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Posts posted by hindustani

  1. I have no idea if this posted here previously,if so this may be a repeat post,if not this is worth reading.



    Eight Additional Siddhis


    the Wanderling




    Buddhism teaches that after a practitioner achieves a certain degree of realization, power develops. Furthermore, it is acknowledged as well that supernatural powers are not attainable exclusively JUST by Buddhists and Buddhists only, but possible for anyone who has deep religious and spiritual cultivation to develop some kind of "supernormal powers."(see)





    Parkaya Pravesh means entering one’s soul in the body of some other person. Through this knowledge even a dead body can be brought to life.

    Just about three thousand years back, Shankaracharya had to take help of this knowledge in order to defeat Mandan Mishra in a spiritual debate. But as time passed this knowledge became extinct in the society and today only a very few Yogis have full practical knowledge of this unique practice.

    This knowledge is considered to be so important and secret that only a few Yogis, known to me, know of this practice and after them this practice shall perhaps vanish from this earth.





    This Vidya or knowledge has been mentioned in several ancient texts. On acquiring this Vidya a person neither feels hungry nor thirsty and he can remain without eating food or drinking water for several days at a stretch.

    Several Yogis of the Himalayas, remain engrossed in deep Sadhanas for months and years without eating or drinking anything. When they do not eat or drink, they do not even have to empty their bowels. Thus they are able to perform long penance for years and their bodies also remain healthy and fit, even without food. Acharya Vishnu Sarang, the famous Tantrik from Nepal and Yogi Manohar are proficient in this Vidya as well as the mysterious wandering Digambara monk Trailanga Swami. Although not always counted among Siddhis per se' several instances have been cited regarding Trailanga Swami's ability to spend hours under the water of the Ganges as he sought to teach men that human life need not depend on oxygen under the auspices of certain spiritual conditions and precautions (see Pranayama). It has been reported there is a yogi that lives on the peak of the holy mountain Arunachala that has not had anything to eat since 1990. See also Nirodha.



    Just as one does not feel hungry or thirsty in Haadi Vidya similarly in Kaadi Vidya a person is not affected by change of seasons i.e. by summer, winter, rain etc. After accomplishing this Vidya a person shall not feel cold even if he sits in the snow laden mountains and shall not feel hot even if he sits in the fire. Thus a Sadhak can perform incessant penance without being affected by change of weather or seasons.

    The Jain scholar, Pragya Sun had accomplished both the Haadi & Kaadi Vldyas. Guru Gorakhnath and Matsayendranath too had accomplished them.

    Today the Jain scholar of Mahabalipuram Sun Maharaj and Yogi Vishambhar of Badrinath are accomplished in these Vidyas and have kept these practices alive.


    On accomplishing this Vidya, a person becomes capable of increasing or decreasing the size of his body according to his wish. Lord Hanuman had miniaturised his body through this Vidya while entering the city of Lanka.

    The average height of a human being is six feet. Through this Vidya a person can reduce the size of his body to the size of a mosquito and can even enlarge his body to a size of over hundred feet.

    A few years back a conference of Yogis was held on the Bhairav hill, near Dehradun and in this conference Tailang Baba (an ascetic) demonstrated this miraculous practice before hundreds of Yogis. This Vidya is almost extinct today and in my opinion only Tailang Baba has accomplished it.

    Anima Siddhi - The ability to decrease the size of one's body and become smaller than the smallest particle. Through this siddhi one may enter into stone or change the density in one's body, enabling one to pass through solid matter.

    Mahima Siddhi - The ability to increase the size of one's body, ultimately enveloping the universe.



    Through this Siddhi a person can become capable of flying in the skies and traveling from one place to another in just a few seconds. The Jain scriptures speak of Jain ascetics who could fly from place to place in a few seconds. Swami Divakarsuri and Swami Pragyasuri have been such accomplished ascetics. Although there are several occasions of individuals flying reported in the Sutras of classical Buddhism and Zen, the Venerable Pindola Bharadvaja is probably the person most commonly cited. For the movement or cross-transference of items between the conventional plane or physical plane and other possible environments see Apportation Revisited.

    Swami Vishuddhanandji (d. 1937)(sometimes spelled: Vishuddhananda, Vishudhanandaaka; aka: Gandha Baba, Perfume Saint), well-known for his supernatural powers and said to be an adept associated with the mysterious Gyanganj (Jnanaganj) hermitage somewhere in Tibet -- a secret place of great masters -- demonstrated this practice in Varanasi and proved that it is not a myth.

    Although throughout his life the Enlightened sage Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi never exhibited the slightest interest in Siddhis, occult abilities, or psychic powers to outsiders, he had a fully conscious bilocation experience he rarely discussed wherein he was translocated from his ashram in a matter of minutes to a devotee many, many miles away. Arthur Osborne, Ramana's biographer writes in Ramana Maharshi And The Path of Self-Knowledge (York Beach: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1995, pages 96-97):



    "One day, some years ago, I (Sri Ramana) was lying down and awake when I distinctly felt my body rise higher and higher. I could see the physical objects below growing smaller and smaller until they disappeared and all around me was a limitless expanse of dazzling light. After some time I felt the body slowly descend and the physical objects below began to appear. I was so fully aware of this incident that I finally concluded that it must be by such means that Sages using the powers of Siddhis travel over vast distances in a short time and Appear and Disappear in such a mysterious manner. While the body thus descended to the ground it occurred to me that I was at Tiruvottiyur though I had never seen the place before. I found myself on a highroad and walked along it. At some distance from the roadside was a temple of Ganapati and I entered it."



    A second equally interesting incident, cast in in a similar vein, and involving the Maharshi but a little too long to put here, can be found by going to: THE MEETING: An Untold Story of Sri Ramana



    Today Yogi Chaitanya Swami of Madurai and Yogi Niranjan Swami living near Kanya Kumari are the Yogis who have accomplished this practice. But it seems that this knowledge shall perish with them. See the Wanderling's Journey as well as The Sun Dagger and Carlos Castaneda.


    Laghima Siddhi - The ability to make one's body lighter than air and fly at will. The perfection of this siddhi enables one to travel on the sun's rays and enter into the sun planet.


    LAGHIMA: TO HAVE NO WEIGHT. Laghima is the control of the effect of the earth's attraction on the body by developing in each cell the opposite (centrifugal) tendency. Said to be implemented for the performed act of levitation, the Vayu Gaman Siddhi and the Laghima Siddhi. According to one of the eighteen main Puranas, the Markandeya Purana, Laghima means "to have an extreme speed."




    One can acquire immense and unlimited wealth through this Siddhi. It’s said that once Shankaracharya saw a very poor and destitute woman and with the help of the Kanakdhara Yantra he showered gold in her house. This Yantra is made on a silver plate and 36 squares are formed by drawing 7 lines each, horizontally and vertically. Then the Beej Mantra is written in these squares. Today only a very few people have full and authentic knowledge of this Siddhi.




    Through this Sadhana a Yogi can direct his disciple to take birth from the womb of a woman, who is childless or cannot bear children. Several Yogis have thus blessed infertile women with children. Swami Vishuddhanand had accomplished this Sadhana and had used it to bring happiness into the lives of several women. But today only two or three persons are accomplished in this Sadhana.





    This Solar science is one of the most significant sciences of ancient India. This science has been known only to the Indian Yogis and using it, one substance can be transformed into another through the medium of sun rays.


    Swami Vishudhananda had demonstrated the miracles of this science about 50-60 years ago, by transforming a paper into rose and a cotton ball into gold.


    This science has been kept alive by Divyendu Ghosh and some other Yogis, otherwise it has become almost extinct.





    This Vidya was created by Adi Shankaracharya. Through it even a dead person can be brought back to life. This practice may seem to be a myth but it had been used by Guru Gorakhnath several times. Today only a few persons have practical knowledge of this Vidya.




    Prapti Siddhi - The ability to manifest any object one desires within one's hand. This siddhi removes the limitations of space which seperate two objects from each other. It is said one will even be able to touch the moon with one's finger [i.e. the limitation of distance is removed].

    Prakamya Siddhi - The ability to attain anything one desires.

    Ishita Siddhi - The ability to control the sub-potencies of the laws of nature. This enables one to control various energies and seemingly defy the laws of nature. See White Light Shields as well as Apportation. The Swami Ramalinga, more popularly known as Vallalar is recorded to have moved a whole contingent of followers from the wrath of a terrible storm to the safe harbor of a distant shrine in an instant. See also 'la Catalina' whose abilities allowed her, among other things, to turn into a wisp of smoke as though a blackened silhouette and sail through the air only to dissipate into the night sky.

    Vashita Siddhi - The ability to bring others under one's control.


    Kamavasayita Siddhi - The ability to attain anything anywhere. This is the highest of the eight and contains most of the abilities of the other perfections.

  2. Recall episode of Kuniti,she on advise of Lord Krishna went to Karna and asked for full protection of her sons,not only that Karna is said to be peerless because he was blessed with the Kavcha and Kundala at birth, which cannot be pierced by any weapon, Krishna himself feared that Karna might kill everyone among them at one point and that is why Indra quenched his fear a little by begging for Karna's kavach and Kundala,so my answer is clear in this post,guess whose weapons were powerful.

  3. Nice query k_ank,I would also like to know about Shri Ganapati Mantra as well,few people say It is Om Gang Ganapataye Namah where other says One should chant Om Gum Ganapataye Namah ,will oblidged if one can clarify this query of mine with yours.

  4. Goodone Shrikanth,I can't stop laughing.


    Yes dear. Agreed. But I do not need your endorsement to care or not care. I know. I say. You know, so you do. If you think I am Shani Dev himself, thanks. You have alliviated me to the highest position. You are my next victim of Saadey Saathi. I will follow wherever you go.


  5. Who started this chanduji?If I am at fault ban me or find the culprit,read each and every posts of mine in this thread and you will have an idea who started this.I am open to discussion but not at a cost of self respect(see what he wrote fools,dogs barking,bloody hindus,narrow minded etc..)


    Why not just ban these silly fellows like Hindustani and ARJ.

    they are not here for spiritual discussions.


    ARJ is a confirmed missionary and hindustani certainly is no hindu.

  6. Is this what your Guru taught you?Mind your language S_G and respect other forum members,arguements will always come,face it with spirit and spirituality,no way you should use terms which you have used below...


    The dogs may bark (you) but the Spiritual Caravan continues on. Obviously your a typical 'Hindu' with a narrow mundane stupied mind who has no idea what it means to preach, you certainly have NO idea who His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is - grow up fool!!


  7. Biggest mistake is done when you enter in a material world S_G,Krsna will like those things which he did when he took birth on this mother earth,he lived with shepherds,cows and general public,he ate butter and butter milk,no way he was gloryfied in his outlook,king Krishna appeared only in Dwarika,his best ever friend Sudama got everything from the Lord Krishna...why?Coz he was so simple and down to earth,S_G better you read and try to understand the character of great great Krishna first,bold letters and underlined lines may not able to help you - my friendly advise,take or throw it out.


    Frankly, why not somehow influence Obama with Krsna Consciousness
  8. 2 books for you from Gitapress,Gorakhpur.here they are

    <TABLE borderColor=#bbd9ff borderColorDark=white width=650 borderColorLight=gray border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=right width="25%" colSpan=3 height=50></TD></TR><TR><TD align=left width="100%" bgColor=#c0c0c0 colSpan=3>Code : 1417

    Title : Shiva Stotra Ratnakar



    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=left width="100%" bgColor=#c0c0c0 colSpan=3 height=3></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="25%" height=155>1417.gif


    Price : Rs.20 ($1)

    <FORM name=form action=addprod.asp method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=1417 name=fproductid> <INPUT type=hidden maxLength=1 size=2 value=1 name=fquantity> </FORM>


    </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left width="75%" height="10%">Author : Gita Press

    Language : Hindi

    Pages : 256

    Size : 13.3cm x 20.3cm

    Description : The virtuous deeds of Lord Shiva is very magnanimous and full of compassion. Being propitiated after a little worship Lord Shiva bestows all desired objects to his devotees. The excellent book contains different hymns related to Lord Shiva useful for devotees, several invocations, his thousand names (Sahasranama) etc. presented in a beautiful manner. Price Rs. 20.





    <TABLE borderColor=#bbd9ff borderColorDark=white width=650 borderColorLight=gray border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=left width="100%" bgColor=#c0c0c0 colSpan=3>Code : 563

    Title : Shiva Mahimna Stotra



    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=left width="100%" bgColor=#c0c0c0 colSpan=3 height=3></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width="25%" height=155>563.gif


    Price : Rs.3 ($0.15)

    <FORM name=form action=addprod.asp method=post><INPUT type=hidden value=563 name=fproductid> <INPUT type=hidden maxLength=1 size=2 value=1 name=fquantity> </FORM>


    </TD><TD vAlign=top align=left width="75%" height="10%">Author : Gita Press

    Language : Hindi

    Pages : 64

    Size : 10cm x 13.5cm

    Description : The original verses of Shivamahimnastotra in praise of Lord Shankar bestower of all bliss to his devotees, composed by Pushpadanta along with its paraphrase have been given in this book. Also available in Telugu (code no. 1023).







  9. You never know,on internet people have different IDs,he may be here but with another id!


    Actually he was not fine as long as he was posting here. As a Sri Vaishnava, he had to constantly battle


    1. Christian Hare Krishnas who found it extremely important to link Jesus to Vaishnavism to the point of redefining the meaning of the word.

    2. Mayavadins/Advaitins

    3. Shaivas


    Now that he is not posting here, he does not have to fight which means he is doing just fine.



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