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How We Should Kill You

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From the Mahabharata. There's so many points of wisdom in this passage. One point I noticed this time was that even though Bheesma said Arjuna could kill him and he was filled with arrows, still he died in his own sweet time and will.



Chapter 13



Yudhishthira, was speechless with sorrow. He was helpless against the fury of Bheeshma. He looked at Krishna and said: "Krishna, I am sure we will never be able to win this war. Look at Bheeshma. It is impossible to fight with him. We have been trying for the last nine days to stop him. But it is not possible. I can see my army melting away at the approach of Bheeshma, and I am not able to do anything about it. You must tell me what should be done. I find it hard to fight with my grandfather. It is easier to fight with Indra with his weapon Vajra. It is easier to fight with Varuna with his Noose. It is easier to fight with Kubera with his Mace. It is easier even to fight with Yams and his Gada. But I cannot face my grandfather and his snake-like arrows. They burn up my army, and I am helpless. I teel that the only thing to do is to accept defeat and go back to the forest. Anyone who advances towards the Kuru commander suffers the fate of the moth which flies towards a flame. i have been the cause of so much unhappiness to my brothers. Because of my foolishness they had to spend years in the forest. Now, because of my foolishness, they have to suffer the arrows of my grandfather. I look to you for salvation. Krishna, you must save me and this poor army of mine from Bheeshma. Tell me now to kill him". Krishna was full of compassion for Yudhishthira. He was very gentle in his speech.


Krishna said: "Yudhishthira, please do not give way to despair. You have your brothers. You have me. They may be overcome by affection for Bheeshma. But I will not be affected. I will challenge him. Even under the eyes of the sons of Dhritarashtra I will kill him single-handed. Once Bheeshma is killed, victory is yours. I will be the death of Bheeshma. See me tomorrow. I will kill him using my astras. The enemies of the Pandavas are the enemies of Krishna. Those who are your friends are mine too. As for this dear brother of yours, this Arjuna, he is my dearest friend. I am prepared to cut up my flesh into little bits and give it to him. I am so fond of him. He too is just as fond of me. He will give up his life for my sake. Appoint me as the killer of Bheeshma. Once Arjuna swore that he would kill the great Bheeshma. He sent a message to Duryodhana through Uluka, you remember? In the presence of all the heroes on our side he said that Bheeshma 'will be his first victim in the war. Loving him as I do, I cannot make the oath of Arjuna become false. On his behalf I will kill Bheeshma. Let him give me permission and I will do it."


"Or, if he makes up his mind, nothing can stop Arjuna from killing Bheeshma. The whole burden rests on him. There is nothing impossible for this man who has killed Kalakeya and the Nivatakavachas single-handed. Bheeshma is not very hard to kill. Only, Arjuna is too sensitive a soul to do this job. A warrior needs to kill compassion and affection first, if he is to be successful. You are all of you too good to be good killers. I am the right person to do it. It needs a man who is beyond the bonds of Ahis earth. It needs a man who has learnt to treat the opposites, happiness and sorrow, good and bad, pain and pleasure, with equal indifference. I am that man. To me, everything in this world looks alike. To me, the lion and the deer look alike. Good and bad look alike to me. I believe only in the performance of my duty. I do not attach any importance to the results or fruits of my actions. I am, therefore, free from the blame or the credit that goes with the act. Yudhishthira, let me fight. The sin will not cling to me. I am far beyond the touch of these earthly things. Shed all your worry and leave the killing of Bheeshma to me. I will do it for you". Krishna sat silent after that.


Yudhishthira's eyes were full of tears. He took the hand of Krishna in his and said: "Do you have to tell me that you are able to kill Bheeshma? I know you. You are the end and the beginning of the world. You are the cause of the universe. Without you there will be nothing. There will be no sun and no moon and no stars. You are the Eternal Soul. You have taken up the lives of the Pandavas in your hands. I have no words to express my gratitude. You are not the charioteer of Arjuna alone. You are the charioteer to the Pandavas. You have to steer all of us in the right path. You are prepared to do anything for us. But I am not allowing you to get your name tarnished. I do not want you to be called a liar by the world. You are too dear to me. You have promised Duryodhana that you will not fight in this war: that you will be just a charioteer to Arjuna. Please keep that promise. Your hands, white as snow, must not be tainted with blood. I will not have it. I must think of some other way to kill Bbeeshma".


A few moments later Yudhishthira, said: "On the first day of the war, when I went to Grandfather to get his permission, he told me that he was fighting for Duryodhana because he had to. I am sure that in his heart of hearts grandfather is fond of us. I will go to him and ask him how we are to kill him. Let us all go to him tonight. We will ask him how we are to kill him. Krishna, if you think that my suggestion is good we will adopt it". Krishna said: "I like your idea. Asked by you, Bheeshma will certainly tell you how he should be killed. Come, let us go". The five brothers and Krishna set out late in the night to the camp of the Kauravas. They discarded their armours and they walked with bare feet.


It was a dark and terrible night. The camp of Duryodhana was silent. Everyone was asleep. The Pandavas entered the tent of Bheeshma. They prostrated before him. Bheeshma was very excited to see these grandchildren of his. He said: "Come, Krishna, I am so happy to see you. Yudhishthira, Bheema, I am happy to see you. It is good to see Arjuna and the handsome Nakula. Sahadeva, how are you, my child? Arjuna, let me congratulate you on your wonderful fighting. Your son is equally wonderful, if not more. You are very fortunate. And now, what can I do for you? What brought you all here in the middle of the night, on foot, without your armours? Tell me what you want me to do".


Yudhishthira was very sad. He looked at the grand old man and said: "My lord, how can we win this war? You said that victory would be ours. You are there on the field 'sitting in your silver chariot with your bow bent full circle. You are like a forest fire. You are destroying my army. I can see your arrows raining on us like rain drops from a dark rain cloud. How can we win when you are iset on killing all of us? I am here to ask you something which I hate to ask". Yudhishthira could not speak. His tears were choking him. Bheeshma put his hand on the bent head of Yudhishthira. He passed his old gnarled fingers along his back with great love and tenderness. He said: "Tell me, my child. Ask anything of me. If I can help, I will certainly do it".


Yudhishthira said: "My lord, unless you are killed we cannot win. I have to ask you how we should kill you. I hate this war. I am Sorry I was born a kshatriya. I have to win this war. I have got to see you killed. I must know how we must set about it". Sobs racked his frame. He could not say anything more. Bheeshma smiled at all of them. Still he kept on stroking Yudhishthira. He said: "You are right. As long as I am alive, there is no chance of your winning. If you are able to kill Bheeshma, victory is yours. You must kill me at once". Yudhishthira said: "I hate to think of you as dead. You are so dear to us. I am so unhappy. I cannot think at all. Can we not win the war without killing you? Is there no other way?" Bheeshma said: "No, my child. There is no other way. But let me assure you, I will be happy to die. I am too powerful to die. I cannot be killed even by Indra. I hate this invincibility of mine. My child, if only you knew how much I am longing for death! I hate this life of mine. I have not been happy. I want death. Yes, my child, I want death. I am pining for death which will be a merciful release for me. But I cannot be killed. I am so eager to die. I am very grateful to you for asking me how you can kill me".


They were listening to his words, as though they were under a spell. He continued: "There are only two people who can kill me. One is Krishna and the other is Arjuna". Bheeshma took Arjuna on his lap and said: "My child, kill me tomorrow. I am so tired. You say you love me. If you do really love me please kill me and give me the peace I have been longing for". Arjuna buried his face in the magnificent chest of his grandfather. He was once again the child who had come to Hastinapura seventeen days after the death of their father. They were once again the helpless children who had come to find love and care from the Kuru elders. Bheeshma said: "No one can kill me when I am fighting. If you find me laying down my weapons, you can kill me. If you bring Sikhandi in front of me tomorrow, I will lay down my bow. I will not fight with him since he was once a woman. I have sworn not to fight with a woman, with a man who was once a woman, or with a man whose name is feminine. This Sikhandi was Amba in his previous birth. Amba was the daughter of the king of Kasi. She was the sister of Ambika. and Ambaalika, your, grandmothers". Bheeshma began to tell them the tragic story of Amba. Hit told them about her penance'and her being born as the son of Drupada because of the boon of Sankara.


The Pandavas were listening with bated breath. They knew vaguely that Sikhandi had been born to kill Bheeshma, even as Dhrishtadyumna had been born to kill Drona. But this story of the long ago, the story of the woman who loved Bheeshma so passionately that she was ready to kill him to free him from his oath, the woman whose deep love looked like deadly hatred to the world of ordinary men, the woman who -had the power to remember her previous birth, the woman who was the one person who understood the heart of this mighty man, this story made them humble. It was so sacred that they could not look at the great Bheeshma with the reminiscent look in his eyes. They were silent in the presence of that suffering.


Bheeshma said: "Amba hates me. I can think of her only as Amba and not as a man, Sikhandi. Amba hates me. But love and hate bave but a shifting connotation. A slight change in the point of view, and they are the same. She is the one person who will grant me release from this bondage of life which has been imposed on me. This burden of life can be thrown away only with the help of Amba. Do not have any misgivings. Place Amba in front of my chariot. Looking at her eyes spitting hatred, I will lay down my arms. Arjuna, you must stand behind Amba. You must kill me with your arrows."


I can be killed only by you. I assure you, by blessings will rain on you once this is done by you. I will be killed and then victory is yours. Go home, my children, and sleep without any worry. I will sleep too, tonight. I have not had any sleep for this many a day. I thank you all for letting me sleep with joy in my heart".


Bheeshma was shedding tears of joy. The Pandavas were chastened by the tears of Bheeshma. They fell at his feet and, with their eyes wet and their heads hung down, they left the presenoe of Bheeshma. They saw him seated, with a strange unearthly smile on his lips. He looked as though he had already begun his journey to heaven. He looked like a god who was just resting for a few moments on the earth. He suddenly looked young and happy. Krishna smiled back at him and said: "You will be happy trom now on. You will not be born again in this world of men. You will be remembered as the greatest man that ever graced the House of the Kurus". Bheeshma smiled his thanks for these words of Krishna. So they left him.


The Pandavas reached their camp. With his voice choked with emotion, Arjuna said: "Krishna, how can I do it? I think of the old days when we were children. I would be full ot dust and mud because of my playing in the mud. I would go to grandfather and rush to his lap. With his white dress soiled by me, he would laugh with me and play with me. I would sit on his lap and call him 'father'. He would smile gently and say: 'I am not your father. I am your grandfather. Say it: G-r-a-nd-f-a-t-h-e-r. I would say 'grandfather' and he would hug me tight. I remember this when I think of tomorrow. How can I kill this beloved grandfather of ours? How can I enjoy victory which will be a result of this?" Krishna's face was grave. He said: "You have to do it. You are a kshatriya. You have to win this war. These things will happen. You must be firm about this. Do not let these things upset you. It has been destined that Bheeshma is to be killed by Arjuna. When a man is born the gods decide his death too. It is not in your hands or mine to change the workings of fate. Treat it as your duty and do it. Do not let your affections cloud your mind". Arjuna said: "Yes. I will do it. I will do my duty".



Krsna said: "When a man is born the gods decide his death too. It is not in your hands or mine to change the workings of fate. Treat it as your duty and do it. Do not let your affections cloud your mind".


Why would Krsna say it's not in his hands to change fate?

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saying that pandavas, including krishna, were just fraud because of the manner in which they killed bhisma? Are all hindus like that, meaning indulging in fraud to acquire victory?

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Or liars. We are each lower than the straw in the street, insignificant infinitesimal little nothings trying to attach some import to this set of perceptions we call "me".


But all in all we are all just frauds pretending we have an any idea about what is going on. Those who do not admit to being frauds are simply lying, or perhaps too dimwitted or afraid to see through their own hoax. And that is even sadder.


So yes, the Hindu is a fraud, which is the elevated position above the liars, the dimwits and the cowards.


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I don't understand your fraud perspective concerning the Mahabharata.


What is fraud about being open about your intentions?


Speaking of intentions, what are your intentions? I see you slander everybody and everything, maybe people should be asking some of those same questions of you.


What if, instead of giving thoughtful responses, people just challenged you similarly… Oh, why are you asking this question and don't you know and blah, blah, blah. Whatever or however you answer, people would just replay the same tactic. Stupid tactic too… tell me but I don't want to know. And then if you couldn't take what you give out, they'd see through you. Personally, I don't usually bother engaging you. I've had enough demonstration already.


I bet you feel intelligent over knowing how to pick a fight.


I think the only thing you'll understand is a boot in the face (to quote Prabhupada). I don't take 'thinking' dogs seriously.


Fly Like an Eagle


Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future


I want to fly like an eagle

To the sea

Fly like an eagle

Let my spirit carry me

I want to fly like an eagle

Till I'm free

Oh, Lord, through the revolution


Feed the babies

Who don't have enough to eat

Shoe the children

With no shoes on their feet

House the people

Livin' in the street

Oh, oh, there's a solution


I want to fly like an eagle

To the sea

Fly like an eagle

Let my spirit carry me

I want to fly like an eagle

Till I'm free

Fly through the revolution


Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future


I want to fly like an eagle

To the sea

Fly like an eagle

Let my spirit carry me

I want to fly like an eagle

Till I'm free

Fly through the revolution


Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'

Into the future - Steve Miller

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are you the same Guest on the Kalki thread? /images/graemlins/crazy.gif


Anyways whatever Krishna does is always on the

trancendental plane, it can't be faulted.


If ur the same guest then do me a favour and

chant this mantra, do it and you'll get

eternal happiness /images/graemlins/wink.gif....

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all thank you for this wonderfull story!


Consider this:

.. when Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, wants to play as a little cowherd boy, yogamaya covers His consciousness and He really thinks that he is little boy, Nanda Maharaja is His father, these boys are His friends, this girl Radhika is His girlfriend. Sri Krishna sincerelly enjoys this, He is unaware that actually He is God, shaktiman, posessor of all the energies and potencies.

As to me same is with other lilas of Sri Krishna. Kurukshetra is Sri Krishna's lila where He acts like human king.

{but very special king /images/graemlins/wink.gif}

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