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Posts posted by Shivaduta

  1. if you have to go into the concept of the shivalinga you will have to have a brief understanding of ancient history.


    one of the theories says that dravadians were the origonal inhabitants of india and the aryans where the nomadic races which came here with their concepts of gods and their customs... the aryan gods like indra, surya, agni, vayu, etc etc etc have their counterparts in zeus, apollo, etc etc etc... indra is the king of the gods and his weapon is the thunderbolt ... while zeus is also the king of the gods and his weapon too is the thunderbolt...


    the concept of dravidian gods were far more abstract and the aryand had no gods to counter the dravidian concept of shiva-shakti ... here the aryans came up with vishnu and brahma who were conceptualised as supergods capeable of equalling shiva - shakti in might...


    the dravidian concept of shivashakti is that shiva is the cosmic awareness and shakti is tht which binds him to this existance... without shakti shiva is prone to firece temper... shakti draws the energy of shiva into the pricess of creation and when shakti stops binding shiva he once again metamorphs into the firece destructive element and destriys creation... that is why "shiva-linga" the male principle is always bounded in the "shakti-yoni" incidentally linga is the male phallus and yoni the female vagina ...and many aspects of tantra try to harness this energy...


    by sandrajenkins - Isn't Krishna one of the gods in the vedic pantheon.....


    let me give u an analogy

    why are "burgers joints" and "pizza places" so popular where as "Coque Au Vin" restaurents are hard to find...

    well a burger or a pizza can be made in 4 minutes flat by anyone having half a brain... and anyone can eat it while watching television and reading a book or working on the computer...


    So also krishna worship is popular cause it is simple logic and basically easy to understand...


    the higher philosophies in hinduism need a lot of brain power to comprehend...



    by sandrajenkins - Is this Supreme Deity (that you mention) found by name in the veda?...



    Well the "vedic" concept of supreme being is the "hiranyagarbha" or the golden egg from which the whole creation issued forth and into which the whole creation will return when the creation culminates...


    in the "vedantic" version i beleive the supreme being is the parabrahma the supreme consiousness who lives beyond space and time... and he creates space and time and sends fragments of his consiousness to animate this creation....


    brahma, vishnu and mahesh are aspects of creation, nourishing and destruction of existance as per vedic philosophy... one is incomplete without the other two as per vedic knowledge...


    by varun_empi the only valid remedy of the pitr dosha is the shraddha ceremony at the gaya and the important tirthas



    True... but if you go to the important tirthas you will see that most of the pandits there are into heavy commercialisation where pandits talk on their mobiles and ceremonies are conducted in groups and are hurried through ... i wonder how much such ceremonies will benifit anyone.


    by eshwaar101 - lately ive just been so deppresed i dont know what to do...i pray it make me fell better for a while.......but thats it....latelty ive been feeling worse worse


    Depression is a sign of deep dissatisfaction... whatever you are doing your mind seems to believe that u are doing somethign wrong... a bit of soul searching (looking within yourself) for your life goals and maybe a change of direction profesionally would help you resolve matters... first analuse what is wrong then make changes to correct that which is wrong... happiness comes of doing the right things... and best of luck

  5. The nav durga are the 9 forms of durga which are worshipped in the 9 days of her festival.

    maa kali or maha kaali is a aspect of the destructive form of the goddess...

    sitla was the goddess who is believed to control the illness of small pox and was invoked to help one in surviving it

    lalita parmeshwari is a form of lalita the mother goddess of the sriyantra and the dasamahavidya

    chamariya and phulmati i believe are local aspects of the devi worshipped in the hindi belt of UP Bihar.


    Originally Posted by Gaurhari - both of us don't understand why everyone is so amazed by her age.

    Prabhuji the awareness and maturity in your child is somethign which comes with age and studies... and in many even age brings no maturity... so whan god has gifted such qualities in one so young it is right that people should be amazed :)


    the child is a lucky child... to have parents who inculcated such awareness in her at so young a age...

  7. once one dies the body is a shell why have affection for that which is not yours anymore...


    strip me of everything which can be of use to someone... the eyes the heart the organs... then feed the flesh to vultures and jackals that they might live... crush the bones and throw them in the fields that plants may use them as nutrition and bear fruits and grains ...


    colossal squandering of resources


    if someone has resources he is free to utilise them in the way he choses to... who are we to advice him that this is using and that is squandering ... each of us has such a limited and varied idea of what is using and what is squandering... someone may say a puja is using someone may say feeding poor is using someone may say feeding pegions is using... someone may say buying a latest mobile phone is using... and everyone is right and everyone is wrong


    cause finally everything is maya and all the resources which we talk about just dont exist... :)



    Holy Cow, how totally cool is that!


    now this is a cool response which any one with awareness would display


    by tackleberry - except Vishnu, no one can be Supreme. There cannot be 'two' supreme entities. So Shiva is NOT supreme,



    i love the intellect of this man... he doesnt seem to have got the simplest of ideas inspite of having read so widely...


    He might well say "In my family my father is supreme and my mother and the rest of ius are shit" or vice versa ...


    Anyone who has lived in this world "with his eyes open" will know that any businessman is the supreme in his organisation... but there are aspects where he knows nothing even in his organisation... A tata or a birla or an ambani will have to call a computer hardware expert when it comes to repairing a computer... this small technician is the supreme when it comes to decission about the computer... a mallaya cant fly his own airplanes... the pilot is the "supreme" even when mallaya the owner of the airline is flying on a kingfisher flight...

  10. Well when u are looking at video for the internet you are looking at a small file which is easy to upload and download... and any "video camera" would certainly be a overkill... cause any home video camera will shoot a huge file... say 100 mb of data for 10 minutes... a prefessional video camera will shoot say 2 gigabytes per 4 minutes or so... so you will have to compress the footage which means getting it on the computer and compressing it ... for this you will need some video editing software... if you have a window movie maker which comes free with windows XP you can edit the file and save at at various resolutions... (when converting from one resolution to another there is a process which the computer does called a frame by frame rendering which takes substantial time depending upon the quality and quantity of rendered material.)

    if using a video camera then editing with a simple video editing software like windows movie maker (which creates animated titles and effects too) is essential... to get a video with a slick look...

    some of the medium budget mobile phone cameras which are in the market like some of the sony erickson and nokia models give very good quality output for internet video...

    best of luck with your next video :) ...


    Sometimes I think I am really dense. Upload what part?


    I suspect our friend is asking you to put up the recipee... and then take your mobile phone camera and shoot a video of yourself cooking the recipee and put the video file (in .3gp mobile phone video format) up on yourtube and give a link so people can read the recipee and also see how to cook it :)


    by kimfelix - Referring to the contempt some Hindus show for people born in lower castes


    Hitler's philosophy was borrowed from Aryan culture or rather his interpretation of aryan culture... now i understand where he got his odeas of subhumans and superhumans and how superhumans should treat subhumans... Sad that he borrowed from hinduism... sadder that the stuff was there in hinduism for him to borrow ...

  13. best way is to cantact your pandit and get the name and also the name of the publisher and their address...as many of these books are published by small publishing houses and are not available in shops everywhere... and you have to snail mail a money order to get the book by book post... and wait for a month for the delivery :) i have had this problem when i had to order a couple of books from a small publisher in banares...

  14. The Blindmen and the Elephant - by John Godfrey Saxe


    It was six men of Hindustan

    To learning much inclined,

    Who went to see the Elephant

    (Though all of them were blind)

    That each by observation

    Might satisfy the mind.


    The first approached the Elephant

    And happening to fall

    Against his broad and sturdy side

    At once began to bawl:

    "Bless me, it seems the Elephant

    Is very like a wall".


    The second, feeling of his tusk,

    Cried, "Ho! What have we here

    So very round and smooth and sharp?

    To me 'tis mighty clear

    This wonder of an Elephant

    Is very like a spear".


    The third approached the animal,

    And happening to take

    The squirming trunk within his hands,

    Then boldly up and spake:

    "I see," quoth he, "the Elephant

    Is very like a snake."


    The Fourth reached out an eager hand,

    And felt about the knee.

    "What most this wondrous beast is like

    Is mighty plain," quoth he;

    "'Tis clear enough the Elephant

    Is very like a tree!"


    The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,

    Said: "E'en the blindest man

    Can tell what this resembles most;

    Deny the fact who can,

    This marvel of an Elephant

    Is very like a fan!"


    The Sixth no sooner had begun

    About the beast to grope,

    Than, seizing on the swinging tail

    That fell within his scope,

    "I see," quoth he, "the Elephant

    Is very like a rope!"


    And so these men of Hindustan

    Disputed loud and long,

    Each in his own opinion

    Exceeding stiff and strong,

    Though each was partly in the right

    And all were in the wrong.


    So oft in theologic wars,

    The disputants, I ween,

    Rail on in utter ignorance

    Of what each other mean,

    And prate about an Elephant

    Not one of them has seen




    BY Tarmux - Now i am doing meditation after initation of reiki. during the session, my body starts trembling and experince convulsion. but i never lost my control. although meoments of my body extremly violent but everthing is in control and i am always aware about the surronding and all the event taking palce.


    Dear friend there are many forces hidden within every human... some good and some destructive... meditation at times can unlock these forces... but unless u have proper guidance from someone (a guru or a upasak) who has "been there done that" you will never know which part of the energy u have inadvertantly tapped into. however if u feel that everything is in control continue what u are doing... however keep yourself alert... and if ever you feel urself slipping out of control (when u are awake ...OR even... if you begin having disturbing dreams) stop the meditation and go find yourself a teacher who has done what u are attempting...


    A guru helps because these are turbocharged states of the human mind ... where the mind is like on a racing track and it is only a brief moment seperating everything under control from a dangerous crash...


    best of luck

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