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beyond armageddon

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Sorry, I aint buying the hype from Mel Gibson. Jesus didnt die for anyones sins, that is what the sinner must do. Lord Jesus Christ mission is not a vehicle for us all to wipe our bloody sins upon, Lord Jesus Christ is the truth and the life, all this butchery is a concoction.


So, Gibson is seen as the great guru who has delivered christ to the 21st century? The miracles, including the resurrection, are for the faithless. Ill take Didyamous Thomas any day of the week. The ignorant christians call him a doubter, but Jesus calls him brother, and gives him authority of the Father. The church is about the blood the torture, the stuff of faithlessness, but the sanatana dharma taught by Lord Jesus Christ does not demand that he die a criminals death so we can get off our backsides and do something for the world. Hell, the christian world, headed by the bushwhacker himself, uses Jesus name, but they fail to do the will of the father. They bathe in his blood, but they dont love their enemies, they drop bombs on their enemies countrymen and women, guilty or not.


What does Jesus say about all of this, how about "In the final days, many will baptize in my name, heal the sick and raise the dead, saying they are mine, but I will say to them, "Get away from me you workers of iniquity, for you fail to do the will of my Father"".


This so called rejuvenation of christian spirit because of a dispicable movie is par for the course. Here in militaryville, I see a similar christian surge as they see Bhagdad go up in smoke with a self-righteous smile on their faces, they all pray for the soldiers hoping they will sooon come home after they hurry up and kill hundreds and thousands of innocent men women and children while the oil buddies of the fanatic christian devil who bomb us are given protection.


Sorry mel, your right wing christ dont jive with doing the will of the father, who says love me with whole heart, mind, body and soul and love your neighbor as you love yourself, Not two commandments, one, the greatest one. Go ahead and cricify him again, show how he died, but where is the one depicting His life giving potency.




Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


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I read an interesting article recently, here in Australia, about how the Australian version of the CIA (called ASIO) suggested to Mel's fanatic Dad that he should leave Australia when the Pope was visiting Oz, since ASIO were concerned Mel's dad might attack or make a disturbance when the Pope was here.


Meanwhile, Mel makes movies where he engages in very un-Catholic illicit sex with babes such as Michelle Pfeiffer etc etc. Then Mel uses the money he earns to buy big farms where he raises cattle for slaughter. Yes, dear devotees, Mel Gibson is a beef-farmer. Big time.


Why be a beef-farmer? Well, in the movies there are some heroes called "cowboys" and an American boy living in one of the distant colonies of the US Empire, in a small colony called Australia, he sits and watches the John Wayne / Clint Eastwood cowboys in the movies and he wants to become a cowboy too. So this boy who wants to be somebody important, he starts out making splatter movies such as Mad Max and he makes lots of money. Then in his middle age he becomes a Preacher and preaches the Holy Religion of blood baths. You know, "bathe in the blood of sacred Jesus, and you will go to heaven". or , "Drink the blood of Jesus, eat the meat of Jesus's flesh."


Halleluya brothers!!!! Repent, or ye shall go to burn in everlasting hell!!! And if you do repent, you can come to Heaven and live with Mel and his dad, and all the other people who love to bathe in the blood of the Lord.


-- Murali



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Christ could have just said, at any point, "Okay guys, you got me. I was only kidding about the Messiah thing, just a fun-loving truth or dare prank with Judas. No harm done. See you around the temple later, Rabbi." Then he could have just walked away. But he didn't; his message had to live forever. He went down in history in the hearts of billions as the Messiah, the one who relieved our burden and gave us eternal life.


Just as Haridasa needed only to stop chanting Hare Krsna and he would have been spared being beaten to death* in twenty-two market places. He chose not to stop, and even feigned death* to show compassion for his torturers who could not possibly fulfill their orders to kill this servant of God with their whips.


I think it was the description of how merciful Krsna was to Haridasa in sparing him the actual pain of the beatings that caused me to lose interest in watching the agony on the movie Christ's face throughout the ordeal. Jesus was being painted as an ordinary guy getting whipped. My conclusion: ordinary guys make ordinary movies, have ordinary religions, never see or feel anything miraculous, transcendental in their entire ordinary lives; so this is all they can fathom for the Son of God.


Sorry, Mel, but my Jesus is greater than yours. I guess I saw it almost as an insult to Jesus and God.


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Haribol. Apart from mel gibsons brutal depiction, the best crucifixion scene ever made has to be the one george harrison produced, the end of the Life of Brian, the monty python vehicle. The so-called bloody christians would no doubt be offended, but the scene where Lord Jesus and Dismas, the good thief, doing the Hare Krsna shuffle on the cross, is classic, and the song they sing is just so pertenant. This is the jesus I worship, and george got it right, in my opinion. Mels made too many blood-sport movies, if he wants to be a good catholic, he ought to associate a bit with U2s Bono.


Haribol, if anyone remembers the song at the end of life of brian, Id love to hear it. hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Some things in life are bad

They can really make you mad

Other things just make you swear and curse.

When you're chewing on life's gristle

Don't grumble, give a whistle

And this'll help things turn out for the best...


And...always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the light side of life...


If life seems jolly rotten

There's something you've forgotten

And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.

When you're feeling in the dumps

Don't be silly chumps

Just purse your lips and whistle - that's the thing.


And...always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the light side of life...


For life is quite absurd

And death's the final word

You must always face the curtain with a bow.

Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin

Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.


So always look on the bright side of death

Just before you draw your terminal breath


Life's a piece of .

When you look at it

Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.

You'll see it's all a show

Keep 'em laughing as you go

Just remember that the last laugh is on you.


And always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the right side of life...

(Come on guys, cheer up!)

Always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the bright side of life...

(Worse things happen at sea, you know.)

Always look on the bright side of life...

(I mean - what have you got to lose?)

(You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.

What have you lost? Nothing!)

Always look on the right side of life...

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Haribol. Lord Jesus Christ suffered a brutal attack by the state, influenced by the church leaders of the time. This is a fact. However, this attack is not abnormal, it is something the devotee of Krsna faces every day. Because someone stands fast on "relationship with God" issues, especially those opening doors for this relationship to those outside mere religiosity, this stance automatically places one as the enemy of the state, the organized religions, etc. In fact, many who are claiming to be spiritually affected by this movie are the same ones, if Jesus were to appear speaking the same sanatana dharma that he spoke of to the sanhedrin as well as the common folks, the outcome would be the same, many praisers of the movie leading the charge.


Assassination of devotees is normal, not miraculous. We could name many of todays folks who broke out of their churches to give God to others as well, Malcolm X, MLK, patrice lumumba, to name a few highly spiritually affected, cut down to destroy and discredit their teachings. History also has resurrections, Haridas is one, there are others as well. The death and resurrection of the body is not the concern of those who know sanatana dharma.


While it is accepted that Lord Jesus showed us how to die, he also has a subsequent agreement that precludes any imagined forgiveness or karma acceptance. He says that we must pick up his yoke, he also teaches that we ask the Father to forgive us to the extent "that we forgive others". This is a condition of the reciprocal relationship between guru and disciple. Sure, he loves us unconditionally, but we can never taste such love without having unconditional love in return. The Lords Prayer is the dual commitment, the initiation.


To focus on the death of jesus as the event that saves us all is false doctrine. What saves us is the desire to be free from desires of even the so-called salvation lusted after by the anti-christians. What saves us is to accept the pure life of Lord Jesus Christ. Not the external miracles for the faithless. We dont accept Jesus because he makes water into wine, or heals the sick, or even raises the dead. We accept Lord Jesus Christ simply because He has been empowered to deliver the Love of His Father (He Who has sent Me), and this deliverance is felt outside jurisdiction of assassins.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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To focus on the death of jesus as the event that saves us all is false doctrine. What saves us is the desire to be free from desires of even the so-called salvation lusted after by the anti-christians. What saves us is to accept the pure life of Lord Jesus Christ. Not the external miracles for the faithless. We dont accept Jesus because he makes water into wine, or heals the sick, or even raises the dead. We accept Lord Jesus Christ simply because He has been empowered to deliver the Love of His Father (He Who has sent Me), and this deliverance is felt outside jurisdiction of assassins.




Yes ,this is the essence

of real christian dharma


The crucifiction was staged for the faithless

Real devotees want to meditate on the love and compassion

of the Lord rather than blood and gore.


The real miracle is not water to wine

but non devotee demonic atheist

to devotee aspiring for love of God.

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