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What a coincidence !!!!

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These days when historians/theologists are finding connection between origins of Christianity to Budhism and Hinduism I have a very eerie feeling about the origins of word Abraham.


Abraham seems to have common link/connection with Chistianity, Judaism and Islam and all of them have origins in Jerusalem.


If you analyze the word "ABRAHAM" and rearrange it by just shifting 'A' from beginning to the end. Even the phonetics or the pronounciation is amazingly close.


"ABRAHAM" ==== "BRAHAMA" or "BRAHMAA" or "BRAHMA" Hindu God of creation..


I don't know if it is just a coincidence or another mystery of plagiarism!



Can anybody please throw some light on this coincidence ...?


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Abraham was first known as Abram and then his name was changed to Abraham.


Here is the verse from Genesis.


Genesis 17:5

No longer will you be called Abram [ Abram means exalted father . ] ; your name will be Abraham, [ Abraham means father of many . ] for I have made you a father of many nations.


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From Genesis



3 From the Negev he went from place to place until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier 4 and where he had first built an altar. There Abram called on the name of the LORD.


Here we see Abram's spiritual pactice, calling "on the name of the LORD."


Hare Krsna

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  • 1 year later...

Miss T. Dickinson

Flat 7,

43 Hartington Street,



DE23 8EB,



Dear Sir or Madam,




With so many questions directed at what actually should be the strategy implemented for teaching children about religion, can distinction of applicableness be reasoned, as a contribution not only to faith schools, but within all governmental maintained schools, within every country of the world.


With so many men and women fighting about what they do not know, causing continued contentions, that is evil trying to conquer, therefore we sensible people now need to make a stance towards deterring the worst to occur; love is all we need, and we should all know that, and we quite intelligently know how and in what capacity of learning consensus is required consecutively..


Children should be given the opportunity to learn about the development of their past, join in discussion groups, learn about and write their own poems, prayers, and opinions, etc, regarding their own understanding of how they see God and beliefs, and most of all be given the opportunity to integrate with other individuals with different demographic profiles, so that they appreciate and learn to accept each other.


As it has been stated regarding other issues, is it not right to be wrong, yet try and no problems arise, than not to try, and it be led to catastrophic, where any reverse may be too late to alter.


We need to acknowledge that children need a understanding of how they came to be, especially as our objective is to identify our family tree, this then urges a need for our long back dated ancestry (not just humans) line to be known accordingly, is it not now time to implement the following hierarchy contents, as is described below, with also clarification of other points, to eliminate any confusion that persists presently.


For instance, when God created the world:

When the World was first created there was only dry land - mud, sand, stone, along with the first living species bacteria being formed, then it rained for many, many years until water covered the surface of the land, until only selected timings when water was required; within the waters were born all species capable of water survival living, which then enabled, and led large spacings of land appear, then God dropped a few seeds upon the earth, which began the process of plantation; to blossom, protect and for food.

A root is sprouted, that grows into a particular tree, that tree goes through it’s periodical seasoning, flourishing the surface with it’s fragments, which then releases it’s own sprouted roots, moving the earth into various places, covering all continents of land.

A few eggs were then hatched on the land with birds as it’s contents, who then trampled parts of the plantation over the world, growing for centuries.

Then came the line of different species of what we call dinosaurs; all animal species were not today’s size, but a lot bigger than we can imagine.

Where the extinction of Dinosaurs has been classified as destructed by the `Big Band`, it never occurred, over millions of years the so called `Dinosaurs` still exist, but as a smaller replica; each species produced separately, with it’s own unique attributes, abilities, characteristics and features, who have become smaller and smaller over the years, until they became of size and capable of living with the species of humans, who were created with similar features, and characteristics of these different animals ( all birth signs represent a animal ), although different species, were still in process of creation by God.

For Instance:


Virgo > 1st - 28th January : from the : Parrot, Owl.

Aquarius > 1st - 28th February : 28th to the : Dog, Fox, Wolf, Polar Bear.

: 1st of every :

Aries > 1st - 28th April : month they : Ram, Sheep, Eagle, Cockrel.

: are called :

Gemini > 1st - 28th June : half breeds, : Pig, Hog.

Cancer > 1st - 28th July : combined : Crab, Lobster, Rat.

: with the :

: month before, :

Libra > 1st - 28th October : and the month : Ape, Monkey.

Scorpio > 1st - 28th November : after. : Scorpion, Spider, Snake.


First we need to clarify that whatever ethnic background you are from, this should not be deterred from disclosure to all, as we are all created by one God, through one spirit, why I state one spirit, define this question, `was woman created from the soul of man?, or `was woman created from the body of man?, well if souls are created first, how do we not know if woman came from the mans soul, then bodies given to each soul, but also this then led one to this conclusion, possibilities of both can not be assumed to be known as either one, because scientist could never know the beginning of God, and certainly do not have the capability of knowing who, how, or in which rotation formation commenced, therefore I base my theories on intuit.

: :

Our soul, just as every animal has a soul, were not created in the image of God, but Shaped in the image God intended us to be; God is many images, and many things, so he gave us the privilege of our own distinctiveness, by giving each soul; whether human, or animal; different bodies, with certain similarities, for whatever intended purpose.


If Our Gracious Almighty did not create separate entities imagine how plain, profoundly boring, and depressing it would be that everything living looked the same, shaped the same, and had the same colours, we therefore have all been given the glory of different types of admirance, beauty, characteristics, interests, and passions for various different elements, so that the above did not take place.


Though remember God only created two of every species (male and female) who were created directly by God, but every linkage of the generations there from, were inherited by there previous, whose soul and body were produced by God, but others who were conceived afterwards were born, in both soul and body, taken from there parents.


Soul born from soul, and body born from body, weakening generation after generation, that is why people, and animals are more immune to catching diseases, because the bodily defence has weakened it’s strength of fighting bad bacteria’s. We can help prevent these occurrences by strengthening ourselves, by good natural foods and water, that was planted for us to eat, and cleansed for us to drink originally.


Men are the carriers of Life, and women are the producers of life, men obtain the soul, with women obtaining the body, therefore when scientists try to modify the egg, all that is taking place is evil trying to cut off the root to God, though it can never happen, because although bad modification has occurred to corrupt the life that individual lives, the life would not be living without the fertilisation of the soul, and within the soul lays the hope of a root to God.


Therefore when people claim clones etc, to be complete evil, then think again; even though I disapprove as it is going against the nature and principle of God, because where lays a soul, although corrupt with evil by interference with that persons components, also lays a route to faith, if uncovered to that individual, though this procedure should never be entered into.


Some one stated once that God is a scientist, that statement is precisely true, as the Almighty is the biggest scientist there is, but that does not give us the right to dwell into boundaries that we should not interfere into and that is forbidden, just because we can, or generally due to being dictated by your employment role, because evil resides in all life trying to find the gateway to God‘s structure.


Now that we have covered what I describe as a co-ordinated hierarchy of the Earth’s formation, I would say objection to teaching this structure within all schools will inevitably be denying your own existence, these elements will only enhance confusion, if deterred from being revealed.


It has been written on the commentisfree website of the Guardian Unlimited, by AC Grayling, on October 19, 2006 03:45 PM

(start) It is time to reverse the prevailing notion that religious commitment is intrinsically deserving of respect.

It is time to refuse to tip-toe around people who claim respect, consideration, special treatment, or any other kind of immunity, on the grounds that they have a religious faith, as if having faith were a privilege-endowing virtue, as if it were noble to believe in unsupported claims and ancient superstitions.

On the contrary: to believe something in the face of evidence and against reason - to believe something by faith - is ignoble, irresponsible and ignorant, and merits the opposite of respect. It is time to say so.

But no organised religion, as an institution, has a greater claim to the attention of others in society than does a trade union, political party, voluntary organisation, or any other special interest group - for "special interest groups" are exactly what churches and organised religious bodies are (end).


Why do so many individuals claim something is Fact?

What is the difference between Fact & Theory?, nothing because no individual can say something is proven fact, when we do not know the underlying or reasons of God, who is all of us in one, and a lot more.

We are all then basing our lives on our own or others theories, but nevertheless there is only one undeniable Fact, and can not be classified as a unsupported claim, this is that something beyond our comprehension of thinking created all we can see and know of; that presence is whom we know of as God, and he loves us all, which is a privileged virtue to have faith in.


For example, when archaeologists or theologists state that it is fact that we came from apes, they are forming there own conclusions; so to blemish their theories from unacceptableness, just because there are similarities between structures and behaviours, does not imply that we came from them, as each entities are formed separately.

Or if a scientist states it is fact that a particular tablet is the best curable medication to take, that does not harm, they are inventing there own theories to entice the public, and associates, by presuming something is fact, when they do not seriously know if it is true, only the Lord knows what that substance does for our bodies, so we are relying on theories.

Furthermore, due to the facts that can not be denied as only theories, let it be known, discussed and understood by all children so they know.


One problem with the world is that they can not comprehend the fact, that there is a miraculous power. who is more powerful than they are; they seem to live as if God is a burden to their lives, but men and women are only a burden to themselves in denial of being wise, otherwise wiseness within does not exist.


The major problems of all individuals is that they need to forget about prophets, saints, apostles, etc, and traditions, when all religious concentration should be directly aimed at God alone, eradicating all contentions of superiority over a particular messenger.

The only traditions there should be is to celebrate God, Living, the food we are provided with to eat, plantation to admire and protect, the end to human worshipping, and most of all the end to segregation replaced by full belief integration.


Religious people should stop divisionalising themselves into one particular congregation, and start accepting each other as a life glorified by the Lord, just as they have been given theirs.


How can Holy books of religions, be classified as holy when nearly all individuals capitalised on in these books, are people who used the sword to fight, and takes lives; this instinctively is not obeying the Supreme creator, so why is it then that so many people are praising, and worshipping Human men as the omnipotent, glorifying their disobeyment of God, and brainwashing people into believing they are wise acts to participate into.


Many individuals have come forth to practice their beliefs onto the public at large, but there always lies a distinction, of whether they are preaching acts of goodness, and wiseness, or hatred and evilness, and the main factor to living in accordance of God is whether you are Good or Evil.

Many individuals claim to come in the name of God, but if they are representatives they would not be:


Individuals who are tactfully tugging at the heart of laity people, dominant and a force of their beliefs, or congregation, and who materialise themselves, into making sure their wealth was gathered by urging every supporter to gain as much money and jewels, and donate all to the Church’s and Temples, while starvation covers many thousands of people, and this can not be seen as acceptable in the eyes of God.


Who Murder with the sword, or other weapons can not be stated to be an act of holiness, in which participation by many took place, and still takes place presently, with dictatoring others to do so on there, or God’s behalf.


Where some faiths, not forgetting to mention, also indulge in the segregation of denying acceptance to associate, commune, have as a family, or friendship with other nationalities, whilst strong resistant persists against any outsider.


Some faiths also have no unity with women, which can not be liable as acceptable under the realm of God, for he does not love a man any more than he loves a woman, and a mans prayer no more cherished, or worthy, than a prayer from a woman.


Stating punishment is upon all who insults, or speaks against them, and their words is despicable.


Sacrifice as been indicated, but is inevitably suicide, and a sin of disrespect for the life in which we have been given; true sacrifice is not going out and taking your, and others lives, it is protecting someone’s life from another, at a certain instance, with no intensious thoughts of retaliation, or violence from yourself.


Men and women who become the Warriors of Battle, using brutality and right of life taking.


Stoning people who they think are offending their beliefs.


Within all Church’s and Temple’s there should be no judgement, or discrimination towards the acceptance to becoming a faith institution for all people, that would include any individual being able to enter the establishments premises, with also the opportunity for each church and temple to obtain a book from all religions, in all the various languages for that particular country, county or community of which it will consist of, without a unacceptance to integrate being permissible, without any allowance to intimidate, or belittle the integrity over faith and beliefs, as all would conclude to understand the faith and beliefs of all books containing religious history, and most of all where each may gain the knowledge of all people of the world, as long as divine importance is not capitalised on humans, in these books, but exchanging different interpretations of how they see faith and beliefs.


Therefore, within all educational establishments, whether faith or state, they should adopt this approach to teach to all, however if we continue to blemish undeniable facts to be refrained, then how will we be in years to come, and imagine how people will perceive each other if there doubts are not resolved.


We know that education starts from when you are a child, when our minds are more open to debating what we learn, and the examples we see, so is it not important to train the minds of children into to knowing there creator, which will lead to their conscience of God enabling them to distinguish the elements of how we should behave, and what they should become involved in.


I believe this is the only way we will envisage a decrease in anti social behaviour, and public and state corruptions that they insight themselves into.


Also, within both church’s and temples, and schools to further reduce insults, we should all try to agree to a global prayer, provided for every individual, for instance,


To you our Master in Heaven,

We give thanks and praise,

For the life you have given onto me,

To all other individuals,

To all animals,

And every fragments within this universe,

that you have created our Lord,

May all be blessed with your glorification,

For now and forever,

God Bless All.


Individuals state that we are not as violent and brutal as it has been in the past, but blatant and obvious brutality yes it does not exist, it has become more secretive, manipulative and more destructive, through the advancement of confusion, but why should we continue this confusion into future generations, when we have the ability to act now.


One last subject is the discussions of dress code, which has also become a debatable topic, when who are they insulting by dressing in the way they choose, after-all we dress to our accord, so why should we discriminate those whose choice is to clothes themselves as they do, as long as that individual is not enforced to do so against will, afterall God does not tell us what we should wear, so why should any person be dictated, or despised due to certain clothing.


If these strategies could be prioritised policies, we would all envisage a much solidified, and united world, that could be blissful to all life.

Thank you for your much appreciated time.

Bona Fide,

Tammy Dickinson.

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In Sanskrit, placing the letter "a" before a word makes it mean the exact opposite:


Mrtya = death

Amrta = immortal


So using your logic that it is a coincidence, the A - brahamic religions are against Brahman. A-braham thus would mean a person opposed to the Vedic religions. Brahman is one of three aspects of God: God everywhere and in everything. So A-braham would signify a man who was opposed to thinking that God is everywhere and in everything, using this logic. It could mean that he was against the teachings of the Vedic Brahmanas and had not himself attained Brahman realization.

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Abraham was first known as Abram and then his name was changed to Abraham.


Here is the verse from Genesis.


Genesis 17:5

No longer will you be called Abram [ Abram means exalted father . ] ; your name will be Abraham, [ Abraham means father of many . ] for I have made you a father of many nations.



Then that makes it quite obvious that the God of the Bible was one of the Prajapatis who are responsible for populating the Earth and other planets.


The God of the Bible was definitly NOT Vishnu or Krishna, nor even Lord Brahma as far as that goes.


This whole progenitor angle clearly indicated that the God of the Isaraelites was a prajapati or a Manu.


Some prajapatis even create planets as well as progeny.


This worship of demigods is forbidden by Lord Krishna.

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Then that makes it quite obvious that the God of the Bible was one of the Prajapatis who are responsible for populating the Earth and other planets.


The God of the Bible was definitly NOT Vishnu or Krishna, nor even Lord Brahma as far as that goes.


What is the definition of Prajapati as it applies to the Christian God?

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and where precisely does Krsna say so?



Well, the whole episode of lifting Govardhan Hill and the floods of Indra are all becaue Krishna didn't want the residents of Vraja to worship demigods like Indra.


Srila Prabhupada says in gita purport:


According to scriptural injunction, only the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshipable, but those who are not very conversant with, or faithful to, the scriptural injunctions worship different objects, according to their specific situations in the modes of material nature.


Demigod worship is part of the karma kanda path, but in pure devotional service demigod worship is forbidden.

As such, Krishna stepped in when the residents of Vraja were attempting to worship Indra.

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Demigod worship is part of the karma kanda path, but in pure devotional service demigod worship is forbidden.

As such, Krishna stepped in when the residents of Vraja were attempting to worship Indra.


and what? you expect the ancient Hebrews to be pure bhaktas, ready for the Vraja-leela?


in this world there is most definite need for a gradual process of spiritual advancement, and demigod worship is in the mode of goodness according to the Gita. thus, your statement: "This worship of demigods is forbidden by Lord Krishna" needs to be qualified as pertaining to those engaged in pure devotional service.

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Well, the whole episode of lifting Govardhan Hill and the floods of Indra are all becaue Krishna didn't want the residents of Vraja to worship demigods like Indra.


Srila Prabhupada says in gita purport:



Demigod worship is part of the karma kanda path, but in pure devotional service demigod worship is forbidden.

As such, Krishna stepped in when the residents of Vraja were attempting to worship Indra.

Krishna seems rather conceited in this episode.

I don't understand why he wouldn't allow them to worship Indra. This sounds very similar to pieces in the Quran and Bible where worship of other Gods is forbidden and seems extremely contradictory.


How should/do members of other sects view this?


Also, technically, shouldn't one, at a certain stage, abandon all names and figures? At a certain stage, certainly, Krishna is no better than Indra?

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Then that makes it quite obvious that the God of the Bible was one of the Prajapatis who are responsible for populating the Earth and other planets.


The God of the Bible was definitly NOT Vishnu or Krishna, nor even Lord Brahma as far as that goes.


This whole progenitor angle clearly indicated that the God of the Isaraelites was a prajapati or a Manu.


Some prajapatis even create planets as well as progeny.


This worship of demigods is forbidden by Lord Krishna.


I don't get that at all from this verse. In the Aquarian gospel I remember it noted that abram was a-bram IOW's a brahman.


Judaism is mono-theistic i.e. one Supreme God but scanty information on that God. I do believe the Elohim speaking in Gen. however were servants in some way of the Prajapatis and not God as it has been mistranslated as.

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Krishna seems rather conceited in this episode.

I don't understand why he wouldn't allow them to worship Indra. This sounds very similar to pieces in the Quran and Bible where worship of other Gods is forbidden and seems extremely contradictory.


How should/do members of other sects view this?


Also, technically, shouldn't one, at a certain stage, abandon all names and figures? At a certain stage, certainly, Krishna is no better than Indra?


Hari OM


Krishna seems conceited because you are so.


If you compare the Kingdom of God, to say United States of America, then Krishna is equivalent to the President while the demigods are equivalent to Immigration clerk/supervisor or officers.


Normally you enter USA by following certain procedures and satisifying the immigration agents, however if the president extends you a personal invitation, then it becomes the duty of the immigration officials to satisfy you and reach you safely.


So unless you have a personal invitation from the president (A Bhakta), but still neither followed the procedures ( A Karmi-- by dreaming of the invitation), then your entry will be denied and you will thrown back.


"Also, technically, shouldn't one, at a certain stage, abandon all names and figures?"


This problem arises because of studying Advaitha in a hurry , that stage (called Thuriyadhitham) there is no One, no process of abandoning or retaining , that stage itself is entirely beyond human imagination, what to speak of the rules and regulations at that stage.



So dont rush with your assumptions that Advaitham and Bhakti are against each other (Advaitham can't be for or against any other, since at that stage no Other does exist) or God and Demi-Gods are against each other (trying to "catch" people for their camps) or Gyanana and Karma are against each other and so on.


Rather try to stick with one principle humbly try to learn and follow that principle as much as possible before you become expert enough to compare two complicated principles.

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Who but the transcendental autocrat, Sri Krsna, could say "I am that I am".




Krsna consciousness is self exalted transcendence. It's glory is not enhanced by being victorious in competition over earthly religions. No need to belittle others religion.


If we become swan-like we can find and extract the Krsna consciousness nectar, whether a jar full or a drop, from any of them and leave the rest as gHari has shown.

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Krsna knows He is the only true shelter and if we place our faith on anyone else we will ultimately be mislead and not achieve real happiness. That incident is also instructive to everyone in general. In the Biblical venactular it is said "Have no other gods before Me". In the Gita demigod worship is also discouraged as worshipping Krsna in the "wrong way." At the end Arjuna is exhorted by Krsna to abandon all other paths and forms of worship and surrender unto Him alone.


By defying Indra and protecting the Vrajabhumis from his wrath Krsna showed us we needn't fear any future adhidaivic miseries that the demigods may unleash, we need only take shelter of Him exclusively.


I do not believe we will find any fault in Krsna-lila but it is good to question everything.

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Krsna knows He is the only true shelter and if we place our faith on anyone else we will ultimately be mislead and not achieve real happiness. That incident is also instructive to everyone in general.


I wonder then why the Vedas are called "breath of God" - nihsvasitam brahma - if they are meant to "mislead and not achieve real happiness" because they mostly talk about demigod worship :rolleyes:


bad breath?


you people keep coming up with all kinds of interpretations of the tradition.


BG 17.4

yajante sattvika devan


yajante--worship; sattvikah--those who are in the mode of goodness; devan--demigods;


Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods


THAT is our understanding. Yes, there is a platform above mode of goodnes - transcendence, but do not deride material goodness as it is extremely counterproductive for the society in general.


the leela is above material goodness, that is why there are different rules.

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I wonder then why the Vedas are called "breath of God" - nihsvasitam brahma - if they are meant to "mislead and not achieve real happiness" because they mostly talk about demigod worship :rolleyes:


bad breath?


you people keep coming up with all kinds of interpretations of the tradition.


BG 17.4

yajante sattvika devan


yajante--worship; sattvikah--those who are in the mode of goodness; devan--demigods;


Men in the mode of goodness worship the demigods


THAT is our understanding. Yes, there is a platform above mode of goodnes - transcendence, but do not deride material goodness as it is extremely counterproductive for the society in general.


the leela is above material goodness, that is why there are different rules.


Not being a Vaishnava myself, I think I can identify better with this idea. The Bhagavad Gita never says the Vedas are wrong, but Krishna says that those who transcended have no need for the Vedas. Those who do not understand them use them for materialistic purposes while non-materialistic people look at them differently, it's all in the point of view.


Also, Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that worshipping other Gods does not make one automatically materialistic. Whatever you hold to be the highest, you consider that the ONE, strive for it, and you will eventually reach Enlightenment. Krishna says take refuge in Me not me (note the capitalization), which doesn't mean Krishna the body, but Brahman. If you have an Indra diety (which I'm guessing no in the world uses), worshipping him is not bad as long as you keep in mind non-materialism.


Also, re-reading the Sri Bhagavatam Purana, Krishna never commands the people to stop worshipping Indra, but instead persuades them everything is One. Besides, Indra is the only God to be so angry and arrogant.


Consider that one day, God came into your body and began to speak the Gita. You, knowing you were God would say take refuge in Me, but in actuality, you are not saying to refuge in your materialistic form, but the form that you represent.


Also, what do you consider a demi-God? Ganesh? Shiva? Saraswati? Lakshmi? Durga? Other saints and sages (Sai Baba)? Our gathering has a Kubera pooja during one of the festivals... not sure which, though.

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Even the Vraja gopis worship demigods such as Katyayani.That doesn't mean they give priority to those assisting in their worship just due respect to all in a system created by The Lord who is always centre stage.

The band in the background may enhance the lila, but the Divine flute player still steals the show.



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The Spirit of the Name






O Holy Name! The tips of the toes of your lotus feet are eternally worshipped by the glowing effulgence of the Upanisads, the crest jewels of the Vedas. You are eternally adored and chanted by great liberated souls like Narada and Sukadeva Goswami.



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O Harinama! Clearing myself of all offences, I take complete shelter of You. Rupa Goswami says that so many liberated souls worship the Holy Name of Krsna, offering their respects from all sides. He explained that the greatness of the Holy Name may not be found in the ordinary scriptures, but if you study all of them as a whole, you will find the very spirit of the Holy Name. Ordinary people may not find this in their study but there are those who can collect the real substance, the real purpose from those vast writings and detect the greatness of the Holy Name as the whole purpose of all the main Vedic scriptures. The principal codes in the Sruti, the Vedas, are giving hints about the Holy Name of Krsna. Sruti means sabda: that which can be grasped by the ear, the sound form of the revealed truth which has descended from above.

The Vedas naturally tell us that we can approach the supreme reality only through sound. Otherwise they would be suicidal. If they do not say that by sound only we will attain the truth, then what is the necessity of the Vedas which are only embodied sounds? So if we can trace their real characteristic we shall find that the principal Vedas say that by the cultivation of sound we can attain the Lord. So we can come to understand this only through sound.

Sound alone can deliver reality. The Vedas must say so, otherwise they will only be an ineffective jungle of sounds. Sruti means that which can be received through the ear and that sound is Absolute. The Srutis have come to declare to us that through sound alone we can attain the highest end. The main codes of the Sruti inform us: nikhila sruti mauli ratna mala. Mauli means the principal scriptures. They are like so many gems or jewels, forming a necklace. Just as while performing arati, we offer a lamp to show the Deity form of the Lord more clearly to the ordinary people, the principle Srutis are helping us to have this perception: by sound only we can have the Supreme Lord. Rupa Goswami says that if we are more attentive to their meaning, we will find that the principal Srutis are only trying to show us the lotus feet of the Holy Name, just as during arati the ghee lamp helps us to see the figure of the Lord. We may have a general view of the Deity, but with the help of the lamp, we can have a particular conception of the different parts of the body of the Lord. Similarly, we find that the principal Srutis with their light are trying to show us the lower portion of the Holy Name of Krsna. They are leading us and helping us to have a conception that the Name is everything.

Rupa Goswami says that those who are really liberated are all surrounding the Holy Name and offering praise and adoration. And he prays, In this spirit, I take refure in the Holy Name of Krsna. Rupa Goswami says that only a superficial study of the Vedas will frustrate us. But if we search with a positive mind, by the grace of the Sadhus, the Acharyyas, and the Mahajanas, we will find that the principal Srutis are leading us towards the conception that the whole object of all the Vedic sounds is that central sound: the Holy Name of Krsna. There are so many sections of the Vedas that have come to distribute the tidings of the Absolute realm, but there must be a centre. So, the principal sounds are all emitting light like a torch, to show us that they have a central sound which represents the supreme whole, and that is Krsna.

Srila B. R Sridara Maharaj

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You don't need to be a transcendentalist to begin to worship the One and Only Supreme Lord Sri Krsna. He states that there are four kinds of people that approach Him.


Vaisnavas do not recommend polytheism at any stage. There is nothing in polytheism that cannot be realized in monotheism therefore it is time for polytheism on earth to surrender to monotheism.

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FRom the introduction to BG


The Lord descends to this mortal world to show His pastimes in Vrindavana, which are full of happiness. When Lord Sri Krishna was in Vrindavana, His activities with His cowherd boyfriends, with His damsel friends, with the other inhabitants of Vrindavana and with the cows were all full of happiness. The total population of Vrindavana knew nothing but Krishna. But Lord Krishna even discouraged His father Nanda Maharaja from worshiping the demigod Indra, because He wanted to establish the fact that people need not worship any demigod. They need only worship the Supreme Lord, because their ultimate goal is to return to His abode.


Let the confusing concept of polytheism become dovetailed into the worship of the Supreme Lord

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