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Devotees need help.....

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Some very dear friends of mine in India are in desparate need of help. I sell items on ebay and will be sending the proceeds of this weeks auctions to my friends.


My ebay user name is: Villageindia. I have put on about 30 auctions so far and will be putting more on today and tomorrow.


Items include devotional books, pictures, japa mala, beadbags among other things.


This is the only way that I am currently able to help since I am not working and I am asking the kind devotees here to visit my auctions and possibly help me help my friends.


They are the son and daughter of my heart and I need to do whatever I can for them.


If you desire to know more about them or are not interested in the ebay items but still want to help them - please contact me through ebay.


Again, my username is Villageindia.


I pray that no one is disturbed by my request for my friends and I pray that the owners of this forum are also not disturbed.


We need to be there for each other.





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I tried visiting your homepage many times, but every time I got "page not found" error. Please check if you are able to visit your homepage by following the link in your signature or as mentioned in your profile (I tried both). If you are able to visit, then this means that there is some problem in my system and I will try to correct that.

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Just now I recalled something. A few months back, all of were blocked in India. The reason is that one particular had put various anti-government statements. The technology to ban one particular group was complicated, so all of the were blocked. So, we cannot access website from India.

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