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Concerning Satsvarupa Maharaja GBC Executive Committee Statement

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Haribol, as a response about what can be "learned" from another's indiscretion, guest cites "this:

" Therefore a disciple should be careful to accept an uttama-adhikari as a spiritual master.


Okay, serious discussion here, no stones at all from me because I will always regard Satsvarupa as my spiritual master. I only saw him and sat with him for fifteen minutes the day after he had his sanyassi ceremony (ca 1972, New Dwaraka), but his demeanor was good enough for me to see that he is favored and protected by Srila Prabhupada.


I do not criticize the "uttama adhikari" necessity, however, using discernment and realistic thinking based on guru-shastra-sadhu, I have to say those who continually utter this phrase are actually being hypocritical according to King Yudhisthira's definition of hypocracy as "the establishment of principles for others

to follow."


Im not calling anyone a hypocrite here, I am asking for realism. How on earth can anyone other than someone very advanced in the madhyama level recognize an uttama adhgikari. It is not possible. Instructions that the world must accept an uttama adhikari ONLY as guru is worthless instruction, because there is no way. In fact, this is dangerous in the sense that there are too maNY FOOLS MORE THAN WILLING TO PASS OFF ANYONE as uttama adhikari, so we have to give such fools faith that should be reserved for GURU.


Discernment is the key here, one has to actuaLLY BECOME ADVANCED in order to see (or even have an opinion) about the above discussed issue. Advancement is meaning discernment between non-vaisnava character and devotee behavior.


There is a much more serious evil immersed in the vaisnava community that a sanyassi seeing a psych or having indiscretion of association. It has been nicely discussed by theist, and not discussed but clearly felt by gHaRI AND MYSELF. This evil is hatred of all vaiusnavas.


ISKCON (and GBC) is not, was not, nor will ever be the reason one does not make advancement in Krsna Consciousness. ISKCON-hate has been contrived by a few who may be seriously insane, and others are really happy to spread this hate because they refuse to understand the philosophy. In ISKCON's letter, they properly quote from Srila Prabhupada about how we should overlook even abominable activities in regard to devotees. But the ISKCON haters who always just cut and paste prabhupadisms embarassingly adamently decry such scripture and Srila Prabhupada by acting in such a way as to prove they will neverlook anything in the behavior of their greatest enemies, the disciples of Srila Prabhupada.


I dont overlook mistakes, but I do try to comply with Srila Prabhupada's wishes for us to cooperate by not being a totlal, unmerciful idiot in regard to my godbrothers lives.


No, you dont need an uttama adhikari, what ya need is someone who loves Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. We need to associate with such folks who gave up their lives to work hard at swpreading this movement. We need to discern who is developing vaisnava character, which , BTW, I have observed within the past year or so, a remarkable increase in vaisnava character in the ranks of senior ISKCON officials, more forgiveness, more tolerance, more humility.


But those who hate vaisnavas will continue to urge us to find the invisible uttamna adhikari so we will become victim to their own brand of eccliastic fanaticism.


Srila Prabhupada told me personally that there are three relationships all of us have toward other vaisnavas. Those less advanced, we must become their gurus and bring them to our level of love of god. Those equal, we work cooperatively with to spread this movement. Those more advanced, we hear from and serve with rapt attention.


I really pity all these fools who refuse to acknowledge anyone more advanced than themselves. This is ultimate cheating philosophy, because it makes it impossible to surrender to anyone, and we end up where we were before we ever heard of krsna or guru or anything of the like.


So save all your pity for satsvarupa, he does not need the criticism nor false allegiance. He is who he is, one who was very instrumental in this movements success in the west. I only wish I was so fallen, so inelligible.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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But those who hate vaisnavas will continue to urge us to find the invisible uttamna adhikari so we will become victim to their own brand of eccliastic fanaticism.


why people with different opinion is to be considered like that? the discussion has been conducted from both "camps" with logic, scriptures and sufficiently good behaviour

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Haribol. Opinions are not discussed here, just a logical concern on my part.


Shastra clearly states that kanisthas have NO ABILITY to distinguish between demons and devotees. Why should any of us, in this light, be so insistant that everyone make distinction between grades of DEVOTEES, failing to discern the FACT that kanisthas (who are devotees, BTW) not only cannot tell the difference between a highly advanced madhyama and a supremely advanced Uttama, but cannot even tell if they are, in fact, enemies of vaisnavas.


This is my point in what you cited, not the differing opinions about varna asrama dharma. These opinions are fun and all, but discernment will also make one understand that in Kali Yuga, hardly any of the varnas and asramas are in existance.


My "opinion" in regard to this topic is that too much is made of this so-called fall down. Where is the "tsk, tsk" coming from? Srila Prabhupada never "tsk, tsked" anyone. If a sanyassi had difficulties, he made them either return to household life, or continue in a vanaprastha type manner. Did he ever tell the entire body of ISKCON devotees that such a person never be listened to? I see one such sanyassi falldowner (or maybe we can call them "downer swamis", like downer cows that cause mad cow syndrome) listed as a main benefactor in His will.


Fact is, advancement means that one becomes more and more like Srila Prabhupada, meaning the war is over, there can be unity in diversity, that devotees (meaning uttama, madhyama and kanistha) are very rare and valuable in this world, that tolerance, forgiveness, etc are characteristics of vaisnavas.


Good behavior may indeed be here on this topic, but Im not debating how this thread is progressing. My debate is that advanced devotees are worthy of associating with, hearing from, etc. My debate is that this world is a razors edge, and devotees are targetted by illusion. The karma wheel is turned off by harinam, but the blades may still be spinning. The person is not enjoying life here, he has a very real disorder (which I, too, have, due to my work with the US Military for over 20 years). I accept his explanation without equivocation. I even appreciate the real lesson in all of this, which is what our theist friend asks for. Srila Prabhupada PROTECTS, PROTECTS, PROTECTS, his disciples. Had no protection been available, our friend may have gone for the cure, the return to maya in full, complete forgetfulness of the matchless gifts.


The lesson here is that Satsvarupa Maharaja (more a maharaja than before this controversy, to me) was able to rectify the situation. He pulled out. This is PROOF that Srila Prabhupada is guiding him from within, just as he promised all of us. He (Srila Prabhupada) has done this for me countless times over the last quarter century, I have been fortunate to pull out. The lifeline I hold is as thin as a hair, but the tensile strength of the line can hold the weight of the universe, IF I HOLD ON.


All glories to the disciples and followers of Srila Prabhupada. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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We know what didn't happen. For a sannyasi, in his mind, holding her hand would be considered intimacy.




Not only "considered," but it is "intimacy," and known to be forbidden in Vedic culture for members of all classes. Well, except I suppose, for married folk - but even for them such displays of affection are kept private.


And that's pretty much what I assumed had happened.



I think maybe our libidos are getting carried away here.




What are you talking about? What exactly do *you* think we thought had gone on? Maybe your imagination is getting carried away with you.


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to find pure devotees is surely very difficult.. almost impossible, and surely it is impossible to recognize them until we are ourselves uttama like them


but the fact that it is possible to be blessed by their presence only through krsna's mercy is not a reason to give up the desire to have their shelter and make a rule by this difficulty and decide, from now, that the initiating and instructing spiritual master has surely to be very much less than what prabhupada was (in purity) and what prabhupada has adviced in the gita and other scriptures


every devotee is able to help other ones in following krsna consciousness... what to say for devotees like satsvarupa maharaja who has personally blessed by the association of srila prabhupada and who has given valuable service from so many years, but the spiritual master, the one who sees krsna and he's able to give this vision to us, is another matter


knowing sufficiently the devotional life of satsvarupa maharaja (i helped in the work of translation of most of his books in my language).. and knowing also that he, in iskcon and "outside" iskcon, in his very long practice in krsna consciousness, met so many exalted personalities and truly appreciated spiritual masters who are serving steadily before we did'nt even imagine the existence of krsna, without any of the "basic" difficulties that we poor neophites have .... .... said this, and said that surely i cannot recognize pure consciousness, the difference in level, behaviour, happiness, senses control, spiritual culture and realization between many people that i know and that satsvarupa maharaja knows and his present (and past?) situation, does not make me so happy hearing that he is actively trying to keep with him the disciples, instead of saying: "boys... i am sorry.. i have so many problems... i can surely help you like a senior brother but not as a father.. so please, look carefully for someone else better than me, remaining, if you want my dear friends".........


my point is that, me, you and his disciples cannot know, but he surely knows what a real spiritual master has to be........

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said this, and said that surely i cannot recognize pure consciousness, but that i am sufficiently sure to see the difference in level, behaviour, happiness, senses control, spiritual culture and realization between many people that i know and that satsvarupa maharaja knows and his present (and past?) situation..........it does not make me so happy the fact that he is actively trying to keep with him the disciples, instead of saying:


"boys... i am sorry.. i have so many problems... i can surely help you like a senior brother but not as a father.. so please, look carefully for someone else better than me, remaining, if you want my dear friends".........



my point is that, me, you and his disciples cannot know, but he surely knows what a real spiritual master has to be........



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Haribol, guest, I wish I knew who you were, for you give a very intelligent response. This is what I do not like about guests, they dont sign their name, so who am I talkin to.


Enough of my protest about anonymous posters, I still think your response is intelligent. But, you failed to respond to the shastric position that we must overlook even abominable activities when it comes to devotees.


Lets look at the history of Akrura. Now when he came to get Krsna and Balarama out of the jungle so that they could assume their ksatriya duties and leave the Vaisya world of Gokula, upon setting foot upon the ground of the holy dhama, he became overwhelmed, fell to the ground, saliva dripping from his mouth, completely immersed in transcendental symptomology consistant with the definition of uttama adhikari. There is no doubt about his position.


Later, however, he became temporarily bewildered by mistaken associations in the syamantaka jewel controversy and theft. We may say that this is different, that it is the pastimes of Sri Krsna, and the story doesnt apply, but those who always say this are wrong, because the same event is here right now, and the activities of today's devotees are no less the transcendental pastimes of Sri Krsna. It was abominable that Akrura would be mixed up in theft against Krsna Himself, yet He was not damned by Krsna, nor was his error one of permanent nature.


We are not speaking of horrendous sex crime here, we are speaking of an indiscretion. His material pain dictated his action, he was not chasing disco queens at the taverns. It may be too easy to point our fingers at another who may have a malady that we do not have.


Anxiety disorder is misnamed for vaisnava purposes. One can be in Vaikuntha and still be afflicted with the medical problem known as anxiety disorder. This is not kuntha anxiety, rather an electrical short circuitry of the brain which causes severe headaches, numbness of the extremities, heart pains, blurred vision, loss of equalibrium, etc. The symptoms are activated by cues that turn the electrical switch on that activates the symptoms.


Psychiatry is the science that deals with such electrical stuff. Potions of herbs and all that nonsense have no effect, and drugs of the MD make things worse, are extremely addictive (xanax, psycho drugs like zoloft, prozac, etc) and have horrendous side effects, especially in withdrawel.


The only recommendation I would give is to see a devotee (male) psychiatrist. I have written him offering therapy in sharing stories of stress cues and how to overcome them. This worked great for me, now I am just a mad man and no longer crazy.


I think it would be worse for the disciples to be abandoned. This is the best way to show a spiritual master appreciation for the gifts he gives to disciple, give them back. Same goes for all the disciples of devotees who went much further away that satsvarupa, dont abandon them, give them back what they gave you. What, you think prabhupada is going to be displeased that you didnt run away from them in their hour of great need? I think not, that dont sound like my guru maharaja, who once said that to retrieve a disciple who has temporarily left devotional service is greater service than bringing ten new devotees into the movement. Lord Jesus, too gives the story of the good shepherd, and is quite applicable here.


Hare Krsna, hey we be friends here, name yourself, whats the problem, you be super-spy or something? If so, I probably know ya anyway=;-]


ys in cooperation, mahaksadasa

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this is more serious is because of the fact that this is someone that chose to wear priestly robes and accept worship on the level of a transparent medium between God and man.


Catching bhakta Carl(or Shiva /images/graemlins/wink.gif) smoking a joint in the park after the Sunday feast is one thing.


Hare Krsna

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Mahaksa Prabhu, and others


As many devotees here would know, I am not a member of ISKCON and I am not anti-ISKCON either.


Fact is, I think there are some devotees in ISKCON who are probably uttama adhikaris. Specifically, Sripad Bhakti Swarup Damodara Maharaj and Sripad Jayapataka Swami.


But what I don't agree with is that someone who is CLEARLY NOT LIBERATED or CLEARLY NOT A PURE DEVOTEE should be treated with the same degree of reverence that we will show to an uttama adhikari.


- Muralidhar

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<blockquote>What are you talking about? What exactly do *you* think we thought had gone on? Maybe your imagination is getting carried away with you.</blockquote>

Guest, you must realize that you are not the only 'guest' writing on this thread. God knows which guest is which, but surely this guest is talking about more than a friendly touch:<blockquote>because he has cheated many innocent devotees showing him as a real sannyasi and guru, because he gives a bad image of the movement, gaudya vaishnava... and of religion in general</blockquote>




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Haribol, Muralidhar das, PAMHO. I do not get where you or anyone else can say a person is "CLEARLY NOT LIBERATED or CLEARLY NOT A PURE DEVOTEE". And in the same paragraph, state that others "are" uttama adhikaris. It must be nice to be so clear thinking and an uttama adhikari.


For one thing, the GBC properly cited Srila Prabhupada's purport to BG 9.30 "Sometimes. . . it may be seen that a person in Krsna consciousness commits some act which may be taken as most abominable socially or politically. But such a temporary falldown does not disqualify him. The material contamination is so strong that even a yogi fully engaged in the service of the Lord sometimes becomes ensnared; but Krsna consciousness is so strong that such an occasional falldown is at once rectified. Therefore the process of devotional service is always a success."


What does Srila Prabhupada mean by saying "at once rectified"? Is he just speaking to hear himself talk? What does he mean by saying "a yogi fully engaged in the service of the Lord "? Is he just kidding around and saying that such a yogi is a fool? No, he is teaching us properly so we dont fall into a very offensive faultfinding trap which we may never recover from. He may teach us that Sukadeva Goswami is fully liberated while the young girls covered themselves up because Vyasadeva passed by, but is he saying that Vyasadeva is a perv? He praises Haridas for defeating the prostitutes attempt to sway him, but he does not indulge in faultfinding against Lord Siva because he was swayed by Parvati.


He is clearly telling us to care for our own precious seed of devotional service and not try to be the avenging angels of all who we think we are better than. No one is advertizing here that we must accept satsvarupa as a pure devotee, but no one should get away with saying that Krsna Consciousness is not very strong at all and offers no protection after one gives an entire life of selfless service to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga.


And, BTW, Srila Prabhupada has many times stated that all his disciples are pure devotees, and shastra states that only chanting once without offence, one is considered fully liberated. So your arguement is no good and fully defeated.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


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***One is that it is perfectly clear that Satswarup Maharaj is not a liberated soul.


It is not obvious.


***Or in other words, that he is a kanistha adhikari.


Kanistha adhikari has own organisation.


***The third is that he is trying hard to keep his disciples, even though he is not Krishna Conscious.


It is they choise. He is nice guru, it is incident not serious.


***I feel disciples should not accept a Guru or follow a Guru who is situated on this level.


Srila Prabhupa write "guru" with small letter, guru not God. This metods impersonal like hristianity.


***Disciples should find a highly qualified Guru, and not people who Srila Prabhupada has described as "ecclesiastical gurus".


ISKCON has many guru and this principle siksa very nice. In GM they stay about 25 years as disciple but do not know about himself. Very nice guru he is not drink tea, very mathure. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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To be a Guru

by Zack V. Sunderman


Posted May 26, 2004 on chakra


I recently heard the news about Satsvarupa dasa Goswami and was very disheartened. I know that many considered him one of the true hopes for ISKCON devotees, and I myself thought of him that way, as well. After reading his letter addressing this issue, I felt a need to comment on a specific aspect of this.


Satsvarupa Maharaja makes it known in his letter that he desires to maintain relationships of guidance with his disciples and that none of them should lose any faith in him, but should support him as he re-establishes himself in spiritual life.


I definitely don't think we should think harshly of, or cast judgements upon, Maharaja for the mistake he committed. He is human, prone to error, imperfect, and straddling the line between right and wrong, good and evil that every soul fundamentally stands upon. But that's just the problem.


A guru is not supposed to be someone who is imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side. He is not supposed to be someone about whom we can say, "Well, he's human." A guru is meant to be someone who has risen far above the platform of the material world and is in no danger of going back. He is supposed to be someone with access to divine Truth, and someone who can open the door for his disciples to see it, as well. If the guru turns out to be a normal human being, then there's no gain in being his disciple any more than there would be if one were to take disciplic shelter of a devotee friend at the temple.


We have to face the fact that it isn't easy to find a real guru who fits this description. And we have to ask ourselves, if someone has spent nearly 40 years practicing bhakti-yoga but is still susceptible to the most primal urges of the human body, is this person really going to bring us to God? We shouldn't have to stand by our guru as he corrects his spiritual life - it makes no sense for the disciples to have to guide and support the spiritual master. It is the other way around. Imagine if Narottam das Thakur and Rupa Goswami and all the spiritual leaders of Gaudiya Vaishnava past fell down? They have set the real standard.


Satsvarupa Maharaja deserves love, support, friendship, and guidance in order to build himself back up and become truly healthy in his spiritual life. He also deserves multitudes of respect for coming out about this, and doing the necessary work to rectify himself. However, I think everyone needs to ask themselves if they really feel that their spiritual life can truly be furthered by him now, and if they feel he fits the definition of a Guru.


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A guru is not supposed to be someone who is imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side. He is not supposed to be someone about whom we can say, "Well, he's human." A guru is meant to be someone who has risen far above the platform of the material world and is in no danger of going back. He is supposed to be someone with access to divine Truth, and someone who can open the door for his disciples to see it, as well. If the guru turns out to be a normal human being, then there's no gain in being his disciple any more than there would be if one were to take disciplic shelter of a devotee friend at the temple.

A guru is not supposed to be someone who is imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side A guru is not supposed to be someone who is imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side

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"A guru is not supposed to be someone who is imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side"


Yes. That is what i tried to say earlier, on this thread. But Mahaksadasa has a different idea

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guest said "quote:

"A guru is not supposed to be someone who is imperfect, prone to error, able to fall into the darker side"


Yes. That is what i tried to say earlier, on this thread. But Mahaksadasa has a different idea "


mahaksadasa: No discussion like that took place. Any different idea I may have is not addressed at all. My ideas are from Srila Prabhupada, who stated "I am an old man, and am not perfect, but the science I present as I have received it from My guru maharaja is perfect, and this is my perfection."


A guru will not teach his disciples that the dark side is okay, that they need not be vigilant against the great powers of the external energy that increase in proportion to the advancement of whom Maya torments. A guru sets the example for proper behavior.


Where I stand on this issue is clear. A month ago, I didnt care so much about satsvarupa, I liked his prabhupada-lila books and thought the criticism against him was wrong, but I wasnt keeping them in a special place or regard the books as of the same stature as Srila Prabhupadas books. Today, I accept him as much more of a guru than last month, I see he has made much advancement in regard to humility, loss of false ego, rededication to Srila Prabhupada, and a deeper concern for his disciples. Had he abandoned his disciples, I would have had nothing to do with him and had nothing but disdain for such a shallow person.


The fact that he keeps his disciples means that he has reciprocal commitment to them, which is the FIRST criteria for a guru of any type.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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My ideas are from Srila Prabhupada, who stated "I am an old man, and am not perfect, but the science I present as I have received it from My guru maharaja is perfect, and this is my perfection."



we have not to think that the spiritual master is not perfect or that he cannot be perfect, prabhupada says these things because he's supremely humble


he says it in this way also to state that the purity of the guru has to be judged seeing his service, behaviour and following of tradition and parampara.. and not because he is born in a caste or another, or because someone give some revelation about some siddha svarupa of the guru or something like that


it is not, imho, "the guru can be not perfect".. it is "see if the guru is perfect by the fact that he's following perfectly his spiritual master"


in my opinion one has to be a pure devotee to understand perfectly another pure devotee... and to follow perfectly it is necessary to understand perfectly the instruction, siddhanta and so on


and if we want to follow perfectly we have to find a perfect one........ of course it is very hard to find such guide, but if we arrive at the point to theorize that is is so difficult that the only guru possible in this age is a half-guru, or someone better than us but not necessarily transcendental.... it is a great victory of maya


so let us follow more expert devotees, let us give advices each other as friends, let us continue our process following srila prabhupada, but let us not stop the hope to have before or after the guru that we deserve... one who is perfect like prabhupada.. maybe without his tremendous shakti to spread krsna consciousness all over the world and change the history.. but with the same pure connection with the lord


(i am simply thinking and writing, not opposing to you )

(i feel myself very fortunate because i think to have taken shelter in a real pure devotee... so i want to encourage everyone to believe that it is possible, that krsna does not leave us without pure devotees, that we have to pray krsna and krsna will fulfill our desire)


i am almost sleeping.. haribol!!

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Haribol, yasodanandana, PAMHO. I know you are not opposing me, as I am not opposing anyone who is having a discussion here free of enviousness toward Srila Prabhupada disciples. I have always appreciated the way you conduct yourself here on the forums, hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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I don't know anything about Satsvarupa personally having only met and talked with him once in 1973. I received a nice impression of him then and the fact that he spent over 10 minutes talking to me I always have considered generous of him.


But in principle I must point to another side of this statement.



The fact that he keeps his disciples means that he has reciprocal commitment to them, which is the FIRST criteria for a guru of any type.



Someone can try to keep his disciples for various reasons. Any number of pyscho/physical reasons can be named. A guru feeling love and compassion for his disciples in his attempt to connect them up with Krsn is not the same as being dependent upon them for bodily maintence or emotional support for instance.


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Mahaksa Prabhu,


Some days ago I said that I think some of the ISKCON acharyas may be uttama adhikaris, so I don't think it would be reasonable to say I am expressing some enviousness towards the disciples of Srila Prabhupada. In fact, the one and only letter I received from Srila Prabhupada in 1976 was typed and and initialled by SdG (Satsvarupa). I went to take initiation from Srila Sridhar Maharaj after that, but still I respect and appreciate Srila Prabhupada and his disciples. I even said I regard Satsvarupa as a humble devotee and an honest devotee, previously.


But Krishna says, "tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya":


Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized soul can impart knowledge unto you because he has seen the truth.


And according to what Satsvarupa himself is saying, he is not a self-realized soul, so how can he impart transcendental knowledge to anyone?

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Haribol, I was not referring to anything you wrote, either. What you say is quite true and I am not arguing with you. However, Srila Prabhupada, knowing fully the limitations of his western disciples (because of their exposure to materialism never quite experianced), still entrusted them to pass this science on. Srila Prabhupada had great faith in his western disciples, and so do I, and this is the bottom line. The alternative is a "no guru" philosophy, a "there will never be another guru" philosophy. I dont buy into such depression and negative thinking. hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Yes Prabhu,


I understand now. Sorry for any negativity. And yes I agree that it is wrong to think "there will never be another genuine guru".

- murali

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Satsvarupa! Brother! Simple heart !

Headache guardian of the Iskcon pain,

Rider of the introspection train,

A dandavat to your deepest self.


(O Soul! Mollusced and seaweeded in Maya’s bilge

Does it take such pain to scrape you clean?

Does the world soul not subsist

through joys eternal and unseen?)


Satsvarupa ! I’m still a part of you,

I still believe in Gauranga’s

good-old throbs of separation.

even as I try to purge them.


As a brother who has tried

only to know his unknown father,

I am churned by the melancholy

and bittersweet juice of your pain.


Have you been chosen as Iskcon’s lamb

the sibling to be crucified

to nourish God’s wrath

and give birth to the grace of humility?


Many are called, but who is chosen?

Water covers the earth, but only bits are frozen,

to become the resting spots

for penguins, gulls and seals.


Only the cloud appeases the chatak,

and feeds the dried-out river bed;

only the cloud in the month of Jyeshtha

can make the Ganges River red.


-- Jagat

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