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mahaxia's mourn

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Haribol. I am now solo here on this nice forum. Thank you very much, JahnavaNitai das, for this good classroom to practice Sravanam, Kirtanam, Visnoh smaranam. To celebrate my leaving other quite unfulfilling forums, I start this topic line, welcoming anyone and everyone to join in, without malice, with only encouragement to all the Vaisnavas, those who desire rememberance of the reality of the self, the function of the self that brings fulfillment, in reciprocal relationship (rasa) with the Supreme Person of Many Holy Names.


In an old song that was part of the Kipu'ka Project, the author cried: "I don't seem too happy, but glee just aint my thing, the sadness will soon be over, long before you hear me scream. Joy was very boring when it flowed right down the drain. I never seemed to care too much about pleasure paid with pain."


Depressing? Yeah, maybe, but the feeling will not be denied. After all, who said being in the middle of the Kuruksetra plain was gonna be a walk in the park. All I got is attachment for everyone's opinion of me until I realize the I aint I at all (say that three times real fast). The real I is actually very pleased to place his head with the heavy crown of thorns on the ground to relieve the pressure, and when the head touches the dirt under the straw in the street, that is where the end of depressed lonliness is found.


Dont go for the light, its a trap, go to the guides.


Mo latah, free form stylee, lyrics go li dis:


Kewela's Mourn c.1995, mahaksadasa


I heard the story of the burning bush,

I wondered about Jahweh.

I know it is all for the Creator's joy,

I know to live, I must play.

Messaiah says to be just like a child

And give up all fear today.

It is up to me to cry, to die for His Kingdom.


We are not alone, Messaiah takes us home,

Shows us the way to His Kingdom.

A tribute to the teachers, who, despite Babylon,

Show us the way to His Kingdom.

A tribute to the martyr, a tribute to the Dread,

A tribute to the ones who give life to the dead.

They cry, they die for His Kingdom.


The Shahman said to me, "Be an Israelite,

Do not give credance to the pain.

The chosen people, they live in Zion,

Never to be cheated again.

To Babylon, the Lord causes them dread,

leaving them totally insane.

Rude men do not know how to cry, to die for His Kingdom."


What you may see as a conspiracy

Is just a symptom, when life

Comes to stay in mind and form

To stir up the trouble and strife.

Do what you do and off you go,

But you never give up your life.

You teach the world how to cry, how to die for His Kingdom.


Hare Krsna, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa



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One day, I heard the singing

It was to chant, dance in trance, the bell was ringing

There was pounding of many drums

Like the thunder from the clouds

Voices praising the Lord with song

A complete symphony never ruined with scales

Carried from most High, written in the soul

From overture to grand finale

Pipers, shenais, and didjari doos

Timbales, tympani, tablas

Bellows, strings and rhythms


Chant, dance in trance, it's what He is pleading

It's needed in the towns and cities bleeding

It's the focal point of life, but are we heeding?

Can we change the way we think of the lives we are leading?


Jeweled turbans and solid golden crowns

Are just heavy burdens if heads never touch the ground

Voices sound just like frogs when not singing of His Fame

Sing praises to the Lion, glorify His Holy Name


Hear the songs of the mother to the child in her womb

Hear the drones of the pipers and mourners at the tomb

Hear the sound of the teacher's lesson to his ward

Hear the chanting of the minister's praise to Sweet Lord


The Christ and Mohammed sing the same song

At the bay of Bengal, lepers, too, sing along

Ice-fishers living on top of the world

Sing praises to the Master with their bodies unfurled


Strings, Drums, and cymbals, voices all chime

This sweetest of messages carried through time

Carry through history His Glory and His Fame

The Waves of the Sound of His Holy Names


Harinama, Harinama, Harinama ewa kevalam

Kalau nasteva, nasteva, nasteva, gatih anyatha





Haribol, audarya-fellowship readers and writers. I have a forum that all are welcome to come browse, read, write, join, quit, all the fun stuff forums provide. No slammin vaisnavas allowed, though. See at:




Hare Krsna, ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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FYOO CHUR by mahaksadasa (from Kipu'ka Project, 1995)


As a youth

All I wanted was the future

Always thought about the future

All my planning for the future

All my living for the future


Now it's here

And I paint it every day

But it's always day to day

Praying for another day

Alive for yet another day


Like the sea

Riders need a strong boat

Waves will never sink this boat

Gopal knows we need this boat

So He sends this mercy boat


All this future

Gave it up long time ago

Thought about it years ago

Now it's here but I have to go

The future is long time ago


Send the boat

Cause the future nevermore

Accumulate? I can't. No more

Future plans? I can't. No more

I want to sing and dance some more

Right now I need to love Jah more


Love Jah more?

Singing out His Holy Names

Hear from those who sing His Names

One God. One Love. With all those Names

Sing them all, those Holy Names


Govinda is sure Jah Name

Ramana is sure Jah Name

Krishna is sure Jah Name

King David sang His Holy Names

Solomon, wise, he sang His Names

He sends His sons to praise His Names

Who give their lives to spread His Fame




This song was sung by Kawela twenty five years after we left her

getting ready to give tribute to her slain husband. The occasion was

that the entire infrastructure of her world was dissolved by time,

and this is what dissolves us all. When Kipu'ka was finished, I

could not find an ending, because all the characters took upon

themselves devotional characteristics. They do not ride off into

sunsets like fictional characters do in normal novels, they do not

live happily ever after in illusion, even these fictional characters

have ability to LIVE IN SOUND. I had intended to send a dear friend

who recently left us the completed Kipu'ka, but she now lives in

sound with them. There is no death for those who dovetail their

desires with the desire of the Supreme Lord. His desire is eternal,

and the desire includes reuniting with His Own, the best of beings,

who, despite their temporary loss of memory, have come full circle to

make such reunification the best of all things.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


PS let's sing and dance and make a street racket to wake the dead.



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