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Posts posted by RadheyRadhey108


    I never knew that both Theist and Radheyradhey would start to fight. This seems to be crossing the border of a difference of opinion and into a fight. A kind reminder to everyone that this is a spiritual forum not a bickering forum. You may not agree with each other, but it proper to respect each other as Vaishnavas.

    Thank you.


    I respect him as a fellow Vaishnava. I'm not too big on his social opinions, but I still respect him as a Vaishnava.


    Here is a perfect example of twisting Krishna lila into something profrane. You are speaking totally on the bodily platform. Loving God in conjugal rasa has nothing to do with being in a male body. To do this you have approach the Lord in a female form, NOT A FEMALE PHYSICAL BODY necessarily, but in the inner mood of a female and with a spiritual body.

    You are claiming that Rama would have had homosexual elations except for His marriage to Sita. You are saying that the Lord has loving exchanges based on the gender of the stool-bag body. That is extremely foul and offensive.

    Hey, you're the one that asked for an example of homosexuality in Krishna-Lila. I gave you one from Ram-Lila. Don't ask questions like that if you don't want answers.


    You missed the point of that post also. Because you don't want to give up this false idea of being gay you will always miss the point.

    Theist, I'm not gay. I just think they should have equal rights. Especially since our government *claims* to be secular and have a division of church and state (which it isn't showing by not allowing homosexuals to marry).


    Just don't do ridiculous things in Krishna's name.

    You're the one making statements about what Krishna does and doesn't want without the basis of Shastra. I've asked you to give me a specific quote from Shastra officially denouncing homosexuality as sinful, and you haven't provided one. That'd be because there isn't one.


    Dear RadheyRadhey your devotion to Radharani is amirable:) ....... But when Divinity takes incarnation Divinity may not do so to a set of prescriptions /characteristics that we prescribe or feel that It must take. Dvinity will take incarnation as Divinity pleases. (I think it is somewhat arrogant to assume that we know exactly how Shakti will take form in each incarnation. That is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. Shakti will play as She pleases!)


    Let me ask you....If Krishna's Radharani was any less beuatiful (physically)than you think she was, would you have loved her less? (I bet Krishna would not have had a problem loving her even if she was not beautiful physically.) Divinity is just IS. It is our limited minds that tend to categorise things as being beautiful or ugly etc, etc..... They are just labels. ;)

    Thank you. :) Your devotion to the Universal Mother is admirable as well :)

    No, I wouldn't love Her any less if She were absolutely hideous. I love Dhumavati Mahavidya as well, although in from a worldly point of view, She's not exactly attractive.

    But, it is said that when Srimati Radhika takes form, there is a specific set of characteristics by which we can recgnize the Mother in Her form. While, on the other hand, when Dhumavati Mahavidya takes form, we can tell who is Her incarnation based on the characteristics we are given describing Her from Tantric Shastra. This doesn't mean that Dhumavati is less beautiful than Radharani, or that Radharani is more beautiful than Dhumavati. It just means that Devi lets us know how She's incarnating based on many things, including how Her form is.

    So, that being said, I acknowledge Amma as being just as filled with divine light as Anandamayi Mata, for example. Although They both have rather different physical characteristics, They are both beacons of light in darkness, just as Radharani and Dhumavati are. :) But, we will know if it is Dhumavati or Radharani incarnating (if They choose to incarnate again) based on many things, among them physical characteristics. I'm sorry for having offended either you or Dhumavati Mahavidya. I offer all apologies to your feet and the lotus feet of the Divine Mahavidya Dhumavati.


    Actually the way our reproductive organs are is all the proof that is needed. Sex is for reproduction, and yes I know it feels good and that is part of the design as well, if sex was painful like hitting your hand with a nailgun the species would cease to exist.

    It was far more natural for males to reproduce with younger girls who had hit puberty and could give birth when human lifespans were 30 or so years. there are still countries that have legal child brides. Now the moralist in me finds child brides to be disgusting but it is more in bounds with nature than gay lifestyles are.

    Gays have a defect in thier brain, now should that mean they can not marry ? In my opinion no it doesn`t I mean we allow people with retardation to marry so lets be fair.

    Well, at least you agree that they should be able to have the right to love who they want (although I must disagree about child brides being more natural).



    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by bhaktajan

    One cup or serving can multiply itself unlimitedly:




    Any don't get me in trouble with Sri Radha --I'm always saying the wrong things.






    <!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->Radhe Radhey108: I'm sure Krishna will split His grilled cheese with Her :)

    And, no need to worry... you won't get in trouble with Srimati Radharani... She's very merciful to us fallen ones ;)



    Malati dasi: Just be 100 % sure that the cheese DOES NOT have rennet! :pray:

    Thx for the warning Malati Dasi Mataji :) I always do check... for lactic acid, too!


    A loving relationship with Krishna is Natural. In this unnatural material world following the prescribed laws of nature as ordained by Krishna is the natural way that evidentually leads back to the Natural.


    Homosexuality is unnatural in either sphere.

    If the material world is unnatural in itself, then what's wrong w/ being 'unnatural' in an unnatural world? Especially when Lord Krishna hasn't said anything on the issue?


    But He didn't fulfill their desire right there and then! Why didn't He? That is my question. Why did He make His dear devotees wait to become gopis, before enjoying with Them?

    B/c He was already married to Sita Devi. He didn't fulfill the desires of Vaishno Devi for the same reason.

    But, no matter what, it is an example of homosexuality in one of Lord Krishna's incarnations and He still accepted them and their loving devotion for what it was.


    As for Ahimsa I doubt if Buddha practised Ahimsa

    Tsk, tsk, ARJ. Once again, your display of blind ignorance is amusing. I think you need to read up on people before you blindly criticize them, you little genius:

    "Abandoning the taking of life, the ascetic Gautama dwells refraining from taking life, without stick or sword."

    --Digha Nikaya 1.18

    "Hatreds do not ever cease in this world by hating, but by love. This is an eternal truth... Overcome anger by love, overcome evil by good. Overcome the miser by giving. Overcome the liar by truth."

    --Dhammapada 1.5, 17.3

    "If one should give you a blow with his hand, with a stick, or with a dagger, you should abandon all desires and utter nothing evil."

    --Majjhima Nikaya 21.6


    Well no I don't I am happy to do it.


    Homosexuality is a deviant lifestyle. Pedophila is also a deviant lifestyle. No I am not equating the two except they are both deviations. Should we not consider pedophilia deviant because it might hurt someones feeling?


    Just because something exists does not mean it's natural. Are there any gurus in the GV line who are homosexuals? I don't know just nevert heard of one.


    Any example of homosexuality in any of the rasa's with Krishna?


    Any descriptions in the scriptures about homosexuality in Vaikuntha?


    Tell you anything?

    The difference between homosexuality and pedophilia is that we don't know if homosexuality is considered 'deviant' by God, and homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone. Pedophilia, on the other hand, leads people to horribly damage children and permanently damages their sexual organs without their consent. Not to mention that pedophiles are RAPISTS.

    Are there any descriptions of people dying their hair in Rasa Lila? Or any description of it in Vaikuntha? Or Goloka? Has there ever been a Gaudiya Vaishnava guru who dyed his hair (I mean... sure... there have been ones that were pedophiles, but we shouldn't talk about that when we're trying to use their example for gay bashing)? Oh no... I guess people who dye their hair and hair dressers are now leading deviant life-styles. We must tell them!

    Oh... BTW, in the Rama Charitmanas by Sri Tulsidas Goswami, it is reported that a group of male sages fell in love with Rama and wished to make love to Him, but He told them He wouldn't until His next birth (as Sri Krishna) in which they were reborn as Gopis. ;) So, that'd be a lovely example in Rama-Lila. So, maybe Sri Krishna isn't homosexual, but He still loves His followers who are!


    I know it is taboo for a vaisnava to admire an advaitan saint, but here I go.


    I went to see Amma some weeks ago. The love radiating from her was intense and unconditional. She has Sri Devi bhava and identifies in those bhava's as Sri Devi. Merging.


    For weeks after tears rolled down my eyes. I have no desire to merge, but will never criticize after that encounter. During the week I had darshan of Sri Krsna in jaap, and tears flowed everyday. It was the most intense love I have ever felt, and it still draws me to Sri Krsna - to the point of realizing what a long way I have to go. Her presence released me from alot of hang-ups. I long for that intense devotion to appear in my heart again!


    I have seen her lick the wounds of a leper, who became clean.


    I dont know, maybe some merge and some do not!


    You will all think this is a lie, but I will tell you anyway. One week after darshan of Amma, I was offering a stick of incense to her, in gratitude for the love she gave me. Healing me. As I looked down at my hand I noticed wrapped around it was a long, very dark curly strand of head hair. No one with such dark hair has ever been in my house.


    I had read about these type of occurences but had no faith. After holding the hair, my heart told me to throw it away and not be attached to the physical. So I did.


    She is a living saint, of this I have no doubt.



    I really love Amma, too. I don't think she's an incarnation of MahaDevi like some of her more zealous disciples, but she really is a saint in my book.


    Whether my mother appears old, and wrinkly, or with the face of a moon she is still beautiful to me, and still my mother.

    Yes, indeed. But she claims to be the incarnation of the Mother as Radharani (who has a specific set of characteristics by which we can recognize Her incarnations (e.g.- Sita, Padma, Bhumi Devi, etc...) in the world), when she should be claiming to be the incarnation of a goddess like Dhumavati (who has characteristics by which we can recognize her incarnations that are similar those that Vasantha Sai has).


    One cup or serving can multiply itself unlimitedly:




    Any don't get me in trouble with Sri Radha --I'm always saying the wrong things.

    I'm sure Krishna will split His grilled cheese with Her :)

    And, no need to worry... you won't get in trouble with Srimati Radharani... She's very merciful to us fallen ones ;)


    On this forum I would probably get flamed for quoting Jesus (he is not vedic right)


    'those of you without sin cast the first stone'


    purport: those of you who have not integrated the shadow often throw stones. Fear.


    I see myself as a micrcosm of the Macrocosm. So what exists in me exists in It (and vice versa). Even though I am individual jiva nothing is seperate from me (inconceivable simultaneous oneness and difference). So the conglomerate illusory potency also exists within my body - all has been there.


    The way I see things Radhey we have been transmigrating in various bodies for a 'hell' of a long time. And that effects so much accumulation in the subtle body...the seeds of sin can even be lying dormant for many births...and can sprout unexpectedly to teach us humility. Eternity is a long time.


    'judge not or you will be judged the same'


    All I am saying is we should tread carefully...justice is a strange entity!

    Okay :) I get what you're saying now :) Good point!

    Oh... and... no need to worry. I won't flame you for quoting Jesus :) I like him as well.

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