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Posts posted by melvin

  1. :cool: What I understood about the word Ajita is that it`s an adjective that describes Krsna as the undefeated. And the word ananda to mean full of bliss. Like the word ananda marga or the path of bliss. Ajitananda therefore means the undefeated and blissful. Krsna however can only be defeated by his pure devotee in the caliber of Narada Muni.
  2. :cool: The word religion(dharma) is akin to the word realization. There`s the Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan realizations. So, one can`t say there`s only one religion(bhagavata-dharma). One should say that religions(dharmas) are simultaneously one yet they are different. Sri Chaitanya`s philosophy( acinty-bhedabheda-tattva) should apply to this given issue that there`s only one religion we should be follow.One can`t follow bhagavata-dharma if one doesn`t bring with him/her the other dharmas.
  3. :cool: We should not worry what happens to our material bodies when our time is up because our souls are eternal. What we should worry in the next life is not being able to remember how we are related to Krsna in the present life. We should be grateful to the PARAMATMA which helped us remember Krsna, who is the cause of our forgetfulness, intelligence, and remembrance.
  4. :cool: Radha plus Krsna= Radhakrsna( Fusion). The energies when merged generates light/heat.

    Radhakrsna when split by a colliding atomic particle= Radha...Krsna(Fission). The energies released is like an exploding atomic bomb.

    Sri Chaitanya is a product of FUSION(Radhakrsna).

    Ramananda Raya collapsed when Sri Chaitanya split himself into Radha&Krsna. It was as if the former was struck by a blast from a nuclear explosion. When Radha&Krsna fused again, the latter once more became Sri Chaitanya.

    Source: The Teachings of Lord Chaitanya


    In other words, it`s in that book where one can build a Brahmastra- an etheric nuclear bomb.Believe it or Not.

  5. :cool: Remember the biblical Tower of Babel? The poeple wanted to reach God by building a tower that would reach heaven. What happened? God punished them when they spoke in different tongues instead of one before the tower they built could reach heaven. Because they couldn`t understand anymore each other they abandoned the project. That`s what we are now!
  6. :cool: I can`t blame you for acting like a brahmana. If this is what makes you happy. If married couples no longer love each other what`s the use living together as husbands and wives? We differ in opinion because we don`t share the same love. You love being a brahmana while I love just being myself.
  7. :cool: My father, Dr. Mario, a pathologist/dermatologist & family physician drinks a bottle of San Miguel beer at 9am, a bottle after lunch, another one at 4pm, a bottle after dinner and a bottle at bedtime. I don`t think there`s harm in drinking a bottle of ice cold San Miguel beer together with aspirin and neobloc. But the advise of my heart doctor, Murali, is I shouldn`t drink yet.
  8. :cool: The wise say that this world is a big stage and we individual souls have individual acts to play. If I was assigned to act this script then what can we do. God didn`t give me a script of a guru or theist so I could act that way. To each his own, okay Theist?
  9. :cool: Father Socrates a priest and who is a friend of mine after I asked him if priests watch porno movies laughed so soudly that he almost fell off from his chair.He said priests have to abide schedules/programs/assignments from their superiors daily just so they could forget the word SEX.

    & you know why there are SEMEN-ARIES for priests? Your answer is as good as wine.Hahaha!

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