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My Initiated name

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Is, Pankaja Das!


LOL, thats my real name, that is Punkech Patel, the spelling is same as Pankaj, confuced? So I've had my spiritual name all along! Mmm, something tells me, this was meant to be...haribol!


Got a wonderful picture of Maharaja {Puri Maharaja}, and what looks like Tulasi neck beads, and Japa-mala, the verses booklet are sweet, look really easy to learn, thats it!


All Lord Nityananda's Mercy!


Gaura-Harbol! Jaya Prabhupada!


Hare Krishna!

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Got a wonderful picture of Maharaja {Puri Maharaja}


Which Puri Maharaj? Srila Bhakti Vaibhav Puri Maharaj? If so, when did you meet him?


If not, then which Puri Maharaj?

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Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja



I have not met, but I have known for about six months, I just accepted, almost like it was meant to be, but I waiting, could wait no longer. Hare Krsna.


also Thx for the congrats:)



Pankaj means feet so, I guess Pankaja Das means serving Lotus feet, of Guru.

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i offer my deep respect to such exalted godbrother....


jaya gurudeva!



(my name is ehem.. yasoda nandana dasa.. a servant of the dearest to mother yasoda


i ever wished to get at initiation a simple name of krsna easy to explain when "preaching", and i like very much to speak of personalism. So, talking about my name, having to explain that also god has a mum, i have automatically to (attempt to) explain, with my great pleasure, that god is a person)

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I created it!


I had no idea about translation of Pankaja, now I know I am even more HAPPY!


Checking out the Vedabase.net site


I think my name which I've had from Birth has different translation, Pankaj means Feet, but Pankaja with 'a' on the end, means something more wonderful!



You've helped me lots over period of time, sparkling association,



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I would have had no idea, without your help, through e-mails, Internet association rules!


I am known to be very Tackless, my nature I suppose, so sorry if I ever came accross that way, but your humbleness has rubbed off on me, now thats what I call Interactive Vaishnava Association!


jaya Gurudeva!

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Dear Pankaja dasji, I am very happy to hear that you have taken shelter at a pure and humble Vaisnava guru. I wish you much happiness and luck in your bhajan. May you receive the blessings of your Gurudev in every second of your life.

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