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Muslims Should Leave India And Leave Hindus In Peace

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This conversation is based on the false premise that we are muslims, hindus, christians or even human beings ... we are spirit souls ... nothing more ... nothing less ... and anything contrary to sanatan dhama is bound to cause lust, anger, greed, avarice ... the solution to any problems is to understand who we are ... who is god ... and what is the relationship .... maybe then we can all live in peace !

Well, in my culture cleanliness and hygiene is highly valued and the bathroom and toilet must be kept clean otherwise you will become dirty when you go in there. But yeah, I have seen the condition of toilets in India where there are seldom cleaned by the users.

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Whats the point of over endeaving in cleaning the toliet, just get out, and encourage others to do so. Stay in the toliet too long your bound to get splattered.

Excuse the gross example.

The above comment was meant for this quote actually.

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Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu never considered - wait a minute, this place is presently run by a Muslim government, do I want to appear there and teach the yuga-dharma of chanting Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare - Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare?

Today there are about 300 Mio Muslims in India and to relocate such a huge number of people is never possible. Actually Hindus also populate other places and are treated respectfully.


According to the United States Department of State's International Religious Freedom Report 2004 [1], the number of Hindus in the United States is approximately 1,478,670, 0.5% of the population.

The above figure consists of immigrants from countries where Hinduism is an indigeous belief and their descendants, as well as Americans who converted.

your point being ????
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Hari Bool,

I had been in Book distribution many times and i have seen many muslims who actually respect Bhagavad Gita and Vedic Religion.

I See this as the problem of kaliyuga rather than religion. In This age people are prone to fight each other.

India as well as the whole world is suffering as one tries to drive away others. The most important thing that one has to understand that the Land belongs to God .. wither US or India or pakistan.. and we are all but childrens of God... Atleast those who believe in God must understand this..

So driving away people of a religion, either hindu or muslim or Christian will not help.

Even Krishna as Chaitanya mahaprabhu does not go into killing.. because then he has to kill the whole populace... the Cure is to Preach Krishna Conciousness... when this bodly concept will go then all our problems will also go .. This formula may not be accepted by many, but this is the way Prabhupada showed us, this is the way Chaitanya mahaprabhu showed us...

Not by Killing the person but by killing the Demon in the person....

Prabhupada books has the potent to kill even the biggest Demons.. we have to have faith in this..

bravo ... that's my point too !
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If you ask me, I think all cow killers should be exiled from india whether muslim, christian or hindu, just like maharaj pariksit banished Kali.

All those who misinterpret the vedas knowingly should leave india as they are the corrupters of so-called hinduism, which dilutes and weakens real knowledge.

All those who promote MTV,gambiling,illicit sex, and intoxication and other so-called nonsence in the holy land should leave.

All citizens regardless of faith should follow these and should be encouraged to pray to god in a sincire non secterian way.

Bhudism should be banished as its inherently atheistic, even though the people may be nice.

Krishna conciousness should be taught at all schools.

Anyone that doesnt like this they can leave to.

Then we can have a nice god concious society.


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All those who promote MTV,gambiling,illicit sex, and intoxication and other so-called nonsence in the holy land should leave.


Dont take this too far.Gambling has been existent frm time immemorial. I see nothing wrong woth MTV.One has to change witht he times and not live in the past. Intoxication is also a very very old habit in India. First Indians shoud be taught to be well disciplined ,well mannered and sensitive to others interests and eschew corruption.


I once saw a guy speaking into a mobile phone in a petrol station endangering others lives despite being repeatedly told not to. People in India are completely oblivious to others interests. All rules are flouted in our country. Blame us and not the west or the East ,Nature can never be changed!!!


Bhudism should be banished as its inherently atheistic, even though the people may be nice.


Nothing that bad about Buddhism that it should be banned


Krishna conciousness should be taught at all schools.


Yes I agree completely!!!!


Anyone that doesnt like this they can leave to.


Leave to????:rolleyes:


Then we can have a nice god concious society.



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Muslims disrecpect hindus generally thats true, they disrespect diety worship the vedas etc, so why on earth do hindus give more rights to the muslims? Why not the same? Or even vedic law in india, why is it secular?


Again its the wishy washy non-dualistic confused morality of hindus, that try to be compassionate and moral but its actually harmful kindness, its like giving loads of chocalate to a kid, in the long term its destructive.


Then theres a reaction and we have neo-hindus to balance things out (clean the toliet) because the hindus previously went the other way too much, too apeasing to nonsense.


The swings of karma.

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but it doesn't change the fact that muslims are terrorists causing immense destruction to India. Muslims are a nuisance to all societies, not india alone, and hence the problem must be addressed instead of merely blaming hindus.

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I wrote that in sarcasm, this is the standard answer given by "peace-loving" Vaishnavas when they're too scared to face terrorism. They blame the victims (hindus) that they eat beef etc. while conveniently ignoring Islamic atrocities which are more dangerous than so-called faults of the hindus.

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Some muslims may be a nusiance, so are other corrupt people, more damage is done by corrupt governements (all sorts of people) who mis spend millions, millions die because of corruption, cash strapped doctors hospitals, schools.


Murders and abuse take more lives than any islamic terrorists, cancer suicide, malnutrition, caste deaths and discrimination. Why dont people jump up in arms about all these needless deaths and abuses, and become passionate about these basic things? Never mind the needless animal slaughter and torture that people seem to think is okay throughout the world.


Its sensationalism, just like the tsunami, alot of poverty deaths etc, the media potray so the crowd help and ask "y did this happen?", more people die in accidents wars hunger etc every week than tsunami, but we dont care unless it happens in a special effect sort of way.


The biggest natural disaster is that we are here in an unnatural world.

Dont expect peace in this material world no matter how you try and adjust it. Education as given by Sri Krishna to get out of the dump and live life according to his rules is the only way otherwise we all have our own types of morality that always will conflict with others.

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muslims advocates of terrorism should be dealth with properly, as should the communist terrorists and other such types, aswell as the rest of the population should be educated properly according to deep principals of god including compassion to everyone, rather than the ideology of consumerism endless desires greed exploitation material progress without spritual progress. spirtuality becomes an option not taught at school or society neither are basic morals, then people wonder why people are degrading so much.

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muslims advocates of terrorism should be dealth with properly, as should the communist terrorists and other such types, aswell as the rest of the population should be educated properly according to deep principals of god including compassion to everyone, rather than the ideology of consumerism endless desires greed exploitation material progress without spritual progress. spirtuality becomes an option not taught at school or society neither are basic morals, then people wonder why people are degrading so much.

May be the Muslims would agree to rebuild all those destroyed Hindu- and Krishna Temples read below), just a matter of diplomacy.:rolleyes:


In Volume I of this book, the authors gave a list of 2000 mosques that were built on Hindu temples. This list was based on the books of Muslim historians and the inscriptions of the mosques. Volume II of this book gave many excerpts from medieval Muslim histories and chronicles and inscriptions concerning the destruction of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist temples. The authors pointed out that all the materials presented in the volume II were only the tip of an iceberg.


Hindu humiliation through the ages is a mild word if not an understatement. World famous history books beyond the purview of political revision or review by the Human Resources 'Destruction' Minister Arjun Singh clearly bring out the established fact of 'destruction and desecration' of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain temples and shrines by the Muslim marauders from 800 AD to 1700 AD.

In many cases the resulting rubble was re-used to build a Masjid. Jammi Masjid in Ahmedabad is an instance in point. In some cases, the temple was converted into a mosque after destroying the idols and defacing all other human figures. Scrupulous care was taken to ensure that no face was visible with its nose in place. Adhai-Din-Ka Jhopra in Ajmer is another telling example in this context.

Let me now come to Varanasi where there was a planned shower of 'secular' mercy two days ago. According to a Muslim chronicle, the mosque of Benares was built by the Mughal Emperor Alamgir Aurangzeb on the site of Bisheshwar Temple. That temple was very high and held as holy among Hindus. On this very site and with those very stones he constructed a lofty mosque, and its ancient stones were rearranged after being embedded in the walls of the mosque. It is one of the renowned mosques of Hindustan.

A non-saffron and secular Christian evangelist called Mathew Atmore Sherring wrote Benares, The Sacred City Of The Hindus which was published in 1868. He belonged to the London Missionary Society. He wrote: If there is one circumstance respecting the Mohammedan period which Hindus remember better than another, it is the insulting pride of the Musalmans, the outrages which they perpetrated upon their religious convictions, and the extensive damage of their temples and shrines in Benares. It is right that Europeans should clearly understand that this spirit of Mohammedanism is unchangeable, and that, if by any mischance, India should again come into the possession of men of this violent creed, all the churches and colleges and all the mission institutions would not be worth a week's purchase.

To the best of my knowledge, the RSS or the Sangh Parivar did not exist at that time. By saying this, am I giving some spectacularly seminal and secular ideas to Arjun Singh to be discussed in camera with the de facto Prime Minister so as to re-edit this book as well in the same way in which he is trying to re-write the Indian history textbooks of NCERT carefully tailored to suit the political purposes of the UPA government in New Delhi?

All the Hindus consider Benares as their holiest city. Yet Aurangazeb thought it fit to change its name to Mohamedabad. After systematically demolishing the temple of Bisheshwar, who was regarded as King of all the Hindu Gods, Aurangazeb used the debris of the temple for the construction of his famous mosque. Mathew Atmore Sherring saw extensive remains of this temple which were still visible and formed a large portion of the western wall of the mosque which was built upon this site by the 'compassionate oppressor'.

According to Sherring, the demolition of temples was not inspired merely by a hatred for idolatry or by greed for loot. It was solely driven by a desire to humiliate the Hindus. If the government of India and all the State governments do not wake up immediately to deal effectively with terrorism, it will not be wrong to conclude that the lurid tradition established by Aurangazeb would only get revived and enriched in the India of the future.

When the cartoon jihad began, I was mildly interested. As it became obvious the cartoon jihad was an Islamic fundamentalist strategy to maintain control of their base, I became more interested. As people died, and property was destroyed in Lucknow, I became even more interested. As the UPA reacted with self-doubt, and cowardice, I became keenly interested - to the point of crying out a warning: 'Watch Out'. As Sir Winston Churchill once said: 'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.'. The latest terror attack on Sankat Mochan Temple in Varanasi gives an interesting example - it could be not the crocodile one feeds, but one watching you feeding it.

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temples have been destroyed, and all of them will be destroyed if the muslims take over india no doubt. If india does become islamic it will be through conversion and multiplication, and its easy to convert hindus who arent really fixed up in vedic principles. Therefore preach, a strong vedic india can do much.

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The biggest natural disaster is that we are here in an unnatural world.

Dont expect peace in this material world no matter how you try and adjust it. Education as given by Sri Krishna to get out of the dump and live life according to his rules is the only way otherwise we all have our own types of morality that always will conflict with others.

Jai Ganesh

How a discussion about Muslims and their atrocities turns in to a philosophical sort coming of Hindus, truly amazing.

Over the centuries the conflict between the suras and ashura are well documented in our puranas and in the end the good will always triumph over the bad.

Islam has always been associated with violence and the Hindus have bear the brunt of it, but the whole world is now in the grip of this social problem. There are no clear cut answers to it,only way in my opinion this can stop is by intelectualy changing the minds and heart of the followers of islam, they must wish for the peace they so desire, on one hand Islam greet each other by saying shalamalekum(spelling) meaning peace be upon you and yet all they dis to others is violence why? There is inheritly some thing lacking here.what could it be? Submit to the will of Allah they say, nothing wrong with that but contrast this with Krishna he instructed Arjun and yet in the end left him to decide for him self.without this important ingredient the free will, all the arguments falls apart. What choice do they have? follow or go to eternal hell. If one has no power of discrimination then there will always be a great danger of people misusing the will of god,to push their own dogmatic view.

Therefor I prefer the wishy washy Hindu (a misguided term) any time, for if you read Gita Krishna says many things for example

Chapter 9.


jnana-yajnena capy anye

yajanto mam upasate

ekatvena prthaktvena

bahudha visvato-mukham


Posted Imagejnana-yajnena--by cultivation of knowledge; ca--also; api--certainly; anye--others; yajantah--worshiping; mam--Me; upasate--worship; ekatvena--in oneness; prthaktvena--in duality; bahudha--diversity; visvatah-mukham--in the universal form.



Posted ImageOthers, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship the Supreme Lord as the one without a second, diverse in many, and in the universal form.

You can hardly term that as wishy-washy can you?

Maduka Upanishad 7


Nantah-prajnam, na bahih prajnam, no'bhayatah- prajnam, na prajnanaghanam, na prajnam, na-aprajnam; adrishtam-avyavaharayam-agrahyam-alakshanam-acintyam avyapadesyam-ekatmapratyayasaram, prapancopasarnam, santam, sivam-advaitam, caturtham manyante, sa atma sa vijneyah.


Translation 1

He is not knowable by perception, turned inward or outward, nor by both combined.

He is neither that which is known, nor that which is not known, nor is he the sum of all that might be known.

He can not be seen, grasped, bargained with.

He is undefineable, unthinkable, indescribable.

The only proof of his existence is union with him.

He is the peaceful, the good, the one without a second.

This is the fourth condition of the self- the most worthy of all. (Mandukya Upanishad 7


Posted Image

Translation 2


That is known as the fourth quarter: neither inward-turned nor outward-turned consciousness, nor the two together; not an indifferentiated mass of consciousness; neither knowing, nor unknowing; invisible, ineffable, intangible, devoid of characteristics, inconceivable, indefinable, its sole essence being the consciousness of its own Self; the coming to rest of all relative existence; utterly quiet; peaceful; blissful; without a second: this is the Atman, the Self; this is to be realised.

Spiritual path is not a matter of numbers but a quest for self-realization.

Dharma is to follow the rules laid down in shastra.

God I have gone on a bit, what is this got to do with Muslims I wonder

Jai Shree Krishna


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GANESHPRASAD is absolutely right in his comments!!

Hindus are never known for any teror activities, whereas these guys have a bad name all over the world so much that their faith has now been associated with terror.

I'm sure there are peace loving muslims too.

But hey we don't want this terror bullshit in India!!

And the org that took responsibility for the Varanasi blasts as well the delhi ones are a muslim fanatic terror groups rooting out from J&K and Pakistan.

What else can be said??

Hindus have no quotas and no priveledges in their own country - Hindustan!!

But they have!! Isn't that unfair??

But at least we should feel safe in our own country!!

Don't we even have a right to that??

Isn't it enough that they entered Hindustan centuries ago "by force" and killing! And now multiply and enjoy not only the complete citizen rights, but also special quotas and favors!! And on top of that they vociferate againts Hindus!! What a shame! And no body complains. They made such a hue and cries over some cartoons in India - a country that has absolutely nothing to do with that issue!! But what about the Varanasi - the holiest and most ancient spiritual city in the world that simply claimed several innocent lives?!! And no one is burning any mosques or no Hindus are coming out in the street to protest !!!!

Hindus have such a great patience that they keep bearing this arrogancy and injustice in silence!!

But what goes around comes around. The terorists and those who support their heinious ideologies are just earning loads of bad karma for their evil deeds in the name of God!! And will suffer in hell in the end. The funniest thing is that they are thinking the opposite for now!!


Yes we should live life like what Krishna taught, and he taught to teach a lesson to the evil. He destroyed the evil people..

Don't do anything wrong, but don't keep bearing the injustice of others either. Raise your voice strongly against injustice!! We want peace, and we have a right to it!

Om Namah Shivaya!




Jai Ganesh


(you're a hindu fanatic )

How did you work this out?


(this is a vaishnava forum where we respect devoted muslims more than we do hindu fanatics.)

Are you a spoke person for all Vaishnava? I find your comment very funny, how you state this is a vaishnava forum, building up wall trying to keep those who you perceive to be of different view than yours. So what is the difference between you and Gokulkr who would like to see Islam out of Vedic land? At least he is in India suffering the affects of terror what is your gripe?

No one respects fanaticism whatever form it may take but your comment stinks of hatred of Hindus I wonder why?

You say we respect a devoted Muslim, so we should but have you asked a Muslim if he respect you and your faith? To him if you are a deity worshiper or a non Muslim you are a Kafir, fair game to be beheaded and no sin incurred in fact you go to haven (janat) where you will enjoy 72 virgins. Wonderful is it not?

We Hindus respect all faith and because of it we are ridiculed and laughed at. People take advantage of our generosity.

The Hindus have tested the bitter side of Islam, which came as an aggressor, who inflicted tremendous pain, forcibly converted us but we remained true to our faith why? Because it is Vedic.

Muslims enjoys more right than the Hindus, still they are not satisfied so we speak the truth or have an opinion we get labeled as fanatics. Wow.


(Muslims are reacting to hindu terrorism.)

What planet are you from?

It is ironic how always the aggressors get rewarded?

It is quite simple to see half the problem world over, what is at heart? The faith has been riddled with terror from the birth

And other half is in appeasing those perpetrators in the name of tolerance.

It is interesting to note some one advocate’s removal of Buddhist from the land also. Such views could only stem from some one that thinks his is the only way correct. Such views only breeds fanatics

I will be happy to remain a wishy washy Hindu atleast I remain responsible for my own Karma.

Jai Shree Krishna


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Jai Sri Krishna


Firstly we need to Remember that Kicking out the Muslims from India is not going to stop them Bombing our Temples. Now like a lot of Hindus accross the world it makes me very Angry that muslims have tried to destroy our great temples such as Krishna and Rama Janma bhumi's, Sri Visvanatha Kasi and now Sri Sankta Mochan-Kasi. This would never happen at Mecca or Medina, non-muslims cannot set foot here let alone attack the sites...


But we should undersatnd that hating any human being will not bring us closer to Krishna, Rama, Vishvanatha or Hanuman. We Hindus are so noble and cultured that we have accepted Muslims and other religions as part of our great Bharat do you see the Muslim countries giving non-Muslims such as Reception????? This peacefull sentiment of acceptence "Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam" is the heart of Vedic dharma- the mother of all civilasations. In light of the bombings in Varanasi we Hindus should not be totaly passive, we should take great measures to protect our temples, holy cities and people from Babarians...However we should alos protect our tolerant and noble nature that is to see the good in all humans...so measures should me taken to protect the Muslims in India from revenge attacks.


Brothers and Sisters if we fill our minds and hearts with hate and intolerance and remove muslims from Bharat bhumi; we are no longer the noble Vedic people and are as bad as the Islamist terrorists!


And finaly remember that No body, no bomb, no muslim can destroy the Satya Sanatan Dharma!!!! They tried before and they falied and will do in the future!!!!


Jai Sri Krishna

Sankat-mochan-hanuman ki jai

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