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Is A Physically Present Spiritual Master Required?

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Mr. O'Grady: The problem is to find this spiritual master.


Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krsna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is His kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it. God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master.

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"are you saying that there are no bona fide gurus available?"


I basically… No… wholeheartedly agree with Theist on his position here.


The standard is liberation. Any deviation from that is offense.


Is someone liberated or not? Well, you speculate only to a certain point. But the conclusive knowledge has to come another way. In any case, we all have to decide that for ourselves. Many DID NOT accept Krsna or Prabhupada. They have to live with that. Many accepted false gurus. They have to live with that. A lucky few got the mercy.


Prabhupada was such a wonderful example. Maybe too wonderful!


Prabhupada seemed to outclass his predecessors. He was the perfect disciple. And because of that, he seemingly showed himself to be more competent than even Lord Caitanya Himself since he was able to distribute KC to the world - not just India. Indeed, he appeared to have the undeniable influence of time itself.


Krsna likes to give credit to qualified others as do other awesome authorities. This is certainly bewildering to us that they sometimes prefer to play servant to others.


I don't even see a hint of this in the present leadership. They don't acknowledge other's efforts. Quite the opposite… they chased everyone away as not being fit to live among them. And what has been the result of that? What have they achieved? I don't even think they can make competent material calculations. I think they demonstrate the same defects found in the world's leaders. (OOps. Now I've gone too far).


I accept the liberation standard and I believe it was present in the parampara preceeding Prabhupada. But I am bewildered as to the seeming limited influence of those personalities when contrasted with Prabhupada.


There is no use speculating. It's probably offensive to do so.


With our tiny brains, we all look for another Prabhupada… a shinning transparent medium who will expand KC as he did. But even that may not be realistic. We just ASSUME that is what Krsna has planned… perhaps because of Prabhupada's example.


For all we know, Krsna may just be plannning to finnish us all off. There's alot of evidence for that. But our ability to read the signs is atrophied, what to speak of understanding them.


All we can do is offer our obeisances when we are bound so tight that our options are checked. So - all - please accept my obeisances. HARE Krsna.


Reflections of My Life


The changing of sunlight to moonlight

Reflections of my life, oh, how they fill my eyes

The greetings of people in trouble

Reflections of my life, oh, how they fill my mind


All my sorrows, sad tomorrows

Take me back to my own home

All my cryings (all my cryings), feel i'm dying, dying

Take me back to my own home (oh i'm going home)


I'm changing, arranging, I'm changing

I'm changing everything, ah, everything around me


The world is a bad place, a bad place

A terrible place to live, oh, but i don't wanna die


All my sorrows.. sad tomorrow

Take me back.. to my old home..

All my cryin´...(all my cryin´..) ´ll be my dying dying

Take me back.. to my old home..


Repeat to fade – Marmalade

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  • 3 months later...

"One should not proudly think that one can understand the transcendental loving

service of the Lord simply by reading books... One must accept a Vaisnava guru

(adau gurv-asrayam), and then by questions and answers one should gradually

learn what pure devotional service to Krsna is. That is called the parampara

system." (Cc. Antya-lila 7.53, purp.)


— AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

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If the books say the same as Guru,what is the need for Guru,you say you must submit to Guru and ask questions and thereby advance,How? When all the answers are in the books,As Srila Prabhupada lives forever in His books,what is the need for another Guru,Are the books not Guru.

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  • 6 months later...





Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krsna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is His kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it. God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master.

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Im glad this topic was rejuvenated. Dhruva and organic senses is my issue here.


We remember the poor brahmana who had no facility to make offerings to the supreme lord. So, he meditated, in trance, that he was the pujari. He made a minor mistake in his meditations, and burned his finger on the ghee lamp. His trance snapped, but his finger was charred and burnt.


Is the burn organic? If so, the whole thing is an organic experiance.


Maybe we have to get into advanced theoretical physics for the real answers to the troubles our puny minds have with physical presence. We have to consider Madhavacaryas initiation by Srila Vyasadeva. We also have to consider the very guru-=disciple relationship which is beyond the realm of all the grandstanders and naysayers. This also hits on the so-called ORDER to be guru that the rtviks are very hung up on, as if they have a right to be notified by Srila Prabhupada if he orders a disciple, right now in 2005, to be regular guru and initiate disciples of his own.


Guru-disciple relationship is one of perfect questions and perfect answers. Guru answers all questions as they come up. Otherwise there is grewat offence being committed, like "Srila Prabhupada would do this or that". Like Srila Prabhupadas opinion on the muslim question, terrorism, gay marriage, handling of child abuse lawsuits, etc.


If one wants Srila Prabhupadas perfect instructions on a particular contemporary (meaning 2005) issue, his bonafide disciple will cite a perfect instruction, the same way we heard DIRECTLY from Srila Vyasadeva thru the via medium of Srila Prabhupada. And, one can hear directly from Srila Prabhupada too, because he promised to directly instruct us after he departs from this plane. But this is not to be pretended, convoluted, made-up stuff which is just another brick in the wall, (sorry for my floydism here), or another burdensome speculation that dont jive with guru-shastra-sadhu.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


PS If one doesnt think that a living guide is needed, then he must think that he is the only authority, and would have probably the same ideas had Srila Prabhupada lived to be 102 years old.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur



The name of Krishna on the lips of the supreme Lord (Sri Caitanya)realize the truth of whom they had been told by the scriptures. This was a most marvelous experience.

In this Iron Age it is only the name of Krishna appearing on lips of a bona fide sadhu who can lift the conditioned soul to the plane of the absolute. As a matter of fact even the scriptures also can only faintly describe the personality Godhead. The mere study of the scriptures can convey no full knowledge of the absolute as substantive entity. The name Krishna has the power to put the person on the absolute plane and endow the words of the revealed scriptures with their living meaning.


On the plane of the absolute all entities serve Godhead in infinite variety of forms and run harmoniously into, instead of clashing against, one another. Division of the person who once hears the name of Krishna undergoes this marvelous change. He can only then really believe in Godhead because he understands and sees whom he is to serve. He becomes in the substantive sense a bona fide theist or Vaisnava. - Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati had the power of making all persons, who heard it,


Note: My advice to all sincere devotees is; " hear the Divine Name and the Holy Scriptures from the lips of a living self realized devotee ( Diksha or Siksha ) and serve him \ her with heart and soul".

- Editor of Dharmakshetra.com


Upadesavali of Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada


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He reasons ill that Vaisnavas die while living still in sound. The Vaisnava dies to live, and living, spreads the holy name around. -Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura

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  • 4 months later...

750716pc.sf Conversations

Reporter (2): What will happen to the movement in the United States when you die?

Prabhupada: I WILL NEVER DIE.



690113LE.LA Lectures

...vani and vapu, and vapu means the physical body, and vani means the vibration. So we are not concerned about the physical body. Not concerned means... We are concerned, of course, because the spiritual master, those who are acaryas, their body is not considered as materiel. Arcye sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir. Just like the statue of Krsna, to consider that "This is a stone..." Similarly, arcye sila-dhir gurusu na... Gurusu means those who are acaryas, to accept their body as ordinary man's body, this is denied in the sastras. SO ALTHOUGH A PHYSICAL BODY IS NOT PRESENT, THE VIBRATION SHOULD BE ACCEPTED AS THE PRESENCE OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTER, VIBRATION. WHAT WE HAVE HEARD FROM THE SPIRITUAL MASTER, THAT IS LIVING.


Adi 1.35

The service of the spiritual master is essential. If there is no chance to serve the spiritual master directly, a devotee should serve him by remembering his instructions. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SPIRITUAL MASTER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND THE SPIRITUAL MASTER HIMSELF. In his absence, therefore, his words of direction should be the pride of the disciple.


77-03-12 Letter: Rajarsi

PERSONAL SERVICE TO THE SPIRITUAL MASTER MEANS TO FOLLOW HIS INSTRUCTIONS. My request is the same for everyone: that they follow strictly the regulative principles and chant at least sixteen rounds daily. And as much time as they are able should be devoted for preaching according to our books.


DIKSA THE PROCESS of revealation thru Prabhupada's books.

74-11-22 Letter: Bahurupa

In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is EXPLAINED FULLY so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again. By reading daily THE KNOWLEDGE WILL BE REVEALED TO YOU AND BY THIS PROCESS YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE WILL DEVELOP.


Madhya 15.108

"DIKSA IS THE PROCESS BY WHICH ONE CAN AWAKEN HIS TRANSCENDENTAL KNOWLEDGE and vanquish all reactions caused by sinful activity. A person expert in the study of the revealed scriptures knows this process as diksa."



SB 1.7.22

The spiritual master, BY HIS WORDS, CAN PENETRATE INTO THE HEART of the suffering person and INJECT KNOWLEDGE TRANSCENDENTAL, which alone can extinguish the fire of material existence.


75-03-14 Letter: Sivani



SB 3.31.48



SB 4.31.2



EK 4

There are two conceptions of presence--the physical conception and the vibrational conception. The physical conception is temporary, whereas the vibrational conception is eternal. When we enjoy or relish the vibration of Krsna's teachings in Bhagavad-gita, or when we chant Hare Krsna, we should know that by those vibrations He is immediately present. He is absolute, and because of this His vibration is just as important as His physical presence. WHEN WE FEEL SEPARATION FROM KRSNA OR THE SPIRITUAL MASTER, WE SHOULD JUST TRY TO REMEMBER THEIR WORDS OF INSTRUCTIONS, AND WE WILL NO LONGER FEEL THAT SEPARATION. SUCH ASSOCIATION WITH KRSNA AND THE SPIRITUAL MASTER SHOULD BE ASSOCIATION BY VIBRATION, NOT PHYSICAL PRESENCE. THAT IS REAL ASSOCIATION. We put so much stress on seeing, but when Krsna was present on this earth, so many people saw Him and did not realize that He is God; so what is the advantage of seeing? By seeing Krsna, we will not understand Him, but by listening carefully to His teachings, we can come to the platform of understanding. We can touch Krsna immediately by sound vibration; therefore we should give more stress to the sound vibration of Krsna and of the spiritual master--then we'll feel happy and won't feel separation.


680818SB.MON Lectures

Prabhupada: Oh, that you should not think. If... The words... There are two conceptions: the physical conception and the vibration conception. So physical conception is temporary. The vibration conception is eternal. Just like we are enjoying or we are relishing the vibration of Krsna's teachings. So by vibration He is present. As soon as we chant Hare Krsna or chant Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata, so He is present immediately by His vibration. He's absolute. Therefore try to remember His words of instruction; you'll not feel separation. You'll feel that He is with you. So we should associate by the vibration, and not by the physical presence. That is real association. Sabdad anavrtti. By sound. Just like we are touching Krsna immediately by sound. Sound vibration. SO WE SHOULD GIVE MORE STRESS ON THE SOUND VIBRATION, EITHER OF KRSNA OR OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTER. THEN WE'LL FEEL HAPPY AND NO SEPARATION.


CC Concluding Words

Today, Sunday, November 10, 1974--corresponding to the 10th of Kartikka, Caitanya Era 488, the eleventh day of the dark fortnight, the Rama-ekadasi--we have now finished the English translation of Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami' s Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in accordance with the authorised order of His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Gosvami Maharaja, my beloved eternal spiritual master, guide and friend.


Although according to material vision His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada passed away from this material world on the last day of December, 1936, I still consider His Divine Grace to be always present with me by his vani, his words. There are two ways of association--by vani and by vapu. Vani means words, and vapu means physical presence. PHYSICAL PRESENCE IS SOMETIMES APPRECIABLE AND SOMETIMES NOT, BUT VANI CONTINUES TO EXIST ETERNALLY. THEREFORE WE MUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE VANI, NOT THE PHYSICAL PRESENCE. Bhagavad-gita, for example, is the vani of Lord Krsna. Although Krsna was personally present five thousand years ago and is no longer physically present from the materialistic point of view, Bhagavad-gita continues.


75-11-04 Letter: Suci

You have rightly said that the best way to associate with the spiritual master is to follow his instructions. There are two ways of associating, by vani and by vapu. Vani means words and vapu means physical presence. PHYSICAL PRESENCE IS SOMETIMES APPRECIABLE AND SOMETIMES NOT. THEREFORE WE SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE VANI, NOT THE PHYSICAL PRESENCE, BECAUSE THE VANI CONTINUES TO EXIST ETERNALLY. Bhagavad-gita for example is the vani of Lord Krishna. Although Krishna was personally present 5,000 years ago and is no longer present physically from the materialistic viewpoint, still Bhagavad-gita continues. So you have correctly concluded.


70-06-22 Letter: Hamsaduta

WE ARE NOT SEPARATED ACTUALLY. There are two--vani or vapu. So vapu is physical presence and vani is presence by the vibration, but they are all the same. So Krsna when He was physically present before Arjuna is the same when He is present before us by His vani of Bhagavad-gita. So far I am concerned, I do not factually feel any separation from my Spiritual Master because I am trying to serve Him according to His desire. That should be the motto. IF YOU KINDLY TRY TO FULFILL MY MISSION FOR WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN SENT THERE, THAT WILL BE OUR CONSTANT ASSOCIATION.


770517ar.vrn Conversations

Prabhupada: So I cannot speak. I am feeling very weak. I was to go to other places like Chandigarh program, but I cancelled the program because the condition of my health is very deteriorating. So I preferred to come to Vrndavana. If death takes place, let it take here. So there is nothing to be said new. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavor. Whether I am present or not present, it doesn't matter. As Krsna is living eternally, similarly, living being also lives eternally. But KIRTIR YASYA SA JIVATI: "ONE WHO HAS DONE SERVICE TO THE LORD LIVES FOREVER." So you have been taught to serve Krsna, and with Krsna we'll live eternally. Our life is eternal. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire. A temporary disappearance of this body, it doesn't matter. Body is meant for disappearance. Tatha dehantara-praptih. So live forever by serving Krsna. Thank you very much.


SB 4.21.48

Prthu Maharaja was blessed by the saintly persons present at the meeting to have a long life because of his unflinching faith and his devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although one's duration of life is limited in years, if by chance one becomes a devotee, he surpasses the duration prescribed for his life; indeed, sometimes yogis die according to their wish, not according to the laws of material nature. Another feature of a devotee is that he lives forever because of his infallible devotion to the Lord. It is said, KIRTIR YASYA SA JIVATI: "ONE WHO LEAVES A GOOD REPUTATION BEHIND HIM LIVES FOREVER." SPECIFICALLY, ONE WHO IS REPUTED AS A DEVOTEE OF THE LORD UNDOUBTEDLY LIVES FOREVER. When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was talking with Ramananda Raya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired, "What is the greatest reputation?" Ramananda Raya replied that a person who is reputed as a great devotee has the greatest reputation, for a devotee not only lives forever in the Vaikuntha planets, but by his reputation he also lives forever within this material world.



SB 3.29.17

In Bhagavad-gita, Thirteenth Chapter, it is clearly stated that one should execute devotional service and advance on the path of spiritual knowledge by accepting the acarya. ACARYOPASANAM: ONE SHOULD WORSHIP AN ACARYA, a spiritual master who knows things as they are. The spiritual master must be in the disciplic succession from Krsna. THE PREDECESSORS OF THE SPIRITUAL MASTER ARE HIS SPIRITUAL MASTER, HIS GRAND SPIRITUAL MASTER, HIS GREAT-GRAND SPIRITUAL MASTER AND SO ON, WHO FORM THE DISCIPLIC SUCCESSION OF ACARYAS.


SB 3.29.17

It is recommended herewith that all the acaryas be given the highest respect. It is stated, gurusu nara-matih. GURUSU MEANS "UNTO THE ACARYAS," and nara-matih means "thinking like a common man." To think of the Vaisnavas, the devotees, as belonging to a particular caste or community, to think of the acaryas as ordinary men or to think of the Deity in the temple as being made of stone, wood or metal, IS CONDEMNED.


Adi 7.115

In this connection the Padma Purana states, arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati-buddhih: "One who considers the arca-murti, the worshipable Deity of Lord Visnu, to be stone, THE SPIRITUAL MASTER TO BE AN ORDINARY HUMAN BEING, and a Vaisnava to belong to a particular caste or creed, is possessed of HELLISH INTELLIGENCE." One who follows such conclusions is doomed.


73-11-25. Letter: Cidananda

I should be returning to Los Angeles the last week of November and I should be more than happy to see you there. Please always try to remember me by my teachings and we shall always be together. Just like I have written in the first publications of Srimad-Bhagavatam, "THE SPIRITUAL MASTER LIVES FOREVER BY HIS DIVINE INSTRUCTION AND THE DISCIPLE LIVES WITH HIM.", because I have always served my Guru Maharaja and followed His teachings I am now even never separated from Him. Sometimes Maya may come and try to interfere but we must not falter, we must always follow the chalked out path layed down by the great acharya's and in the end you will see.


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yes indeed in sound and instruction other wise how can someone come to Srila Prabhupada through his books that have and have been distributed for the benifit of all humanity by the many persons that did so in service to him for all eternity ?

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  • 8 months later...

Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krsna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is His kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it. God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master.

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Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krsna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is His kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it. God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master.



I just want to live a nice quiet life on my residence with very little chaos and when it comes my time to die I want to remember God and go home to Godhead. Not much into trying to convert people to any kind of religion as it is a frustrating exersize for me.

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I just want to live a nice quiet life on my residence with very little chaos and when it comes my time to die I want to remember God and go home to Godhead. Not much into trying to convert people to any kind of religion as it is a frustrating exersize for me.


I feel the same way. In regards to this idea I figure it's a good idea to help promote God consciousness (not religion) to others. Afterall other souls are just as much a part of Krsna as I am. The same Krsna who dwells in my heart dwells in theirs. However much He loves me and desires my welfare He also loves them and desires their welfare. So if by seeking Him within myself I can please Him in some small way by seeking Him in the hearts of others and trying to help that jiva spiritually I can also please Him then it makes sense for me to do so.


I also find it impossible to remember Krsna apart from taking part in some effort to help others remember Him. It just doesn't stick with me.


The internet is great in that I can maintain my urban hermit type lifestyle and still try to place God conscious thoughts in many different spheres. Not to convert anyone to a religion but hopefully to place a thought seed that may help remind someone of the Lord.


When can have both worlds this way prabhu.

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a living spiritual master may not be required, but why would you not want one?


some reasons:


- you dont want to take chances

- you dont want to take actual instructions that affect your life

- you dont think the choices represent qualified gurus




I agree with those but those are some of the very reasons that even formally initiated disciples use to avoid accepting guru in the real internal sense. Do you think that every person sitting at the guru's earthly feet and listening to his lecture is automatically his disciple even if they have been formally initiated? That seems rather superfical. Maybe out of a group of one hundred there may be one or two real disciples.


Prabhupada's books, lectures and letters are filled with practical ways to mold Krsna consciousness into your life. Plus there are so many souls who are more advanced that we can approach for advice.


The basic instructions are very straightforward if one is sincere in wanting to follow them.


Chant Hare Krsna. Then regulate your life by following the 4 regs. (as best you can) while chanting Hare Krsna. Then try to rise early and chant etc. Add something more into your life when you can and always keep chanting. Always try to hear from someone more advanced and experienced and that inspires you.


You don't need a guru to tell you to get up in the morning and brush your teeth and shower. Any TP or TC can do that or even mommy for some.


A transparent via medium between man and Krsna is not necessary for ordinary mundane things but is indispensible when wanting to learn the truth of loving Krsna.


As far as the obnoxious term 'living spiritual master' goes it really is a misnomer. If someone is finding Srila Prabhupada's LIVING PRESENCE in his books then how can someone say he has no "living spiritual master". I find the term offensive because it implies the existence of a dead spiritual master.


What would be a good replacement for that dead term? Embodied SP. "In vapu form" perhaps. Something.

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  • 7 months later...

Srila Prabhupada: That is not the problem. The problem is whether you are sincere. You have problems, but God is within your heart. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam. God is not far away. If you are sincere, God sends you a spiritual master. Therefore God is also called caitya-guru, the spiritual master within the heart. God helps from within and from without. Everything is thus described in the Bhagavad-gita. This material body is like a machine, but within the heart is the soul, and with the soul is the Supersoul, Krsna, who gives directions. The Lord says, "You wanted to do this; now here is the chance. Go and do it." If you are sincere, you say, "Now, God, I want You." Then He will give you directions. "Yes, now you come and get Me like this." This is His kindness. However, if we want something else, that is all right. We can have it.

God is very kind. When I want something, He is in my heart directing me and telling me how to have it. So why should He not give directions on how to have a spiritual master? First of all we must again be eager to revive our God consciousness. Then God will give us a spiritual master. :pray:



Alright now :so how many of you guys out there in cyber-loka really want God *KRSNA* and to develop pure unalloyed love*PREMA* for Him. If you people ain't serious why in KRSNA's name should He bother to send you His pure devotee*GURU* to give Krsna when at heart you actually don't want *KRSNA* but still longing for illusion*MAYA*???:eek2:



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