Five more pages of what? Did 'you' make that comment about my being a guinea pig for the ID chip? Of course - I know I need the holy name - and yes - that holy name - is the only "therapy" I need...but that doesn't change the fact that I have been implanted with a tracking device [and I was questioning why someone made a bent joke about it]!
  10. Oh mysterious guest it's interesting that you blathered 'that' then left?
  11. Quote: The reason I was critical of other religions is simple. Turn on the TV and look at the news. See what Judaism, Christianity and Islam are doing for the world. Reply: You are judging entire faith groups because of what you hear on the news – hearing that some of the more prolific so-called followers of these faiths have captured the world’s attention in an arena that is indeed a threat to all – you denounce the entire faith tradition. I see that there are people of all faith groups who have to contend with the ill decisions of others in their faith tradition – even amongst Hindus and yes even in ISKCON - there is a history of Kali Yuga influence! Do we want people to reject Prabhupada’s teachings - because the Hare Krishna’s cannot seem to get it together? Quote: Some people believe that if someone believes in God then he is a better person than an atheist. Reply: I am present in every living entity as the Supersoul. If someone neglects or disregards that Supersoul everywhere and engages himself in the worship of the Deity in the temple, that is simply imitation. [sB 3.29.21] Quote: But it is a fact that the atheist Buddhists have never gone on Crusades or Jihads or Six Day Wars against anyone. Buddhist nations have waged war but Buddhists don't think they are doing it to "punish the unbelievers". Reply: You cannot say that those practices are a part of modern biblical faith groups – some deviate the teachings and thus make issues – but don’t blame all for the actions of some. What about the Hindu national Party’s tug of war with its counterpoint – isn’t that a part of this point? Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India are going to fight for how long? Actually it seems that they are doing better these days… Quote: This new pope was previously the head of the modern day Inquisition and he has dealt harshly with heretics such as the leftist "liberation theology" priests of Nicaragua. Reply: Oh please – and if you knew his was a task to see that the teachings of the Church were not being changed – and if you were to see devotees making unwarranted changes to the tradition would you be an inquisitor if you were charged with the task of seeing that that doesn’t take place? Yes this present pope has a harsh reputation from the past – they called him the "bulldog" didn’t they? But let’s see how he goes forward – you are judging too soon. Quote: Now he wants to see a revival of faith in Europe, and he wants to see crosses installed in public places. Reply: Well see if you cannot make connections to the church and bring a revival of faith for all – build some bridges if you can. This pope hasn’t done away with the interfaith dialogue started by Pope John Paul II – and he isn’t going to. Quote: But secularism is a stong force in Europe Reply: … As Kali-yuga advances, people are becoming godless and taking up so-called secularism … [sB 5.26.15, purport] Quote: because the people are conscious of the crimes that have been committed in Europe in the name of the Christian religion, so I doubt this Pope will get many town councils to agree to put up Crosses anywhere. Reply: Dwelling on that past isn’t going to keep it in the past – standing afar off from those you do not approve of in the faith department isn’t going to mold the future with your influence. Please do not underestimate kali yuga in all this. Quote: This pope is shown heaps of respect... but why? Reply: Then based on that - why should I show you respect – I don’t even know who you are… Quote: Why show respect for these sorts of people. He talks about how he wants "peace" in the world but given the chance he would certainly take Europe back into the dark ages of Christendom where witches were burned at the stake. Reply: Hey - you can see the future?! Quote: And the same goes for the "Jewish extremists" who have stolen the land of Palestinians and who justify that by saying Yahweh gave them Palestine as their homeland. Reply: More generalizations – why more baiting of issues - rather than working with them? Not all Israelis are “Jewish extremists” – and there is a destiny working out here. One who cannot see that – has other issues. We shall see how these problems work out – but I guess we cannot count on you to do anything to help. I guess it’s safer to judge from the sidelines – preaching the same type of exclusivity as those so-called extremist faiths that you wish to dispose of? Quote: Vaishnavism says this world is not our home and none of us have a right to attack other people and kill them. Reply: Never been a war in Vedic Culture? Didn’t the Pandavas have a right to attack their enemies? Didn’t they fight for land? It’s all in the context deal soul… Quote: But the barbarians scriptures say it is OK to murder people if they are unbelievers. So, as I've said before, in my opinion their religion is a concocted and false ideology based on lies and fables. Reply: We have been over this point before – read back in this thread…
  12. Quote: ...ruminating these rotting news... Reply: Well in a way - those discussions have context. The subject matter of this thread - is indirectly related to a kali yuga colored fallout from the Satan myth - and - it is a fact that such freakish demons are everywhere in this world - so there aught to be some lucid discussions on the issue. Without doubt ‘good people recoil’ from hearing these things - but more and more - we are seeing the good people going bad - or - the bad people going worse. Did you consider that those around such people may need these discussions…not everyone reading here is a devotee of Krishna? Why are discussions of - kali yuga factors surrounding social issues - a waste of time? At least here – these get the Vedic perspective! YS, BDM
  13. Quote: Look at the other thread and this devotee has a problem regarding spiritual activity in his ISKCON temple. Reply: Which thread - which devotee and what activity - please?
  14. And which guest is this? See how confusing it is with many people posting with guest status? Hari Bolo!
  15. Quote: This thread has gone on too long. We are just ruminating the cud , as Srila Prabhupad said. Reply: Oh Say you! If that is how you feel - then why are you on this thread - 'chewing the chewed'? It is all well and good for people to understand things in perspective - but I will say this - how can you live in a world with others - if you are only going to focus on why you are not like these others. As noted before - we can see more common denominators - than we do differences. If you are going to judge these other faith groups thus - then - you should be honest about the practical ‘Kali Yuga results’ - of such judgments. Why are you are waiting to rise up the ladder of society - as that is not a way to see change - cannot you try to build bridges – try to find a way to bring people together – is there another reason you cannot find any truths in the biblical traditions upon which to focus the attention of those traditions? Or is it that you would rather sit down tightly and become callous to the reactions of kali yuga? We are not going to see everyone come to our platform – thus we cannot neglect that we can still have a great influence – especially if the other groups see our efforts as non-conversion orientated – it could inspire millions of people and make the name of Krishna even more well respected among these other groups. As for this thread having ‘gone on too long’ – have you seen the number of page views on the “celebrities without makeup” thread – so would you rather people reach out to the mundane on the internet – or something more. Why haven’t you made up a pseudonym for this forum – you take such effort to give us your opinions – but no effort to show your identity - not even creating one for the sake of these discussions – why not? Your servant, BDM
  16. So when you're asked if you're a hindu - say no - then explain the global nature of vedic culture that used to be - and explain how and why that dried up everywhere and thus created the fractured faiths - explain that India being a place of pastimes became a last refuge for this vedic culture - which later becomes hindu religion.
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