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"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed be thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death."


purport: True rasa is demonstrated, as the Avatara descends at will, bringing His associates with Him as He pleases. Srimati Mary, by the strength of Her devotional service, has been granted the service to act as His Mother. Being nitya-siddha, Srimati Mary was not held accountable for any sour reaction from sinful activity, for she had none. She was, indeed, Immaculate, thus, from Her very conception in this world, a pure devotee of the Lord, in the rasa of parenthood. As mother of the Son, she is also the wife of the Father (definition of "Israel"), therefore, a rasa of the highest degree is also evident.


The second part of this prayer is the example for all the world on the method of approaching the Lord, referred in other Shastra as "dasa, dasa, anudasa". One must seek out the servant of the servant of the Lord, begging for intercession, begging to somehow be engaged in this dasa, dasa, anudasa process. Such engagement will be so beneficial to the living being that he need not be so concerned by his mentality during the turmoil of the death experiance, for the relationship will be set in ones heart, the yoking (yoga) forever unbroken, so much so, that Srimati Mary, Lord Jesus Christ, and He Who Sent Them, will be thinking of them. No artificial behavior involved. This prayer is an example of prema bhakti.



hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


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I was asking myself about the meaning of "Hail Mary, Mother of God".


My neighbour had just presented me with a crystal carving of the Madonna and child. We looked at her Spanish prayer books as she translated, and I was stressing the importance of the rosary.


Your timing and surrender are impeccable, Mahaksa dasa. Merry Christmas.



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