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Do Vaishnavas ever pray to Lord Ganesha?

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Sree Krishna Himself prayed to Lord Ganesha to remove the obstacles in marrying Satyabhama. Sree Rama invariably prayed to Lord Ganesha all the time before He started the war with Ravana. All Indian Vaishnavities (Except stupid ignorant fanatics) pray and pay respects to all important forms of Lord like Shiva-Durga, Karthikeya-Valli-Devayani, Ganesha and all forms of Narayana... NO Discrimination as its like disrespecting Sreeman Narayana Himself.


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Sree Krishna Himself prayed to Lord Ganesha to remove the obstacles in marrying Satyabhama.



Evidence? In original Sanskrit, chapter and verse please.



Sree Rama invariably prayed to Lord Ganesha all the time before He started the war with Ravana.






All Indian Vaishnavities (Except stupid ignorant fanatics) pray and pay respects to all important forms of Lord like Shiva-Durga, Karthikeya-Valli-Devayani, Ganesha and all forms of Narayana...



So anyone who disagrees with you is a stupid ignorant fanatic? Well. I see no evidence that Shiva, Durga, Kartikeya, Ganesha, etc are "all forms of Narayana." Have you any shAstric evidence to support this conclusion? I doubt it.


None of the Vaishnava vedAntins worship these anya-devatas as forms of nArAyaNa. No surprise there, since no such concept that these are "all forms of Narayana" is found in shruti.



NO Discrimination as its like disrespecting Sreeman Narayana Himself.



Viveka (discrimination) is a virtue. One should know what is worthy of worship and what is not, and what one can worship for what purpose and so on.


If one should not discriminate, then what worship becomes too outrageous? Is Pedophile Sai Baba of Puttaparthi another form of nArAyaNa? What about Osama Bin Laden? What if I worship Gandhi as another form of nArAyaNa? Is it ok? If not, does this make you a stupid, ignorant fanatic?


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QUOTE FROM ABOVE: Well. I see no evidence that Shiva, Durga, Kartikeya, Ganesha, etc are "all forms of Narayana."


COMMENT: Well I see no evidence that anyone here said that Shiva, Durga, Kartikeya, Ganesha, etc are all forms of Narayan. Where did anyone say that? Hmmm?



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God is just an illusion, whether you call it krishna or durga or whatever. It is so childish and immature. Vedas was written by primitive people, so we (the people of 21st century, that is) shouldnt take it seriously. Try to be cultured. Only ignorant barbarians from the third-world believe in this sort of voodoo. Elephant god, monkey god...so ridiculous that people, even in THIS century, believe in that medieval garbage.

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Vedas was written by primitive people, so we (the people of 21st century, that is) shouldnt take it seriously. Try to be cultured. Only ignorant barbarians from the third-world believe in this sort of voodoo.


The scriptures teach many things which cannot, by any stretch of imagination, be considered barbarism. They teach truthfulness, kindness, sacrificing one's own material possessions for the sake of others and many other good things. In fact they teach a large number of things that are just excellent. Do you think that barbarians can teach such nice things?

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COMMENT: Well I see no evidence that anyone here said that Shiva, Durga, Kartikeya, Ganesha, etc are all forms of Narayan. Where did anyone say that? Hmmm?



Um, right here:



All Indian Vaishnavities (Except stupid ignorant fanatics) pray and pay respects to all important forms of Lord like Shiva-Durga, Karthikeya-Valli-Devayani, Ganesha and all forms of Narayana...



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  • 3 years later...


Sree Krishna Himself prayed to Lord Ganesha to remove the obstacles in marrying Satyabhama. Sree Rama invariably prayed to Lord Ganesha all the time before He started the war with Ravana. All Indian Vaishnavities (Except stupid ignorant fanatics) pray and pay respects to all important forms of Lord like Shiva-Durga, Karthikeya-Valli-Devayani, Ganesha and all forms of Narayana... NO Discrimination as its like disrespecting Sreeman Narayana Himself.



Lord Sri Rama, prayed to Lord Shiva before He started the war with Ravana,and even Ravana prayed to Lord shiva for victory and ravan acquired special boons and weapons from lord shiva doing great tapasas which he used and injured Lakshmana,But good wins over evil and Lord Rama wins the battle Remember the father of Lord Ganeshais Lord Shiva Saravam Shiva Mayam,Who needs no Mantras,Trantars and Yantras to reach him,He never decorates himself with jewels or ornaments he simple meditates and shows the true light of yoga and the cosmic dancer the main source of bakthi movement Har Har Maha dev the God of Demi gods

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Whosoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are struggling through paths which in the end lead to me-gita


From the above quote No matter whom you worship what form your worship ultimately you reach the lord Hari-Hara both are one and the same,Only lord Vishnu has taken many forms like Rama Krishna many more and worshipped lord Shiva haven you people seen Ramayana in tv,the True god doesn't need to take any forms,so all your worship goes to the lord Om nama shivya

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The one and only sect to Highlight the equals rights of Women power in Hindu society and culture in 8th CE AD,where womens were trated as just house hold object only to bear childrens didnt give any religious importance,1000 years much before that Lord shiva showed us the form of ardhanarishwar to educate the women and recognised her as the best teachers and many roles of her as a wife,friend,partner,adviser mother and many more the essence of shiv and shakti No male dominance ego or pride in his teachings the lords vision of perfect society which included even KAMA (Sex) every man need sex,MADHU erotic drinks to engage oneself there is no need to suppress your feelings and live fake life pretending you are holy,the teachings are so Divine logical and simplified to reach him But Many Brahmin's in the early society didn't like this concept being so transparent and visible to the layment which may take away their importance in the society they misled people by preaching and altering the Vedas to their conveniences,Shiva Purana the science of India,The are facts and very logical,the Lingam the belly point of the earth form less there is no start or End to it,What ever they blind the people will learn the truth ,because the truth is out there question your faith with the facts,Even if you u don't do any puja ,tell mantras your prayers are always heard even the cave men the hunters worshiped Lord shiva he dose not need any offerings he is not the lover jewels or ornaments we do not Need and special mantras to reach god only a hearty prayers Awake My friends May the Bliss of the Lord awake you and show the true light-OM Nama Shivya

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Vedas was written by primitive people, so we (the people of 21st century, that is) shouldnt take it seriously. Try to be cultured. Only ignorant barbarians from the third-world believe in this sort of voodoo.


The scriptures teach many things which cannot, by any stretch of imagination, be considered barbarism. They teach truthfulness, kindness, sacrificing one's own material possessions for the sake of others and many other good things. In fact they teach a large number of things that are just excellent. Do you think that barbarians can teach such nice things?

Hinduism Unknown (2000 BCE)


Judaism -Abraham (1300 BC) in Meso-potamia who started the lineage, and Moses, who emancipated the enslaved Jewish tribes from Egypt

Zoroastrian-Zara-thushtra (600 BCE) in ancient Iran

Confucianism-K'ung Fu Tzu (551-579 BCE)

Shinto -(100 CE) Each of the 13 ancient sects has its own founder

Islam Mo-hammed (570-632 CE)

Christianity-(30+ CE) Christianity is divided into three main sects: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. Among Protestants there are over 20,000 denomin-ations.

Eastern Orthodox-(1054 CE)

Lutheran -Martin Luther (1517)

Anglican -Henry VIII (1534)

Methodist -John Wesley (1739)

Worldwide Church of God -Herbert Armstrong (1933)

Baptist John Smyth (1609)

Presbyterian -John Knox (1625)

Quakers -George Fox (1647)

Mormon Joseph Smith (1830)

Baha'i Faith-Baha'u'llah (a Muslim follower of Bab) in Iran (1817-1892 CE)


There are even more religions and sects followed i have only mentioned few

Proud to be an Indian our civilization started 10000 years back much before where the others were learning to make fire and living in caves, our kingdom and regimes had already started ruling the most civilised people much before the Egyptians learned to build pyramids our Temples and Towers stood Tall and had found medicines for all the disease and taught the world about the planets and the value of numbers.yet today we don't value our Culture and its depth-Om Nama Shivaya the truth may shall unfold as the sun enlightens the entire Universe.



God is just an illusion, whether you call it krishna or durga or whatever. It is so childish and immature. Vedas was written by primitive people, so we (the people of 21st century, that is) shouldnt take it seriously. Try to be cultured. Only ignorant barbarians from the third-world believe in this sort of voodoo. Elephant god, monkey god...so ridiculous that people, even in THIS century, believe in that medieval garbage.
Hinduism Unknown (2000 BCE)


Judaism -Abraham (1300 BC) in Meso-potamia who started the lineage, and Moses, who emancipated the enslaved Jewish tribes from Egypt

Zoroastrian-Zara-thushtra (600 BCE) in ancient Iran

Confucianism-K'ung Fu Tzu (551-579 BCE)

Shinto -(100 CE) Each of the 13 ancient sects has its own founder

Islam Mo-hammed (570-632 CE)

Christianity-(30+ CE) Christianity is divided into three main sects: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. Among Protestants there are over 20,000 denomin-ations.

Eastern Orthodox-(1054 CE)

Lutheran -Martin Luther (1517)

Anglican -Henry VIII (1534)

Methodist -John Wesley (1739)

Worldwide Church of God -Herbert Armstrong (1933)

Baptist John Smyth (1609)

Presbyterian -John Knox (1625)

Quakers -George Fox (1647)

Mormon Joseph Smith (1830)

Baha'i Faith-Baha'u'llah (a Muslim follower of Bab) in Iran (1817-1892 CE)


There are even more religions and sects followed i have only mentioned few

Proud to be an Indian our civilization started 10000 years back much before where the others were learning to make fire and living in caves, our kingdom and regimes had already started ruling the most civilised people much before the Egyptians learned to build pyramids our Temples and Towers stood Tall and had found medicines for all the disease and taught the world about the planets and the value of numbers.yet today we don't value our Culture and its depth-Om Nama Shivaya the truth may shall unfold as the sun enlightens the entire Universe.

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God is just an illusion, whether you call it krishna or durga or whatever. It is so childish and immature. Vedas was written by primitive people, so we (the people of 21st century, that is) shouldnt take it seriously. Try to be cultured. Only ignorant barbarians from the third-world believe in this sort of voodoo. Elephant god, monkey god...so ridiculous that people, even in THIS century, believe in that medieval garbage.


So many illusioned religious prisoners especially in the third world prisons.


So many childish and immature vegetarian murderers on probation especially in the slums near you.


So many primitive people getting 1st class educations --just to wind-up in the military so as to occupy doltish Islamic dictatorships.


So many people of 21st century destined for minimal sense-gradification but maximum natural catastrophies.


So many street orphans take it seriously when insurance company executives holiday in the third world --[nudge-nudge, know-what-I-mean? know-what-I-mean?]


Be cultured! --know what the foreign exchange rate of your currency when haggling to bribe a foreign official and/or a FARC Guerrilla.


Remember to pray for the ignorant barbarians after you take a picture of them and their Resturant matron.


How would the third-world survive without 'Baywatch' reruns?


The price of everything keeps going higher, do you think it's some sort of voodoo, or is it just a mafia comspiracy [remember, you and I don't know anything!!!!]


I got riipped off by telephone solictors from Romania, I feel so ridiculous especially when I used to be the job superintendent for that company.


THIS century is the era of peace harmony and machetes and water filters and condoms--AMEN!


Take advise from me, if you have any medieval garbage --hold on to it! It'll be worth a fortune at auction-- then you'll be able to divorce your wife and you'll be able to get a real woman half you age too, into the bargain. :)

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Sree Krishna Himself prayed to Lord Ganesha to remove the obstacles in marrying Satyabhama. Sree Rama invariably prayed to Lord Ganesha all the time before He started the war with Ravana. All Indian Vaishnavities (Except stupid ignorant fanatics) pray and pay respects to all important forms of Lord like Shiva-Durga, Karthikeya-Valli-Devayani, Ganesha and all forms of Narayana... NO Discrimination as its like disrespecting Sreeman Narayana Himself.


The truth is all the Gods worshipped Lord Shiva Thats the truth and we need to accept his presence is in all epic and logic teachings you can fee his presence in Ramayana,When Lord Rama prayed to him to defeat Ravana,In Mahabharata when Arjuna prayed and worshipped him and acquired pashupati Astra,the Powerful weapon which cannot be stooped by anyone Why Even Lord Maha Vishnu prayed to lord shiva and was Blessed to get Sudarashna Chakara to aquire this maha vishnu did great Tapasya He would offer him daily 1000 lotus and chant 1000 names of Mahadev to please Him once to test him shivji took away 1 lotus flower to test Maha Vishnu and Lord Vishnu thought his eyes look like fresh lotus and he gouged one of his eyes and offered it along 999 lotus,Deva adi Dev Maha Dev Lord shiva was so please he presented Sudarashna Chakara to Maha Vishnu.Mahadev is worshipped by all Gods.Rishis,goblins,saints,Munis,sages all adore him.

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I'm a Vaishnava, and I pray to Lord Ganesh to remove obstacles before I perform puja. I also worship Him along with Goddess Lakshmi during Diwali.


Remember the father of Lord Ganesha is Lord Shiva

Saravam Shiva Mayam,Who needs no Mantras,Trantars and Yantras to reach him,He never decorates himself with jewels or ornaments he simple meditates and shows the true light of yoga and the cosmic dancer the main source of bakthi movement Har Har Maha dev the God of Demi gods

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Vedas was written by primitive people, so we (the people of 21st century, that is) shouldnt take it seriously.

Vedas are anything but primative. how can a scripture that had the basis of modern algebra and architecture be primitive? how can a system that knew about atoms over 2000 years ago be primitive??



Try to be cultured. Only ignorant barbarians from the third-world believe in this sort of voodoo

cultured? what qualifies as being cultured?? Only ignorant barbarians? that's why so many americans and erupeans are converting to sanathana dharma? oh and yea those people are so barbaric thats why i feel safer walking around the streets of Kashi than i do my own home city. yea real barbaric.


Elephant god, monkey god...so ridiculous that people, even in THIS century, believe in that medieval garbage.

obviously you do not understanding the meanings of these forms. after all what better way is there to show god's love for all creation than to make Ram's best friend a monkey? it's really quite beautiful. i'm sorry you are missing that type of beauty in your life :(


God is just an illusion, whether you call it krishna or durga or whatever. It is so childish and immature.

no, what is childish is to think oneself to be equal to god, whether that is through thinking one is as powerful as god or that there is no god at all. it's like a little child thinking he is a grown up. that is childish.


the true ignorance is found in believing there is nothing higher. this i know from experience after having lived in ignorance. it is far more difficult and takes far more intelligence to be able to admit something is greater and try to build a relationship with that being. accepting god's love and developing a relationship with him is by far the most difficult thing we have to do.

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Vedas are anything but primative. how can a scripture that had the basis of modern algebra and architecture be primitive? how can a system that knew about atoms over 2000 years ago be primitive??


You are responding to a 4 year old post. It is highly unlikely that the OP is around to read your response.



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Remember the father of Lord Ganesha is Lord Shiva

Saravam Shiva Mayam,Who needs no Mantras,Trantars and Yantras to reach him,He never decorates himself with jewels or ornaments he simple meditates and shows the true light of yoga and the cosmic dancer the main source of bakthi movement Har Har Maha dev the God of Demi gods

I pray to Lord Shiva and Kalika Mataji as well ;) I actually have a murti of Kalika and a picture of Shiv-Parivar on my home altar and worship Them on a regular basis.

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Should be. What I've learnt from the Ramcharitra Manas, when Lord Shiva was married to Parvati, they offered repect and asked for benediction from the Murti of Lord Ganesha.


And interestingly, Lord Ganesha was yet to be born. Those, who has a nice vision can understand the statement of Tulsidasji.

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1) The events in the Puranas are not simular to any other ancient Epic religious literature --and that is the prime Glory of the Veda-Literatures.


The only 'outlandish' contents of the vedic histories are samples of 'mystic siddhis' [yogic attainment(s) by those yogis of yore, who have performed endless yogic diciplines --long before they were embroiled in a (vedic) historical event worthy of being recorded in the Vedic historical record].


The puranic histories are not filled with unicorns and simplistic soap-opera-like writings as is found in abhoriginal folklores in distant lands of various conquered tribes in the hills and dales of the nether lands far from the fertile cresents of the ancient world.


2) Unlike "Western Mythology" [which is defacto 'Mythology'] the vedas, upon stating something that is 'paranormal', immediately expounds upon the very same 'paranormal' topic so as to establish it's credibility.


The way to prove that Bhakti-yoga, et al 'works', --is to perform it yourself [mind you, that would require that you leave all your baggage at a storage warehouse far away from the ashram. Good luck! If, should you 'take my dare' to do so.]


3) [in a recorded conversation, which I will cite later, when I find it]:

Srila Prabhupada specifically said (in response to the edict to respect the Devatas and especially in regards to Ganesh):

(I'm paraphrasing) "Yes, it is OK to call upon the devas for assistance --but that assistance must be in pursuance of Devotional service. Then you are engaging the devas in Krishna's service, that is OK"

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  • 4 weeks later...


Should be. What I've learnt from the Ramcharitra Manas, when Lord Shiva was married to Parvati, they offered repect and asked for benediction from the Murti of Lord Ganesha.


And interestingly, Lord Ganesha was yet to be born. Those, who has a nice vision can understand the statement of Tulsidasji.



I pray to Lord Shiva and Kalika Mataji as well ;) I actually have a murti of Kalika and a picture of Shiv-Parivar on my home altar and worship Them on a regular basis.



ohhh lol. my bad, i saw this as a new thread and thought all the posts were from today. thanks :)
Saivism is ancient, truly ageless, for it has no beginning. It is the precursor of the many-faceted religion now termed Hinduism. Scholars trace the roots of Siva worship back more than 8,000 years to the advanced Indus Valley civilization. But sacred writings tell us there never was a time when Saivism did not exist


The Vedas state, "By knowing Siva, the Auspicious One who is hidden in all things, exceedingly fine, like film arising from clarified butter, the One embracer of the universe--by realizing God, one is released from all fetters." Aum Namah Sivaya.

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