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Posts posted by hindustani

  1. Try these datas and see what you can get out of it

    Bill, Gates, Male, 10/28/1955, 21:15:00, DST/WT 0, Seattle, WA, USA, Time Zone 8.00, Lat. 47 N 36, Long. 122 W 19


    Dear Astrologers,


    What combination of planets has made Bill Gates so very rich?


    In the second house of Leo Bill has a Malefic Jupiter, still he has immense wealth, how can that be explained astrologically?


    Moreover I understand it's Venus which has set him on the path of extreme wealth, but Venus is in 4th house and is hemmed in Sun and Saturn, then how it got related to wealth when it is in house of Family.


    Birth Details :

    Birth 10/28/1955 (Oct 28, 1955)

    Birth Time: 22:00 (10:00 PM) PST

    Birth Place: Seattle, WA

    Latitude / Longitude: 47 N 36 / 122 W 20




  2. My dear Skippy

    Sorry for getting me totally wrong,re-read below content again here


    Hope you understand our points,the way this saga is turing when someone wrote better built a temple rather than building a ***** this shows your thinking,your Sanskara and the blood you carry.

    That means I am taking of a person and his sanskara and his blood who wrote the "liquorhouse",if thats not you this does not applicable to you,I repeatedly said we value all devotees and their path of Bhakti,if you felt that many members had problem with you on what you do,I say sorry from their behalf,you may also check my posts as well,I never said anything wrong about other devotees ever here but that does not mean each time someone keep saying about demi Gods stuff etc..such stuff MUST be stopped in any circumstances if you people are real Vaishnavas.

  3. Skippy and Bjan

    Mahadev devotees never need any certificates from people like you first point

    Second we who worship shiva never feel that other Gods are not equal to Shiva-Here I shall refrain myself using special phrase which you people use for other Gods except Shri Narayana,its neither our policy nor our sanskara.

    We never induldge ourselves in such discussion,our ways of pooja is fine,if you have other ways of doing pooja we respect them as much as like ours so never feel that We shall reply to all your posts on whose God is Great or superior,nah we are Hindu and its not our Sanskara to say anything adverse to our holy Gods.

    Hope you understand our points,the way this saga is turing when someone wrote better built a temple rather than building a ***** this shows your thinking,your Sanskara and the blood you carry,such people will never get Moksha but we still pray to God to give inuf sence to such people as we are perhaps not like you and we are not here to prove ourselves Or request you to grant any holy certificates to us on our thinking.When we find obsticles first we try to avoid it,if still there is a tuff hurdle we bypass it without saying anything,this your Guru perhaps not aware of,if aware of he did not teach you this,if he tought you this you forgot.

    Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

  4. Dear Ravindra Kesavanji

    I fully agree on all points you have mentioned here,there was one member called dark warrior here few days back,now he is not seen perhaps,bhaktajan using same terms (but in a polished way)and each time he tries to prove that what he worship(his God)is superior to others,these chaps infect don't know ABCD of Hindu Dharma atall,Since childhood we have been taught to respect others,Hindu religion is the most divine and flexible one but people like this try to mislead others,funny thing is most of time their posts are nothing but a copy paste work and not their own vichars,anyway since long I stopped arguing with them,one day they will realise what they did in past.I seldom love God Shiv but that does not mean that I am biased towards our other Gods,for me Ram and Krishna are one and same,Lord Rudra is dear to Lord Vishnu and Lord Vishnu is dear to Lord Rudra,99% of people don't know the difference between Lord Rudra and God Shiv,Lord Rudra=Lord Shankara,Shiv is param GOD and GOD Shiv=Lord Brahma who is Generator+Lord Vishnu who is Organiser+Lord Mahesh who is Destroyer(Lord Rudra OR Lord Shankara).


    Dear Baktajan,


    Why are you trying to convert a Siva bakta to your system? Is there any real need? Hindus are wise and all gods are great forms and can deliver all goods. It is the bakti which matters not the form of god. If you dont learn this spiritual lession you will be no different from Fanatic Cristians and Muslimes. There was nothing wrong with our hindu gods - we dint need new gods from the invaders isint it?


    The more and more you try to do your preaching the more and more you will encounter resistence and people will hate you . This is the story of all convertants. Because all idea of convertion is based on intolerance hatred and spiritual ignorance. Christians and Muslimes were like that and commited sin and crime against Spiritually advanced hindus. Now you are doing the same within Hindu sect.


    People will appreciate you and even follow you much better if you simply be an example of bhaki, love, tollerance, liberalism and show reverance to all gods. They are true spiritual quality. Prejudice hatred and parochialism (my god and your god ) are anti-spiritual qualities. When people see these things in any one intitutively they know you that person is not spiritual and not worth to be followed in spiritual matters.


    I dont mean to give advise because unsolicited advice creats anger. I only mean to share my views, on this issue. You can practically see what happens in this forum discussion itself isint it? Have You succeeded in converting anybody to youir view (except the ones who were already inclined to tha same view as your's right from the begining)?




  5. This mahamantra belongs to Bholenath who in real has nothing for him but gives everything to those who worship him hence better in the begining don't think of siddhi and start reciting mantra,Bholebaba is so simple and kind towards devotees that regular chant of this mahamantra will diffinately give results,keep faith and don't look beyond our limits i.e Siddhi,just start chanting mantra first.

  6. Yes you got me right,108 bead mala is always for doing japa,for wearing there are specified numbers of beads mentioned in puranas ex.for kanthmala there are 32+1 beads,for normal wearing we generally wear 54+1=55 beads mala.

    For sumeru you can use any Rudraksha with same combo with other beads or diff.bead. I have used different Rudraksha in my malas like 11 mukhi,10 mukhi etc as sumeru..I also have 3 malas in which Sumeru is same like other beads i.e panch mukhi.Hope this clears your doubts.


    dear hindustaniji....


    thank you!

    so from what i gather, the 108 bead mala, that i have, shud not be worn in person?

    am i correct?

    the one that is worn is 54 + 1?

    could you please let me know what is a 'sumeru bead'...is it different from the 'rudraksha'?


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  7. Inuf and well and good,chant 11 times Om Hreem Namah for mala which you are wearing,this mantra is for panch mukhi Rudraksha,do wash your mala once in a month if possible apply Ganga jal.Apply Oil(olive or mustard)once in two months.Mala must be weared with proper mantras.One must do pran pratishtha of mala,yours is a used one so use below procedure


    First getup early before sun rise,

    wash mala with plain water,clean it with soft cloth,apply ganga jal to it.

    Srinkle gangajal on yourself.

    Apply Sandal paste on Sumeru bead,show diya,show dhoop to mala.

    One flower must kept of sumeru for sometime.

    Take mala and wear it.


    IMPORTANT:- 108 beads mala are for Japa and not for wearing,get 54+1 bead mala for wearing.


    dear hindustaniji.....


    when i posted my query, i was expecting some astrological guidance.. and not some 'gyan' about saving at 40 and so on!!!

    had i been able to do that, i don't think i wud have been here....!

    i do hope you agree with me on that...

    and once again, many thanks...

    The reason for posting your email was I told someone to prepare a horoscope for you so that it can be mailed.

    About Gyan,well I spoke truth and for that I don't feel sorry.If I fail to cope up for my rainy days,I being a culprit will only blaim myself.No astrology involved in it.

  9. Remedy for Chikengunya and Dengue,very effective one.

    Get one leaf of papaya tree,remove the main yellow vain from it and take green part of the leaf,crush the leaf and it will give you a juice of 1 teaspoon,drink it.It may test bitter.

    do this with empty stomach for 3-4 days and dont take any food,liquid for 30 mins.

    This remedy works like a charm in Dengue and lifts total count which is a worring factor in Dengue,virus for Dengue and C.gunya is same so try this therapy and post results here.


    For your kind ref I am posting few links below




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