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It is unacceptable for anyone to digest that his/her religion is wrong

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Then devotees in sydney should do something about these things. They should take action to stop these atrocities. Wherever muslims are in this world, there is some sort of trouble. They just cannot accept nor appreciate the virtues of any other faith than theirs. The ignorance of today's so called muslims is very overwhelming.


I want to say one thing to those muslims OPEN YOUR EYES. The paradise that they wish to see can already be here on this very earth, if they learn to cooperate with other religions and see everyone as humans , rather than demons who are damned to hell by God because they didn't say their prayers in arabic.

God is actually so beautiful and compassionate that even if you talk about him as your enemy or in disbelief, he still gives you chances of going back to him.- Something like this should be included in that Quran of theirs.




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Unfortunately, the temple in Sydney (the oldest Hindu temple in Australia) is in the same suburb as the biggest mosque in Australia. The temple was there first, then they moved into the area and built a mosque.

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How muck longer before we say enough is enough



But actually these muslims are our most fallen little brothers in the family of man


therefore we should be that much more patient,tolerant and compassionate towards them.


and if it means to be dragged through the streets,mutilated,and hung from a bridge...


or blown up going to work on the train ...or having a plane fly into you at the office...,just take it as Krishna's mercy.


What did Haridas Thakur do?He did not protest!


He chanted Hare Krishna and left it to Krishna on how to eradicate ISLAM.


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<blockquote> What did Haridas Thakur do?He did not protest!


He chanted Hare Krishna and left it to Krishna on how to eradicate ISLAM.

Yes? </blockquote>



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We are not Haridas and we can't artifically imitate. To keep the whole world from hitting the streets and rioting the war on terrorism needs to be turned way up. They are still talking about "bring them to justice." The answer is to bring justice to them.


These fanatics simply need to be killed. Sorry but that is the fact.


Temples should be armed and devotees need to shoot back.

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Maybe Theist,


But here in Sydney, the committee and other devotees decided it would be better not to try and get the local Muslim thugs thrown into jail since they then attack devotees in perhaps a more extreme way. As in murdering people. So we didn't get the police to hunt them down; we just "turned the other cheek". Like Haridas. And thankfully the trouble has subsided, somewhat.


Srila Govinda Maharaj said, "Don't disturb a cobra".


They are snakes, and we try not to disturb them.

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This is not the dark ages. The game is over for the ruthless barbarian hordes. Nowhere in the world will it be tolerated. A demon is a demon. And the non-Muslim demons will take care of them. The bullies will fight one another.


If this continues, the civilized nations will send all Muslims back to the desert. Then they will be issued an ultimatum. And the next brutal terrorist attack will send the missiles and planes, and the entire desert will be nuked into eternity, 73 virgins for all.


It will happen. Islam may say "How can you be so brutal"? But Islam knows only too well how such brutality exists.



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gHari, I kinda feel the same way. But in practical terms, this beautiful temple in Sydney which we have got through a gift of the Indian community is in a suburb where more than 50% of the population is Muslim. It is one thing to say "destroy the Muslim terrorists", but another thing to have to live near them, and to have the fear that when we are having a busy function at the temple on a Saturday night that someone will throw a hand grenade into the temple.


Friends, maybe you don't have many muslims in your neighbourhood, but we do; and maybe you will one day regret talking tough words if they started attacking your kids. They are snakes. I honestly don't believe America can win this war against the terrorists. Only love can win, in the end.

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The reason why H'ism is under attack is because most Hindus are spineless and they tend to cover it up with pleasant-sounding terms like 'tolerance', 'ahimsa' and so on. In reality, they are cowards and that's why they are paying the price. So why blame Muslims when Hindus don't even have the ability to take care of themselves? So long as you are inferior, ppl, whether Muslims or Christians or whoever, are gonna try and exploit you for wealth, territory, conversions etc. etc. So the real issue here is: can Hindus become superior in order to survive? Can they cultivate self-respect, a quality that's been lacking in them for ages?


Don't be offended by any of this, I am a Hindu myself but I cannot take sides in this matter. I am an objective observer and I've come to the conclusion that Hindus only have themselves to blame. It is only because Hindus are gutless that they've become the butt of ridicule all over the world. Time to change the image rather than whine endlessly like seven-year-old girls. Hope you take my advice.

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From a lecture in 1976:<blockquote><center>upadeSo hi mUrkhANAM

prakopAya na zAntaye

payaH-pAnaM bhujaGgAnAM

kevalaM viSa-vardhanam


Those who are rascals, fools, if you speak something valuable for his life he'll not hear you. He'll become angry. The example is given, payaH-pAnaM bhujaGgAnAM kevalaM viSa-vardhanam. Just like if a snake, if you ask the snake that "I shall give you daily a cup of milk. Do not commit this harmful life, biting unnecessarily others. You come here, take a cup of milk and live peacefully," that he will not be able. He... By drinking, drinking that cup of milk, his poison will increase, and as soon as the poison is increased--it is also another itching sensation--he wants to bite. He'll bite. So the result will be payaH-pAnaM bhujaGgAnAM kevalaM viSa-vardhanam. The more they starve, that is good for them because the poison will not increase.


The nature's law is there. And as soon as one sees a snake, immediately everyone becomes alert to kill the snake. And by nature's law... It is said, "Even a great saintly person, he does not lament when a snake is killed." Modeta sAdhur api sarpa, vRzcika-sarpa-hatyA. PrahlAda MahArAja said. When his father was killed and NRsiMhadeva was still angry, so he pacified Lord NRsiMha, "Sir, now you can give up your anger because nobody is unhappy on account of my father being killed," means "I am also not unhappy. I am also happy because my father was just like a snake and a scorpion. So even a great saintly person is happy when a scorpion or a snake is killed." They are not happy if somebody is killed. Even an ant is killed, a saintly person is unhappy. But a saintly person, when he sees that a snake is killed, he is happy. He is happy.</blockquote>Seems my brahmastra was out of order as revealed in a lecture in 1973:<blockquote>PrabhupAda: This sarpa-yajJa... Because his father, MahArAja ParIkSit, died of a snakebite, so he performed a yajJa, that "All the snakes within this universe must die now." That was his determination. So he was performing such yajJa that all the snakes, they were coming and falling on the fire. On the fire. So there was such powerful mantras that one could do that. These things are now forgotten. Nobody knows. Nobody can believe. But it was possible by the brAhmaNas, by chanting the Vedic mantra, they could do anything they like. That was the yajJa performance. Go on.


Pradyumna: "...to kill the race of serpents including the takSaka, which had bitten his father to death. On request from many influential demigods and sages, he had to change his decision to kill the race of snakes."


PrabhupAda: Yes. Although he was determined to kill, so he was requested by many demigods, saintly persons, "Just for one snake's fault... That was also destination, destined. You cannot kill all the species of snake." Then it was stopped. Then?</blockquote>Lecture 1968:<blockquote>So do you think that sAdhu, those who are sAdhu, they are pleased when a person is killed? Not ordinary person. He is giving very nice example. Modeta sAdhur api vRzcika sarpa-hatyA. VRzcika means scorpion and sarpa means snake. Naturally, whenever a scorpion is found or a snake is out, every man is prepared to kill it. Every man. "Oh, here is a snake. Kill it." When I was in Allahabad, in my bed there was a snake. I do not know how it came, but I informed to the servants, and they came with all stick immediately. So when the bed seat was taken away, it was under the, I mean to say, quilt. So that snake was there, and from the face of the snake I could understand that she was, it was so afraid. He could understand that "Now I'm going to be killed by so many people. They have come." So I told them that "Don't kill this poor fellow. Better take it and send it to the forest." But they took it away, but I later on understood they killed it. So once I saw in our MAyApur, Lord Caitanya's birthplace, so a snake was going, a black snake with... In Bengal there are many snakes. So my Guru MahArAja was on the upstair and everyone asked the permission whether this should be killed. He said immediately, "Yes. He should be killed." So at that time I thought that "How Guru MahArAja ordered for killing the snake?" Then, after so many years, when I began to read BhAgavatam and came to this passage, PrahlAda MahArAja assertion, modeta sAdhur api vRzcika sarpa-hatyA, then I thought that "My Guru MahArAja did right thing." Here also, modeta. Even a sAdhu. Then why a sAdhu is pleased when a sarpa, a scorpion, or snake is killed? The reason is that these two kinds of creatures, they bite innocent persons without any fault. Without any fault. Or for little fault. The venomous snake. Immediately. By nature they are so angry and so envious that they feel pleasure if somebody is bitten and immediately die. That is their nature. Therefore killing a snake and scorpion means to save it from so many sinful activities. Because it is nature. It will kill so many persons, so many animals, because its nature is innocent person, bite innocent person, kill him. So if there is seen by killing another, it will continue. Better to kill it to stop its sinful activities. That is the reason here it is said, modeta sAdhur api.</blockquote>

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Yes I fully agree gHari


But.. I don't want any trouble in the neighbourhood.


And realistically, we can't go round saying that "we" (whites) should decide to send the Muslims back to the desert, all of them. Oh, I guess we can say it, but it will never happen in my country. People are against discrimination on the basis of race, religion, etc... And so am I.

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Did anyone here see that really B grade or C grade movie of Bruce Willis a few years ago, where he was an army general and the US government in New York instituted martial law and made Bruce into the Lord of New York so he could catch and destroy Muslim terrorists. Bruce hunted the Muslims, and tortured them, and Bruce became as bad as the worst of these Terrorists. A pathetic movie. But it showed how "we" (whites) can get just as crazy as these evil Jihadis who went to whisky bars then attacked New York on Sept. 11.


All you need is love.. da da da da da

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Should we follw this call to wake up and unite?


From another forum:



Brothers and Sisters of the Great India,


We are becoming increasingly aware of what Muslims have been doing for the last 1,500 years - and not only Indians but many others as well.


I was first warned about Islam, by an English Labour Councillor from Birmingham, who showed me a book. This was :


Muslims League Attack on Sikhs and Hindus in Punjab 1947, by Gurbachan Singh Talib. Commissioned by the SGPC (Shromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee), Amritsar. First published 1950, reprint 1991. Available at specialist Indian bookstores.


This documents the mass slaughter of Hindus and Sikhs by Muslims, abductions and rape of our sisters and daughters, mothers and wives, forced conversions, and every unimaginable horror that the sub-human Muslim could commit.


We can describe the history. Of so many Hindu priests and Sikh Gurus there was only murder and barbarity. All barring the first three Sikh Gurus were murdered by Muslims. One was roasted alive, another had his children bricked up alive.

In the latter case because he refused to convert, and had gone to plead for mercy towards the Hindus of Kashmir.


Three attempts were made by Muslims to exterminate all Sikhs in India - where a cash reward was given for every Sikh head handed over to the Muslim rulers, and repeated genocidal waves of extermination against the majority Hindu population. Our great enemy is the Muslim. Always will be, shall never cease to be.


Some have said that all Muslims are not bad. But, if a person says he is a Musalmann, giving the Islamic ‘Declaration of Faith’ (There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Messenger). And the Koran is one long ‘DECLARATION OF WAR’ against us! - Then ALL Musalmanns must be bad - they are ALL at war with us!


Page 32, ‘Fighting is obligatory for you Muslims. (Koran 2:216)’.

Page 137, 'If you do not fight, He Allah will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men. (Koran 9:39)’. Penguin, ISBN 0140445587


In Islamic Jihad (war), no Muslim is innocent. You kill for Islam, or Islam kills you. You are a Believer or you are a Kafir. The Koran defines Islam. If there is no moderation in it, no Muslim can ever be a moderate.


Page 26, ‘The unbelievers are like beasts which, call out to them as one may, can hear nothing but a shout and a cry. Deaf, dumb, and blind, they understand nothing. (Koran 2:171)’


Page 127, ‘Cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads. Strike off even the tips of their fingers! (Koran 8:12).’


What can incite greater hatred than language such as this? What had anyone ever done to deserve such virulent hatred? Could the Koran be any less clear! When it also states repeatedly -


Page 52, ‘ Believers do make friends with any but your own people of Islam’ (Koran 3:118).


Page 75, ‘Give warning to the hypocrites that woeful punishment awaits them : those who chose unbelievers rather than Muslims for their friends’ (4:138).


Not only can we never be their allies, but in taking their 'friendship' now, we sign our writ of execution - enforced in the long-run. Muslims have never been our friends. Just before partition, we were so naive – some Hindus and Sikhs felt and said the same. Yet, look what happened. The greatest genocide of Sikhs and Hindus in our history (see above documentary account).


Our community endures immense suffering all over India, Britain, Canada - everywhere that there are Muslims also. Every time Hindus and Sikhs meet there is horror story after horror story to be heard. Hindus and Sikhs are being lynched and murdered by Muslims in across India and Britain, Kashmir, while the police are pretending that they don't know who it is, or there isn't enough evidence. While in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh they boast of their crimes against us, and the Police and Military, if they are not applauding, are joining in with devilish desire.


We must begin to do something.


Muslims are being told in the Mosques to target our women. Some have said it doesn't matter because the girls they convert and enslave are 'Indian' and not real Hindus and Sikhs. Do Muslims, Jews, Christians or anyone else say the same, when their own daughters are taken and enslaved?!! If the Hindus and Sikhs lose a quarter of their girls in every generation because of this, it will mean we will become extinct within Britain in just a few decades! - while in India their is a future that is bleak and horrific. There will be no Hindus and Sikhs left in England, Scotland, the USA, Canada, or Kashmir!


Some here are also still ignoring the mass murdering of Hindus and Sikhs in Kashmir. When for years the families of victims in Kashmir have been screaming that they know the perpetrators, who are Muslims from the area, that have a few weeks before ‘befriended’ them. A Muslim friend today, is your killer tomorrow!


The police forces look for Muslims persecutors but their Muslim community hides them, and honours them for their crimes against us. Hundreds of times these things have been done to us. Their own grandfathers did across Pakistan, Bangladesh and India in 1947 – and the countless Muslims who have boasted about how they killed and raped, that I have met. A Conspiracy is feeding the destruction of the Sikhs, through a proxy invasion via Pakistan.


Muslims I meet are openly saying it is their own strategy of divide and rule.


They want India to break up so they can invade, and take it over, just as they did 1,000 years ago (India, broken up into small states, was easily invaded and taken-over by the Musulman). While united India keeps pushing back each Muslim Invasion (1947, 1965, and 1972, Pakistan’s attempted invasions were repulsed - factual film ‘Border’ is on 1965). Now Pakistan has invaded and taken over Afghanistan (all the Hindus and Sikhs were then slaughtered), it wants Kashmir and Sikh Punjab next.


We must do more to ensure we are protected from our real enemies - the Musulmann. Hindus and Sikhs must end this disunity, that leads us to fail to unite with our own allies, be they Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, or Buddhists.


While Muslims have been at war with us for so long, the worst crime we can claim against each other is that we accept and are tolerant to not only each other, but Muslims also. Where the former wishes to share our home of humanity, the latter wants to exterminate us all! Nothing could be so extreme in its contrast. To treat the Muslim enemy as an ally brings our own inevitable destruction.


Only when we rise to the task of answering the needs of our community will justice really be done. Many have asked about how the terrorists of Jihad operate. They should be asking about how every Mosque operates, because this is where this organisation, and its Mullahs recruit, fundraise and operate completely supported by these buildings. They are defined and sustained by the Koran, and are its most eager implementers! This is why they are growing so rapidly and taking-over the organisation of Islamic population from their capital of their Global Empire in Saudi Arabia.


We have a great struggle to survive as a community. Yet, everywhere we are being murdered by Muslims. We must begin to spread the message and warn our people. The time has come to rise from our sleep and ACT. Let's unite! Lead us!


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Soon, throwing eggs will result in death for Muslims in the world. Everyone is rapidly losing all patience with their psychoses. The rednecks will not wait for the eggs to turn into grenades. They have their crazies, but we have our crazies too. I am not saying it is right, and of course it is irrational, but that is what will happen. Quite frankly, I don't know how Muslims can get by in the workplace anymore in North America. It must be hell.



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The genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh: the burning of Hindu villages, rape, murder, robbery, and the ousting people from their farmland. Every day, it goes on like that in Bangladesh.


And George Bush has described Islam as a "religion of peace". Either he is totally ignorant of the real situation, or he is a politician.

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I was in Vrndavan last year. I was surprised to see a muslim communinity there. The holiest place in the world was degraded by a muslim smoking.


I was appalled at first and I know there is a lot of muslim bashing happening right now and i think the muslim poster's intention was exactly that. That we forget about krsna and talk about his nonsense instead. Anyways, I was really mad at first seeing him and his sidekick goat which has probably already faced his dimise in vrndavan but then I thought it was krsna's mercy that he was there.


I hope he gets benefit but i still dont like them seeing there. There will be an eventual war if more of them start coming there with their goat sidekicks.


Anyways, lets focus on krsna instead of cobras.

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You have to give up your designation. “I am Hindu,” “I am Muslim,” “I am Christian,” “I am African,” “I am Indian,” “I am European,” “I am woman,” “I am man,” That requires practice. And that practice means simply by chanting, you’ll be purified. Go on chanting Hare Krsna.


You have to simply think, “I am the eternal servant of Krsna.” When you think like that then all these dirty things will automatically vanish.

(Class by Srila Prabhupada , 10/26/1975)

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Tolerated the Muslims, he actally had no hate, he said Please forgive these souls they do not know what they do.


This is true devotee, born into a muslim family, but tolerated hatred, became know as the Nama-Archarya.


If this is not an example that Muslims can become devotees, and have the potential, I do not know what is.



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Shivatsa Goswami's appreciation of Srila Prabhupada's achievement




Shivatsa Goswami added to these qualities those of boldness and courage in his appreciation of Prabhupada's mission. As a Gaudiya Vaishnava himself, he admitted that,


"When I reflect on Srila Prabhupada's achievement, I become a sort of Hindu chauvinist. I am not ashamed of it. The process initiated, rather imperfectly, by Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and others was brought to its logical and ultimate end by spreading and making 'Rama' and 'Krishna' household words throughout the world. That is the greatest achievement . . . What the Muslims could do only by the tremendous sword, and the Christians could do only with great financial resources and state power, has been done by one solitary man, without any ill effects." (241-2)


What was most striking, according to Shrivatsa Goswami, was the way in which this had been achieved in a materialistic, thus hostile culture.


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"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."


I think it was actually Jesus who said that. Here is THE PASSION OF HARIDASA.


Therein it is reported that among other things, Haridasa says:<blockquote>"My dear Sir, there is only one God for all living entities. The difference between the Muslim God and the Hindu God is in name only. According to knowledgeable Hindus and Muslims, and according to every scripture, be it Koran or Puran, God is one. He is the non-dual, eternal, transcendental and absolute Truth, infallible and perfectly complete, and in that capacity He resides in everyone's heart.


"The omnipotent Lord is the supreme controller of everything. The living entity is moved by the desire of the Supreme Lord, and he acts and works only according to the Lord's design. The Supreme Lord's transcendental name, activities, qualities, associates and abode, etc. are glorified according to different classes of spiritual instruction. But irrespective of the manner in which He is worshiped, the Lord accepts everyone's individual mood of surrender towards Him. However, if one living entity feels hatred or envy toward another, he ultimately reflects those emotions in his relationship with the Lord. Whatever you see of me and my activities are direct manifestations of the Lord who guides me from within.


"Looking at it from another perspective, a person may be born in a family of brahmanas but despite his high birth he demonstrates the perverted behavior of a fourth-class, uncultured person. What can the Hindus do with such a person? He is forced to act in degrading ways because of his innate propensities, and he accordingly suffers or enjoys the reactions of his activities. What could be achieved by punishing him for activities which are an intrinsic part of his nature? My dear respected Sir, please consider these points seriously, and if you still find me guilty then punish me."


. . . . L A T E R . . . .


Nothing could stop the insensitive sentries who were determined to see their assignment through to its deathly end. Yet for all their beating, Haridasa showed no signs of distress as he was absorbed in remembering the holy name of Lord Krsna. At last the guards had to stop in amazement. "How can a human being survive such a brutal beating? Any ordinary man would have died after the beating we gave in the first two or three market places. We have lashed him continuously through twenty-two market places and he still shows no sign of either pain or death. Occasionally he looks up to smile at us." They concluded that he must be a saintly person.


"Oh Haridasa," they pleaded. "Because of you we shall certainly be punished. When the Qazi sees that despite our beating you are still alive, he shall certainly kill us instead."


"If my survival brings such terrible misfortune to you," replied Haridasa, "then I shall definitely give up my body. Just see how I die." </blockquote>




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Srila Namacarya Haridas Thakur at Sri Jagannath Puri Dham


Everyone - whether elevated or wretched - automatically forgets about mundane life when he sees the lotus feet of Srila Haridasa Thakura. The Muslims had been angry enough to kill him, yet they were transformed and they worshiped his feet, accepting him as a holy man.

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Siddha Bakula is the bhajan-kutir of Haridasa Thakura, where he chanted 300,000 names of God daily. In order to provide shade for Thakura Haridasa, Sri Chaitanya planted a toothpick used by Lord Jagannatha. All of a sudden it grew up and appeared as a great shade tree.


The devotees returned to Haridas Thakur saying, that Lord Chaitanya wanted to meet him. He replied, "If I could just get a solitary place near the temple, I could stay there and pass my time. I do not wish the servants of Lord Jagannatha to touch me. I would remain there in the garden alone. That is my desire..."

...Happy to hear this, Sri Chaitanya came personally to meet Haridas after His devotees departed for sea bathing and their residential accommodations. Sri Chaitanya took Haridas within the flower garden and there, in a very secluded place, He showed him his residence. Sri Chaitanya requested him, "Remain here and chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. I shall personally come here to meet you daily. Remain here peacefully, and look at the cakra on top of Lord Jagannatha's temple and offer obeisances. As far as your prasadam, I shall arrange to have that sent here."

Rupa Goswami recited Lalita Madhava and Vidagdha Madhava before Sri Chaitanya and His followers under the tree here. During his stay in Puri, Sanatana Goswami lived here with Haridasa Thakura. This is considered a very holy spot for the Gaudiya Vaisnavas, as this is where Haridasa Thakura left his body and where, after his departure, Sri Chaitanya carried his body while dancing in ecstasy.


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