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So , what is so special about women???

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Nothing Prabhu! In the grand scheme of things it is just a body! However transcendental women such as Mother Saci, Kunti Devi, Mirabai Devi and Draupadi to mention a few are more than special. To all my female embodied souls, Krishna is the ultimate goal no one will make you happy but Him!

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Except for the obvious, the female side of the Supreme Tattwa is also referred to as the internal potency of Lord Krsna. What we see in so called physical forms exists in the spiritual world as well.


We do not worship Krsna in a vacuum, we recognize his internal potency, the Goddess of Fortune, Srimati Radharani. We see Lord Siva, we also see Srimati Sri, Parvati. Lord Siva is called as Lord Parvardighar, the Husband of the Goddess.


In western culture as well, a christian doenst worship Lord Jesus in a Vacuum (only those who have perverted the teachings fail to worship Mary, an incarnation of Sri Laksmidevi). Theologians also confirm Lord Jesus Christs relationship with the Queen of Magdalia, Mary. Another name for Mary of Magdalia is Sophia, which translates as wisdom. As some (including myself) accept Lord Jesus as a partial incarnation of Lord Brahma, we can also see that Sophia is none other than the wife of Lord Brahma, Sri Saraswati, the Goddess of Learning.


So, some can make distinction, and consider the female as something to toss around, as in this topic, but the transcendentalist is one who sees the Glory not only in the spiritual Form, but in the manifested forms of this world. Of course we are not these bodies, but further study indicates that these are not our bodies as well, belonging to the Supreme Lord.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS My future work involves discussion of Mary Magdaline, Srimati Saraswati, and their unified mission of giving the entire world WISDOM. Until then, there are two fiction books which deal abstarctly, but rather factually, the position of the Great Queen of Magdalia, davinci code by Dan brown and Daughter of God by lewis perdue. I recommend both, not for the exhiliration of action novels, but the research of the authors for authenticity regarding the scene background development. Both authors do this very well.

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Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the same class of men as the Bhagavad-gita. And Bhagavad-gita is the ABC's of spiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. How great Srimad-Bhagavatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is Caitanya Caritamrta. But beginning from the Bible or Koran, on up the principle remains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionary, up...


Jai Mary Mata!

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"A response to the above question."


Great thanks. But really I was looking for a response that would answer the question. Oh well.


"You may take it as having weight or not, that is up to you."


Righto. Up to me. Forget about the real weight. Not like I'm interested in reality or anything. Observe then interpret arbitrarily. The artistic approach. Very appropriate here.

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Letter to: Sivananda


New York

19 April, 1968


Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the same class of men as the Bhagavad-gita. And Bhagavad-gita is the ABC's of spiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. How great Srimad-Bhagavatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is Caitanya Caritamrta. But beginning from the Bible or Koran, on up the principle remains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionary, up



That quote is saying Mary is Radharani or Durga, because Durga is energy of Krishna, see Jiva Goswami for that, I don't have time or energy to explain it !!



Bhagavad-gétä 2.1


Ahmedabad, December 6, 1972

Revaténandana: Are there any other questions? Yes?

Guest: (too faint)

Revaténandana: Um... Well, it’s an unusual question.

Prabhupäda: Huh?

Revaténandana: He wants to know if you believe that the Virgin Mary who is the mother of Jesus is the same as Parvati.

Prabhupäda: Maybe, we have no objection.



Room Conversation with Reporter


June 3, 1976, Los Angeles

Prabhupäda: That’s all right. Divinely placed by the Father is God. That’s all. You cannot deny the fact. And he claims: “I am son of God.” Then, what is the argument?



Prabhupada says Jesus is Son of God. What did Jesus teach? To serve the Father. But Radharani never appears without Krishna. Impossible. But it cannot also be Parvati, since Jesus didn't teach to Shiva-ligna worship. So it must be somewhere in the middle [that doesn't make sence but I cannot find a word] Anyway I did this because it sounds interesting, I see Mary as mother. So there you go.

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"That quote is saying Mary is Radharani or Durga, because Durga is energy of Krishna"


That quote says Mary can be considered




of the energy of God.


"I don't have time or energy to explain it !!"


Neither I. The Christian / Sanatan Dharma hodge podge is a mess:


Overzealous concern and practice of bhakti, by disregarding the prescriptions and injunctions of the sruti, smriti, puranas, pancharatra, and so on, simply become a disturbance to society. For lack of proper judgment, such bhakti only appears to be overzealous, but actually there is no bhakti at all and consequently no overzealousness in it, because it is found to be antagonistic to all the shastras. (Bhakti rasamrita sindhu 1.2.101-2)


Other than for preaching purposes why the hodge podge?

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I have no concern for those who may accuse me of being imaginative, but I do have my duty as given by Srila Prabhupada. I do not present anything I have not heard from him, and even in creative writing, which was never discouraged by Srila Prabhupada in any of his disciples, bhakti yoga is presented, and as always, it is up to the reader to be paramahamsa to determine nectar from bad pond water.


Srila Prabhupada once referred to Mother Mary as maha-laxmi, the eternal consort of Lord Narayana. This conforms with the actual understanding of disciples of Lord Jesus Christ who know that Lord Jesus' Mother is the wife of God the Father. The word "Israel" means wife of God, and this is also another Name of Mother Mary.


But many do not want to hear, so Ill post my work on the subject else where. I only hinted at it here because of the obvious discriminatory tone of this topic, obviously influenced by the bogus "brahmacari-sanyassi superiority complex" that has plagued the Krsna Movement since the very inception. Disgusting "I am the male body and better than those is half-brained women bodies" nonsense is never part of this philospphy. Only those who have not even come to the primary instruction prior to even taking on Bhagavad Gita fail to understand that female and male is not even an issue here. The tone of this thread is also bogus and offensive, even when saying that Draupadi, Kunthi, Mirabai, et al are exceptions. Exceptions to what? Your bogus superiority complex?


The destruction of ISKCON has no other cause than the way Srila Prabhupadas beloved daughters were treated by macho scum. But his daughters were favored by him, who has said that the quality of devotion is greater in the female form, as is the quality of loyalty. So the male "I am the male form" freaks out there who think they are smarter or better businessmen, great, keep it up (if you can), but as this bhakti is DEVOTIONAL service, you must come to terms that perhaps the female form is better suited for loving and serving the spiritual master with loyalty and devotion. All glories to the beloved daughters of Srila Prabhupada, headed by my dear sister govinda dasi, and the likes of Yamuna dd and other stalwart sisters.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Haribol, krsna das. Your original post is very nice, and not what I am referring to. In fact, your post gives us a clue as to the warnings against associating with women, which is what fouled up the pervs who discriminated in a most horrific was.


Initiated disciples and sincere followers of a bonafide spiritual master in female forms are called Vaisnavas, and as such, such association is what frees a person from birth and death. One must discern what is meant about the warnings given by shastra. If one discerns that vaisnavas shoulkd be herded upstairs away from the men as to not contaminate them, this is a problem of one who cannot recognize a vaisnava, not a female form that a vaisnava may inhabit. Shastra confirms that is is highly offensive to even consider such externalities when viewing a vaisnava.


So, just a quick side note that your post is not at all of mal-intent. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Srila Prabhupada once referred to Mother Mary as maha-laxmi, the eternal consort of Lord Narayana.



How is that Jesus taught the Name 'Christ' Krishna Name. When Mary as you say is Maha-lakmsi. Are you saying Mary is partial representation of Mahalakmsi? Then you would think why would she give 'Christ' as the name?

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You post doesnt make sense, pankaja das. Jesus Christ is a name that came centuries later. Other names were given, I have used Emmanuel ben yusif as his given name, other scholars have different names, which is quite okay with me, because it gives us vaisnavas names to chant without having false christians think you arte their kind..


And he was not born of christmas day either. So sad, the theosophy has been so deluted over the two thousand years.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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The name Jesus comes from Joshua which comes from the Hebrew Yeshua. Yeshua or Yehoshua means Jehovah saves or salvation from Jehovah. So the name of Jesus or Yeshua is actually a name for the Father. Remember one and different.


It will not be helpful to try and correlate all these spiritual relationships of one rasa to the next with our conditioned minds. All these things will be revealed in time.

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I do not see what you are saying. Do you see what I am saying?



It will not be helpful to try and correlate all these spiritual relationships of one rasa to the next with our conditioned minds. All these things will be revealed in time.



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It will not be helpful to try and correlate all these spiritual relationships of one rasa to the next with our conditioned minds. All these things will be revealed in time.



Sounds like a good idea. Speculatory hodge podge is not helpful.




satyam evam jayate

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Hare Krsna, from an excerpt of "Lord Jesus Christ Katha",




is the following recitation of the prayer, with commentary.


"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed be thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death."


mahaksadasa: True rasa is demonstrated, as the Avatara descends at will, bringing His associates with Him as He pleases. Srimati Mary, by the strength of Her devotional service, has been granted the service to act as His Mother. Being nitya-siddha, Srimati Mary was not held accountable for any sour reaction from sinful activity, for she had none. She was, indeed, Immaculate, thus, from Her very conception in this world, a pure devotee of the Lord, in the rasa of parenthood.


The second part of this prayer is the example for all the world on the method of approaching the Lord, referred in other Shastra as "dasa, dasa, anudasa". One must seek out the servant of the servant of the Lord, begging for intercession, begging to somehow be engaged in this dasa, dasa, anudasa process. Such engagement will be so beneficial to the living being that he need not be so concerned by his mentality during the turmoil of the death experiance, for the relationship will be set in ones heart, the yoking (yoga) forever unbroken, so much so, that Srimati Mary, Lord Jesus Christ, and He Who Sent Them, will be thinking of them. No artificial behavior involved. This prayer is an example of prema bhakti.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


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