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Everything posted by yasodanandana

  1. let us make more simple... if i love god automatically i love also his sons, if i know the nature of god, i know that creatures are his parts and parcels.. so it is not possible to worship the lord and hate others i do not see how is possible to separate god consciousness from loving and knowing him... everything goes together
  2. let us make more simple... if i love god automatically i love also his sons, if i know the nature of god, i know that creatures are his parts and parcels.. so it is not possible to worship the lord and hate others i do not see how is possible to separate god consciousness from loving and knowing him... everything goes together
  3. 1) what is the point of religion? (religion from the latin re - ligo means "reunion".. we are seeking continuously for unlimited happiness, ethernal life, and ever increasing consciousness.. we know and feel that in this world these qualities simply do not exist, but it is not possible that they do not exist at all, because if we were really limited, how could be possible to imagine unlimited things.. Religion is the real, scientific and serious research of sat, cit ananda... life, consciousness and happiness) 2) what is the true evil, or is there anything that is "evil"? (evil is the identification with the matter, to think that we are this material body, to exploit others and the nature attempting to give gratification to him) 3) what is good? (good is to be conscious that we are not this body, that we are spirit, that our existence depends on GOD, that our happiness depends from how much we give happiness to the Lord) 4) what is sin? (sin is to forget our eternal relation with krishna and to put ourselves in His place as supreme enjoyers)
  4. i have not doubts that we have to follow the god laws... you were criticizing the fact that in Krsna Consciousness we love to know all the personal features of God so the point n2..... the "anti rule" is not for me or krisna conscious people or hindus in another words... i am not negating your experience, you are negating mine saying that knowing the form of god is not important.. so thatnks for your long explanation, but it was not required, i am not against rules, true love do not came out from nothing or from material sentiment, otherwise we call it "sahajia"... "imitation".... so rules, respect and sometimes fear of god is required, but the ultimate goal is love, and love means that i want to know also the trascendental form of the lord so love and laws perfectly fit together .... as christian born, i find your theories very funny... but there's no problem, the main discussion is on the importance to know god and his laws
  5. i have not doubts that we have to follow the god laws... you were criticizing the fact that in Krsna Consciousness we love to know all the personal features of God so the point n2..... the "anti rule" is not for me or krisna conscious people or hindus in another words... i am not negating your experience, you are negating mine saying that knowing the form of god is not important.. so thatnks for your long explanation, but it was not required, i am not against rules, true love do not came out from nothing or from material sentiment, otherwise we call it "sahajia"... "imitation".... so rules, respect and sometimes fear of god is required, but the ultimate goal is love, and love means that i want to know also the trascendental form of the lord so love and laws perfectly fit together .... as christian born, i find your theories very funny... but there's no problem, the main discussion is on the importance to know god and his laws
  6. first study, then discuss this way to speak is only to have the fanatical satisfaction to create scandals among people who are sincerely following a spiritual path so, right or wrong, show more respect, human, if not religious, and study our weakness, if you want to help us.. exactly like a doctor if you want only to have fun... ehem....
  7. " the body your in is just a tool to reach the supreme" :-) not just a tool... the best, more saint, efficient, complete instrument given by the lord to serve him we are followers of karma/bhakti yoga.. to work and act apparently as an ordinary materialist, but offering everything to krishna without body, baktiyoga is impossible to perform let us also remember that , using it for devotional service, the body is not more matter but spirit of course, in general terms, the advice to discriminate between body and the self or between the dress and the dressed is extremely important
  8. i wonder why some billions of humans in this planet are following a religion instead of following these simple, exaustive, cultural, logical, documented advices it is very strange and funny have you anything more new and creative to write?
  9. the fact is that if we love god, it is natural to follow his laws and precepts and love means conscoiusness.. or loving means knowing so. for me, the form of god, his world, his associates, his character, his "variety" is very important exactly like one who meet a new friend or lover and he wants to know everything and to find any possible people to speak about the new friend or lover so, starting from hebrews, chistians, hindu, muslims and whatever... let us develope love for god... following laws depends from respect (for the other citizens) or fear (for the punishment of the government).... love contains all these things ignorance is not at all good and does not helps to follow the ten commandments, bible or the torah
  10. the fact is that if we love god, it is natural to follow his laws and precepts and love means conscoiusness.. or loving means knowing so. for me, the form of god, his world, his associates, his character, his "variety" is very important exactly like one who meet a new friend or lover and he wants to know everything and to find any possible people to speak about the new friend or lover so, starting from hebrews, chistians, hindu, muslims and whatever... let us develope love for god... following laws depends from respect (for the other citizens) or fear (for the punishment of the government).... love contains all these things ignorance is not at all good and does not helps to follow the ten commandments, bible or the torah
  11. it is very easy to check who i am answering... and he was not you .... i do not understand what are the offences committed by VNN to Srila Prabhupada
  12. jesus does not want you to be so fanatic, and he does not want that you believe that his father is limited by boundaries and he comes only in palestine... so respect the other ways that god uses to save us or if you want to criticize a religion, study it very well, and explain with precision that we are wrong in this way you only can make us laugh or get angry, if you are right and we are wrong in this way you do not save us, because no one is ready to change his beliefs if the one who's criticizing is not expert, serious, friendly and compassionate your way of speak and preach only increases your pleasure to believe yourself superior to everyone... fanaticism jesus surely does not agree ... so be humble, study and speak with care if you want to save us from hell
  13. jesus does not want you to be so fanatic, and he does not want that you believe that his father is limited by boundaries and he comes only in palestine... so respect the other ways that god uses to save us or if you want to criticize a religion, study it very well, and explain with precision that we are wrong in this way you only can make us laugh or get angry, if you are right and we are wrong in this way you do not save us, because no one is ready to change his beliefs if the one who's criticizing is not expert, serious, friendly and compassionate your way of speak and preach only increases your pleasure to believe yourself superior to everyone... fanaticism jesus surely does not agree ... so be humble, study and speak with care if you want to save us from hell
  14. no... if we are literal we learn, as you have said, that body is the temple of the soul, that the body is krsna's property so we have to take care of it and use it for good actions and beahviour and for doing devotional service but, we have also to discriminate who is the self and who is the dress.. so, as ever, the thruth is in the middle... and this middle are the revealed scriptures, the vedas it bascally depends on our spiritual consciousness, in most cases consciousness and caring for the body go together (regulative principles etc..)but in some cases we have to admit that ascetism exist and it is a reality who brings closer to krshna and the creatures ... so let us not be close minded... the ASCETICS and the ENJOYERS (i do not find another word to make the comparison .... i hope to be understandable)
  15. if you do not like teachers... why are you teaching? better not to be hypocrite... :-)
  16. in italy it is 23.50 of 19 august.. so tomorrow is the most auspicious day of Sri Krishna Janmastami i wish, for all the devotees, friends and guests of Audaya Fellowship Forum the best possible Janmastami and Nandotsava / Srila Prabhupada Appearance days please pay obeisances for me to your deities, your spiritual master and all your vaishnava associates please forgive me for any offence i have done to your lotus feet and please pray Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga that i will chant hare krishna in association of the devotees until the end of this life and in the next ones your servant Yashoda Nandana Dasa and my wife Purnima Devi Dasi from Florence, Villa Vrindavan, Italy
  17. "Does any of the Krishna's incarnation is matching these?" for our great luck NOT!! krsna and vishnu are supremely blissful, eternal and conscious and do not suffer these tortures, and do not need these sufferings to be close to the creatures, to relieve us from our pains and to bring us back to godhead i do not follow you in this christ vs krsna game have a nice janmastami and merry xmas
  18. "Does any of the Krishna's incarnation is matching these?" for our great luck NOT!! krsna and vishnu are supremely blissful, eternal and conscious and do not suffer these tortures, and do not need these sufferings to be close to the creatures, to relieve us from our pains and to bring us back to godhead i do not follow you in this christ vs krsna game have a nice janmastami and merry xmas
  19. i do not agree, but i do not need more explanations to consider jesus as the son of god and as my saviour and spiritual master... for me it is enough to see in the bhagavad gita what are the demoniac and the divine qualities my question is, why are you searching justifications for your faith in a literature that you consider fake and evil?
  20. i do not agree, but i do not need more explanations to consider jesus as the son of god and as my saviour and spiritual master... for me it is enough to see in the bhagavad gita what are the demoniac and the divine qualities my question is, why are you searching justifications for your faith in a literature that you consider fake and evil?
  21. if you think that everithing is false and demoniac i cannot imagine why you are writing in this forum... maybe you have an exorcist at your disposal!!! thinking that god has revealed himself only to hebrews and christians you are actually limiting him and closing him in material boundaries respect the commandments ... do not blasphemy and be respectiful of the christian authorities that all over the world are promoting friendship with all religions
  22. if you think that everithing is false and demoniac i cannot imagine why you are writing in this forum... maybe you have an exorcist at your disposal!!! thinking that god has revealed himself only to hebrews and christians you are actually limiting him and closing him in material boundaries respect the commandments ... do not blasphemy and be respectiful of the christian authorities that all over the world are promoting friendship with all religions
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