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Meeting Devotees

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We go to krsna centers because krsna is the center. If the talk is of personality cult or politics, just stay away from everyone.


Some go to krsna centers because they think they (and their camp) are krsna, and dont be fooled. Smarta brahmanism is very subtle, we worship krsna, but we dont think he overrides our petty concern. So actually, we make a show of bowing to him, but we really just worship ourselves.


It is not tact or diplomacy, it is attitude. Krsna+center.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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there's no other camps.. they're of the vaishnava camp!!


you have simply to relationate on personal basis


camp or not camp, if you meet me and you think that i am wrong for some aspects in following krsna consciousness, you can/must say it to me if you are sure that i will hear your suggestion. Otherwise it is an offence.


9) To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name.


(((((if you think that my guru, my organization, my godbrothers are bad, you can say it to me only if i have "faith" in your advices. If the result is surely a quarrel or breaking the friendship it is better to stick talking of mahamantra, srimad bhagavatam etc.))))))


the universal advice is to consider devotees as "prabhu(masters)" and to search enlightening about krsna consciousness, so avoid anything you can judge useless for your spiritual advancement and enjoy the company of vaishnavas without prejudices

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