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So , what is so special about women???

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a pure devotee of the Lord, in the rasa of parenthood.





Overzealous concern and practice of bhakti, by disregarding the prescriptions and injunctions of the sruti, smriti, puranas, pancharatra, and so on, simply become a disturbance to society. For lack of proper judgment, such bhakti only appears to be overzealous, but actually there is no bhakti at all and consequently no overzealousness in it, because it is found to be antagonistic to all the shastras. (Bhakti rasamrita sindhu 1.2.101-2)

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"This prayer is an example of prema bhakti"


What do you mean by prema bhakti? Isn't it that the central doctrine of Christianity is *salvation*? That is not selfless devotion. I believe that would be sakama bhakti, eh?

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(Mark 11: 27-33)

The scholars, elders and priests were questioning Lord Jesus Christ thus: "Who gives You the power to do these things?" He responded, "I will answer on the condition you answer whether the baptism of John is heaven-sent or of human origin?"


The church leaders conferred among themselves, deciding both possible answers threatened their positions. Heaven-sent meant they denied the Will of the Supreme, human origin meant that they were to be attacked by the people, so they diplomatically answered, "We cannot tell."


Lord Jesus Christ then said, "Then I won't tell you either."


mahaksadasa: The unnamed guest is very boring, and antigonistic, and not understanding what is being said. It is futile to discuss anything with such folks.


That said, I sign my name on everything. I am guest as well, because to log in makes the search engine for mahaksadasa very unwieldy, which already has thousands of posts, but everyone still knows where I stand. Everyone who has read my ideas on Lord Jesus Christ from thirty years of careful research, instigated by my very initiation into the sadhana bhakti process by Srila Prabhupada, knows that salvationiusm is not my teaching, knows that it is not the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, those who read my political posts know that I have no appreciation for christianity whatsoever, and equate these folks with the basest of fascism and hypocracy. THE cHRIST QUOTE i HAVE USED MOST IS hIS PREDICTION OF DEMONS USING hIS NAME to espouse their atheism and anti-christ ideology.


Yet the guest here tries to make like Im pushing some kind of christian agenda, where Im only trying to glorify the actual VAISNAVA mission of Lord Jesus Christ.


So, to the guest who refuses to identify himself, the central doctrine of christianity is to elect fascists by cheating, to prevent abortions of white children while buthcering whole populations of infidels under the code name "manifest destiny. The main doctrine of christianity is to FAIL TO DO THE WILL OF HE WHOM HAS SENT LORD JESUS CHRIST.


However, I dont speak of this on the spiritual discussion lines, I speak of the doctrine of Lord Jesus Christ, Vaisnavism, reciprocation of the unconditional love of the Supreme Father. The prayer of the mother of John the Baptist when Mother Mary comes to visit her is acknowledgement of pure love of the Father that Mary is the embodied representative of.


The lover of Lord Jesus Christ may ask for deliverance from evil, but this is not salvationism when one studies how such salvation is viewed. "I detest my sins becuase of thy just punishment" is there, but the full statement of the prayer continues "But most of all, because I have offended you, My Lord, who are all good and deserving of all my love." "Most of all" is very important, and disavows the selfishness of the salvationist.


But go on guest, ramble on with your party spirit, play into the hands of the christian butcher, the armageddonist who worships the opposite of Lord Jesus Christ, the agent of Kali Yuga. Just dont try to lump me in with these demons, okay? Those who read my posts know you bark up a wrong tree.


Or maybe get to the topic, "why are women special". They are not, but they are also not un-special either. Perhaps youd like to speak about how males have better facility for krsna consciousness.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa



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Yes, gHari has made a clear depiction of why women are special. They have evolved into the human species, while their male counterparts, in many cases, have not.


I congratualte this evolution, because women should NOT be subserviant to ruthlessness at any time. While "protection" of women is a precept of Krsna Consciousness, never is there indication that ownership and domination is part of such protection. Protection comes in the form of acknowledging the self apart from the physical form, celebrating the spiritual essence of all living beings. When this simple acknowledgement takes place, there is no more lust involved.


I have heard devotees for years call females "maya", but this is never the case. Maya is the illusion that the male has that makes his think that to enjoy any temporary form will bring ultimate happiness. No, the female is not maya, the maya is the lust experianced by those who cannot separaqte the actual self from the physical form.


This cartoon says it all, the female is NOT interested in unevolved animal-men. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


Reminds me of the funny anecdote of Srila Prabhupada. One of his sanyassis was quite proud because of his aloofness from women, but Srila Prabhupada broke his false pride by saying "thats because none will have you."

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