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Struggling with chanting...

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Hare Krishna,


At the moment I am unemployed and looking for work. During this period of time I'm finding it hard to chant because I'm worried and anxious.


I keep thinking that once I get the job, then I'll not worry and I'll be able to chant more effectively.


So how do I stay focused on Krsna when in a state of anxiety and fear?

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I've just been chanting for a couple of months and I was so excited that at first I was able to chant the min 16 rounds per day.


But many times I couldn't do it and this led to more fear of letting myself down, and the practice.


Slowly my chanting has dwindled and I've felt more and more fearful with each passing day.

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set yourself a standard you think you can keep at all times (that may be less than 16 rounds, but that's OK) and hold it at all cost. fear will paralyze you if you let it out of the bag. we feel fear because we dont remember that Krishna loves us - His holy name can change that. good luck with your job search prabhu! Hare Krishna!

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