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The Origins of the Satan Myth and impact to global politics

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I sent these two letters out to 40 world leaders in March and April of 2003:


[note formatting is not exactly as it was due to copy and paste]



Peace Plan for the Middle East...


Tue, 18 Mar 2003 18:45:58 -0600






pm@pm.gc.ca, webmaster@kingabdullah.jo, thomas.klestil@hofburg.at, press@president.bg,

vouli@..cy, INFO@FIJI.GOV.FJ, office@presidpress.gov.ge, minfor@sdnp.org.gy,

info@president.lt, webmaster@admin.ch, webmaster@primeminister.ministry.se,

ambsec@bahrainembassy.org, mail@primeminister.gr, postur@for.stjr.is,

miniszterelnok@meh.hu, posteingang@bundespraesident.de, presidentti@tpk.fi,

webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie, mofi@uae.gov.ae, info@gov.ps,

Apostolische_Nuntiatur@t-online.de, ioniliescu@presidency.ro, amghar@pm.gov.ma,

beeldrecht@cedar.nl, stm@stm.dk, cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr, poi_sug@rb.nic.in,

saham@neda.net, paavo.lipponen@vnk.fi, inquiries@un.org, kfb@saudinf.com,

embassyofpakistan@hotmail.com, dip@mid.ru




[Note: if your receive this message more than once I am sorry - I have had some issues with this mail out - it seems that there is someone who does not want this message sent!]


Please accept my full respects:


Forgive my bold nature and PLEASE forgive me in re sending this Message to all your addresses in 'one'

mail out!


We are on the Eve of global changes which are being improperly directed - as the "U.S." President - George W. Bush CONTINUES with his ever so FORGED - 'Coalition of the Willing'.


We must gravely 'note' this tossing around of various RED FLAG Innuendoes within the "U.N." and the global Media - we must 'note' HIS pushing what amounts to global 'Veiled' Threats - that Bush and Co. - can and will without due consideration of the U.N.'s and the world's reactions - put aside the 'authority' of the "U.N." and gamble on - "going it alone" - with an 'unprovoked attack' on matters which are a clear 'diversion' away from the urgent and real Middle East crisis issue - all this leads to another dire point:


It IS so very disturbing that the 'option' which Bush and Co. 'lords over' the "U.N." Security Council - nay - the world - is their myriad of weapons and wealth!


Mr. Bush has been very openly 'mis' leading a "Peace Process" - he's been 'manufacturing' - [through intrigue and vote buying, etc.,] a very weak attempt at a 'Forced Unity' - one which will NOT hold...


His approach to Global Peace is not without its - 'egocentric' duplicity - obviously this ill-push by Mr. Bush and Co. - in what amounts to a - 'manufactured policing role' - is a most ill-declared [to the world]

unilateral position.


Their actions indicate that the estimation of the Bush administration is that the "U.N." is now - "a useless debating club" and - "irrelevant" - what hope can there be down the road for the "U.N." and those Nations who DO honor it?


Will Bush and Co. with their - "Coalition of the Willing" - accept that now ANY Nations can [and some will] claim that the "U.N." [and the Rules] - have become "irrelevant"?


In light of this motivated 'diversion':


The "real issues” which prevent concrete movements to resolution of our collective bad karmas within the Middle East are centered about - "Jerusalem" and its "Temple Mount" - in direct connection to 'this issue' - is the ignored criminal "Occupation of the Palestinians" - for the last - 20018 days.


We must immediately get on with the fact that a REAL end to this Occupation must come NOW -- the State of Palestine has been too long 'stalled' over this point.


Resolution must and can move forward – but how long do we evade this noted fact -- logic dictates -- if it takes Israel's new third Temple Site to make them settle these injustices - then so be it.


HOWEVER - instead of “clearing” the mutually holy site of the ancient and Sacred “Dome of the Rock” [and compound] with a so-called "Errant’ Rocket attack... [in a soon to manifest urban war] – Israel, Great Britain and America [the original 'partners in this partition'] should 'rightly' and “instantly” pay out the Billions of Dollars needed to move the 'Dome of the Rock' and Mosque Compound -- ‘Stone by Stone’.


HERE IS THE CLINCHER -- to move them onto the “*Judicious and Auspicious” border of *Jordan* – ‘there’ the Palestinian peoples must be - “Empowered by the World Community” [and (in real time)

financed by the above mentioned three States - with 'other' international help] to create a NEW ‘State of the Art Capital City’ - THIS must be done for the Palestinians - they must now get their

deserved New State.


A State whose “borders” must NOT be marginalized into “a few miles” or into a “city-state”.


Thus - if old Jerusalem is going to EVER see her new third Temple – then this honorable “move” is the first step – if it be a so-called ‘Errant’ Rocket [with more peoples displaced in a "Transfer"] which gets their

Temple “building process” underway -- then material nature and common sense logic dictate: NO amount of Diplomacy or Political Maneuvering shall promote “Resolution” - what to speak of “Peace” and “Security”.


In our world we are now seeing Mr. Bush and Co. needlessly attacking Iraq [who next?] - and thus he will be 'forcing the world' to spend billions and billions of dollars to "rebuild" Iraq - all the while the urgent

creation of a State of Palestine will be ignored - because [in part] the World will then have not enough cash [and resolve] to solve a 5+ decades long Palestinian Occupation.


Can we thus trust his "road map" to Palestinian Statehood - and Global Peace?


When the State of Israel was 'declared' in 1948 -- there was a great deal of Wealth channeled by Americans [and others] to ‘Fortify’ this State - even unto the present day.


There is NO doubt that our world must soon admit that “Security” is NOT measured through -- Power and Weapons -- but by the ‘Qualities’ of those Possessing them.


A new ‘trend’ must emerge amongst those so "possessing"…If the truth is admitted – this global war karma – unchecked -- will very soon bring the worst calamities - to the whole planet – which some are “waiting” for and will call “Armageddon” - with serious intentions of cheating the innocent masses into thinking that a so-called ‘God predicted’ “end times” scenario is taking place.


This will create even bigger disturbances as many people become [as planned?] suspicious of the “Providential World Administration" - soon to emerge! [no it's not the new world order!]


There are many propagandists who neither understand nor follow [biblical] Scriptures - yet - they have entered the public/political scene with 'political motives' and intentions of manipulating [through these Scriptures] world politics [and peoples].


These propagandists will lead so many more people - who may be even less inclined to search for truth -- to fight against a "Providential World Administration” - all based on false representations of so-called [biblical] “end times” predictions!


Not intending to be an alarmist - yet - this is poised to become [at some point] the most ‘unfortunate aspect’ of this matter!


Today's 'generation' has a Duty to pass on this Planet to future ‘generations’ - WITHOUT - all the heavy baggage of a "Clash of Civilizations” karma - which is to be 'further complicated' by an "end times" political propaganda scam.


We must know that we have little time left for collective action -- if we expect to even have a so-called “future”

which reflects today's standards.


We must see that now it's the right time – In this World we need *ONE [unified] and ‘Qualified’ *Leader of the Leaders* -- one who is NOT afraid to Rally and Fight for ‘True Global Balance and Justice’ -- NOT a ‘Region by Region’ ‘needs’ ‘MIS’-Calculation...


Through “Providence” -- God will “assist” *this Leader* [who by this ‘proves’ himself] to reconcile all these issues – to everyone's mutual satisfaction!


All the world's peoples are responsible to see that this Palestinian Occupation injustice is resolved - NOW -- without further chaos within the region and world -- we all must understand this...


Your servant,











Peace Plan for the Middle East...continued...


Fri, 04 Apr 2003 04:54:46 -0600






pm@pm.gc.ca, webmaster@kingabdullah.jo, thomas.klestil@hofburg.at, press@president.bg,

vouli@..cy, INFO@FIJI.GOV.FJ, office@presidpress.gov.ge, minfor@sdnp.org.gy,

info@president.lt, webmaster@admin.ch, webmaster@primeminister.ministry.se,

ambsec@bahrainembassy.org, mail@primeminister.gr, postur@for.stjr.is,

miniszterelnok@meh.hu, posteingang@bundespraesident.de, presidentti@tpk.fi,

webmaster@aras.irlgov.ie, mofi@uae.gov.ae, info@gov.ps,

Apostolische_Nuntiatur@t-online.de, ioniliescu@presidency.ro, amghar@pm.gov.ma,

beeldrecht@cedar.nl, stm@stm.dk, cumhurbaskanligi@tccb.gov.tr, poi_sug@rb.nic.in,

saham@neda.net, paavo.lipponen@vnk.fi, inquiries@un.org, kfb@saudinf.com,

embassyofpakistan@hotmail.com, dip@mid.ru


Please accept my full respects:


Forgive my bold nature - as an ordinary "commoner" - I still have a mind with good insights - PLEASE forgive me for sending this Message to all your addresses in 'one' mail out!


Seeing all the 'undue' respect that will be [soon?] lavished though Intrigue onto Bush and Co.'s "Road Map" to Palestinian Statehood - there are some points to bring to your attention now:


Bush and Co.'s 'Road Map' for a Palestinian State cannot be [but most likely is] some little 'revised' facsimile of the failed and inequitable U.N. Resolution 181 - [u.N. "Partition Plan" dated November 29,



Clearly hindsight and a common sense logic allude that it will not suffice - neither NOW - nor ever - to offer each party 'a balance of land' - split 50/50' with - 'fewer broken borders' - it must be clearly understood that the central 'Jerusalem issue' needs redress and resolution - once and for all - it cannot be "resolved" in a manner that was espoused within U.N. Resolution 181 - as much as they would like to hope and think that [even for a limited time] an "international" Jerusalem "city state" - is the 'best and most fair solution' - these same people cannot see [or is it a calculated refusal?] that would be an sure 'untenable' situation.


We are NOT EVER going to see any resolute successes with a so-called; "...Governor of an international City of Jerusalem [who] shall have the right to...make decisions on the basis of existing rights in cases of disputes which may arise between the different religious communities or the rites of a religious community with respect to such places, buildings and sites..." [From Resolution 181]


Everyone can 'predict' the many ill political games that would emerge within 'this' scenario - of course a "dispute" of "sites" is very a predictable event - as are its 'consequential' dangers and 'irrepressibly' violent outcomes.


If Bush and Co. calculates that they can [now or ever] deal with the 'issue of Jerusalem' in 'this' manner they demonstrate little clear foresight - [if they proceed to do so in spite of these facts - it is clear

evidence of a criminality of calculation...] - we must understand that a solution 'this' way cannot happen.


We must face the reality that part of the 'Justice' here demands that Jerusalem is going to have be a fully Israeli City - will it be - 'need fully' concluded - "Honorably" - and through - "Justice" - or - "dishonorably" - through the leaders of the World's 'singular' Superpower's inciting of a 'need less' "Violence and Urban War".


There will NOT be any real "peace" without a full and 'honorable settlement' of this 20036 day old Partition/Occupation - this 'Jerusalem' issue directly prevents this "settlement".


So it begs asking; - where does 'that' leave Bush and Co.'s [yet to be published] "Road Map"?


Seeing that Israel is now demanding "100 + changes" to their [non published] "Road Map" - is an indication that the 'issue of Jerusalem' has not been dealt with in a 'time sensitive' nor 'realistic' manner.


Further - it must not be Bush and Co. who 'Initiates', 'leads' or 'Administrates' this "Peace Process" [for obvious reasons!].


When these 'historic decisions' - to bring the two 'equal' States into Secure and Peaceful coexistence are made [and it must be soon!] - these 'decision makers' must present a Plan to the parties which includes a FULL CUT AWAY from each other - there must be TWO "Independent" States [not that one is 'provisional' and the other is not] - with a 50/50 - 'non fragmented' - allocation of the territories [minus the city of Jerusalem] - a 50/50 share in water and ALL other natural resources - a 60/40 [israel gets 60%] share of existing national/international market and investment segments/sectors - and Palestinian currency becomes on instant 'par' with Israel's.


Palestine must receive [without debt] as 'instantly' as possible - a comprehensive new "State of the Art" Capital City - and proper infrastructure - with international assistance to create full [supporting] Urban and Rural Communities - for two plus million exiles [in addition to the possibility of one to three million living within the Capital] - and there must be FULL 'Reparations' in ALL Respects...


There must be an 'instant effort' in this regard - NO more delays - NO more 'false peace plans' - which do NOT settle Everyone's Rights... Bush and Co. are wasting billions x billions x billions - for an

'unprovoked attack' and 'calculated invasion' of/on Iraq - [after which] - they will expect "the world" to - 'bank roll the rebuilding' - when it was their criminal devastation and calculations of Iraq which 'created'

the 'need'.


So where exactly are the Nations of the Globe going to find resources to [do that and] create this "Palestinian State" by 2005?


What if Bush and Co.'s - "Road Map" - to 'Statehood for the Palestinians' fails on their - "Plan A" - scenario - [whatever that plan really is - it will undoubtedly include an Order for 'representatives' from Bush and Co.'s crew to rule within the "provisional" Palestinian's State's government - it will be veiled as keenly 'needed' for "training" purposes - this calculation will be to marginalize] - thus one must ask - has Bush and Co. "invaded Iraq" - as part of its - "Plan B" scenario - is there a future possibility of a NEW forced 'partition' within Iraq [or perhaps Syria or elsewhere in the arab World?] - where all the Palestinians will be "transferred without delay" [by force?] - with so-called lucrative 'future' 'monetary settlements' and "empty promises" etc., - When one looks at probable long term reactions - one must ask

these questions...


I am not attempting to be ignorant or insulting - but we know that Bush and Co. are not now - nor later - going to solve any of these problems [or other 'global issues'] - to anyone's "mutual satisfaction" - NO - with full calculation they are now manufacturing and setting into action more and more intrigue - generations to come will suffer an unstoppable trend of displaced processes and failed resolutions - with

none fewer than all hopes betrayed at each step - already this is the ill history of the last 50 years...


Everyone's feelings of a need to act in "good faith" within these matters - shall indeed fall to all-time 'unreachable' levels.


The "revised" 'New World Order' Bush and Co. has been forging - will become a direct danger to all - it is a [dis] 'order' of "Power, Wealth and Connections" - you must note that you've evidence of a very central threat through their intrigue and ill advances - one cannot deny that Bush and Co. are drawing complete designs to 'manage' 'existing Leaders and Nations' - additionally - they are planning for more -

'representational or "puppet" governments' in third world nations - which they'll control - all this within specifically 'calculated' global regions - i.e.: they already do have [as evidenced by the realities of today's world!] a strategic 'military and economic' control of almost all global locations.


Clearly Bush and Co. are 'creating' problems for 'some' today - in order to 'calculate' "everyone" later...


Please - you must all return to the U.N. and under the Wise Guidance of a qualified Leader - seek to restore our 'delicate' International Order [by resolving this real problem now] - which is more quickly dissolving - than is actually apparent...


Your Servant,

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Here are very nice quotes found in Koran:


"And who believes in that which has been revealed to you and that which was revealed before you and they are sure of the hereafter." [Koran 2.4]


"And there are some people who say: We believe in Allah and the last day; and they are not at all believers. They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lied. And when it is said to them, Do not make mischief in the land, they say: We are but peace-makers. Now surely they themselves are the mischief makers, but they do not perceive." [Koran 2.8-12]


"...do not quarrel for then you will be weak in hearts and your power will depart, and be patient; surely Allah is with the patient." [Koran 8.46]


"Those who spend [benevolently] in ease as well as in straitness, and those who restrain [their] anger and pardon men; and Allah loves the doers of good [to others]." [Koran 3.134]


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Somehow every time I see a picture of Mcdeath I am reminded of John Wayne Gacy.




Indeed - Gacy painted sick looking clown pictures didn't he? He used to hide his monster reality behind the image of the clown? Just like Mcdeath.


Yah how many freaks like him - are running around societies?


There was that Jeffrey Dhamer freak - who ate his victims too - [a kali yuga trend??] - they even pronounced him ‘sane’ before he stood trial!


He wasn't mentally ill - just an evil sick freak - like John Gacy and - so many others.


It's creepy that our soul killing civilization - quietly churns out these freaks - their degradation never being 'checked' as it were - till they've offended!


Part of the problem in the failing to protect western ‘enlightened’ societies from these monsters - comes with the ‘improper’ dealing with sex offenders and - to a greater degree - murderous sex offenders.


One point for people to consider is that we live in this 'mrtya loka' - or - the world of death - and to be so entertained by - violence and death ‘in fiction’ - is to ignore it – ‘in fact’.


I will not even get into the indisputable causes to the degradation - induced by places - like Mcdeath's cadaver cafes!


Who cannot see that we do not need to see - such an exponential increase in the abuses of ‘freedom of expression’ - in the form of the vast perverse forms of pornography now available online.


And evermore the other forms of video entertainment - which is mostly gratuitous sex and violence [in movies and in games etc.,] that display these things without any good context – just sex with violence for the sake of sex with violence.


From these types of 'abuses' - come so many unwanted things – one of which will be - a state censorship.


One that ends up netting much more material than is actually offensive!?


Back to that Dhamer freak – it is known that he used to torture/kill small animals in his youth – how much more of ‘that’ goes on now?


Even here in the slums of Regina - we can see poor cats and dogs - that are obviously quite abused and - thus lost to the street in great fear!


What of those poor souls that cannot escape their abusers?


Without doubt - there is a ‘crisis in youth’ - in every generation.


But only in this [last 20 years] generation have youth such a plethora of ill influences - forming their characters and - it seems that too many leaders do not understand the nature of this and thus - this sharp trend - ‘in action’ gains more and more influence.


How long can we ignore the serious moral void forming within an evermore desensitized populace?


There is coming a point that near everyone is going to be affected by this societal sickness – and truly as Prabhupada says – the world is quickly become so bad that a gentleman cannot tolerate it.


I do have pity for the suffering of all living entities – however that pity doesn’t extend to muderers and pervert murderers and to sex offenders - who must suffer for their crimes.


The [fair] state must see to it that victims must never fear their abusers ever again.


The focus on rehabilitation of these aberrations - after the fact - is misguided – only through a program that disallows ‘the environment’ which churns-out these freaks will the world thus be on the way to being free of the exponential appearance of such individuals.


Nothing in his regard should interrupt the rights of the people in their pursuit of entertainment – but there needs to be an effort by the authorities to curtail the more gruesome forms of sex and violence accessible in all interactive medias.


There is such a misappropriated focus on the damages ‘to the rights of people’ – at the expense of significant and widespread contaminations by filth mongers.


Here is an example of a very good program – HBO’s ‘Six Feet Under’ – that program has a great deal of sex and violence – but - it is using it most appropriately – it is a first class program - with a real personal moral to the story – death.


Such a program is an example of ‘modern’ entertainment - that can be sensitive and sensationalistic - to the point of being - constructive.


Sadly - there are not many ‘examples’ like this – most drama programs - are just trash entertainment - having no real values in the telling of a lame story.


Of course - even in the scriptures - there are discourses of events - regarding violence and sex and all that – but it is a matter of - context in presentation.


That is why I thought that ‘making’ the Raksha Mcdeath picture was a display of - ‘violence in proper context’ – I am happy you like the new concept!










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Yes Gacy worked as a clown entertaining children. scarey or what?


In the 70's I had a devotee draw up for me this well done picture of Ronald McDonald holding an axe above a calves head who was cowering before him. His demonic face shown through the clown's mask. I captioned it McDonald Land. Those who remember the advertising campaigns that McDonalds ran will get the connection. I wish I still had a copy.


Put them on poles around McDonalds in Waikiki and man you should have seen the reaction from people.It was wild. Someone from McDeath's called the police even.


On Dahmer, one of his victims got out of his apartment before Dhamer could eat him. A 14 year Laotian boy. He went running into the streets naked and bleeding from the anus. Some woman called the police who came and RETURNED THE BOY TO DAHMER WHO SAID HE WAS HIS HOMO LOVER AND THEY WERE HAVING A FIGHT. The stupid laki-yuga cops believed him as the boy spoke no English!!!! Dahmer killed him and ate him after the cops left.


Earth has slipped into hell. I no longer view this place as a middle planet. We can do what we can to try and help while here but I can't take another round of this.I am not that spiritualy strong.

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Yes Gacy worked as a clown entertaining children. scarey or what?




I do not like clowns of any kind – never did.


Of course they are not all evil freaks – but the clown image is - off – and it does give pedophiles a front in many cases.


It is also odd that adults would like to dress/act as a clown – and all it does is scare kids – and in many cases where it doesn’t scare them - it pushes needless illusions on children.


Often my family used to say that I would make a boring parent as I would deny my kids their childhood – but that isn’t true – childhood can be full of wonder and all those things – they just need not brainwash kids so that only after say 14 years they start to see the opposite – the real world.


I never did produce kids – and I am pleased about the choice seeing the world like it is.


I refuse to let our cats outside – how could I deal with letting my kids go out - to be overcome by this soul killing civilization?


Even if I am walking down the street and a kid says hello – I say hello – then give them ‘heck’ and admonish them not to talk to any strangers!


I think that in our society there is too much access given to people’s children by strangers – it’s just too scary to see the seeming ‘disinterest more and more people have about their kids!


When I was a kid my mother knew where I was and - who I was communicating with – and usually even the nature of these communications – there was no question of the sorts of ‘nonsense neglect’ we’re seeing more and more – sure - there have been these things - since the start of the kali yuga – but NOW they are being directly cultivated.


As for these horrible demoniac people who are the kinds of offenders that we’re discussing here – where are the real deterrents for them?


I even recall seeing that sixty minutes clip of the JUDAS FREAK Kirtanananda - and the children of New Vrindaban - at the West Virginia farm – and his obvious deviance - was filmed right in front of the Deities! Just see!


Yes - there are these predators – even in our midst…




I captioned it McDonald Land.




Sounds like a nice concept! Too bad you don't have the picture anymore. You still have it in your memory - maybe it can be redrawn?


I am sure that Mcdeath would love to 'grind-up' its Nay Sayers!


Just like their jingles - I rewrite them - like "I'm lovin it!" - sounds better as "I bludgeoned it!" - it is just too easy to do that - like with Subway’s "Eat Fresh" - is really "Eat Flesh" - Or KFC's "There's more in the bucket" - yes like bird flu pandemic - or here in Canada we have Maple Leaf meats with their slogan - "We take care" - yes of "We take care - of everything - but the bad Karma" - McCain is McShame- it goes on and on - like this - for all of them.


Picture campaigns are a great idea for our present society - we have done some of that here as well - and we even made a ‘meet your meat’ CD and took it out all over - with interesting responses...




Dahmer killed him and ate him after the cops left.




That poor kid! Damn those bigot cops - and the system - that didn't do more to prevent his death.


Jeff Dhamer IS now in hell and:


He is placed in the midst of burning pieces of wood, and his limbs are set on fire. In some cases he is made to eat his own flesh or have it eaten by others.


His entrails are pulled out by the hounds and vultures of hell, even though he is still alive to see it, and he is subjected to torment by serpents, scorpions, gnats and other creatures that bite him.” [sB 3.30.25-26]




Earth has slipped into hell. I no longer view this place as a middle planet.




Yes that is true.


Prabhupada says:


“…Only under certain conditions do the planets float as weightless balls in the air, and as soon as these conditions are disturbed, the planets may fall down…The floating of the planets in the weightless air is due to the inner constitution of the globes, and the modernized drilling of the earth to exploit oil from within is a sort of disturbance by the modern demons and can result in a greatly harmful reaction to the floating condition of the earth…” [sB 2.7.1, purport]


Often - I often joke that the Personality of Kali seems to have hijacked the modes of material nature and kidnapped maya - 'using them' - as he sees fit.




We can do what we can to try and help while here




Yes - and devotees of Krishna in particular - must lead a new non-conversion oriented Global Faith Renaissance – it IS the only hope…





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I just remebered that picture was patterned after the Iskcon picture of the man and cow having changed faces with the man with the cows head about to chop the cow with the man's head. Same pose only with Ronald as the chopper.


Today was the sentencing for this serial murder Dennis Rader. He nicknamed himself BTK for Bind Torture Kill. He killed 10 people that they know of and in that fashion. This guy was also a church leader, boy scout master and the local dog catcher, as well as a good family man. I am surprised he wasn't a parttime clown as well. He also tortured and killed cats and dogs as a child.


If he himself didn't directly take birth here on a mission from hell certainly whoever possessed his body did.


That is the thing with allowing a hellish atmosphere. it attracts demons to take birth here furthering the spiral downward.


May Krsna save the Earth planet yet one more time.

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That is the thing with allowing a hellish atmosphere. it attracts demons to take birth here furthering the spiral downward.




Yes. A trend that to be checked - if we are wise enough...




May Krsna save the Earth planet yet one more time.




He is doing so - that we shall see....

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We must have faith that God isn't going to let it be like this - for too much longer - this cannot go on forever - without interruptions anyway.


We the devotees have to make the moves - people are going to love God more - when there is an effort by devotees to reach the peoples - in their own terminology - with Prabhupada's wisdom.


Do not lose hope in a new day!


We should also avoid faith-based quarrels...


God shall help with everything - if we are serious...







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Interventions is what I feel coming. In what form I have little idea.


Yes "in their own terminology". This is an important point. Afterall does it not make sense to talk to people in their own language?


This why I appreciate the Intelligent Design movement so much. Using science to point to God. Same with using scientific jargon to point out the body cannot be the self. The same can be done as you have shown in this thread of using Christian teachings to inspire Christians to increse their hunger for the Lord. Not in some vain glorious attempt to "defeat them" for god only knows what reason.


Gradually I am shifting my hope onto the eternal. It is the only shelter. I only fear my present weakness.


May Krsna help us become more serious.

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The reason I was critical of other religions is simple. Turn on the TV and look at the news. See what Judaism, Christianity and Islam are doing for the world.


Some people believe that if someone believes in God then he is a better person than an atheist.


But it is a fact that the atheist Buddhists have never gone on Crusades or Jihads or Six Day Wars against anyone. Buddhist nations have waged war but Buddhists don't think they are doing it to "punish the unbelievers".


This new pope was previously the head of the modern day Inquisition and he has dealt harshly with heretics such as the leftist "liberation theology" priests of Nicaragua. Now he wants to see a revival of faith in Europe, and he wants to see crosses installed in public places. But secularism is a stong force in Europe, because the people are conscious of the crimes that have been committed in Europe in the name of the Christian religion, so I doubt this Pope will get many town councils to agree to put up Crosses anywhere.


This pope is shown heaps of respect... but why? Why show respect for these sorts of people. He talks about how he wants "peace" in the world but given the chance he would certainly take Europe back into the dark ages of Christendom where witches were burned at the stake. And the same goes for the "Jewish extremists" who have stolen the land of Palestinians and who justify that by saying Yahweh gave them Palestine as their homeland. Vaishnavism says this world is not our home and none of us have a right to attack other people and kill them. But the barbarians scriptures say it is OK to murder people if they are unbelievers. So, as I've said before, in my opinion their religion is a concocted and false ideology based on lies and fables.

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We are small and no power. Better for us to concentraters on the revolution within. Chant the Holy Names and love one another. Then maybe if we rise up the ladder of society and become leaders or our children then the world will become much better.


This thread has gone on too long. We are just ruminating the cud , as Srila Prabhupad said.


Have you chanted today? Haribol!

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You say it is uselesss to discuss religion and its place in the world, in regard to politics etc.


What planet are you living on? Have you logged into this website from another planet?


You say, "chant Hare Krishna". Well, in Chaitanya Bhagavata we read that Sri Chaitanyadeva said that if you don't chant 100,000 names of Hari each day then you are not one of his followers. That equates to 64 rounds. Have you chanted your sixty four rounds today, before you logged into this web site from outer space.


On this planet there is a terrible forest fire of suffering burning and people are being consumed in that fire. And politics and religion are adding fuel to the fire. That is what I see and that is what people have been talking about on this thread.

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You can not even make a dent of change in ISKCON management . Look at the other thread and this devotee has a problem regarding spiritual activity in his ISKCON temple. If you can help him then that is much better than thinking you can change the world by ruminating these rotting news that has been reported in the mainstream media.


And yes, I have started my rounds. Have you?

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This thread has gone on too long. We are just ruminating the cud , as Srila Prabhupad said.




Oh Say you!


If that is how you feel - then why are you on this thread - 'chewing the chewed'?


It is all well and good for people to understand things in perspective - but I will say this - how can you live in a world with others - if you are only going to focus on why you are not like these others.


As noted before - we can see more common denominators - than we do differences.


If you are going to judge these other faith groups thus - then - you should be honest about the practical ‘Kali Yuga results’ - of such judgments.


Why are you are waiting to rise up the ladder of society - as that is not a way to see change - cannot you try to build bridges – try to find a way to bring people together – is there another reason you cannot find any truths in the biblical traditions upon which to focus the attention of those traditions?


Or is it that you would rather sit down tightly and become callous to the reactions of kali yuga?


We are not going to see everyone come to our platform – thus we cannot neglect that we can still have a great influence – especially if the other groups see our efforts as non-conversion orientated – it could inspire millions of people and make the name of Krishna even more well respected among these other groups.


As for this thread having ‘gone on too long’ – have you seen the number of page views on the “celebrities without makeup” thread – so would you rather people reach out to the mundane on the internet – or something more.


Why haven’t you made up a pseudonym for this forum – you take such effort to give us your opinions – but no effort to show your identity - not even creating one for the sake of these discussions – why not?


Your servant,



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