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Posts posted by melvin


    The only evil thing I see Mataji is when the offensive souls rip flesh from the body of Haridas Thakura:crazy:. Everytime my heart sends out negative to another soul I am doing that ripping (and yes it does hurt). And believe me Dasi, time or distance does not limit them bad vibes travelling:eek4: - because I live in non-ordinary states of consciousness constantly now. When a jibe is sent that I am only an intellectual with no bhakti I have to consider that I have hurt another and am receiving due.


    Maybe the realization of mercy is the only hope - in this world full of offence. That is why I take shelter of Nityananda Gauranga Naam - and do not pride myself further.


    Or maybe detachment, a light heart and realization of how foolish false ego is - is the real panacea. Let the body die...


    That is why I read Stainslav Grof (in self therapy along with Naam), because I want to die to live. And I know my madness:eek3:.


    It hurts.


    Bija, you know, when I suffered a heart attack on September 11, 2007 I thought I`d die. & yet to this day I`m still alive. Maybe I`m already dead and the reason why I`m still alive is because I`m living on borrowed time.


    I am experiencing a severe low tide in my spiritual interest right now and my fondness for the Uddhava Gita remains shallow and unrealised. Oh well I'm glad we are eternal. :shrug:


    Theist, I suggest you add a little more salt to your diet:P


    If we find it hard to understand eternal time, we must pray to Lord Kalpataru to enlighten us on the subject.

    Dhruva Maharaj, a pure devotee of Krsna, who was only a four year old boy was frantically looking all over place for a lost piece of glass but when he couldn`t find it, he held his breath and started closing all the holes he could find in his body. This created a stir among the inhabitants of the world. The earth shook from under their feet as a result of what Dhruva Maharaj was doing. With Lord Brahma`s assistance, they asked Lord Vishnu from afar to pacify Dhruva Maharaj. At that instance, Lord Vishnu appeared before Dhruva Maharaj as Father Time, Lord Kalpataru.

    When Dhruva Maharaj saw Father Time, he immediately stopped what he was doing and said, " Dear Lord, I was searching for my lost watch because I wanted to know exactly what the time is. But since I couldn`t find it, I got mad, held my breath and started closing all the holes I could find in my body. Now that I saw You, I`m no longer interested to know."

  4. If we find it hard to understand eternal time, we must pray to Lord Kalpataru to enlighten us on the subject.

    Dhruva Maharaj, a pure devotee of Krsna, who was only a four year old boy was frantically looking all over place for a lost piece of glass but when he couldn`t find it, he held his breath and started closing all the holes he could find in his body. This created a stir among the inhabitants of the world. The earth shook from under their feet as a result of what Dhruva Maharaj was doing. With Lord Brahma`s assistance, they asked Lord Vishnu from afar to pacify Dhruva Maharaj. At that instance, Lord Vishnu appeared before Dhruva Maharaj as Father Time, Lord Kalpataru.

    When Dhruva Maharaj saw Father Time, he immediately stopped what he was doing and said, " Dear Lord, I was searching for my lost watch because I wanted to know exactly what the time is. But since I couldn`t find it, I got mad, held my breath and started closing all the holes I could find in my body. Now that I saw You, I`m no longer interested to know."


    Does one experience linear time, as in past present and future, in the Spiritual World?


    Time, a 25th element is under Lord Krsna`s control. There was one time Krsna was playing with his cowherd friends in the forest of Vrndavan. While passing by, Lord Brahma stole Krsna`s cowherd friends. Aware what Lord Brahma did(so that the parents of his cowherd friends would not worry why they`ve gone missing) Lord Krsna expanded himself as his cowherd friends( who went missing for 1 year). When Lord Brahma came back to return Krsna`s cowherd friends, the creator of the universe was so surprised to see that what he stole were still playing with Lord Krsna as if the incident never happened.


    In other words, my answer to Theist`s question: Does one experience linear time, as in past present and future, in the spiritual world? It`s neither yes or no as proven by this story.


    It is very much like our nightly dreams. Each character from one night to the next that we take to be ourelves can be taken as a birth. One night I dream I am a prince and the next night I dream I am a homeless pauper.



    The reality is I never was a prince or a pauper...I am the dreamer.



    So in this way the soul dreams it is born as a prince (in the gross world) and then eventualy dies. Analagus to waking up in the morning.



    The next night he experiences life as a pauper until the pauper dies and then something else.



    When we are "born" into this world it is not that the soul actually travels through space and enters a certain womb. What happens is we project our consciousness to that body exactly like we project our consciousness into our dream body at night and "live" in that fantasy even though we are still lyng in the same bed.



    This of course means that the whole material experience is a dream at night we dream and when we "awake" in the morning that is just another dream. We take the awakened side to be real because the duration is long and there appears to be a certain consistency in the experience.



    In other words, this material body we have is just a machine that makes it possible for our unlimited dreams to come true. The newly-elected US Pres Barack Obama as an individual soul dreamed while as a child of becoming the Pres. of the United States of America someday. His material body( including his brain) have made it possible for Mr. Obama to become a real one today.


    Hi Melvin,

    I also get heart palpitations from time to time, so I have been taking some herbs for years, and for the most part, the herbs, as well as some life-style changes I have made, keep the heart problems in check. As Krishna says in Gita " I am the healing herb," and you and I discussed Dhanvantari briefly previously.

    Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I take a little cocktail of 3 herbs. Here they are, as well as info on where you can obtain them:

    1.) Arjuna bark, the main ingredient in Abana, along with other herbs. From Himalaya Drug Co., Banglalore India. I am not sure where you can get this in Phillipines. They also have distributor in USA. Arjuna bark is the traditional E. Indian heart health herb.

    2. Arjuna bark, also the main ingredient in Divya Hridyamrit, distributed by Divya Pharmacy, available right here on the indiadivine.org website. You order here online and they ship it directly from India anywhere in the world.

    3.) Hawthorne berries, the traditional European heart health herb. I am not sure where you can get these in Phillipines, they likely don't grow there as European climate is much cooler. Possibly a local herb store has them. They are just little dried berries. Quite strong when freshly dried.

    4.) Salvia pills, otherwise known as Dan Shen Yin Wan, is a traditional Chinese formula for heart health, as well as other ills. There are likely Chinese herb merchants in the big Phillipine cities, check there.

    I take Arjuna bark and hawthorn daily, Salvia when I need a little extra. Or you can take these herbs in rotation.


    ALSO, related to this post discussing the thread "Is Mukti a Myth," I found in Science of Self Realization by Prabhupad a chapter called "The Immortal Nectar of the Bhagavad-gita," where Prabupad directly quotes Sankaracharya's entire "Meditations on the Bhagavad-gita," and adds his own commentaries. Prabhupad directly glorifies Srila Sankaracharya and declares him to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Here is an excerpt:

    "Sankara directly offers salutations to Krishna, as if to show the fools, who are searching after light, that here is light like the sun. But the fallen demons are like owls that will not open their eyes on account of their fear of the sunlight itself. These owls will never open their eyes to see the sublime light of Krishna and His words the Bhagavad-gita. They will, however, comment on the Gita with their closed owl-eyes to mislead their unfortunate readers and followers. Sankara, however, discloses the light to his less intelligent followers and shows that the Bhagavad-gita and Krishna are the only source of light. This is all to teach the sincere seekers of the truth to offer salutation to Lord Krishna and thus surrender unto Him without misgivings. That is the highest perfection of life, and that is the highest teaching of Sankara, the great learned scholar whose teachings drove the voidest philosophy of Buddha out of India, the land of knowledge. Om, tat, sat."

    Regards, jeffster/AMdas



    Jeffster, I just arrived home from the Lab. My ECG results reveal sinus bradycardia( Heart rate below 60 beats/min), inferior infarct(age undetermined) and abnormal ECG. In other words, the scar in my heart is still here. The beats of my heart are slow. It must be the B-Blocker(Metoprolol) 100mg 1 tab a day I take to decrease my high blood pressure. Unfortunately, I`m not taking any herbs. I take a multivitamin(Centrum silver) 1 tab daily. I stopped taking aspirin because my liver enzyme(SGPT) is high. I still have to know the results of my chest x-ray pa view( it can tell you if your heart is failing) and SGPT determination(To find out if you have liver cirrhosis). I`ll be going back to the Lab this afternoon.

    When Lord Krsna departed for Goloka Vrndavan, he introduced the pastime SOMA-RASA(alcoholic intoxication) so that the people will forget Him. Up to this time, I still wonder why?


    Originally Posted by kaisersose:

    "From a logical perspective, what is the person liberated from?"


    HA HA HA HA !!! HA HA HA HA !!! HA HA HA HA !!!

    What is the person liberated from? FEAR!!!!



    Melvin, you're mind is self-realized. After death your soul may be achieve liberation.


    Yet ... in Krishna Consciousness, the "Means" and the "Goal" is equal in quality in all regards --so your mind and soul may be self-realized.


    But, the intellect & mind are 'out-of-control' at the moment of death --so daily practice is the insurance and plan 'B' of spiritual life.


    Seperation makes the heart fonder.




    Bhaktajan, I declared myself on sick leave since yesterday. Therefore, I won`t be able to report again for work at the CPDRC clinic today. I`ll take an ECG exam and have my chest x-rayed early this morning. In other words, I`m not feeling well.My blood pressure went up and I`m experiencing palpitations or irregular heart beats. My co-worker Dr. Ivy will take over my place temporarily.


    We were discussing about mukti or liberation. That my mind has become self-realized and when I give up this body, I`ll be liberated. Once released from the bondage of this material body, the conclusion is that there`ll be no next life for a liberated soul because he/she has attained Godhood say, as an associate of Krsna.


    Talking about meeting and separation, I think it is inevitable. That souls meet not by chance but an eternal arrangement planned by God. They enjoy each other`s company until it`s time to go. But they never go because in the 1st place they never leave( Haha).


    Hare Krsna & God bless




    what does that mean ??!! no !!! none of us are !! a liberated soul wound'nt roam about internet at all !!!!!!!!


    Sambya, a self-realized soul roams the internet because he wants to teach out of compassion everyone the value of chanting the Hare Krsna maha mantra. That is the self-realized soul`s eternal mission before he became egoistic.

  10. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

    What we dream when we are sleeping is for real. We maybe a king, chased by a tiger, swimming in the sea, etc. These dreaming are not illusions. We change from one body to another, appear in one scene to another. If by chance we dream we are in Goloka Vrndavana playing with Krsna`s cowherd boys, then maybe it`s time to leave the material body and go home, never to come back again to this material world. That`s why there are a number of people who die in their sleep. Because their souls want to stay permanently in those vivid dreams.

  11. Stages of My Life


    1. I was born on November 3, 1957

    2. At 5 yrs of age I went to kindergarten( Colegio del Santo Nino)

    3. At 6 yrs of age I received my 1st holy communion

    4. At 12 I graduated Primary school(Colegio del Santo Nino)

    5. At 17 I graduated Secondary school( Univ. Of Southern Philippines)

    6. At 18 I entered College(Velez College) taking the course BSMT

    7 At 21 I learned to chant Hare Krsna

    8. At 22 I entered medical school( Univ. of the Visayas)

    9. At 25 I got married.

    10. At 29 I obtained my physician`s license

    11. At 30 I started writing Hare Krsna articles in the local newspapers

    12. At 35 I started working as a government doctor

    13. At 49 I had my 1st heart attack

    14. At 51 I`m still writing Hare Krsna articles.


    So, do you think I`m liberated at this point in time?

  12. A remakable recovery! Post cerebrovascular accidents usually carry some disabilities such as hemiplegia, slurring of speech, memory loss, incontenence and depression.

    Hemiplegia when the other half of the body is paralyzed.

    Slurring of speech means it`s hard to articulate words properly

    memory loss when the part of the brain where memories are stored was injured during the accident

    incontenence when it`s difficult to control one`s bowel movement and urination

    depression is noted when the patient is sad and blue.

    If Jayapataka Swami has none of the above. Then his recovery from a cerebrovascular accident is excellent.



    :deal: :deal: :deal:

    It`s true that Magellan, the Portugese navigator commissioned by the Queen of Spain to look for the spice islands in the fareast, gifted the Queen of Cebu with an icon of the Holy Infant Jesus in 1521. But the icon of the Holy Infant Jesus Miguel Legazpi`s men found in 1565 which they thought was the one given by Magellan to the Queen of Cebu inside a burnt hut was owned by an Indian. The color of this icon is black.The Santo Nino de Cebu (black) icon at present is kept inside the convent. The one being displayed inside a glass casing is the white Santo Nino de Cebu. In other words, there are two Santo Nino de Cebu icons being worshiped by the Cebuanos, the black and white.(www.santoninodecebu.org)



  14. :deal: :deal: :deal:

    It`s true that Magellan, the Portugese navigator commissioned by the Queen of Spain to look for the spice islands in the fareast, gifted the Queen of Cebu with an icon of the Holy Infant Jesus in 1521. But the icon of the Holy Infant Jesus Miguel Legazpi`s men found in 1565 which they thought was the one given by Magellan to the Queen of Cebu inside a burnt hut was owned by an Indian. The color of this icon is black.The Santo Nino de Cebu (black) icon at present is kept inside the convent. The one being displayed inside a glass casing is the white Santo Nino de Cebu. In other words, there are two Santo Nino de Cebu icons being worshiped by the Cebuanos, the black and white.(www.santoninodecebu.org)

  15. :deal: :deal: :deal:

    It`s true that Magellan, the Portugese navigator commissioned by the Queen of Spain to look for the spice islands in the fareast, gifted the Queen of Cebu with an icon of the Holy Infant Jesus in 1521. But the icon of the Holy Infant Jesus Miguel Legazpi`s men found in 1565 which they thought was the one given by Magellan to the Queen of Cebu inside a burnt hut was owned by an Indian. The color of this icon is black. The Santo Nino de Cebu (black) icon at present is kept inside the convent. The one being displayed inside a glass casing is the white Santo Nino de Cebu. In other words, there are two Santo Nino de Cebu icons being worshiped by the Cebuanos, the black and white. (www.santoninodecebu.org)



    As you know Ancient, I have had an NDE before. Whether the NDE comes from some physical accident, some psychological strain, some spiritual sadhana, kundalini awakening, spiritual emergence crisis, or some entheogen...there is commonality and each has benefit if guidance is good.






    Surviving an attack of acute pancreatitis(sudden death during sleeping) is a near death experience. Your lucky if there`s someone beside you to wake you up. That`s why before I go to sleep, I say this prayer: " Angel of God, my guardian dear. To whom has love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide. Amen". Then I chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare.




    Hello Melvin,

    Krishna does NOT need a doctor. Krishna incarnated as Dhanvantari for OUR benefit, not His benefit. Only conditioned jiva souls in physical bodies have physical infirmities, thereby requiring the help of medical science. Krishna in His sac-cid-ananda-vigraha body cannot have physical infirmities because his body is non-physical. The Gita corroborates this when Krishna says that He is the healing herb. The herbs were given by Dhanvantari to man for man's benefit. This is one of the differences between man and God. God is bhukta, the maintainer; man is bhakta, the maintained. Man, with his physical infirmities, was in need of medical science. Dhanvantari, in His mercy, dispensed medical science to man. I understand from your other posts that you have some physical problems, and I hope that you can surmount them or learn to live with them. Be well !!

    Regards, Jeffster/AMd



    Jeffster, Yah Krsna doesn`t need a doctor because his body is spiritual. But I think he needs a doctor-friend like me to spread Krsna consciousness in this material world. You see, if Krsna doesn`t need one like me, I think Krsna will make himself appear at this very moment in this material world so that people will be converted immediately to his fold.



    Hello Melvin,

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but Dhanvantari is not Krishna's doctor; rather, you could see Him as Krishna as doctor, or more accurately, an expansion or avatar of Krishna, if you will, who descended to earth to establish Ayurveda.

    Regards, jeffster/AMdas



    Jeffster,If Krsna didn`t need a doctor then He wouldn`t have incarnated as Dhanvantari. If Krsna didn`t need a destroyer, He wouldn`t have incarnated as Siva, etc.





    For your edification, Gilligan, I am a very ignorant & fallen devotee of Rama/Krsna.


    So, professor, please don't B.S. me --I wasn't born yesterday.


    Are you much more fallen than me?


    If so, I'm hip to you.


    If not, then, ACT LIKE IT!!! :eek4: [iOW, I know how to distinguish what's what ---because I senority as a friend & wellwisher of the brahmanas]



    Bhaktajan, maybe you just don`t know who I was when I joined the hip hop movement? Hahaha



  20. :deal: :deal: :deal:

    There is truth to the statement that all vedic rituals, mantras and understanding are compressed into only 8 words: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Hare Hare. For how come Lord Chaitanya have gone crazy just chanting the Hare Krsna maha mantra?


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