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Jahnavi Dasi Medical Update

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[i received this by email.]


Dear Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

Jahnavi was admitted to Shands hospital on Friday. On Saturday night she

developed a lung problem and was taken to intensive care. They found one lung

severely infected with pneumonia, and the other lung collapse after some

procedure. Her abdomen also became full of fluid. After spending 8 hours to

stabilize her condition, they did a CAT scan and, not being able to ascertain

the cause of the bowel problem, decided to send her for exploratory surgery.

During surgery they discover two large masses which they removed, and also found

her intestines severely inflamed. After the surgery, they decided not to close

up her abdomen, as the release of pressure was helping her lung condition.

Currently she is in surgical intensive care, heavily sedated and hooked up to a

dozen machines, including a respirator. The next few days will be critical. Even

if she pulls out of this severe condition, she will required intensive medical

care for months.

I pray that you will all shower your blessings on her.

Vaisnava dasanudas,

Indupati das (Alachua)

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This stuff stinks. I hope Krsna has taken her out while these steps are taken. Even so even brief periods of being conscious on that level would be intense.


Like gHari I wondered if it was the Jahnavi dasi from Dharma-mela. She is so nice. I only meet her through some e-mails concerning her site.


Even if another Jahnavi dasi we all pray this is her last biirth. Lord Caitanya's mercy has no bounds. May He just pick her up and take her home.

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