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What will Gaudiya Vaisnavism be like in 2000 years?

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If that is how you feel then you should examine the information given here:


God Consciousness vs. Society Consciousness



The Land of Gurus




from Sri Guru and His Grace


Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Maharaja

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If that is how you feel then you should examine the information given here:


God Consciousness vs. Society Consciousness



The Land of Gurus




from Sri Guru and His Grace


Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Maharaja


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prabhupada's mood is " tad viddhi pranipatena. pariprasnena sevaya..."


you have simply to accept guidance from someone who's "tattva darshina", one who sees the truth.. krishna


if you do like that, even if apparently you will belong to a different institution, you will fulfill the prabhupada's will and you'll realize iskcon in the earth and in your heart


other things are details... every guru changes something, or he's not a guru


Circumstances changes and teaching changes..the essential thing is to accept the guidance of a pure devotee, there's not much time to live, death can come at any moment, there's only few pure devotees in this world, it is a real offence to let them go without having taken shelter in them



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I agree. Here are a few quotes from His Divine Grace's books that confirm your post:



Chapter Six

How to Discharge Devotional Service


Srila Rupa Gosvami states that his elder brother (Sanatana Gosvami) has compiled Hari-bhakti-vilasa for the guidance of the Vaisnavas and therein has mentioned many rules and regulations to be followed by the Vaisnavas. Some of them are very important and prominent, and Srila Rupa Gosvami will now mention these very important items for our benefit. The purport of this statement is that Srila Rupa Gosvami proposes to mention only basic principles, not details. For example, a basic principle is that one has to accept a spiritual master. Exactly how one follows the instructions of his spiritual master is considered a detail. For example, if one is following the instruction of his spiritual master and that instruction is different from the instructions of another spiritual master, this is called detailed information. But the basic principle of acceptance of a spiritual master is good everywhere, although the details may be different. Srila Rupa Gosvami does not wish to enter into details here, but wants to place before us only the principles.


Nectar of Devotion



"Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was an ideal acarya. An acarya is an ideal teacher who knows the purpose of the revealed scriptures, behaves exactly according to their injunctions and teaches his students to adopt these principles also. As an ideal acarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu devised ways to capture all kinds of atheists and materialists. Every acarya has a specific means of propagating his spiritual movement with the aim of bringing men to Krsna consciousness. Therefore, the method of one acarya may be different from that of another, but the ultimate goal is never neglected. Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends:


tasmat kenapy upayena

manah krsne nivesayet

sarve vidhi-nisedha syur

etayor eva kinkarah


An acarya should devise a means by which people may somehow or other come to Krsna consciousness. First they should become Krsna conscious, and all the prescribed rules and regulations may later gradually be introduced. In our Krsna consciousness movement we follow this policy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu...”


“...It is the concern of the acarya to show mercy to the fallen souls. In this connection, desa-kala-patra (the place, the time and the object) should be taken into consideration...”


Cc. Adi lila 7.37-38



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I think that His Divine Grace A.C. BhaktivedantaSwami prabhupadawas a divine encarnation, something like a demigod, if not was impossible to spread KC to so many people, was a real miracle.

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His Holiness Sivarama swami has written a small paper regarding siksa outside ISKCON, for those of you interested please read it to expand your minds and take in to consideration a vaild perspective.


I can post a few excerpts if interested but need to read it in context to gain the most out of it.




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"According to this conclusions we have to think Prabhupada like Lord Jesus christ. "


No if someone holds a special position for srila prabhupada it is not NECCESARILY something like jesus. Madhva's hold special position for madhavacarya, we in the line of rupa goswami hold a special position for rupa goswami (rupanugas),

A founder of an institution GM in which bhaktisidhanta swami also holds a special position, therefore the fulfiler of chaitanya mahaprabhus prediction of spreading krishna conciousness around the world and founder of an international society thus he also holds a special position.

An empowered vaishnava should be recognised as an empowered vaishnava there is no fault in this. Yes I agree if people concoct and it becomes only srila prabhupada or nothing then this is a transgression of what the philosophy teaches.


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I dont find such a letter on the web,

although inside the book he apologieses for any offences but not for writing the book.

His book is still being sold on his website. I would of thought it would not be sold if he thought it was a mistake writing it.


So if your claim is true please give me a link.

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it is not very important, concepts are concepts, and if you bring them in a discussion, they are under your responsabilities (aparadha or not), even if they're written by someone else


so becareful, act for the benefit of devotees and write what you want

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His Holiness Sivarama swami has written a small paper regarding siksa outside ISKCON, for those of you interested please read it to expand your minds and take in to consideration a vaild perspective.


I can post a few excerpts if interested but need to read it in context to gain the most out of it.




I saw this booklet in Sridam Mayapura. I asked the devotee selling it the same thing I'll ask you. Why has Sivarama Maharaja written on this topic when he actively takes siksa regarding Tribanga Danda, from a babaji who is the seminal descendant of Sivananada Sena, and certainly not a member of iskcon? He has also poured laxmi into that project, outside of Puri. Tribanga Danda is the place where Lord Nityananda broke Mahaprabhu's danda in three placs. Our acaryas explain why, but the sadhu that Sivarama Maharaja takes direction from,with regard to the location and significance of Tribanga Danda had no explanation of the event when I asked him why? The sadhu, who is a very senior devotee is due no disrepect but we have to be careful in hearing from him. He teaches that Tribanga danda is the MOST Important dhama and it is more important to render service to it than Sridham Mayapura or Vrndavana. So indeed, taking siksa outside of our guru parampara is the danger, not hearing from Gaudiya Acaryas who are most certainly connected to the line coming from Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, through Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, and his disciples.


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If you think this small paper is so important, why not post a link to it? I was only able to find it in Spanish, and I don't have the time or patience to work my way through that.

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re: I think that His Divine Grace A.C. BhaktivedantaSwami prabhupadawas a divine encarnation, something like a demigod, if not was impossible to spread KC to so many people, was a real miracle.



Once when asked who he really was Srila Prabhupada said "if i told you , you would not believe me."

then something along the lines of "to those who follow him sincerely he will reveal himself" (not an exact quote but 99% there)


any ideas form anyone? maybe he WAS expansion of the lord?? I hope I can follow him sincerely so he reveals hmself to me




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"Why has Sivarama Maharaja written on this topic when he actively takes siksa regarding Tribanga Danda, from a babaji who is the seminal descendant of Sivananada Sena."


Can you tell me what siksa sivarama swami has taken from this babaji? I have heard none of his dicsiples or him talk about anything that the babaji has said, unless its of a technical nature not a philosophical one, the babaji approached sivarama swami and another swami as he wanted them to build a temple there. May be you can let me know of the siksa he has "actively" taken from this babaji?


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"Our acaryas explain why, but the sadhu that Sivarama Maharaja takes direction from,with regard to the location and significance of Tribanga Danda had no explanation of the event when I asked him why? "


I wonder how much this babaji can teach if he had no explanation of the event of the danda being broken

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The siksa he accepted was the very location itself, and his participation. Perhaps siksa is too strong a description.

You have to ask Siva Rama Maharaja why he agreed to spend money to develop the location on the word of that sadhu. When I visited I was told that the aforementioned sadhu had darshan of the pastime there, and that is why they were developing it. I was also told by one resident that they were told by the same sadhuj that both service to and visiting this dhama was superior to any darshan or seva in Sridam Mayapura or Sri Vrndavana Dhama.


The Jagannatha Deities there are very nice. They were carved by the pandas of Jagannatha Puri. However you also have to ask under whose direction they have acquired a Deity of a 12 armed form of Mahaprabhu,and one devotee lving there claims that this vigraha is the highest way to worship SCM.

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Yes i think siksa is too strong of a word, Ive also been to danda bhanga when it was being developed before the jaganatha dieties where installed. A few devotees may have their own opinions and claims better to ask or email sivarama swami himself and ask him about the matter, I believe its the diciples of gaura govinda maharaj that are looking after the project, that was the case when i was there when i first went.

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