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<font color="blue">The whole site has just been reconstructed. Improved look, improved diacritics, fixed a few horribly broken pages in cantos 9 and 10, added multilingual support for the coming soon Spanish version, added the long awaited <<< prev/next >>> links, etc. More coming soon. Hold your TeleportProrses. The sanskrit dictionary is still being fixed.


For example, to link to (CC Adi 3.52) in the viewer's local language, type:




To link to that page specifically in English, type:




To link to that page specifically in English with no diacritics, type:


http://vedabase.net/cc/adi/3/52/en1 - readable style


http://vedabase.net/cc/adi/3/52/en2 - academic style


To see the meaning of a sanskrit word type:


http://vedabase.net/{first letter of the word}/{word}


For example, to link to the meaning of the word Krishna, type:




To search the site on google add site:vedabase.net to your search, but it won't find words like Krishna, not until it finishes indexing the new site.


Ruptor</font color>

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.audarya-fellowship.com/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1084375675Ruptor">



Google or Altavista for the search page?

<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Google

<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Altavista

<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>

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Hey, what did you expect? You have either disabled or overridden site styles in your web browser, how do you expect any web sites to show correctly??? I apologise, but I'm not gonna try to please everyone's whims. If you like your messed up browser settings, you shouldn't be complaining about the way it looks. Those links do not show in normal weather conditions. /images/graemlins/tongue.gif



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Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


This is wonderful. I really like the prev/next function - easy navigation.


I can not even imagine the time and sacrifice spent to create this site.


All glories to your incredible service to bring Prabhupada's books to the worldwide web!!

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Actually I don't spend much time on it at all. Not as much as I wish I could. Only some times I get stuck with some server configuration thing for a few hours, but those are normal problems for any unusual web development project.


I've just fixed some serious problems with Mozilla browsers which required substantial changes to the Apache server configuration, took me five hours to fix, when it only took me ten minutes to generate all the 113 thousand pages and two hours to upload them. I am not qualified for this job. /images/graemlins/frown.gif


I don't know HTML, I don't know how to configure Apache, I've never used Unix in my life and I wish I never had to learn any of this! I can't even make a good looking search page or a configuration page due to my total cluelessness when it comes to HTML or web design. I'm just a codebreaker. I pray every day that someone qualified would take over this project and make it all look pretty. /images/graemlins/frown.gif Until then I'll carry on by myself... /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


This site owes its life to Tirtharaj, not me. If it wasn't for him, there would be no vedabase.net. He gives me all the access and all the support I need and I can play around with the server all I want until I get it to work. Who else would host this ever-growing 600-megabyte site for free?


All glories to Krishna's wonderful devotees like Tirtharaj and his spiritual master Tamal Krishna Goswami!

My only hope is that by serving vaisnavas I may some day become one myself.



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  • 3 weeks later...



I am not getting the new version or at least not all of it. Since the change I can see the readable, academic etc. versions links but the unlining of the verse to go to the purports doesn't show up. If I click on the number anyway the link still works though. The only reason I am mentioning this is because I am giving out the site URL at ever chance and want to make sure anyone I send there can get to the purports. I also don't get the prev/next funtion that LE spoke of. I have an old box but will soon hook a newer modle thanks to one kind devotees generousity. That will enable me to see it as others do I believe.


This site is giving me the chance to reengage a little in book distribution. Now I feel that if I can get someone to browes your site I will have done at least something positive with my time.


Y/S theist

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I have just fixed it. Some browsers were not displaying extentionless files correctly for other domain names except vedabase.net/. MSIE has always worked. They will all work from now on. I am currently adding PDA support. The site looks awesome on iMate! Now I got all Prabhupada's books in my pocket! /images/graemlins/grin.gif




PS: I will also have a section with RAR files for off-line browsing.

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Govindaram Prabhu, please read above: I don't know HTML. I can't make the front page look as good as the rest of the site. At the moment I'm more concerned with the Spanish version, PDA off-line version, PDA on-line version, all the broken "todo" links, the Sanskrit dictionary, pronunciation pages, config pages, and the remaining two books. First things first. If I find a good web designer to put a nice light-weight front page together, great. If not, I'm not going to improve it much myself, not any time soon. It's not a high priority item on my list of things to do. Sorry. Hare Krishna!



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  • 1 month later...

The site is very very nice and I really appreciate all the work you have done on this great project.


My question is this: I have noted that in some of the purports whole paragraphs are missing in comparison to my hard copy books. I have noted this in Nectar of Devotion and Sri Isopanisad for example. I was wondering if the source for the site is different from the hard copy books?

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I don't remember on the Nectar of Devotion because I noted it months ago but will look. But I do remember it was mainly first paragraphs of some of the purports.


I discovered the missing paragraphs on one of the Sri Isopanisad mantras when I went to your site so I could cut and paste part of the purport in an email to a friend and it was not there. I think it was mantra ten but will have to double check on that so don't quote me on it. LOL...



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