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Everything posted by karthik_v

  1. Thank you very much Bhatajoy Prabhuji. I installed the fonts. Thank you for taking the pains to type all the steps. Actually, my question was incomplete, so you hads to do a lot of typing. I wanted to know if more than 1 font had to be installed and if so in any particular order. But, I installed Balaram and it works. Thanks a lot. J N Das can be reached at jndas@ If he is not touring he would have responded to this. So, I presume that he is touring. So, let us wait for a week before mailing him. Also, let us find out from him if there are any copyright issues involved. I have seen many sites hosting BG As it is and parts of SB, but I don't know if they any permission from BBT.
  2. Dear mmaranr: This has been possible only over the last two hundred yeas with the discovery of radioactive dating methods and the theory of evolution by natural selection by Charles Darwin. You will be very surprised to know that all dating techniques, including radio-carbon [C-12], are highly unreliable. For example, a sample sent to 3 labs will often yield 3 dates seperated by a few million years. Darwin's theory is highly contested and doesn't have one evidence to support the same. On the contrary, there are several evidences that suggest that modern humans lived even during the pre-cambrian era. I suggest a nice reading of Forbidden Archeology by Micheal Cremo and Richard Thompson. The fossil record shows that life forms became increasing complex over long periods of time. Actually, it doesn't. Those who promote evolution, filter out evidences to the contrary. The above book deals with that too. The slow change undergone by the life form is a result of evolution by non-random natural selection (see The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins). This was an old 19th century theory, now being increasingly challenged. There is not one model, even theoretical, that shows what changes in the DNA structures must be effected to bring about such a change. In the absence such a model, this remains just a speculation - no more scientific than creationism. I believe that God did not intentionally create different life froms at different times over the history of the earth. Neither do I believe that God created humans or any of the diverse variety of living creatures. I believe that it is the blind forces of nature that has caused the existence of the present life form. You are entitled to your beliefs. And every belief needn't be based on facts. Nor does it have to be rational. My wife believes that I am handsome!!! But an inquiring mind will not allow such beliefs to become a dogma. The most basic of these forces is the gravitational force of gravity discovered by Issac Netwon in the 17th century. Before this discovery (and perhaps, even till today) many people may have attributed this force to the divine creator. But, it is the force of gravity that exist throughout the universe. Pretty good. All you have managed is to substitute God with gravity. How did gravity come into being to begin with? Anyway, our ancestors did have a nice comprehension of the gravitational force. Please read the works of Richard Thompson, where he shows from Surya Siddhanta that our ancestors computed the perihelion and aphelion orbits close to accuracy. Is it possible to do that without having a clear comprehension of the laws of gravity? I don't believe that God is behind the forces of nature, or else He will be responsible for many natural disasters that kill thousands of innocent God-loving man, woman and children. What the larva calls the end of life, the master calls a butterfly - Richard Bach. I will read through the relevent sections of the religious scripture like Gita to find answers to my questions. But, I have to bear in mind that these scriptures may never have been updated based on latest findings, research and discoveries, unlike the scientific texts. If they have to updated, then they cease to be eternal truths. They are just speculations then!!!
  3. Hari Bol Bhaktajoy Prabhuji, AGTSP! PAMHO! What steps do I need to go through to install the fonts?
  4. To fight or not to fight? Sri Aurobindo, in a letter written on September 13, 1936: No doubt, hatred and cursing are not the proper attitude. It is true also that to look upon all things and all people with a calm and clear vision, to be uninvolved and impartial in one's judgments is a quite proper yogic attitude. A condition of perfect samata [equanimity] can be established in which one sees all as equal, friends and enemies included, and is not disturbed by what men do or by what happens. The question is whether this is all that is demanded from us. If so, then the general attitude will be of a neutral indifference to everything. But the Gita, which strongly insists on a perfect and absolute samata, goes on to say, “Fight, destroy the adversary, conquer.” If there is no kind of general action wanted, no loyalty to Truth as against Falsehood except for one's personal sadhana, no will for the Truth to conquer, then the samata of indifference will suffice. But here there is a work to be done, a Truth to be established against which immense forces are arrayed, invisible forces which can use visible things and persons and actions for their instruments. If one is among the disciples, the seekers of this Truth, one has to take sides for the Truth, to stand against the forces that attack it and seek to stifle it. Arjuna wanted not to stand for either side, to refuse any action of hostility even against assailants; Sri Krishna, who insisted so much on samata, strongly rebuked his attitude and insisted equally on his fighting the adversary. “Have samata,” he said, “and seeing clearly the Truth, fight.” Therefore to take sides with the Truth and to refuse to concede anything to the Falsehood that attacks, to be unflinchingly loyal and against the hostiles and the attackers, is not inconsistent with equality.... It is a spiritual battle inward and outward; by neutrality and compromise or even passivity one may allow the enemy force to pass and crush down the Truth and its children. If you look at it from this point, you will see that if the inner spiritual equality is right, the active loyalty and firm taking of sides is as right, and the two cannot be incompatible.
  5. Thank you Avinash Prabhuji. Can you also kindly provide the other verses and their translation?
  6. In Microsoft, Seattle, there is a brilliant devotee by the name Jayendran Srinivasan. He sports a Tilak and goes to work. He also has the pictures of the deities on his desk. He also organizes lectures by devotees at Microsoft campus. I attended one by Michael Cremo Prabhu. JS starts the meetings by addressing the gathering Hare Krishna. He has also organized lectures of H H Bhanu Swami Maharaj at Microsoft campus. You trust Krishna and treat unprincipled fools as dirt and Krishna gives you the strength. There is another devotee called Dhanasekhar, who came to Houston on a business trip 2 years ago. He wanted to read Bhagavatam at work. Krishna gave him so much strength that DS used to complete 1 week's workload in 1 hour. He completed over 600 reports in 3 months. Most times, within an hour of the client giving him the specifications, he used to complete it and go back to SB. He attended work in dhoti and tilak. I don't know if the client liked it, but they kept quiet. After all, DS was single handedly doing the work of a 100 Anderson consultants and the client saved millions.
  7. There is neither a statue nor an image in a mosque. How, then, could the Hindus have destroyed them? Getting a little factual, every riot before 1947 [the period in question], started in Moslem dominated areas. They were not initiated by the Hindus. Hindus were just reacting. I agree that those who kill aren't jnanis, but pray tell me as to how you would react when a marauding horde of Muslims raid your town and kill your children and rape your women? Will you chant Hare Krishna as your womenfolk are being raped? Yes, even chanting in those moments will help if we are pure. After all, Krishna helped Draupadi. But, none of us is pure. So, let us not pretend. Even Arjuna wasn't pure. That is why Krishna told him to fight the war - He didn't ask him to chant on the battlefield. GV sannyasis have done several great things, but I have to disagree on this count. As Sri Aurobindo said, when Moslems are all out to attack the Hindus, the Hindus need to organize and fight back. The world understands the language of force and respects it. Sorry to sound a little harsh. But I don't keep quiet when somebody tries to equate the reactions of the Hindus to the offensive actions of the Moslems and tries to generalize. Gandhi used to do that. I don't respect him for that. Pacifism is not at all the sign of a jnani. Many non-Vaishnava gurus like Sri Aurobindo, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Dayananda Saraswati have displayed the courage to speak up and stand up against the offensive Moslems. I respect them for that.
  8. Sri Ramanujacarya's appearance day is on Wednesday, the 17th April, 2002. I hope you enjoy this post I have taken from Bhakti List. Sri Ramanujacarya: The system of Philosophy associated with Ramanuja is known as Vishistadvaita. We should not think that Ramanuja started a new philosophy and he does not claim that either. If Vishishtadvaita can be likened to a lotus plant , then Srutis are its roots, Smrithis are its stems and leaves, Earlier Alvars and Acharyas are its nourishment and Ramanuja is that bright Sun-light that caused the lotus flower to fully bloom. Ramanuja's supreme effort resulted in a systematic presentation of the Vishishtadvaita. His genius also led to the development of a complete system which synthesizes the concept of God with the philosophy of the impersonal absolute. It is a matter of fact that the beauty of Lotus appeals to everyone. The same was true of Ramanuja. Such were his attributes. His scholarship coupled with humility, devotion, kindness, beauty, love, compassion, pragmatism, and adventure left a strong impression on anyone who came to know him. The followers of Ramanuja are called Sri-Vaishnavas. Followers of Ramanuja (or at least those who include him in the lineage of their earlier Acharyas) can be seen far and wide in different parts of India including Gaudia Vaishnavas of Bengal and the Swminarayans of Gujarat. During Ramanuja's time he appointed 74 Mudhalis (Leaders or Simhasanadipati) of whom a good number were Shattadas(generally of non-Brahmin origin). It is noteworthy that 5 among the 74 Mudhalis were women. All these fit well with the character of Ramanuja. He freely mingled with true devotees of God, irrespective of their caste. He washed their feet, ate food left over in their plate, held them with great reverence, and popularized their works. When Kanchi Purna, a great devotee of God, did not let Ramanuja to wash his feet, saying that he is from a low caste, Ramanuja says, "pray , noble Sir, is it the wearing of the sacred thread that makes one a Brahmana? He who is devoted to God, he alone is a genuine Brahmana." At another instance, Kanchi Purna refused to accept Ramanuja as his disciple, stating that Ramanuja was a Brahmin well versed in the shatras, while Kanchi Purna was just an ignorant old Sudra. To this Ramanuja replied: "If the knowledge of the Sastras only brings about pride instead of devotion to God, then it is false knowledge, better is ignorance than this. You have verily tasted the real essence of the Sastras; other scholars merely carry the burden, like the ass that carries the load of sandalwood". So saying, he fell at the feet of Kanchi Purna and began to weep. The tradition followed by Sri-Vaishnavas is called Sri-sampradaya, which is perhaps best preserved among the Sri-Vaishnavas of South India. In this tradition, the Goddess Lakshmi acts as the mediator of salvation on behalf of the devotees of Vishnu. This sampradayam recognizes a host of Acharyas and Alvars. The lineage up to Ramanujacharya is as follows: Periya Perumal (Parabrahman, Sriman Narayana, Emberuman) Periya Piratti (Lakshmi) Senai Mudaliyar (Viswaksena) Nammalvar (around seventh Century AD)also known as Shatakopan, or Shatari Natha Muni (823 AD) Yamuna Muni (918-1038 AD) also known as Yamunacharya, Alavandar) Ramanujacharya (1017 AD-1137 AD) also known as Yeti Raja, Bhashyakara, Udaiyavar etc. In this list the first three names, of course, are ahistorical. Nammalvar, who belonged to a non-Brahmin community is one among the twelve Vaishnavite Alvars. Alvars lived between 100 AD to 900 AD. Alvars found God realization through Bhakti-Prapatti. Bhakti means immense love of God and Prapatti (also known as Saranagathi or Bharanyasam) means a single minded total surrender to God. The Tamil devotional works of Alvars is known as Nalayirum (4000 verses) or Divya Prabhandam. Sri-Vaishnavas learn Nalayirum and other Tamil works on par with the Sanskrit scriptures. Such practitioners are called Ubhaya Vedantins. Ramanuja took responsibility to popularize the Tamil scriptures. This was one of the oath he took at the site of the dead body of Alavandar in Srirangam. Ramanuja also ensured that Tamil poems become part of all Sri-Vaishnava style Puja. Nammalvar, is placed first among the Historical personalities revered in the Sri-sampradayam. He rescued the works of previous Alvars , added his own contribution of 1296 verses and passed it on to Natha Muni, who is a great scholar and a devotee. Natha Muni's grand son is Alavandar, who at a tender age of 14, won half the Kingdom by defeating a great scholar in a debate. Among Alavandar's grand children are Ramanuja's mother and Ramanuja's uncle Periya Tirumalai Nambi (or Srisaila Purna). Ramanuja (1017-1137 AD) was born in a pious Vaishnava Brahmin family in Sriperumbudur, 30 miles South West of Madaras. His parents were Aasuri Sarvakrutu Keshava Somayaji Dikshitar and Kantimati (grand daughter of Alavandar). The couple gained progeny after they performed an Yagna at the Parthasarathy shrine in Triplicane, Madaras. The Lord Parthasarathy appeared to Keshava in his dream and promised that the Lord himself would be born as his son for the purpose of redeeming the misguided souls. (Many had mistaken the Shankara's exposition of the vedantic mantra "Aham Brahmasmi" to apply to their physical body and had thus turned arrogant, wicked and perverse). Srisaila Purna (Periya Tirumalai Nambi), the maternal uncle of Ramanuja came from Srirangam for the child naming ceremony. He saw the divine traits in his nephew and was reminded of what Nammalvar had foretold as the divine messiah of Srivaishnavism in his Tamil work Thiruvoymoli. Nambi was totally convinced that his nephew was none other than Lakshmana, the Ananta or Adishesha of Kali Yuga. Thus, he gave the name Ramanuja (meaning brother of Rama) to his nephew. Interestingly, Ramanuja's birth month(Chaitra) and Zodiac (Cancer) sign are same as that of Sumitra's sons Lakshmana and Shatrugna. Ramanuja is generally regarded as the manifestation of both Adishesha (just as Lakshmana). as well as the five ayudhas of Vishnu. Ramanuja was a good student loved by his teachers. He was able to grasp even complex ideas by hearing just only once from his teacher He also loved to associate with holy men. Ramanuja at age 16 was wedded to an exquisitely beautiful girl in a rather grand week long wedding ceremony. The whole town rejoiced. The joy did not last long as Ramanuja's father severely fell ill and died shortly after. Ramanuja with his wife and mother moved to the holy city of Kanchipuram and therein became a disciple of Yadavaprakasha, the most renowned scholar of that time. Yadavaprakasha was a great champion of Advaita Philosophy. His doctrine is known even today as "Yadaviya Siddahanta." He was such a rigid Advaitin, that he would not acknowledge God with form. Unlike Shankaracharya, he would not even regard this universe as a maya. To him it was totally insignificant. Ramanuja was all devotion. The doctrine of Yadava did not at all appeal to Ramanuja. Mostly out of respect, Ramanuja did not challenge his guru until one day when he could not take it any more. Ramanuja humbly, but firmly disagreed with Yadava Prakasha on the interpretation of one of the rather confusing mantra from the Chandogya Upanishad. The mantra was "tasya yatha kapyasam pundarikamevamakshini." Taking "kapyasam" to mean the "nates of a monkey" as interpreted by the venerable Shankaracharya, Yadavaprakasha explained the passage as follows: "The two eyes of that golden Purusha are like two lotuses which are red like the nates of a monkey." Hearing this interpretation, tears rolled down from the corners of Ramanuja's eyes likes flames of fire and fell on the thigh of Yadavaprakasha. Yadava understood that something troubled his dear disciple Ramanuja. When asked for the cause of his anguish, Ramanuja politely answered: "Revered Sir, from the mouth of a wise person like you, I never expected to hear the comparison of the eyes of the Supreme Godhead with the posterior of a monkey." Yadava considered this as a display of arrogance by Ramanuja and challenged him to give his interpretation. Ramanuja proceeded to give his interpretation of Kapyasam, the troublesome word in the mantra. Kapyasam = Kapih + Asam Kapih = Kam jalam pibatiti Kapih: he who drinks water = Suryah, Sun Asa = blossomed Thus, Kapyasam = Sun blossomed or blossomed by the Sun. Now the mantra can be translated as : "The eyes of the golden Purusha are as lovely as the lotuses blossomed by the rays of the Sun". Hearing this Yadava said that it is not a direct meaning but only a derived meaning. Nevertheless, he recognized the skill of his student. The trend continued. One of the famous Upanishadic mahavakyas "Satyam Jnanam anantam Brahma" was interpreted by Yadava as Brahman is truth, Intelligence and Infinitude. Ramanuja, again disagreed with Yadava and interpreted it as Brahman is endowed with the quality of truth, intelligence and infinitude. It is not correct to hold that all these qualities are He Himself. These qualities are His, but not He, just as the body is mine, I am not the body. At this point Yadavapraksha grew jealous of Ramanuja. He plotted to kill Ramanuja and wash off his sins at the sacred Ganges. Yadava with Ramanuja and the other disciples set out on a pilgrimage to Kashi. Ramanuja, came to know his guru's wicked plan through his cousin Govinda and returned back from the Dandaka forest without finishing the so called pilgrimage. Ramanuja returned to his studies under Yadava. Everyone concerned pretended as though nothing happened. The mantra being discussed this time was "sarvam khalvidam brahma" - All this is verily Brahma and "neha nanasti kinchana" - there is no diversity whatsoever here. Yadava, had his class spell bound with his discourse on the oneness of Atman and Brahman. Ramanuja disagreed and expressed his position. As the universe is born of Brahman, is sustained by Brahman, so it may surely be said to be permeated with Brahman(not verily Brahman). For instance, fish is born in water, lives in water, and dissolves into water; so it may be said to be surely permeated with water. But as fish can never be water, likewise the universe too can never be Brahman. And "neha nanasti kinchana" does not mean that there is no diversity whatsoever here; the various objects do not exist separately, but are like pearls strung on a thread form a garland, so the various objects threaded in Brahman have formed this universe. Many have united and give the appearance of oneness, but by this the distinctiveness has in no way been impaired. At this Yadava expelled Ramanuja from his school. (Many years later, Yadava became a disciple of Ramanuja and took sanyasa under the name Govinda Jeer. He composed the incomparable work Yatidharmasamuccaya). Alavandar, who was of ripe age thought his prayers answered when he heard that Ramanuja was no more associated with Yadava.. He sent words for Ramanuja so that he could place the responsibility of spreading Vishishtadvaita on his shoulders. . By the time Ramanuja arrived in Srirangam, to his dismay the old sire Alavandar had just passed away. Ramanuja noticed that the three fingers of the Maharshi's right hand were folded and clenched. Disciples of Alvandar vouched that they had never seen the fingers of Alvandar that way before. Hearing that Ramanuja made three promises on front of the dead body: "I will popularize the Tamil Veda, I will write Sri-Bhashya (detailed treatise on Brahma Sutras), and I shall give the name of Parashara to an accomplished Vaishnava(as a mark of respect to sage Parshara, the father of Vyasa)". As he made these promises one by one, so also the folded fingers became straight one after another! Later, Ramanuja fulfilled all his promises and more. He made sure the Tamil Veda remained as a part of Sri-sampradaya. He entrusted many of his disciples to expound on the message of the Nalayirums. He wrote Sri-Bhashyam, writing of which required a study of the Bodhayana-Vritti. He obtained the only copy of it at the Sarada Peetam of Kashmir established by Shankara. The library attendants refused to give him that book, however, it is believed that Ramanuja had the vision of Sarada there and got the book in a mysterious way. His other literary works include: Vedanta Sangraha - a treatise on the principles of Vishishtadvaita elaborated from the Srutis; Gita Bhashya - a detailed commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita; Vedanta dipa - a brief commentary on the Brahma sutras; Vedanta sara - a brief commentary on the Brahma sutras and intended for beginners; Saranagati gadya and Sriranga gadya - tells about saranagati or prapatti; Sri Vaikunta gadya - describes Sri Vaikunta and the state of the liberated; Nitya grantha - a short manual to guide devotees in their daily life. As promised, he also named a great disciple of his as Parashara Bhattar and instructed him to write his famous commentary on the Vishnu Sahsranamam. Ramanuja studied under numerous disciples of Alavandar and other Vaishnavite scholars. He left his wife, who was never in phase with Ramanuja. He took Sanyasa, studied further and under Goshti Purna, after much fuss, received the moola mantra of Sri-Vaishnavas, "Om Namo Narayanaya." However Ramanuja even before leaving Goshti Pura, assembled the whole town with the promise of a great gift, claimed the top of the Temple, and gave the moola Mantra to the entire town that had assembled . Such was the nature of Ramanuja. Both preserving and spreading his creed. Ramanuja lived in Tirumalai for a while and studied Ramayana under his uncle Sri Saila Purna. At a later time he returned to Tirumalai and reestablished it as a Vaishnavite shrine. Ramanuja basically returned to the shrine the old glory as elaborated in the works of Alvar about Tiruvengadam. He also founded the town of Govinda Raja Puram (Tirupati) at the foot hills of the mountain and installed the Govinda Raja's idol which he rescued from a nearby abandoned town. This town initially used to be called Ramanuja Puram. He also established the flower gardens at Tirumalai and entrusted its care to Shattada Sri Vaishnavas. His digvijayas included many other holy places such as Thiruvanantha puram in Kerala, Dwaraka, mathura, Brindavan, Salagram, Saketa, Badarikashrama, Naimisha, Pushkara, Kashmir, where he had the vision of Sarada. It is said that, Sarada, particularly impressed by his previous translation of the word "Kapyasum" to mean blossommed by the Sun instead of nates of a monkey (as translated by Yadava and other scholars) gave him the title Bhashyakara. From Kashmir he proceded to Puri and established a monastery there and called it Embar Math after his cousin Govinda, his own disciple. From here he went to Ahobila and established a math there also which is still very well known. Finally he returned to Tamil Nadu via Thirupati. There were two other murder attempts on Ramanuja. The high priest of the Srirangam temple tried to poison him out of jealousy. However, the priest's wife let the cat out of the bag. Later this priest became one of the greatest devotees of Ramanuja. His Tamil poetry on Ramanuja is held at great esteem. The other threat to Ramanuja's life came from king Krimikanta. This Chola king residing in his capital Kanchipuram desired to have his entire kingdom embrace the Shaiva doctrine. He saw Ramanuja as a threat to his plan. He sent for Ramanuja with the intention of forcibly converting him in to a Shaivaite, if that is not possible to execute him. This king remembered very much the service rendered to his family by Ramanuja who had exorcised the ghost out of his sister many years ago. Nevertheless, the king's mind was made up. When the king's order came, Ramanuja switched his sanyasi robes with one of his devout disciple Kuresa and exiled out of Chola empire into Karnataka. Kuresa did not become a Shaivite either, the king had his both eyes plucked and sent him away. In Karnataka, Ramanuja brought the Jain king Vittala Deva (Bitti Deva) under the Vaishnavite fold. He reestablished the temple in Yadavagiri(also known as Thirunarayana Puram or Melkote) near Mysore. A Moslem chieftain had earlier raided this town and made it away with the Utsava Murthy of Sampath Kumara (Cheluva Narayana). The Moola Vigraha lay buried under an ant hill (perhaps it was hidden there by the town's people). Ramanuja went all the way to North India and rescued the Sampatkumara's idol from the Sultan. Sultan's daughter Bibi Lachimar, loved that idol very much and so she followed it to Melkote. She lived there for many years serving that idol and when she passed away, the Sri Vaishnavas impressed by her love, made a statue of her and placed it at the foot of the idol which can be seen even to day. The idol of Lachimar is revered as Bibi Nachhiar. The Bibi Nacchiar idol has been duplicated in many other temples in South India. Ramanuja lived for many years in Melkote and with a heavy heart left to Srirangam. The people of Melkote were deeply grieved at his departure and learing this Ramanuja made a stone image of his, invoked his life into it and gifted it to to people of Yadavadri. Melkote enjoys the status of Abhimana sthanam in the Srivaishnava tradition. It is one of the greatest Sri vaishnava centers in Karnataka. Ramanuja spent his last 60 years of life at Srirangam. He left this world at a ripe age of 120 years, after delivering his last sermon to scores of Shishyas who had gathered with a heavy heart to listen to his last sermon. Submitted to the feet of Sri Ramanuja
  9. Hare Krishna Bhaktajoy Prabhuji, AGTAP! PAMHO! Great service. Do you think it will be a nice idea to contact the moderator of this forum, J N Das, and host it in this site?
  10. Sri Aurobindo on birth control: Scientists and medical men have devised methods by which birth control may be made effective without any injury. The objects are twofold: first, the prevention of too many children; secondly, keeping the woman in good health, so that the few children she gives birth to may be healthy. Of course inner control is better. But can that be expected of the man?... [A disciple]: Gandhi has quoted all the doctors who oppose this method. [sri Aurobindo]: But he has not quoted those who support it. [A disciple]: One objection is that it will increase licence. [sri Aurobindo]: That again is the moralist idea. There are the two extremes: one extreme is inner control, the other is free indulgence; mid-between comes the system of birth control.
  11. Sri Aurobindo in a speech on March 7, 1924: "What is wanted is some new religious movement among the Mahomedans which would remodel their religion and change the stamp of their temperament. For instance, Bahaism in Persia which has given quite a different stamp to their temperament". Did someone in Arabia say Hari Bol!?
  12. Dear Shiva, Hare Krishna! This rule of terror,like the cutting off of the hand of a thief,or the stoning to death of an adulterer,even in thought,is not Islamic. I am not sure that I will agree with you. Here is the Quranic verse that advocates cutting off the hands of the thief. As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power. [Quran 5:38] Of course, there is a line of argument that here the verse only requires marking the hands of the thief and not actually amputating it. I read this argument in submission.org, but haven't come across the same being put forth by any other theistic Muslim theologian. Here is the Quranic verse on adultery. Of course, Quran itself recommends only flogging: The woman and the man guilty of illegal sexual intercourse, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. [Quran 24:2] Even that is very cruel, in my opinion. but Hadith [Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 6.79, Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar] does confirm that Mohammad himself ordered that the adulterers be stoned to death: The Jews brought to the Prophet a man and a woman from among them who had committed illegal sexual intercourse. The Prophet said to them, "How do you usually punish the one amongst you who has committed illegal sexual intercourse?" They replied, "We blacken their faces with coal and beat them." He said, "Don't you find the order of Ar-Rajm (i.e. stoning to death) in the Torah?" They replied, "We do not find anything in it." 'Abdullah bin Salam (after hearing this conversation) said to them, "You have told a lie! Bring here the Torah and recite it if you are truthful." (So the Jews brought the Torah). And the religious teacher who was teaching it to them, put his hand over the Verse of Ar-Rajm and started reading what was written above and below the place hidden with his hand, but he did not read the Verse of Ar-Rajm. 'Abdullah bin Salam removed his (i.e. the teacher's) hand from the Verse of Ar-Rajm and said, "What is this?" So when the Jews saw that Verse, they said, "This is the Verse of Ar-Rajm." So the Prophet ordered the two adulterers to be stoned to death, and they were stoned to death near the place where biers used to be placed near the Mosque. I saw her companion (i.e. the adulterer) bowing over her so as to protect her from the stones. And there are quite a few Quranic verses that do confirm that Mohammad was very intolerant and oppressive. I will give some samples: Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City, desist not, We shall certainly stir thee up against them: Then will they not be able to stay in it as thy neighbours for any length of time. [Quran 33:60] They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain (without mercy). [Quran 33:61] I think that is a lot of evidence that violence has its roots in Islam [both Quran and Hadith]. It is not that the fanatics have found their inspiration elsewhere.
  13. Dear Jijaji Prabhu, What do you look like in those states of frenzy?!!!!!!!!!
  14. Hare Krishna Sirona, I don't know where you live, but B K S Iyengar yoga classes are available all over the USA and India. They are Shri Vaishnavas and the classes include both yoga and meditation. I believe that they don't pretend to be gurus. May be you can try that option.
  15. Theist: I believe part of the problem in the USA is that hinduism is still viewed as a hodge podge of worship anything and everything, and the monotheistic side of it is not known. Even if Hinduism is polytheistic, that is no reason to leave out the religion practised by 20% of the world population. It simply proves that those who make the most noise are heard. Abhi the great: We need to develope Vaishnava Kshatriyas, well trained in use of weapons and martial arts, who can protect the society from external attacks. They shd be adept in politics, economics and diplomacy too. I agree totally. I am all for Vaisnavas going to the gym and staying fit. I would even suggest that right after mangala arati they should head off to gym, work out for an hour and then attend SB class. If not, they should be denied prasadam. I am sick and tired of devotees who stupidly claim that this body is worthless and neglect it. Also, there should be a clean plan at training our devotees in science, management etc., so that can be a voice to be heard. I agree with your observations on Islam. First, we should expose Islam in a sophisticated way. We should also create an atmosphere where the Muslims find it hard to believe in Islam without being ridiculed. That will take care of Islam. You take away its protective sheath, the religion will crumble. We can start with some nice Muslim jokes. I will post a couple of them later today.
  16. Absolutely correct. All corporate relationships are exploitative by nature. If the company needes you badly, they will tolerate you no matter what. If not, the flimsiest excuse is enough to fire you. Five years ago, I used to still attend parties. Of course, then I was drinking and eating meat as well, though I was born into a Brahmin family. Ever since I got into KC, I have started believing that Krishna will take care of my career, no matter how irresponsible I am. And actually He has taken care of that. So, I never miss an oppurtunity to act crazy. One and a half years ago, there was a business luncheon. I was the only Indian and vegetarian. One person was quite surprised that I could get all the protein despite being a vegetarian. I gave a scientific answer. Then he stupidly claimed that to get muscles one should eat meat. I responded that I was the fittest person on the table, with no flab and decent muscles and that every meat eater on that table had such a big belly that they can't tie their own shoe lace. I also laughed loudly. There were many red faces, but I wasn't fired. The company desperately needed me then. Just trust Krishna and act as crazy as you can. You will be safe.
  17. I am from India, now living in the USA. How about you? I think your approach is positive. You should not be convinced that you are a Hindu without a proper understanding of philosophy. Such an understanding tends to be a mere sentiment. What is really important is to understand the philosophy and develop a love for the Lord. Have you ever had a chance to read the books of Srila Prabhupad? He was a sannyasi from the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition and imparted spiritual training to many westerners. He also founded ISKCON.
  18. To begin with, Hinduism is not a religion at all. The Persians and the Greeks used the term Hindu to refer to the people and culture of those who lived on the eastern side of river Sindhu, pronounced as Hindhu in Persian. Even the name India came up that way. Our religion actually has no name. It is often referred to as Sanatana dharma, meaning eternal truth. It has its basis in the vedas and everything that springs out of them. Every realized sage has come up with his vision of the Supreme and that has been formulated into various philosophies such as Advaita, Vishistadvaita, Dvaita, Acinta Beda Abeda tattva etc.. Any serious Hindu follows the path of one acarya and one philosophy. For a Hindu, the teachings of Jesus don't constitute a seperate religion. They just form another line of philosophy as those of Sankara and Madhva do. If we are discussing predominantly Indian philosophies, it is due to 2 reasons: One, most of us, follow one of them. Two, they are intrinsically more complete than the philosophies of Jesus or Buddha. Hope that answers you.
  19. Tarunji quoted the case when Srila Prabhupad was denied visa in Singapore. The same is mentioned in Lilamruta too. Sure, some sannyasis are given visa, but there are more restrictions on a Hindu than on a Muslim in Singapore. Last time I went there, I was clad in dhoti and sported a tilak. When I asked for a transit visa, they asked many questions - whether I was going there for religious purpose, whether I had any religious book in my sack.. I couldn't help notice that Muslims who wore lungi, cap and carried a Quran were granted transit visa without a question. There are certainly more restrictions on Hindus in Singapore than on Muslims. The same in Malaysia. It is just that we Hindus don't make an issue of it. Muslims invariably start a riot if they aren't given special priveleges. This even applies to the USA. Only 6 Muslims died in the WTC attack, as compared to 184 Hindus from India alone. Yet, during the religious meeting presided over by George Bush, there wasn't a Hindu priest, though they had Christian, Jewish and Muslim priests. Hindus kept quiet. I wonder if the Muslims would have been silent had they been left out. I would like to believe that Muslims are not fanatical. But such beliefs turn out to be short lived each time I see a sticker on a car driven by a Muslim in the USA, that reads: There is only one God - Allah. He has no Father and no Son. Of course, they are just quoting the Quran!!!
  20. Leyh Prabhuji, Hari Bol! AGTSP! PAMHO! If the Muslims are sober in Singapore it is because of the tough laws. Also, don't forget that Singapore has given them a lot of priveleges. Haven't you seen the Muslim prayer room in Singapore airport? Do the Hindus get the same freedom in Singapore? Haven't ISKCON sannyasis been denied transit visa? Muslims wil always remain sober if they get more priveleges than other communities. Malaysia is a Muslim nation, with minority Hindus. So, there is little reason for them to be militant. Even there, many Islamic groups are pressing for Islamic laws. The real problem exists in those countries where Muslims are a sizeable minority - over 8%. That is when Islam raises its violent head.
  21. I am not responsible if you lose your job after implementing my advice. I have given up the burden of responsibilities for a long time.
  22. This too is nonsense. There is nothing like building relationship in the corporate world. It is like building a relationship with a prostitute. It is unncessary. A prostitute receives you, till you pay her. Ditto the same for the corporate world. People display that bogus smile, if they gain something from you. Be merciless in the corporate world. The successful corporate person is one who is ruthless. You decide if you want to be one. Behind every successful patent, there are a million starving third world children. Behind every prostitute [you may call her a model to be politically correct] that smiles in your TV commercial, there are a million starving mothers whose tears have dried up.
  23. Don't solve it. Most people seriously believe that every problem should be solved. That is terrible thinking. Most problems cannot and need not be solved. They are like viral cold. They come uninvited. They go on their own. While they are your guests, you suffer. Krishna is kind of a maverick. He tends to reward those who don't take things seriously. Were the cowherd boys of Vrindavana serious about anything? Not at all. Even our own Krishna was a pretty cool dude. Have you ever heard of any cowherd boy in His company who was an analytical problem solver? Never. For a change try to be irreverential in your corporate life. If someone invites you for a booze party, don't decline politely. Try sarcasm and then add that you are transcendental and you don't like the company of drunken fools. Tell them you don't dine with inferior carnivores that feed on carrion. Then laugh loudly. Most corporate folks aren't used to this. So, they won't know how to react. Even if they react who cares? If you do that, Krishna will protect you. Hari Bol!
  24. I agree 100%. It is sad that most Hindus don't read their scriptures. In fact, I woud gladly exchange my Indian brothers and sisters for more sincere westerners. That way, we can take better care of our temples.
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