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God in schools

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Since knowledge of God and ourselves and the relationship is the beginning of real knowledge of course it should be taught.


Simply teaching computer skills, some mundane history and literature and outlawing knowledge of transcendence amounts to a form of intellectual butchery.


Secular state should mean that goverment is not allowed to force any one form of religion over another.


Use of the term God should not be restricted as it doesn't force on anyone a particular conception of God.


Instead of telling people they shouldn't publically display their belief in God let the atheists quietly dis-believe.



Srimad-Bhagavatam should be introduced also in the schools and colleges, for it is recommended by the great student-devotee Prahlada Maharaja in order to change the demoniac face of society. Prabhupada from SB preface





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Hare Krishna


When I was in school Relgious studies were boring, the teachers didn't know anything, just going over the same stuff over and over again, we never asked any questions, it was just mundane, no disscussions, didn't learn anything new, in my school middle and upper, the teachers were riddiculed by pupils, all I can remember learning is Hindus, Muslims have a holy book-they read it, and thats about all i learnt, get some Vaishnava teachers!!

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This is why I support the voucher system. It would mean breaking up the public school monopoly and allow for different schools to have their own curriculum.


It is ridiculous to try and harmonize a study course that will please the atheist and the theists. Or even one theist from another. Some Christians want to teach the Earth is only six thousand years old. Sorry.

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we had our schools in the West... and we have failed quite badly... on the practical level (schools, farms, communities) we have nothing to brag about and little right to criticize others. "you judge by the result" - if we were qualified and competent our projects would have been an example for all to follow. truth is sometimes bitter, but we have to be humble and honest.

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Nice thoughts.


Student life means preparation for the future. One should know what he is before he decides what to do. Religion is the only field for understanding such existential matters.


Student life is also a time you a supposed to learn discipline. But instead, most Western students learn sex and drugs.


Education is becoming more expensive. So we are indebted to the rich for thousands of dollars to acquire the skills to work for them. Then most of our income is spent maintiaining a residence and transportation just to maintain the body to work for them and buy their products.


Officially, they think all your energy spent thus is a good life. And they have people convinced there is no other goal.


But there is little personal respect for each other and what we do anymore.


Personal integrity... training...

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Kulapavana, Yes so many failures, but we can try again this time with lessons learned. I am sure there are people even now that are doing this with success. I just don't know about them.


I know most people here dislike the Republican party but they are trying to get through a voucher system to allow the poor to take their kids out of public school and into private. The Dems oppose this because of their support from the teachers unions. But of course their kids go to private schools.


paz, you're right I feel. People come out of school deep in debt and then work hard to pay it off.


Like the phrase "hard working man" is given out as a great compliment to someone in our society. Hard working for Krishna qualifies but working hard for the senses is like calling someone an ass.


Crazy place

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God aside (for the secularists), when are they going to start teaching math in schools. Schools have become social molders, a five year old can be expelled for pointing his finger and saying "bang bang, yer dead". Not only that, but if this five year old does such a thing, the school locks down and parents cannot retrieve their kids until the counselors psychologize their kids.


I gotta five year old, and I dont know what to do, maybe Ill let her go feral where she gets a better chance.


mad mahax

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gHari, your son is intelligent. Better to just swim all day then to give these servants of Hiranyakasipu access to your mind.


Gita in colleges is a good start. But it mustbe heard from a devotee.


I once enrolled in a Community College and took a philosophy course. I quit in short order. It was painful to hear that .. The teacher stated teaching from the Gita and said the conclusion was the void.


I do not see how Krishna Consciousness can become solidified in society without God conscious education from chilhood on.

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There's a big difference between… the rather modern "scientific" notion that the idea of religion is needed as a social valve to control violence and exploitation or that it's just the result of primitive aborigines… and actually finding the real utility of it.


There can be - and usually is - a big difference between interests and goals of life.


By the state showing it's neglect of religion, they are in fact saying religion is irrelevant in public life.


Now is that true?


Religion is a much higher science or system of information because it deals with consciousness. Is that self-evident fact even pursued in universities?


Your point is not much compensation in the big picture. I know I should feel happy with that commercial. Keep trying. Sooner or later I'll be ready to buy.

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Ditto that! Ditto that! Ditto that! Ditto that!


I personally think my karma is too great. I'll never see my way thru this self-indulgence to love Krsna.


(But I'm not doomed to go down... I guess that's what you mean. (for me) A little better each life is progress).


The same "voice" that told me I can be saved from animal lives (and other depths of hell), told me how to verify Krsna. For me, the claims and process are simply THE BEST - for any sincere individual.


Actually, I was thinking earlier how there's several devotees that loiter around here who actually know Krsna is there too. I mean they speak with experience - other devotees can recognize… another verification.


Might have something to do with similar training? Might have something to do with essence? Might have something to do with following a proper process?


To know Krsna is there is one thing. But to have that shelter and transparency as Prabhupada (or the many other acarayas we've heard of) is not so easy. It requires all of us… that part we reserve for ourself.

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Excellant and divine article. Srimad Bhagavatham written 5000 years back contains all sasthras. Medical studies continue to show regular meditation working magic in reducing blood pressure and stress-related illnesses, including heart disease. Brain images show that regular meditation helps calm the most active sensory-assaulted parts of the brain. The ancient Hindu sage Patanjali who had mastered the secrets of the human mind has written a book "Yogasutra".In this book we can see how super powers can be achieved by meditation. It has both cosmic relevance and cosmic resonance. In spite of its universal appeal, for most people total control of mind remains an elusive goal and daunting task. From time immemorial, there have been many attempts throughout the world to unlock the mysteries of the mind and to achieve total control over it through a variety of techniques. One of the most powerful of these techniques is meditation.

Many spiritual leaders, sages, saints, and holy people such asSri. Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna, Madam Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda have practiced this. One of the ways to control physiological reactions to psychological stimuli is meditation, Yoga,

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